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Assault Pt3

Posted on Wed Oct 2nd, 2019 @ 3:35pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Patrick Dow & Captain Paul MacLeod & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Commander Rann & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Lieutenant David Hannigan & Lieutenant Heath Carter & Lieutenant Karl Ballard & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Ensign Vortek & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Corporal Nas & Private 1st Class T'ork & Tom Vercetti & Christopher Bremer & Vito Russo & Sogh Varn Son of M'ron & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & La Ch'Tal Son of Ren'al & Major T'Lana & First Ramata`tar & Commander Robert Stark & Glinn Koval & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant Commander Peter Garabaldi & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Brigadier General Kaden Ross & Jacaranda & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Commander Kisha Ventar (Maab) & Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Splendora Sage & Maria Garabaldi & Sergeant Calthier & `Doctor` & Crumm Widdy & Sa K`Vada & Gul Mavek
Edited on on Wed Oct 2nd, 2019 @ 5:57pm

9,202 words; about a 46 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 0930hrs


USS Vanguard

Mac arrived onto the Bridge. “Patel, get us moving, form us up on the Pegasus and Falcon. Metsker, shields up, aux power to forward shields and ready all weapons.”

“What’s going on?” Patel asked.

“They’re trying to seal our ships inside the bay, but we have a little surprise prepared.” Mac replied as he typed in a few commands.

Inside the bay, the Pegasus moved forward and into the arrival/departure lane with the Vanguard above and the Falcon tucked in below.

USS Falcon

Zeke looked over to Sarah, as he walked onto the bridge. "Report Number one." He called out, with a genuine concerned look on his face.

“We are being hailed by the USS Vanguard,” Sarah replied quickly. “We have managed to neutralize the virus and we were waiting on your arrival. I recommend we take off and come to their assistance.”

Zeke walked over to his command chair, as he watched Sarah, walk over to her station. "Couldn't agree more. Secure the comm channels with a deep encryption. And open a line with the USS Vanguard."

Sarah followed Zeke’s orders and then turned to him. “I have the Vanguard on line to speak with you Sir.” She was worried that they might not get there in time.

"Falcon to the Vanguard, we are secured and ready to assist. Comm channels have been encrypted. Following protocol Charlie One." Zeke called out over the comm channel. He waited for Mac, to respond. The protocol, encrypted the comms, to a certain preprogramed channel, that was only accessible to the command staff of the station and special operations. Zeke was not taking any chances, of the virus, affecting his ship.

"This is where the fun really begins Zeke." Mac replied over the comm.

Section A1 – Level 98 – Maximum Security Brig

Prisoner 001 was smacked against the wall of his cell again as the station took a heavy hit. The Ensign left to make sure the cells remained closed looked scared.

“Let me out! The station is under attack and I will not die in a cage like a dog!”

“Shut up.” The Ensign replied.

Suddenly the door opened and two Krazzle rushed in a killed the Ensign. A Romulan followed the Krazzle and they looked at the people in the cells, finally staring at Prisoner 001.

“He does look just like him, doesn’t he.” The Romulan smirked.

The two Krazzle grunted then turned away.

“Wait, I can help you. I know this station well, and can get you past some of their security lock outs. Release me!”

“You can’t even get yourself out of that cell.” The Romulan replied with a laugh as they turned away.

“You miserable to’pa… you petaQ! Do you know who I am?!”

“You’re Prisoner 001” The Romulan laughed again and left, leaving Bremer’s Mirror Universe duplicate behind.

Section H1 - Level 700 - Outside Main Sick Bay

Ensign Harper was doing all he could to keep boarders away from Sick Bay. Emergency Force fields had failed and their was a firefight in the corridor.

Ensign Krall stood and threw one of his kleegat at an approaching Gorn. The blades ripped into the reptilian's flesh and he fell dead. The tall Capellan smirked at Harper.

"Nice." Harper replied.

"Ensigns, we have more on the way." Ensign Tezu the Edosian reported. He held a tricorder in this middle hand and a phaser in his right and left hands. "A group of ten. Two Klingons leading eight Remans."

"Let's hunker down." Harper suggested as the small team took defensive positions. "Where are those Marines we were promised?"

"Probably ran into another boarding party...or dead." Ensign Keval th'Qaonit an Andorian replied. He paused as his antenna wiggled. "Here they come."

