Commodore Alexandra Harrison

Name Alexandra Harrison

Position Special Operations Group Executive Officer

Rank Commodore


  • 219 Mission Posts
  • 3 Personal Logs
  • 11 News Items

Last Post

Fri Mar 29th, 2024 @ 9:32pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 49

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 135 lbs
Hair Color Reddish Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description She's average height and weight. She always wears her hair down but her part is never straight. In the sunlight, you can see the red in it. She's medium frame and very toned. She could wear a full black leather outfit and pull it off.


Spouse Leon "Lee" Pike
Children Paul Harrison - 30 years old
Alton Pike (twins) - 7 years old
Adora Pike (twins) - 7 years old
Father Mack Reynolds
Mother Victoria Reynolds
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Ruben Harrison (divorced & deceased)
Grandparents are deceased on both sides.

Personality & Traits

General Overview She's usually low-keyed and even-tempered...until someone or something provokes her, then watch out. When she gets angry like that, she usually goes to the gym to take out her frustrations there instead.

Most of the time, she gets along with everyone.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She can defend herself.

Weaknesses: Her past experience with her ex-husband has made her weary of relationships. She has no tolerance for arrogant people.
Ambitions To maybe one day get a command of her own and be the best mother she can be to her son.
Hobbies & Interests Archery, Horseback riding, Hiking, Working out and listening to music
Languages English, Little bit of various languages, words which she has learned along the way.

Personal History In 2351, Alexandra or "Alex" as her friends call her, was born and lived on Earth, San Francisco to be exact. Alex's parents had a good marriage despite how much they were apart. Her father, Mack, was a teacher but not at Starfleet Academy. He not only had to be Dad but Mom as well but he was okay with this arrangement. Her mom, Vicky, served on various ships and settled on the USS Essex as Captain T'Lar's first XO when she took command. She had to retire one year later due to health concerns.

In the early part of 2370, Alex married her high school sweetheart jock, Ruben, after finding out she was pregnant. In the end of 2370, she had her first child, a boy named Paul. When Paul was around 6 months, Alex decided to further her education in order to get a career. She chose Starfleet Academy and began her schooling there. Her husband didn't want her to go but stay home and be a mother and housewife. She had other ideas. This caused friction between them. By the time she finished Starfleet Academy, her husband refused to live his life on a ship and didn't want to stay married to her. When she got her first assignment, he filed for divorce and custody of their son...he won. He was living on Earth in a stable home versus her on a Starship. The judge felt that a starship was no place to raise a child at the time especially as she decided to be in security and tactical which the judge deemed a dangerous career.


Alex didn't begin classes at Starfleet Academy until she was 21. She had some training in first aid and self-defense and worked out three to four times a week, even after she was married. She continued until Paul, her son, was born. She resumed self-defense classes after she was accepted into Starfleet Academy, adding Anbo-Jytsu which is required at the Academy. She took the usual courses that a Security/Tactical major would take. Among those courses were weapons, Unarmed Combat, Diplomacy, Electronics Operations: Phaser, Security Systems and Phaser Cannon, Small weapons combat and Tactics: Small Units, and Terran Psychology. She also studied some medical in case she needed to use it on a mission. She did great in the security part of her job but the tactical didn't come easy. She had to work harder and spent a lot of time on the holodeck doing simulations specific for her job. She improved immensely, able to hit most of her targets. After graduating, she was assigned to the USS Essex under the command of (now) Admiral T'Lar as a security guard and tactical officer. T'Lar, as a favor to her mother, requested Alexandra.

Two years later, she transferred to the USS Pegasus as ACS/TO eventually becoming CS/TO. She just recently was promoted to Captain. Her ex-husband died, giving her sole custody of her son.

Met Lee Pike on Starbase 400 and in 2390, they were wed.

Alex gave birth to twins, Alton and Adora in the early part of 2393.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Earth, SOL
2371 to 2375 - Security / Tactical Student
Cadet One / Four

USS Essex - Sovereign Class
2376 to 2377 - Security / Tactical Officer

USS Pegasus-B - Galaxy Class, Dreadnaught Variant
2377 to 2378 - Security / Tactical Officer
Lieutenant JG

Starbase 400 - 74 Class
2378 to 2388 - Security / Tactical Officer / Chief of Tactical
Lieutenant / Lt Commander

Starbase 400 - 74 Class
2388 to Present - Special Operations Group Executive Officer
Commanding Officer - USS Steadfast
Commander / Captain