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Preparing to Leave

Posted on Wed Mar 4th, 2020 @ 3:05pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Patrick Dow & Captain Paul MacLeod & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Commander Rann & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Lieutenant David Hannigan & Lieutenant Heath Carter & Lieutenant Karl Ballard & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Vortek & Ensign Robert Harper & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Corporal Nas & Private 1st Class T'ork & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & Hexx & First Ramata`tar & Commander Robert Stark & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Brigadier General Kaden Ross & Colonel Ezekiel Bagwell & Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Major Edward Maxwell & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell & Captain Alexander Zandusky & Camron Wayne & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Colonel Jack Pike & Commander Sarah Rodgers & Lieutenant Commander Mutara Romaine & Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel & Lieutenant Samuel Carrington & Lieutenant Olivia O’Riley & Lieutenant JG Frank Doyle & Lieutenant JG Dustin Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Aubrey Miller & Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Ensign Aria Davis & Petty Officer 1st Class Cara Lan & Sergeant Maal son of Torg & Private Kerri Knight & Splendora Sage & Korel & Lieutenant Zhao Quan & Lieutenant Thomas Locke & Lieutenant Ariel Gilmore & Lieutenant JG Aidan Murphy & Lieutenant JG Dye Heron & Lieutenant JG Thy'kor Shrok & Lieutenant JG Connor Maxwell & Lieutenant JG Victor Clayton & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Lieutenant JG Tenu & 1st Lieutenant Jericho Alexander & Ensign Brandy Ragen & Ensign Manuel Vega & Ensign Keval th'Qaonit & Ensign Tezu & Ensign Lovan & Staff Sergeant Maria Lopez & Petty Officer 1st Class Aquilina de Luca & Sergeant Calthier & Morgan Dexter & Crumm Widdy

5,217 words; about a 26 minute read

Mission: Episode 104 - A Glimmer of Hope...
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD2 - 1100hrs


Bremer came out of his office with Draven. He took a deep breath as everyone there turned to look back at him. “We have a massive Typhon Pact fleet in-route to the Kaleb system and it will be here in less than eight hours. We’re evacuating the station. All non-essential personnel will be beamed over to the Seventh Fleet ships that are here and taken to DS6. Civilians will be taken to the Rigel system. Starbase 400’s remaining support ships and the Station itself will defend the evacuation fleet until they clear the area. Let’s get it done and as orderly as possible.”

“Mike, you need to see this,” K’Temoc said handing a PADD to Bremer.

“When did this happen?” Mike asked.

“Three hours ago.” K’Temoc replied, “Starfleet Command just sent out the news.”

Mike let the slightest of smiles cross his lips, “Listen up. A Ferengi defence force squadron, lea by Damon Kazago, attacked the Son'a planet of Tarlac. They destroyed the Son’a only remaining shipyard and eliminated the defending ships effectively knocking the Son’a out of the fight. Just prior to the attack, Grand Nagus Rom signed diplomatic paperwork, the Ferengi Alliance has officially ended their non-aggression pact with the Typhon Pact and joined the Federation Alliance.”

Lee was standing nearby when he heard that comment, raising an eyebrow "The Ferengi part of the Federation Alliance, this could be interesting."

Alex agreed, "For sure."

Commander Croesus at Ops was busy when he heard the news.

" The Ferengi ?" he thought out loud.

Coleman was a bit awe struck about all that was happening. The Ferengi helping with the Federation, especially when there was no profit to be made. But, he knew with an evacuation, there was a mothballed fleet from the Romulan evacuation that didn't have much chance to be used.

Currently, they were being mothballed under the care of the Federation Corps of Engineers and it made Nick think.

"Sir, if we are going to evac the station, I think that I can get my brother Jonathan to get a couple of those Wallenberg Class transports here within a short notice. I think there are a couple that are mothballed near Regulus and at Slipstream, they should be able to get here within an hour or two, assuming they can be used," Coleman said, thinking back to a recent conversation he had with his brother, Jonathan.

