Camron Wayne

Name Camron Wayne

Position Civilian


  • 67 Mission Posts
  • 2 Personal Logs
  • 3 News Items

Last Post

Sun Feb 4th, 2024 @ 12:59am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 4’3”
Weight 165
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Camron lost both of his legs from just below the knee in a hunting accident in his youth and has been confined to a hover chair since the age of 12. That being said he is an imposing barrel chested man with strong arms and a keen eye for detail.


Spouse engaged to Ariana Monroe
Children Stacie Grace Wayne
Father George Wayne
Mother Sarah Wayne
Brother(s) Collin and George Jr. James Jonathan Wayne
Sister(s) Rebecca
Other Family to many aunts, uncles. and cousins to count

Personality & Traits

General Overview Camron holds a deep seated resentment of his immedate family and aside from the rare subspace message has nothing to do with any of them
Strengths & Weaknesses Strenghts- Determination, Drive to be the best

Weakness- refuses to accept help
Ambitions To have a safe and secure future and be able to provide for his family
Hobbies & Interests reading, working out, playing the sax, target shooting, Bull whip ( think indiana jones )

Personal History Camron was born the 4th child of a rather poor mountain family, on the colony world of New Dakota(see info at end of bio). While they did not have much in the way of material things they were all loved and cherished by their parents and extended family. Camron grew up happy and for the most part carefree for the first several years of his life

On his 12th birthday while his brothers were home from school the three of them went out hunting. Camron was having a blast he had just gotten a new rifle earlier that day and thanks to his dads lessons on shooting was a pretty fair shot himself. It was on this day that his life would change forever.

While they were walking up a mountainside trail his older brothers thought that it would be fun to trip their baby brother. What happened next was the stuff of horror stories. Collin had gone ahead and tied a string across the path George Jr. knew that he had done it and held back a little wanting to see how Camron would handle the situation. Camron cought his foot in the string but instead of falling forward he fell to the side and off the side of the trail. Falling about 30 feet down the side of the mountain.

His lower legs shattered, back broken and left forearm broken maybe it would have been better if the fall had killed him. However that is not what happened. The fall and the pain knocked him out and when he came to several days later he was laying at home in his bed. His arm in a sling and when he looked down where is legs were supposed to be there were only two stumps. His legs had gotten infected and been amputated.

Since the family did not have the money to buy prostetic legs for him they instead scounged up an old wheelchair that someone had thrown into the trash. While his bothers went back to school Camron was going to be forced to be homeschooled as the family did not have any way to send a child who could not walk down the mountain to public school. This was the beginning of his resentment toward his older siblings.

It had not really been planned but a year later Camron happened across a saxophone that someone had either lost or forgotten. He did not say anything about it to his family and secreted the instrument away. Though he had left a note where he found it informing the owner that he had found their instrument and would be happy to return it to them. No one ever came to claim it so camron started teaching himself how to play. This would become his eventual stress reliever and main form of relaxation for the next several years and a lifelong persuit

Camron set about making himself the very best he could be and started strength training determined that he was not going to let what was left of his body just die away. He could be found in the barn for anywhere from 3 to 5 hours a day working out his upper body as well as what was left of his legs.

Instead of formal schooling His mother and father taught him engineering and science. Camron worked in his fathers small garage and learned everything he could about how things worked. He had originally had dreams of joining Starfleet but those were gone now there was not the money nor the means for him to ever join.

By the time he had turned 18 Camron had built himself a hoverchair and been able to discard his old wheelchair. Considering that the hoverchair rode above the ground Camron was now able to go down the mountain on his own. To him this was a great adventure as he had not been down the mountain in 6 years since his accident. What he found both fascinated and scared him. He did not remember everything being so fast and it was a lot to take in.

Camron steeled himself and pushed forward though he was after all 18 and an adult it was time to make his own way in the world. It took a couple months but eventually Camron found his way to a mechanics garage, After talking to the owner for a couple hours it was agreed that he could work in the garage and sleep in the small room in the back. It was not much but at least it was a start.

Camron learned to work on several classes of shuttles and runabouts in his years in the garage and saved up the little money that he was paid with the small idea in the back of his mind to one day open his own shop. That day came sooner then anyone would have thought, on his 24th birthday he showed up for work only to find the shop closed and a lawyer waiting at the door. It turned out that the man who had mentored him for the last 6 years had passed away in the night. And according to the will had left the garage and everything in it to camron.

Not knowing what to do really and being overly shocked at his late bosses generiousity Camron broke down. He closed the shop for the funeral and reopened it a couple days after. It turned out that his former boss had not had any kids or family and the shop was much more successful then Camron had thought. So began the change once again from an uneducated mountain boy to a business man.

Camron ran the shop during the day and at night went to night school to get a better grasp of how a business was supposed to be run. The course was supposed to only be 2 years but it took him three and a half to finish it.