Harper looked up to see the approaching group. Once they were in range, the group of four Ensigns opened fire. Harper drew his phaser with lightening fast speed and dropped the first Klingon. Krall, Tezu, and th'Qaonit hit some of the Remans.

The remaining Klingon took aim and fired, hitting Harper in the left shoulder. He fell back against the wall but managed to fire off and other shot which barely missed. As the Klingon drew his d'k' tagh and approached Harper he was hit by another disruptor beam from behind the group of Ensigns. Sogh Varn and two Marines finally arrived and help defend the entrance to Sick Bay.

A Corpman that had been with the Marines rushed forward to treat Harper's wound. "Sir, you need to go to Sick Bay."

"Just treat me here. If another boarding party comes you're going to need ever phaser you have out here." Harper replied.

The Corpman looked at Varn then the other Ensigns before tending to the wound.

"What kept you?" th'Qaonit asked.

"The Marines were pinned down by a group of Romulans and Remans. They are the only survivors of their squad." Varn replied.

Krall walked over the Gorn he'd killed and retrieved his kleegat wiped the blood off on the Gorn's uniform.

Varn holstered his disruptor and drew his twin d'k' taghs he liked to use in close quarter combat. They still had green blood on them. "We should try to fortify our position."

The Klingon exchange officer was right and the small group got to work.

Starbase 400, Ops

The station shook violently.

“Sir, a damaged Krazzle Tigress class Dreadnought just rammed us, they’ve taken a chunk out of Section R2! There’s hull breaches on Levels 1145 through 1193, emergency forcefields are in place!” Archer reported.

A Krazzle warrior leaped at Bremer but Mike was able to get his hands on him while he was in the air and flung him into the wall where Archer shot him.

Deela was exchanging fire with a Reman. She turned just enough for him to miss her. One of the consoles was hit instead. Sparks flew out of it. She fired back, hitting the Reman.

In her peripheral vision, she saw someone to the right of her in danger of being hit. It was Lee but his attention was on someone else so he didn't see another one aiming for him. Deela lunged at Lee, pushing him out of the line of fire, just missing her as well, and they both fell to the ground. She looked at him as she spoke matter of factly, "You are welcome."

Lee stumbled then turned to see what happened then nodded "Thanks Admiral." He then aimed firing his phaser at the person who had tried to fire at him.

“What’s the status of the shields?” Bremer asked.

Solomon slammed the comm panel on his console as he held on from the latest hit that the station took. He'd been re-routing damage control teams and Engineering teams where they were needed. He looked up as he heard the Admiral's voice over the comm.

"Wait, one Admiral, I have a team working double time on the Auxiliary Dorsal Shield Generators. They've almost completed their work, which means you'll have some shield coverage whilst they work on trying to stabilise the Main Dorsal Shield Generators in the area," Solomon answered. He slapped his combadge and opened a new channel to Robinson and Shrok.

"Solomon To Dorsal Team, I need an update!" he called out.

"Robinson here sir, we're almost done on the Auxiliary Dorsal Shield Generators, they'll be back up in under three minutes. Once that's done, we'll get to the Main Dorsal Shield Generators and see what we can do there," she reported

Solomon smiled as he tapped the comm panel and re-engaged the Admirals channel. "Admiral, In three minutes, you'll have partial Dorsal Shields, best we can do for now. Once they are up, we'll get on stabilising them for long term defence otherwise I have Damage control teams and Engineering teams in the vital areas," Solomon confirmed.

“Croesus, see if you can divert power, anything you can, to the cargo transporters. I want to beam all of our fighters, runabouts, interceptors, and light escorts from their bays into the main docking bay.” Bremer ordered.

K’Temoc glanced back at Mike for a moment, then put things together in his mind and smirked.

Croesus began immediately diverting auxillary power and rerouting power from the ancillary cells to the translorters. Specifically power from the holo-generators.

Suddenly, another group of boarders beamed into Ops. Among them were Klingons, Gorn, Krazzle, Remans, and Tzenkethi in their full battle armor.

Bremer took aim and fired, “Stand your ground!”

Lieutenant Roebuck opened fire, hitting a Reman as he charged. Ramata’tar also dropped a Reman as a Gorn tackled him. The Gorn’s claws tore into the Jem’Hadar’s shoulder before Ramata’tar drew his pistol and fired at point blank range.