" Admiral utilizing ship and station transporters at maximum power approximately 1,850 persons per hour can safely be beamed from the station." Croesus reported from Ops.

Mike nodded, "Get them here, now."

“There’s more. That Typhon Pact fleet out there, they’ve stopped their advance. They haven’t turned around, but they have stopped.” K’Temoc added.

“They won’t turn back, they’re just analyzing what the loss of the Son’a will do to their grand scheme.” Mike replied.

Draven added, “If the Son’a are done, that just leaves the Breen and Kzinti as the major Typhon Pact powers in the Alpha Quadrant. The Tzenkethi suffered heavy losses in their failed attack on Starbase 76 and already pulled their forces out of the Beta Quadrant to defend their territory and the Talarians are even worse off.”

“It’s going to force the Romulans to spread their forces thinner if they’re going to help their Alpha Quadrant allies. It might even force the Krazzle to send ships to the Romulan / Cardassian border. If we can get the Cardassians to launch an offensive against the Breen we might be able to turn this two front war into a single front and free up ships from the Alpha Quadrant to help us push into Romulan space and end the war.” K’Temoc explained.

Mike nodded, “Right now however, we have that fleet out there looming. We need to move forward with the evacuation. Every second their fleet sits still it gives us a little more time to save lives.”

Mike tapped his comm-badge, “Bremer to Mister Vox and Mister Korel can you both please come to Ops. I have a favor to ask of you.”

“I spoke to the Commodore, those Second Fleet ships, they can only spare ten to help defend the evacuation.” Draven said.

“That’s better than nothing. Get them here as fast as you can.” Mike replied.

Draven nodded, “They’re also sending two Excalibur class ships and one Ascension to help carry as many people as possible as well.”

“I’ve got pilots aboard all of the station’s shuttles, runabouts, and light escorts and they’ll be launching soon too.” K’Temoc said.

“Deela, let Doctor Hades know all wounded in the Sickbays will be transferred to the USS Mercy. Then contact DS6 and let Captain Andrews know we’re sending the bulk of our crew there and they’ll assist him with repairs. Also please contact SB23 and let Captain Gonzales know I’ll be transferring my flag there along with our support ships, Senior Staff, and wounded.” Mike said.

T’Lar nodded, "Understood." She went to her office to make the necessary arrangements.

“Draven, I have a job for you.” Mike said. He paused a moment then whispered something to his old friend.

“I’ll get it done.” Draven said as he left Ops.

“Pike, take command of the defense fleet until Admiral T’Lar beams back to the Essex. Get our ships and the Second Fleet ships when they arrive into a defensive formation. Also ask your cousin if the New Hampshire can hang around long enough to help us.” Mike said.

Lee nodded "Aye sir, I shall until the Admiral does, and I will also contact the Colonel, I am sure he will be willing to stay around for awhile longer."

“Mister… Henshaw is it? Ready the station’s defensive systems and have your security teams help the civilians get to where they need to be for evacuation.” Mike ordered.

Mike looked around. With Hurd and Ross both injured, Mike sent a message to Major Lennox to have all Marine assets aboard the station beamed to the Kearsarge and for the Marines to assist Security in getting everyone to their evacuation locations. No one would be left behind.

"Roebuck, is that Defiant class ship, the Alcatraz, still awaiting her new CO?" Bremer asked.

"Yes sir. As a matter of fact their was an incident with the ship while you were away." Roebuck replied.

"No time for that now. Have the ship brought to the station and get our guests in the Maximum Security Brig beamed over to her holding cells. Have Commander Breland take them to the penal facility in the Mizar system for now." Bremer ordered.

"Yes sir." Commander Roebuck replied.