Camron knew that if he was to make anything of himself he would have to grow his business and so he started to make plans. Nothing big or grandious but solid business plans that would keep the business profitable. Well profitable and get him away from the colony he grew up on. It took a year before he had what he thought was a decent business plan. Then another 3 months of waiting before a ship visited the colony so that he could leave. He was going to head for earth and build his busness there.
Arriving on earth was more then a little of a shock with everything being so big and fast he felt like a fish out of water , however he knew he needed to accomplish what he set out to do and so headed for the business district in hopes of finding a place he could setup his garage. Starting the second garage proved just as hard as it must have been for his former boss to start the first one back on New Dakota. The only real plus he had was he had the experience and at least somewhat of a grasp of business. Well that and the money that was coming in from the first location. Not a lot but enough to help. Within 6 months he had found a location and setup shop ready to start serving the public.

It did not take long for the word to spread that there was a new shop in the area that did quality work. Soon he had a back order of jobs that was getting to be to much for him to handle. Camron expanded the garage to accomidate the influx of business and hired a couple of other mechanics to help him keep up. The quality of work did not go unnoticed by others though and soon things would change for Camron again in a manner he would never have guessed.

The Starfleet corps of engineers came calling. Quietly at first with a couple of the engineers having him work on their personal hovercars and the like. Then not so quietly in the form of a deligation in full uniform arriving on his doorstep. The offer they gave him was both troubling and thrilling. Their first approach came across like a street thug they demanded that he either close up shop or work for them and no one else. To this Camron basicly told them to go to hell he was not going to be cowed by some thug in a uniform. That was where it was left for about 6 months though Camron took care to lock up the shop every night and make sure it was secure.

The second approach came just as he was opening up for the day a single Starfleet officer probably a captain considering the number of things on his collar. He spent the better part of the day talking to camron and watching him seeing how he worked. At the end of the day the two of them set down in the small office at the back of the garage and came to an agreement. He would keep his garage open to all but would expand it again with starfleets help to allow for repair and service work to be done on some of the larger shuttles and runabouts that the corps just did not have time to do. To say that he was shocked would have been an understatement the offer literally floored him it was like nothing he had ever been offered before. He accepted on the spot and was looking forward to the partnership.

True to his word he expanded the shop for the second time increasing his small team from 4 to 8 mechanics. It was also during this time he became interested in learning to fly the shuttles and runbouts that he worked on. Purely as a service so that he could test the repair job before turning it back over to the customer. Though it did not stay that way for long camron found he enjoyed flying and was actually pretty good at it. He started thinking about a way to use this newfound talent and tie it in with his business. It took a while and some talking to people but soon he had a pretty solid business plan for a small charter service. Something to take passengers and maybe small cargo loads around earth and the sol system.

At 40 he started a charter service flying people and cargo around the sol system. It was also at this time that he started getting an itch to see what else was out there. It took him a further two years but he managed to find someone to take over running the shop and charter service on earth while he went looking someplace else to expand his business to.

After several months of looking around camron felt that he had found a place he might be able to work with. DS400 had just found itself in a new situation and maybe it was something that he could work with. He packed up his cloths said his goodbyes to his employees and boarded a transport to DS400 and what he hoped would be the beginning of a new chapter in his life.

New Dakota Colony: New Dakota is a backwater colony world on the far side of the federation. The colony has roughtly 15000 colonists and a very small Starfleet security garrision of 50 men mainly to act as a police unit rather then any kind of deterant force. The colony has no real strategic or economic value beyond being a lush green class M world. The colony was established roughly 300 years ago by a group of isolationistic federation citizens and aside from the occasional freighter or starship has no contact with the greater universe

Originally New Dakota did not have a fleet presence at all. However with the advent of the threats that the federation faced of the borg, and dominion Starfleet sent a small detachment of security officers to protect the colony. This measure is also how Camron was able to get off the colony. Before the security detachment arrived there would be maybe 1 or 2 ships a year stop at the colony. After the detachment arrived ships would stop by once a month or once every two months to check on the colony.

One would think that camron would adapt to life on earth, and give up the drive for profit as well as take advantage of the medical advances made by the federation that were not available on his home colony. He did to a degree, He got rid of his homemade hoverchair and got one that was professionally designed as well as a few small things. However the drive to make money was seen as a status symbol and one he enjoyed. He also could have gotten new legs had he wanted them and indeed some people thought he should, but camron just did not see the point he was 40 years old now and had lived almost three quarters of his life in a chair he accepted it and indeed even enjoyed it at times.

Service Record Timeline
18 years old leaves home and finds a job in a garage in town

24 his boss dies and leaves him the garage

28 finishes night school with a degree in business management. Left New Dakota for earth to expand his business

30 is awarded a overflow contract from Starfleet engineering also at this time expands his garage from 2 men to 6

33 begins learning to fly the shuttles and runabouts he works on
35 Graduates from flight school with ratings for several types of shuttles and the danuabe class runabout

38 Starts a charter service flying people and cargo around the sol system.

40 places a manager in charge of the business on earth and heads for DS400 to start a second location
Simming History been away from simming for a number of years before that was a member of Obsidian fleet and served on several ships and stations. Havwe also run my own sim in the past but that was over 10 years ago.

Looking to get back into the game again and hoping I can start here
How did you hear about Starbase 400 Surfed Bravo fleets website and found Starbase 400 did some digging and found that though this is the second or third incarnation the game is well established and the players are well rounded and experianced. I felt if there was a game I could work with to get back into the game this would be it.