K’Temoc managed to type in a few commands and sent messages to the standby crews on the Yorktown and Steadfast before he was jumped by a Klingon. K’Temoc managed to shake loose and get back to his feet. He then caught the Klingon with a roundhouse kick to the face causing him to stumble. K’Temoc picked his phaser back up and fired, killing the Klingon.

A Krazzle warrior then attacked K’Temoc and caught him in the face with just the tips of his claws as K’Temoc tried to lean back, cutting his lip and cheek and knocking his phaser away. K’Temoc drew his Mek’leth and swung at the Krazzle, the metal blade connecting with the blade of a long dagger the Krazzle had. Krazzle typically didn’t use bladed weapons, preferring to use their claws in hand to hand combat.

The Krazzle wasn’t experienced with using bladed weapons and it showed, K’Temoc was quickly able to disarm the Krazzle, then took two quick slices, one across the abdomen and the other across the chest. The open wounds poured blood and K’Temoc quickly dispatched him with a downward thrust to the shoulder, cutting several main arteries.

Archer was hit in the neck by blast from one of the Tzenkethi warriors and fell to the deck bleeding. Lieutenant Roebuck tried to cover him.

Bremer had fired on another Gorn that charged forward and wounded him, but the big lizard kept coming. Bremer quickly drew his Mek’leth and sliced at the Gorn, cutting off an arm before Archer was able to fire one more shot before passing out from the loss of blood.

Bremer turned to find a Tzenkethi behind him and he was backhanded by both of his left arms. Mike flew back a couple of meters and hit the deck with a thud. It took a moment for Mike to stand as he tried to shake the cobwebs out. The Tzenkethi charged at him and Bremer fired a few phaser shots which the Tzenkethi’s armor absorbed. The Tzenkethi took a swing then another, Mike was able to block both with his Mek’leth. As the Tzenkethi reached out to grab Mike, Mike drew his d’k’ tagh which he rarely carried anymore and stabbed him in the neck. The Tzenkethi grunted and pulled the knife out as blood spewed from a cut artery. He stumbled for a moment then dropped to a knee. Mike took his Mek’leth and sliced at the neck again as the large lizard-like creature fell.

Lee was growing pissed and he wasn't happy, his family was being threaten and that was one thing Lee didn't tolerate. He went for the first Klingon he saw, he knew that no one from the House of Torg would be a part of this so all bets where off, the Klingon didn't see him coming and Lee struck smashing his fist into the stomach of the warrior, quickly he grabbed his head and quickly turned the head snapping his neck, as the enemy fell, Lee grabbed his d'tang from the fallen foe and charged, quickly making short work of two Remans.

It was becoming a blood bath. Deela was leaning on her Vulcan strength. She had only seen a
Tzenkethi once before. She thought that he was going to confront her but the Tzenkethi found himself a more suitable target.

A very tall and agile Krazzle physically attacked her when a weapon failed to kill her. He quickly jumped at her, all 6.8 feet of him, pushing her down onto her back. She lost her grip on her phaser and it slid off to her right. He was about to pounce on her but Deela pushed hard with her feet. He went flying back. Once he realized that he wasn't really hurt, he got back up and went into attack mode one more time, using his claws to attack her. They fought which seemed like an eternity. Although he was a foot or so taller, she was able to defeat him. She managed to get away with a few deep scratches but nothing life threatening.

Almost by rote, Mike had leveled his phaser rifle. and fired at a few targets. His first real combat since he had returned. Part of him was rather terrified, but he remembered his first combat trainer, 'two kind of people arem't scared in combat, crazy people, or liars. Don't be near either.'

A rather large Klingon warrior, taller then a lot of his comrades was too quick for Peter to draw a bead on, he instead turned his rifle and delivered a buttstroke to the abdomen, doubling the warrior over.

Then he did what every 1st-year cadet down at that seedy bar down near Fisherman's Wharf knows, don't ever do, he headbutted a Klingon Warrior, which startled the man enough for him to hit him with a close range heavy stun blast which put the man down.