Mike then tapped his comm-badge again. "Attention, this is Fleet Admiral Bremer. A large Typhon Pact fleet is approaching the system. This fleet makes up the bulk of the enemy ships in the Beta Quadrant and we have very little chance of repulsing them. Therefore I am ordering a mandatory evacuation of Starbase 400. All civilians and Starfleet Personnel report to your assigned evacuation areas. This is not a drill, and we don't have much time. Marines and Security will be along to assist and keep things orderly." Mike paused, "I never thought I'd have to give this order, however the time has arrived. Let's get it done so we can save lives and continue the fight. Now, let's make it so. Bremer out."

Lee headed off to contact his cousin Colonel Jack Pike and to take command of the fleet for awhile.

Vox arrived in Ops. It was the first time he had been there so was somewhat overwhelmed. He approached Bremer. "How can I help sir?" He asked.

"Thank you for coming." Mike said as he handed a PADD back to his Yeoman. "We need to barrow your ship."

"I see" Vox replied. With a smile, he added "With or without me onboard? "

Mike paused to smirk and actually look at Vox instead of the other PADD he had. "Absolutely with. We're short on space, I'd like you to be able to pile as many civilians aboard as possible and take them with the Seventh Fleet's ships to Rigel, please."

"Gladly. I can easily fit a good 100, 150, at a push, civilians aboard. I assume you will assign them to my ship in the docking bay 35. " Vox asked.

"Security will escort them down shortly. Once loaded, form up with the Seventh Fleet ships. I don't want any ships venturing off alone right now." Mike replied. "I would also encourage you to take anything you don't want the Romulans getting their hands on, but only what's important."

"I will get on it, Sir. There are a few items I would rather the Romulans didn't get their hands on so I will get them loaded. Don't wait to send people to the hanger." Vox replied. "If there is nothing else, I will get a move on." He said. He nodded and headed to his ship.

"Tenaran, we have an emergency situation. Are you aware of it?" he asked.

#I am, Rae. I have already taken the liberty of transporting aboard the items from the Gallery you have marked with the Vital Markers. #

"Wonderful. Please can you use the holo projectors in the cargo bays and create tables and seating. We are helping in the evacuation so we need the ability to carry up to 150 civilians. " Vox added

#I will get right onto it. # Tenaran replied.

Rae then went about ensuring the ship was ready to go as soon as the word was given. He then just had to wait for the civilians to arrive.

"Admiral I can explain about the Roane? I bought it fair and square." Korel defended.

Mike looked at the Klingon for a moment, "No, that's not why I asked you up here. I also need to ask that you allow civilians to board your ship during this evacuation. I need you to accompany the Seventh Fleet ships and take them to Rigel. Will you help?"

Sticking out his chest like a warrior Korel replied, " We are at your service Admiral. Qapla!" Korel replied.

Promenade, Upper Level

Ed stood at the railing, leaning against it as he looked out over the hustle and bustle below him. He still wore his flight suit, but with the upper half tied around his waist. His uniforms and other gear hadn't transferred over from the Seventh Fleet ship he'd caught a ride on on his way out to the fight. At least he'd finally made it back to the one place he felt at home. A place where he could do more than teach wet behind the ear cadets the basics of flying some of Starfleet's most advanced fighters, a place he could do some real good in the fighting.

He was pulled from his thoughts when the Admiral came over the station's comm system and made his announcement. Evacuate 400? AND undoubtedly hold the line against a hostile force that had a serious numerical edge while the civ's evacced?

"Well, there's worse things to die for I suppose." He said with a dark, grim chuckle. "Get home in time to see the Typhon Pact kick us off our own turf and likely blow this place to bits while they do it." He shook his head in amusement at the very idea. "Ain't life grand?"

Main Engineering

Having heard the Admirals message, Jack looked around at the Engineering crews around him. The Admiral had just given the order to evacuate SB400 based on the incoming Typhon Pact Fleet headed this way. He already knew the state of the fleet from its recent action and also knew the state of the station itself with repairs ongoing and admitted the inevitable.

