Lieutenant JG Aubrey Miller

Name Aubrey Miller

Position Engineering Officer

Second Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 24 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sat Apr 6th, 2024 @ 1:31am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5
Weight 130
Hair Color dark brown hair
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Aubrey has shoulder length hair and she comes across confident and sure of herself.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Jordan Miller
Mother Amanda Halverson
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) Arabella

Personality & Traits

General Overview Aubrey almost always has a smile on her face. She is happy and a well adjusted person.
Strengths & Weaknesses Aubrey is a quick thinker and prides herself in keeping the ships engines in the best condition. She does not have a temper and stays calm in stressful situations.

Aubrey can be guarded and protective of her department. Is a bit of a workaholic and won't leave her department unless an issue has been solved.
Ambitions Command her own ship someday
Hobbies & Interests Games, sports, likes to build remote control vehicles

Personal History Aubrey is the youngest of twins. She and her sister Arabella were born out of an affair between two officers on a ship. Their father took Aubrey while Arabella went with their mother.

Aubrey and her father were always close. She knew that she wanted to follow in his footsteps and become an Engineer just like him. Once her father took her seriously, he started teaching her hands on about his job and ensured that she took classes that would help her when she headed to the academy.

Aubrey grew up with many friends, as crew came and went, as well as her father being transferred a few times. Where a lot of children were disillusioned by having to make new friends, Aubrey found ways to keep in contact with the ones that left and over the years has maintained some pretty solid ones.

Aubrey excelled through school and graduated a year early, in the top ten of her class. She then headed off to Starfleet and entered the engineering program with a minor in operations.

Aubrey loved her academy days. She learned to balance so that though she studied hard, she took out time to go to a party or spend time with friends. She dated Randy Mason while in her last year there and they parted ways amicably.
It was at her graduation that Aubrey met Arabella for the first time. She was excited to meet her twin but realized after only a few moments that they were nothing alike and Arabella had no interest in a relationship. Though that made Aubrey sad, she chose to move on from it and live her life.

Graduating in the top half of her class, Aubrey was soon assigned to the USS Ortega where she gained some valuable training. She served there for three years and was given a rank increase to Lieutenant JG.

Upon her transfer to the USS Darling, Aubrey was promoted to Assistant Engineering Chief. She worked hard and during a conflict when the Chief was injured, Aubrey showed her quick thinking and ability to stay calm in an emergency. It wasn't long after she was given a promotion to Engineering Chief and transferred to the USS Falcon where she is currently serving.

Service Record 2395-Current
(serving on USS Falcon which is attached to Starbase 400)
Chief Engineer

USS Darling

USS Ortega

Starfleet Academy