Section R2 – Level 1606 – Science Lab 22

Danielle picked herself up off the deck. She looked back and saw stars…and none of the other ten people that had been securing the lab with her. She tried to call for help, but the comms in the area were out. She made her way out into the corridor and to the closest turbolift, but it was also offline. She then made her way to the closest internal transporter room and beamed herself up to Section H2 - Level 876, the Arboretum. Sensors in the area were working, and there was no one there. She took a moment to collect her thoughts, some of her team that she’d just lost had been friends for years. She wiped her face, took a breath then headed out into the corridor. She grabbed a new phaser from a small arms locker, then starting making her way up to see what she could do to help.

Section A1 – Level 108 - Promenade

Ariana was busy walking around checking on the civilians in the shelter, she was chatting with a group of people when there was a sudden explosion. Dust and debris flew everywhere as the shelter was breached by enemy forces, using a hole in one of the internal walls instead of trying to breach the doors. As people scrambled for cover, children were ushered to the rear of the civilians gathered.

In all the confusion Ariana took the chance and hit her comm badge. =/\= Monroe to Ops! The shelter is breached! I repeat...the shelter is breached!! =/\=

Vox was lucky enough to be just out of the range of the flying debris as the explosion tore a hole in the sidewall. He muttered a choice few expletives in Trill under his breath. He looked around quickly for something he could use to defend himself with. He grabbed a large metal candlestick holder off a nearby table. He positioned himself in front of the pregnant Ariana and the other civilians. He gave her a look that combined hope and fear as he waited for the inevitable invasion.

Outside the shelter Freya hit the deck at the sound of an explosion, problem was it had come from behind the set up barricade and sounded like it was inside the shelter. “Oh hell...” She looked towards Kaden. “Captain...that sounded like it came from inside the shelter!"

Back inside the shelter Ariana acknowledged Vox bravely putting himself in harms way infront of her, none of the civilians were armed which didn't help. She looked towards the hole as enemy forces started stepping through with the sudden realisation that she was currently the only person in the room with Officer's pips on her collar. Her eyes met those of a Reman as he stepped through the hole followed by more Remans and Klingons. "Nobody move!" She looked around the civilians, seeing some who were preparing to try and Spring an attack. "Everyone stay calm, we don't need any heroics!!"

From back in the kitchen, Liam stepped out of the line of sight as he lifted another knife, weighing his options. They were somewhat limited given the families filling the shelter. Keeping low he settled in to wait his opportunity.

Kaden hearing the explosion within thought not just of the people inside but Ariana mostly. He dropped his rifle and instinctively tried to open the seals on the doors only for them to not respond. "Seals are jammed! The explosion must of damaged the release mechanism!!." Three more Marines joined him trying to open the doors."

This sort of ridiculousness could only happen with Starfleet, Jacaranda mused silently to herself. It had taken some bickering to get her in the shelter in the first place and now, of course it was being breached. She sent Itchi, her sehlat over to where the children were. After all, having a very protective teddy bear with foot long fangs was very calming. For as much as she heard someone say 'No Heroics', this wasn't going to stop her if the opportunity was right there. One klingon, likely not too bloodied in battle and eager for some sort of glory decided to swing his bat'leth at the Djabuuli woman. Jaca's eyes seemed to blaze literal fire as she caught the blade on it's downward swing, the right application of thought preventing it from breaking skin with an additional mind twist to shatter the metal as if it was a cracker for soup. The klingon was stunned and if Jaca was willing to guess, possibly on the verge of tears at the loss of his favored blade.

Elsewhere on the Promenade, Tom, Vito, Gabe, and Marco where outside of Tom's restaurant, 'Good Fella's Bar and Grille'. They were checking a few...surprises they had left for any boarders that detected the civilians in the bunker. Things were quiet there for the moment but they could hear the sounds of phasers and disruptors in the distance.

Suddenly a shot range our and Gabe was hit in the thigh by a Romulan's disruptor beam. He fell to the deck as Tom and Vito returned fire. Marco moved forward to a better position and also fired. Vito picked up Gabe and carried him back to the bunker with Tom covering. Marco turned to also fall back when he was hit by a Klingon's disruptor beam and stumbled. Tom fired again, hitting a Romulan. Tom moved forward toward Marco as he tried to stand. Getting to his feet, Marco was grabbed from behind by the Klingon who plunged his d' k' tagh into his back. Marco's eyes widened as the steel blade penetrated. The Klingon then took the d' k' tagh and sliced the blade across Marco's neck, dropping him into a pool of his own blood.