Looking around the various officers and NCO's before him, Jack moved to a central point in the gangway above, getting their attention.

"Alright, you heard the man, move it out. Get to your assigned evacuation areas... and make sure you all stay in one piece," Jack said. "For those heading to the Ark Royal, I'll see you onboard, now move it!"

As everyone started moving out, Jacks thoughts moved to Deela. As stubborn as she was, he also knew that of late she was showing more emotion about her, especially since he'd come back from his injuries. He had one stop to make on the way to his Ambassador Class starship, the Ark Royal, which was now to become his home for the foreseeable future. Jack made his way out of Main Engineering once everyone had cleared out.

Counselling Office

Ariana was meeting with Freya and Olivia regards sorting the Counselling appointments for the station personnel and marines alike when the evacuation order came through. Both she and Olivia had children to get to the civilian evacuation points, and as much as Ariana hated it she was going to have to be parted from Cameron and Stacie yet again. At least she knew Stacie would be with her father.

Olivia headed for home, birth she and Tim would be on their various ships she had no one else to look after their twins so they would have to travel aboard ship with her.

Freya's thoughts went to Kaden, he was one of the wounded and as such he would be transferred with the wounded. She would be right there beside him the whole time.

Kah'lyn hadn't long stepped off a transport and was about to report in when the evacuation order was given. There'd be little point in trying to report in with everyone trying to evacuate so instead she joined those who were evacuating, she'd get the chance to report in one she was aboard a ship.


"...but should I have them beam over my perishables? I have some spiced g'wor legs from..."

"Mister Widdy, I would recommend leaving the food. It can be replaced, your life can't." Vito replied to Crumm.

Tom came from out of his restaurant. He carried a bag and locked the doors out of habit.

"You're both taking things with you." Widdy said pointing at the bags.

"This isn't food." Tom replied.

Widdy's eyes widened a moment, "Ooh."

"Get these to the Pegasus and locked down. I'll meet you there soon." Tom said to Vito.

Vito nodded to his old friend then looked back at Widdy. "Hurry up, we need to go."

"Oh yes. Yes of course." Crumm replied.

Tom walked off to find Splendora. He half expected her to be with that guy, Hexx. Instead he ran into Hexx all alone.

Tom paused a moment, "Have you seen Splendora?"

"No, I haven't. I figured she was with you." Hexx replied, raising an eyebrow.

Tom shook his head and walked on to Splendora's old store. "Splendora, you here?"

Splendora had just finished a bit of a redecorating here too. She'd keep the business, of course, and added the bounty hunting one to it. She just had to find a clinic manager. As she put away the final office item that had been temporarily packed away she heard Tom call for her. She rounded the corner. "Tom!" She smiled as she always did when she saw him. She sensed something right away. "What's wrong?"

Tom looked around, "You're not packed and ready?" He looked around the room again, "You did hear the evacuation order was given. I need to get you to Mister Vox's ship. He'll take you with the rest of the civilians to Rigel and safety."

"I'm alright." She said. "Hexx was able to pick up my temporary ship. Braxton is helping but we're getting Civilians on board too." She looked at Tom. "You and Vito wanna come with me?"

"We can't, we're going aboard the Pegasus, but I can't explain why right now." Tom replied.

Intergalactic Mechanics offices

Cameron heard the order over the comm system. "Ok O'Malley I want you to start transporting the shop equipment into the cargo hold don't worry about space just shunt it to the backup transport buffer and leave it there. When that is done warm up the impulse engines and the warp drive. I have to call the admiral and let him know that there is a ship ready to take on some passengers." Said Cameron as he went back to his office and opened a comm link. "Admiral Bremer this is Cameron Wayne I have a ship you might have overlooked and can take on between 150 and 200 people if you need the help The ship is the SS Dakota at docking port 34. I or one of my staff will be there with 30 minutes." Said Cameron over the comm link

"Any help at all would be welcomed!" Mike replied, "Thank you."

