Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol

Name Ilan Rol

Position Former SB400 Crew member

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 68 Mission Posts

Last Post

Thu Apr 15th, 2021 @ 7:37pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 200lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Ilan is Tall, broad shouldered, well muscled, and carries himself with determination and confidence. He has Hazel eyes that seem to shimmer with flecks of amber and as with all Bajorans he has nose ridges and wears the d'ja pagh on his right ear.

Tattoos: Bajor symbol on his shoulder


Spouse None
Children None
Father Rol Aidan
Mother Rol Galara
Brother(s) Rol Dohen, a Praylar on Bajor
Rol Abrin, a member of the Vedek council on Bajor
Sister(s) Rol Zaylana, Artist on Bajor
Other Family Half Sister Belar Adekat, (Same Mother, Cardassian Father)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ilan has a strong personality. He says what he thinks, says what he feels, and is extremely confident. He wants to help everyone that's downhearted and comfort those seeking comfort.

He speaks with passion and is charismatic. He is very protective of friends and family and he is the kind of man that will stay up with a friend all night just to make them feel better. He never gives up and is determined when it comes to his work. He believes that every problem has a solution and thinks outside the box.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Passionate, Charismatic, Likeable, Strong, Confident, Diplomatic, Doesn't take any guff from anyone, Intelligent, Protective of crew and friends, Determined, Doesn't give up.

Weaknesses: Too distrusting at times, Can be unorthodox in his methods, sometimes too cavalier about regulations
Ambitions Starfleet Wise: To be more then just a counselor. He wants to help his clients and have them all feel like they are family. He wants to promote equality, generosity, and wellbeing for his crew. He does eventually want to become department head.

Personal: To own his own restaurant. To be a chef and be able to bring smiles to people by cooking. To find the love of his life. He doesn't want any kids but wants someone he can be himself with and someone who will love him back as much as he loves them.
Hobbies & Interests Cooking, Painting, Metal work (Blacksmith), Running, Flying shuttles, hitting the gym, training, reading.
Languages Standard Federation, Vulcan, Bajoran, Cardassian

Personal History Childhood:
Ilan did not have the best childhood. When he was young he was interned with his family in a Cardassian camp called Peltep. It was as notorious as Galitep. Even there he proved to be an optimistic child trying to comfort fellow prisoners. While there he contracted Bosen a form of Pneumonia that was deadly if not treated. During that time his mother was selected to be a comfort woman to a guard who was moving up to Terok Nor. She left with him and in return her family was taken to a home, allowed to farm, and Ilan received the medication he needed to help him heal.

Ilan's father, Aidan, joined the Bajoran Resistance and so did Ilan when he was 11. At the age of 13 his father was killed during a raid on a Cardassian camp.

Monastic Training Bajor:
After his father's death Ilan was heart broken. Feeling responsible for his siblings Ilan joined the Monastery at Dakur. He studied under a Prylar and in return his siblings were given an education and shelter. His brothers too chose to join the Prylar's order.

He trained hard and received an education in natural medicine and meditation and even military fighting training. He was also a born artist so he would paint every chance he got. It's there he learned how to blacksmith.

He and his sibling's thrived. When he turned 17 he was summoned to Terok Nor. There he'd found that his mother had given birth to a baby, half Cardassian and half Bajoran. She begged him to take the child with him and he could not refuse. Back to the Monastery he went but the Monks did not receive their new visitor well. They urged him to leave the child at an orphanage, something he would not do.

His brothers Dohen and Abrin would haven nothing to do with him for bringing the baby back. They moved on to other monasteries to continue their religious training leaving him to care for his younger sister Zaylana and his new half sister Belar.

Later that year he was sworn in as Prylar himself and just as he'd started his vows he was called with his sisters to Terok Nor again. When they arrived they learned that their mother had passed by her own hand.

Devastated he reached out to his brothers who saw their mother as nothing more then a collaborator. Once again he was on his own. He found out that with her dying breath she'd begged for her lover, Gul Adekat, to take her kids to safety. Since his brothers were not willing to go he trusted Adekat and set out with him on a deep space voyage, one that would take him to a Federation Colony and then onto Earth.

The Academy:

Adekat retired from the Cardassian military, or more likely defected, and set up a home for himself and his half-sister. He adapted quickly to his new home and soon found a call to go into Starfleet Academy.

Ilan entered the Academy and soon thrived. He found his true calling as a counselor and wanted to help souls as lost as he was. He was quite popular at the academy making many friends and his devotion to his friends and his learning was commendable. By the time he graduated he was head of the debate squad, head of the Academy news section, and with strong honours. He had his pick of several ships that were calling for him.

Ilan however decided to pursue his masters and spent the next three years studying while helping Adekat take care of his half sister.

The Officer:

Upon graduation he got a position with the USS Falcon and spent three uneventful years there as counselor. The crew love him and when he was ready for his year leave his crewmates were devastated that he left.

He spent a year studying Vulcan meditation and relaxation techniques with a friend, Splendora Sage. During his time on Vulcan he grew as a person and was able to find himself and a confidence he was lacking before. He excelled in his studies and when the course was done he accepted placement on the USS Branigan.

Again he excelled in his studies but his Ambition was lacking and when offered a promotion to Lt. JG he refused. He continued to counsel and study and was loving it.

Two years into his placement on the Branigan he got a two year itch and again requested a LOA for further training. There was a Starfleet program that appealed to him and he signed up.

Special Training:

Ilan choose to take his training and do Course work as follows, Massage Therapy degree (6 months), Andoria (6 months) CBT techniques; Bajor (6 Months) leave and monastery life and meditation; Klingon Psychology (6 months) course on Klingon home world.

Feeling well rested and having learned all he could he accepted the recall on the USS Gremlin. There he was appointed senior counselor and Acting Chief Counselor for a year. The Gremlin was involved in the battle of Beta Sector with the Peltin raiders and was injured saving the lives of his crew mates.

Medical History:

-Talpian Flu during his time on the Branigan
-Broken arm and leg during his time on Gremlin
-Vulcan flu during his time on Vulcan
-Klingon Depta syndrome (Temporary Deafness) – Took 6 weeks to recover full hearing.

Service Record 4 Years at Starfleet Academy graduated with Honours in Psychology

3 years post graduate studies and MA program in Psychology (Thesis: Alternative Therapies and their importance to psychological wellness)

USS Falcon: Ensign Counselor (3 Years)

1 year LOA: Sabbatical for research on Vulcan, course Vulcan mind techniques for wellness and relaxation

USS Branigan: 2 Years Ensign Counselor

2 Years LOA professional development: Course work, Massage Therapy degree (6 months), Andoria (6 months) CBT techniques; Bajor (6 Months) leave and monastery life and meditation; Klingon Psychology (6 months) course on Klingon home world.

USS Gremlin: 2 years Ensign Counselor Senior

Assigned to Starbase 400 Lt. JG, refused promotion to Assistant Chief Counselor.

Simming History NPC linked to Dr. Hades