Tom watched as his old friend died a few meters away. He pulled out his CQC knife and threw it at the Klingon, the blade cutting into the Klingon's eye and he fell. Tom paused for a moment to look at Marco, but was quickly brought back to the hear and now as a disruptor beam hit the wall beside him, and he fell back into the bunker behind Vito.

In the Shelter sounds could be heard coming from the doors as the marines tried to get in, Ariana watched as several male civilians suddenly rose to their feet as if in a daydream. "Oh no..." She looked at Vox. "The Remans...they're controlling them! They're going to send them out on a suicide mission!!" Now she understood, at least partially, why the shelter had been taken. Besides hostages the Remans could control people and send them out to do their dirty work. "Hide me..." With that she sat down behind Vox and tapped her comm badge keeping her voice down.

=/\= Monroe to Bremer, the Remans are using civilians to... =/\=

Her call was cut off as a Reman marched forward pushing Vox aside and striking her across the face before yanking her up off the floor taking her badge and tossing it across the floor. He dragged her away from the others and sat her alone.

Vox, recovering from being knocked off his feet, got back up and march right up to the Reman, his face inches from the Reman's. "Hey, show some decency. She's pregnant or are you blind?" Vox braced himself for what might happen next and sure enough the Reman turned to the others in his group laughed and then, facing back towards Vox punched him across the face knocking him backwards into some chairs where he fell. Vox, shaken with blood coming from a cut to his lip and head, looked up at the Reman "Point taken" he said wiping his lip.

Ariana was close to where Vox fell, moving over to him she offered a smile as she looked at his lip and head wounds. “Thank you for that. No more heroics okay? I don’t want you getting killed.”

"Of course not. I'd like to stay alive very much actually." He said with a smile.

Level 800 - Classrooms

Alex and a handful of adults as well as at least a dozen kids were all hiding in the classrooms, in a hidden room. The kids were frightened and the adults had to attend to them, keeping them from making a peep. Alex started to question if having kids while being in Starfleet was such a good idea.

Just then, the door opened and entered into the room. A Klingon, a Romulan and a Reman walked in and started to look around. Alex put her finger to her lips, telling them to not say a word. The trio started to walk out when one of the very young children started to cry. One of the adults tried to comfort the child but it was too late. The Klingon walked towards the sound. Alex, with her phaser in hand, stepped out of her hiding place and shot the Klingon. She then fired at the Reman. The Romulan hid behind one of the desks to shield himself from her. Two Krazzle walked in after hearing phaser fire and a few more bad guys joined in. The others came out to help Alex fight to protect their kids as well.

Weapons fire was exchanged between them. The kids were even more frightened now. Brandon kept reassuring the other kids that they were going to be okay. Alex fired at the Krazzle but she somehow managed to miss him. Alex and him were struggling with each other. All of the sudden, Earl came running out and attacked the Krazzle who in turn, fought him off by tossing Earl, landing him against the wall. This pissed Alex off. The Krazzle looked over at Earl. She saw the Klingon dagger off to the side of her, grabbed it and repeatedly stabbed him. Alex ran over to Earl to see if he was okay. He wasn't. He was breathing heavily and wasn't moving.

Alex motioned for the others to go back but she was going to stand guard. She sat next to Earl and stroked his fur, tears rolling down her face. She wasn't sure how she was going to break it to Deela.

Section A1 - Level 1 – Ops

Bremer and the rest of Ops had heard the call from Monroe before it was cut off. "Ops to General Hurd, send a team to Lieutenant Monroe's position. She's in one of the civilian bunkers on the Level 108 of the Promenade."

Mike didn't wait for a reply from Hurd, but he should have. Instead his attention was diverted when Lieutenant Roebuck spoke up.

“Shields are back up!” Lieutenant Roebuck shouted from the Engineering/Operations stations as a medical officer arrived to treat Archer, Ramata’tar, and others wounded in Ops.

“One last boarding party managed to beam in just before the shields went up… Section A1, Level 2. Tactical Operations.” K’Temoc reported.

Bremer’s eyes widened. “Janice…Christopher.” He slapped his commbadge. “Bremer to Tactical Operations.”