Wayne Family Quarters

Ariana rushed into quarters looking for Cameron. She didn’t have much time, she hated having to be parted from her loved ones again.

Cameron walked in just behind her and headed to his desk to grab some important papers and files as well as some family momento’s.

Ariana looked at her fiancé unhappily. “Cameron, as much as I hate this, I want you to take Stacie she’ll be safer with you!” She picked up her little daughter and hugged her gently. “I have to go with the Mercy but I promise you I’ll keep in touch. I just want you both safe.”

"Ariana we knew something like this could happen and honestly I have been preparing for it. I have my ship warming up and hopefully getting loaded with passengers. Grab stacies sling and I will have the rest of our stuff transported aboard and stored." Said Cameron softly. "Now get going you have your orders and I have my duty as well. When this is over we can look each other up again and try to pick up the pieces. I love you stay safe and come back to us." Said Cameron as he gave her a hug and a kiss before picking up stacie and the couple of bags and heading for the Dakota


Hades got the call and swore a blue streak. "Carolyn!" He bellowed as he entered his office. She hated him but he didn't have time for that

Passing by at that moment, Ensign Davis winced as she carried a haphazard arrangement of boxes. She had not heard their CMO shout since she joined the staff and she could see why the rest of the team did not like it. “Erm, I haven’t seen Doctor Corrigan since she left paediatrics earlier... I could find her?”

“No need,” Carolyn assured the young physician as she approached, “get those to the Mercy please and then meet me in ICU to start transferring the most critical patients?”

“Oh, of course, absolutely,” Aria nodded as she hurried off.

Taking a deep breath, Carolyn steeled herself and walked into Hades’ office. “I’m here.”

He handed her a PADD. "Get all those critically injured and those in ICU to the Mercy. I want all light injuries to the Ventanor. Mendez and the EMHs are to help download all medical data and get it to he mercy I want our database wiped before we go. Cadets to move equipment and medical supplies. Clear?"

“Crystal. Is that all?” She asked him as she took the PADD, her tone carefully neutral.

"Yes. Let's get a move on."

Freya raced into Sickbay, making her way over to Kaden’s biobed. “’re not going anywhere without me! We need to get you ready for transfer to the Mercy.”

Kaden had heard the call over PA informing everyone of the evacuation. "I heard, did you get my cat?" He asked Kaden hated the idea of leaving his pet behind.

"Don't worry I made plans for him!" Freya smiled. "He'll be safe I promise!"

USS Lexington

"I have a team disconnecting the R&D computer core now and they'll move to the Lexington's cargo bay as quickly as possible. Everything on the station's primary computer cores has been wiped." Wayne explained to Stark.

"Good. If the station falls into enemy hands instead of them destroying it, we don't want them getting any information on our projects." Stark replied.

"Commander. I have the first group of evacuees loaded and they're being assigned to quarters." Ensign Harper reported.

"Good. We'll also have the holodecks turned into emergency accommodations too." Stark added. Harper gave a nod before heading back to the station to get the next group loaded.

Starbase 400, Ops

"I took the liberty of downloading all of the station's holo-suite programs including Cheer's and Vic's, with a little help from out photonic friend." Danielle said with a smile.

"Thank you. Have them uploaded to the Pegasus's computers." Mike replied.

"Did you get everything from your lab?" K'Temoc asked his Fiance.

Danielle smiled, "Yes dear, Aerial helped and I sent the inventory list to Mister Coleman."

Mike looked at his brother and Danielle for a moment, "Did you set a date?"

"We're going to wait til after the war." K'Temoc replied.

Mike gave a nod, placed his hand on K'Temoc's shoulder, "Don't." Mike flash a smile then walked away.

Mike stopped at the Intelligence station and tapped in some commands. He then walked over to one of the storage bins along the rear wall between the transporter pads. He pulled out a couple of select oak boxes.