They could hear weapons fire over the comm, but no one answered.

“K’Temoc, Garabaldi!” Mike said has he ran to the turbolift. “Deela you have Ops.”

"On it sir." Peter checked the charge on his rifle and followed the Admiral.

T’Lar nodded to Bremer, "Acknowledged." Her mind was on her kids as well, praying that they'd be fine.

A moment later the three men were on level two and stepped out of the turbolift. They quickly shot an Ellora that had beamed over from one of the Son’a ships. They then rushed toward the door to Tactical Operations. Peaking in, Bremer could see a firefight ongoing between a handful of his crew and a group of other Ellora as well as a few Remans and Gorn. He could also see one of his Intelligence Officers lying dead.

Mike motioned for Garabaldi to move around to the side and enter TacOps from a side door. “Wait for my signal to fire.”

Peter nodded and moved ip slowly, one thing about slavery, he could move quietly when he had to, while it drove his wife nuts, it was a useful skill to have.

Mike give his Chief of Security time to get into position before nodding to K’Temoc. In sequence, the brother rushed into TacOps and opened fire on the boarding party from behind.

Peter paused then followed in watching his assigned area and firing on targets as they approached.

As the boarders turned to face the new threat, Janice took the moment to shoot one of the Ellora that had froze when they were surprised by weapons fire behind them. One of the Remans pulled a knife and tried to stab her, Janice’s Marine instincts and training took over. She grabbed the Reman’s arm, slammed his hand against a computer console knocking the knife away. She then caught the Reman with a double fisted upper cut, a punch to the throat, then pulled another phaser and shot him.

Peter moved in stunning one Klingon and punching a Reman in the face hard enough he was sure he probably broke a bone in his hand. He kneed the staggering figure in the abdomen and then stunned him before moving on.

Once the boarders were eliminated, Mike rushed over to Janice. She was had knelt down and pulled their youngest son from his hiding place inside the bulkhead’s access port and was holding him.

Christopher was crying, “I don’t want to be shot. I don't want to be in a pact of typhons...”

Mike hugged them both for a moment, comforting them.

Draven had been wounded in the shoulder, Rann in the leg. Hannigan and Cross had a few cuts and burns but were okay. Peake laid on the deck, shot in the chest. Johansson had been hit in the head and abdomen. Cross called over the comm for a medical officer but it was too late for them, both were dead. Rollins and Glen Koval both had wounds to their arms but were otherwise okay. la' Ch'Tal put away his bat’leth, he only had a cut to his face. Major T’Lana also had a few cuts, and she walked through the dead and wounded attackers making sure none were trying to do anything sneaky. Commander Paxim and Damon Gros stood guard, both of them were okay as well.

“Mike, when they beamed in, Lieutenant Hannigan grabbed Christopher and got him to safety, that’s how he got the burns.” Janice told her husband.

Mike walked over to Hannigan and extended his hand. “Thank you Lieutenant.”

The two shook hands and Hannigan gave a respectful nod.

Mike turned to Garabaldi, “Get a security detail, make contact with the other security and Marine teams, sweep the station, and make sure all boarders have been eliminated or taken into custody. “

"Yes sir." Peter nodded then tapped his combadge, "Garabaldi to teams 2, 5, and 8, sweep and clear operations be cautious."

"On it boss." Came a response.

“Ops to Bremer, sir, transport of all of the Station’s fighters, runabouts, interceptors, and light escorts from their bays into the main docking bay is completed.” Petty Officer de Luca reported.

“Very good!” Mike replied. “Lieutenant Roebuck, take over Tactical One. You and Pike stand by. It’s time to finish this fight!”

Draven tapped in a few commands and reactivated the displays before he sat back on the deck as a medic arrived.

“They hit us with over two hundred and fifty ships. We’ve destroyed or severely damaged about sixty-five. They still have a big fleet out there, the Station has taken heavy damage, but we’re not giving up.” Mike said to everyone present and over the comm to Ops.

Mike then tapped in a few commands on the main console, “Bremer to Pegasus. Chief Branson. Do it.”

“Aye sir.” Branson replied over the comm.

Mike watched the enemy fleet reforming for another attack.

Inside Starbase 400’s internal docking bay the Pegasus fired her main phaser canon one, then twice. The blasts ripped away the massive bay doors. One hitting two of the Romulan Scorpion class Attack Flyers they had been trying to seal the doors together by welding them together. The other door hit a Romulan Preax type destroyer that was supporting them, ripping its port nacelle off.

“If they lock the door on you, you make your own key.” Bremer said as he monitored in Tactical Operations.

In sequence, the Pegasus, Vanguard, Falcon, Yorktown, Steadfast, Essex, Luna, Sentinel, Durga, Saratoga, Kearsarge, Lexington, Conqueror, Ark Royal, Endeavor, Venator, Laffy, Constantinople, Sutherland, Cutlass, Warspite, Princeton, Avenger, Tirpitz, Crockett, Dorsetshire, Ranger, Kashin, and Thresher all of Starbase 400’s support ships, except the medical ship USS Mercy, shot into space with weapons blazing. Next came the ships commanded by the Liaison Officers, the CUS Kreta, IKS MeH'Haj, RRW Rakal, and they were even joined by Zark's FAS Allora. They were followed by the fighters of the 181st Tactical Fighter Wing, and Station’s supporting runabouts, interceptors, and light escorts, all engaging the Typhon Pact’s fleet. With the supporting weapons fire from Starbase 400 itself, the odds were finally evened out.

“Thank God for always keeping a standby crew ready on each ship, even when in dock.” Rann said with a smirk.

“Told you I had an idea.” Mike smirked at K’Temoc.

“Yeah, well, looks like they weren’t out of surprises either.” Janice replied as she looked at a monitor. “There’s a Scimitar Type Warbird decloaking.” The station suddenly shook, “And it’s targeting the Administrative levels.”

“Bremer to Pegasus, Durga, Yorktown, Lexington, Steadfast, as well as Alpha and Gamma groups of the 181st take out that Scimitar. The rest of you, continue to engage the rest of their fleet.” Mike said over the comm channel to the support ships.

Section A1 – Level 108 - Promenade

On the promenade Freya had skirted around to where she could get a view of what was going on, seeing several civilians emerge with weapons heading straight for Kaden and the marines who were trying to get in the doors. It looked like they were under Reman control, she could see the rest of the civilians huddled together but couldn't see where Ariana was situated.

Inside the shelter, the Remans moved both Ariana and Vox along with some female civilians with children and positioned them in front of the doors. Any attempts at blowing the doors would have dire consequences to their own people.

Outside Freya watched the movement of women and children through the gap suddenly realising what was going on. She had to make sure no one forced their way through the doors.

Vox wasn't daft, he could clearly see what the Reman's were doing and it wasn't good. They were basically being used as a living shield to ensure the Station's forces could not gain entry through the barricaded doors. He turned to Ariana and whispered "Not good. Not sure how to get out of this one."

"Neither do I" She looked back at the doors wishing Cameron was there with her right now. She was also worried about the civilians the Remans had sent out to do their dirty work.

Kaden and his Marines was hard at work still trying to pry the doors open to the shelter inside by then two more Marines was trying to help. While a few female Marines was hard at work on the control panel with one buried up to her waist in a access panel fiddling with the circuitry. All of them completely unaware of the living shields inside should they succeed in getting the doors open.

Section A1 - Level 40 - General Hurd's Office

Light slowly filtering back into his eyes, Hurd groaned as he pulled himself up off the floor. Turning his head, he could hear weapons fire everywhere around him but could not rember how or what was going on. Grabbing his .45, he headed for his door and almost knocked himself out when it it did not open. Trying the manual release didn't work either. Frustrated, he hit his combadge and said, "This is General Hurd to anyone who can hear me, I am trapped in my office and need assistance, please respond".

"T'Lar here. I hear you. Hang in there. I will get someone there as soon as I can." She took a breath, shaking off the events.

"Admiral T'Lar to security. Go to General Hurd's office. He reports that he is trapped in his office." She waited a moment but no one responded. "Security." Finally, someone responded.

Section A1 – Level 108 - Promenade

Inside the shelter Ariana did the only thing she could think of to do, knowing it was risky with Reman's in the shelter she focussed everything she had on sending a brief picture of the situation to Freya. She'd sensed her outside the shelter earlier on.