Mike then tapped his comm-badge, "Doctors Hades and Corrigan, Miss Monroe, Mister Ross, Mister Lennox, Mister McDaniel, and Mister Solomon...I know you're all busy but I need you to report to Ops please."

Hades hoped that Carolyn had carried out his orders. He headed towards ops stopping to help those who had fallen over in the shuffle. He stopped for a minor medical emergency and then was back on track.

Leaving instructions with Doctor Davis, Doctor Corrigan left the ICU and headed for the turbolift. Out of habit she had looked for Hades but he had been nowhere in sight. So she made her way through what seemed like a chaotic cacophony of noise and general mayhem until she made it to the turbolift, savoring the moment of solitude for the short trip to Ops.

“Admiral,” she said as she entered, heading in his direction. “It’s good to see you back on the Station, Sir. I just we weren’t preparing to leave so soon. We are just beginning to move our more critical care patients.”

Ariana arrived just as Carolyn had finished speaking. "I'm afraid Colonel Ross is still off his feet after being wounded Sir."

Hades entered ops and stood next to Carolyn. "Sickbay is being locked down and we're ready to do a database wipe or will be shortly." He reported to Bremer.

Lennox was the next to arrive in Ops. He wasn't sure what you going on. He's left First Lieutenant Taz aboard the Kearsarge while all of the marine assets aboard Starbase 400 were beamed over. "Major Lennox reporting sir."

Having made sure that the various belongings he required for a long term stay on board the Ark Royal were sent there, Jack heard the call for him to report to Ops & re-routed the turbolift. As soon as he arrived, he saw the group of officers summoned and made his way there.

"I thought there was supposed to be an evacuation of the station... Or did I miss another memo explaining a change in orders?" He asked.

Chuck McDaniel arrived having just come from the infirmary where several pilots were. "Reporting as ordered sir," McDaniel greeted.

"Thank you for coming, and yes, the evac is still moving forward. However, I would be doing an injustice if I didn't take a few minutes for this."

Mike handed one of the oak boxes to each of the crew he'd called to Ops. "Doctor Hades, you're hereby promoted to Commander. Doctor Corrigan, you're hereby promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Major McDaniel, you're hereby promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Major Lennox you're also hereby promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Mister Solomon, you're hereby promoted to Commander. Miss Monroe, you're hereby promoted to Lieutenant Commander." Mike gave a warm smile to them all. "Congratulations. You all do an amazing job."

Ariana stood absolutely gobsmacked before finally shaking it off. "Thank you Admiral, this is a shock to say the least." She grinned.

The now Lt Colonel McDaniel was very honored as he felt very blessed to be the 181st commander.

" Admiral thank you for your confidence. I will not let you down." Chuck McDaniel thanked Bremer.

As the Admiral handed him his small oak box with a gold pip inside, Jack shook his hand and smiled, failing to stop a small tear falling down his face. "Thank you sir," he said as he firmly shook his hand. The last time he wore three gold pips, he had been serving as Chief of Operations on the original Essex, when he first met Deela. This pip meant a lot to him and despite the wartime conditions they found themselves in, he would wear it with pride.

“Thank you, Sir,” Doctor Corrigan offered as the small box was placed in her hand. She made no move to open it, instead she looked towards Ariana and offered her a small smile. She couldn’t muster any form of excitement for herself but she was happy for her friend. After everything that had happened, it felt right.

Hades gave a nod. "Thank you sir." His box he tucked away but his happiness was with Carolyn. She deserved it. It also made things easier, his decision easier.

Ariana smiled warmly at both Hades and Carolyn, Jack too. Her friends all deserved their promotions, everyone did after the times they'd all had of late and now this evacuation. "If you'll excuse me Sir, with so many of us away from the Mercy I should get back and see how the evacuation is going." She nodded to Hades and Carolyn. "I'll see you back onboard." With that she headed for the ship.

Lennox took a moment and shook Mike's hand, "Thank you. I'll do my best."

"You always have." Mike replied.

USS Falcon

Ezekiel made his way back onto the USS Falcon. He was not very fond of abandoning the station. He looked over to Anna, as they both boarded the station. "Did we get all our personal items packed up and moved into our quarters here on the Falcon?" Ezekiel asked Anna.

“Yes,” Anna said to him. “There isn’t anything left to show we had ever been there.” She kept her face as neutral as possible. There had been moves in her career before but with one didn’t sit well with her. “I did an extra sweep to make certain.”

"Starting to feel like the Falcon is going to be our new home, for a while. Do you need any help setting up." He knew how picky she was about the fung shei of the room layout. Everything had its place.

“I am still trying to figure out where to begin,” Anna said with a smile. “But Ineill be taking you up on that.” She was still wrapping her head around what was going on.

Samuel walked right behind Anna and Ezekiel, he was a little surprised, by the news, that they were abandoning the station. He looked for Sarah, but all he saw was the Captain, Anna, Aubrey and Dustin. He assumed Sarah must have been running late.

Dustin was standing right next to Samuel, he wanted to tell Sam it was going to be okay, they would get the station back. But they were abandoning the station. Which really upset him too. Most of the crew, were not happy about it.

“I had to go back to my quarters,” Sarah explained. “I forgot this jewelry box, it has sentimental value to me.” She looked at Sam and smiled, then to Zeke for instructions.

"I'll see you on the bridge, Number one. I am going to stop by my quarters for a moment. Drop off these boxes for a moment. I need to talk to Admiral Bremer. See if we are taking on any extra personal, to help evacuate the station." Ezekiel called out. He did not want anyone left behind.

“Want me to head down to engineering,” Aubrey spoke up. She had a bag over her shoulder with the last of her things. “There will be time to take care of our things later.

"Please Aubrey, let your team know, we are departing as soon as the admiral gives the order." Ezekiel called out. He hoped everyone had a chance to leave the station. The station had more personal, than they had of ships. So it was going to take a massive effort to evacuate the station.

“I will Captain,” Aubrey called back to him. “We will be ready to leave when you give the order.” She headed quickly on her way.

“Want me to head to the bridge,” Sarah asked. “We can get things ready to depart and make sure everyone is on board.”

USS Ark Royal

Having received his promotion and his new pip from the Admiral, Jack had made his way to the Ark Royal, after making a quick stop to the Essex. He'd made sure that his present was left in a special place for Deela to find, knowing that they would be apart for some time, at least until the Fleet had covered the evacuation vessels leaving the station. Once that happened, the fleet would be away from SB400 and trying to survive against the growing numbers of the Typhon Pact fleet.

Once he arrived on the Bridge, Jack started checking with the various department's heads to make sure that the Ark Royal was ready for launch, after a very quick turnaround time from her previous mission. As everyone reported in, Jack took his position in the centre seat and noticed that for the first time in a long while, it felt more comfortable.

USS Mercy

Returning to the Mercy Ariana proudly put her new pip on her collar before heading up to the bridge. She'd remembered her inhibitor this time, with emotions at an all time high she'd put it on to keep the emotions and voices in her head at bay.

"What's the status of the evacuation? Do we have all the wounded onboard yet?"

"A handful more to go Lieu ... Commander" The young officer at Ops smiled as she corrected herself at noticing Ariana's change of rank. "We've also got one last load of medical supplies to come, the cargo bays are filling up fast."

Ariana nodded. "Thank you, let me know when we're ready to depart." With that she sat in the centre seat her mind more on the safe departure of her family and how long it would be before she'd see them again.

Starbase 400, Ops

"Mike, those Typhon Pact ships. They're moving again and could be hear about 0100 hours." Draven told Mike grimly.

It would be a long night for everyone on Starbase 400 and Kaleb IV....



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