Freya was on get way back to Kaden's position as she received Ariana's telepathic message. She paused to acknowledge it and headed over to Kaden. "Captain!! Don't open those doors...Ariana sent me a message, she and a group of hostages are being used as a living barricade. You try to go flying through there and you'll ending up hurting all of them, Ariana included."

She hit her comm badge. =/\= Ross to Ops! Be warned...Male Civilians under Reman control have been sent out of the shelter. They're armed and dangerous!!" =/\=

Andy was swanning around doing his own thing pretending to fixing damage here and there, no one was really taking any notice of him. Right now he was spying on events from a Jeffries tube watching the woman he'd been wanting all this time doing her job alongside her husband. He cursed his luck, he could have snatched Freya at any point and JP one would have been any the wiser until it was too late. Now he had to bide his time again and choose another opportunity. There were plenty more fish in the sea, like the one poor ensign that he'd dragged into the Jeffries tube, she wasn't going to be talking to anyone now. He'd had his fun and then made it look like she'd been injured in the battle, he'd place her body somewhere suitable when the time was right. For now he'd carry on watching and planning.

Ariana was starting to feel a little off, she wasn't sure if it was just the stress of events or what it was but she soon found out as her water broke. A group of the other women gathered with her by the doors instantly reacted to help to save her any embarrassment but for the first time in her life she was in a panic to know what to do. "This can't be happening! My baby isn't dipped yet!!" Right now she was wishing Cameron was with her.

Kaden had just barely gotten the message when the doors opened suddenly after one of female Marines succeeded in overriding them. By then however he and men found themselves in real complicated situation face to face with enemy forces inside using some of the civilians as a living shield. Kaden watched his people raise their weapons to fire before shouting. "STOP!!!"

Vox saw what was happening with Ariana but before he could be of any help, the doors of the shelter slid open from behind the makeshift barricade. What happened next took seconds to run its course but time seemed to slow down as he turned, saw the men raise their weapons slowly. Vox looked towards Ariana and the other civilians and back towards the armed men, just as STOP was shouted by someone he couldn't quite see. He moved once again in front of the others, in particularly Ariana whos situation just got a whole lot more complicated. He held up his hands outstretched in front of him as a stop gesture.

The enemy were quick on their feet, using more females to throw into their living barrier. Getting to her feet Ariana managed to move to one side, so far she wasn't in any pain but her water had definitely broken and it would only be a matter of time. Her concern was evident as she looked at Rae, she'd seen his gesture to the marines. "We need to get out of here Rae!"

He turned to Ariana. "I know. I'm working on it. It then dawns on him that Ariana is right next to the gaping hole the Remans made when they entered the shelter and as they were presently distracted by the armed men at the, now, open doors, they had a 10-second window of opportunity. Checking he was right about the Remans distraction, he then dashed across to her, taking her by the hand with his right and grabbing two other female civilians with his left hand and arm, rushed them through the hole in the wall before the Remans noticed.

Once through the hole, he picked up Ariana so she didn't have to run and the two other ladies followed behind him. They kept moving for a good 5 minutes until Rae spotted a place that would be comfortable and hidden. He got the three ladies out of sight.

"Oh man, that was close. I think we are safe here. I wish I could have taken more people but I estimate I had a 10-second window of opportunity and I took it." he said still out of breath. "

Ariana looked at Vox open mouthed, he'd just succeeded with the impossible and gotten away with it. "I don't know how you got away with it!" She rested her back against the wall. "Thank you Rae."

"Don't thank me yet. We are not out of the woods yet. Attacking forces still on the station and, if I saw correctly early, you are in labour when you shouldn't be." He replied.

"You noticed that huh." She nodded. "My water broke but I haven't had any major pain yet." She sighed. "I guess it's a matter of time but I'm not due for another two months yet!"

"Nothing escapes my attention. It's from working in the art business, you know, being able to spot a fake or a genuine article. Well, as for time, I really hope we have enough to get you medical help before things get dicey." he said.

"So do I Rae" Ariana nodded and offered a brief smile.

"Indeed. Now what to do next. Need to think. I am not sure where we are on the station at the moment so I need to get my bearings." Vox exclaimed.

"Go...take a look and be careful." Ariana looked at the other women she was with. "We'll be fine here. Just don't get caught!"

"Ok. I will be back shortly" Vox replied. He carefully scouted the area they were in. The corridor was clear as far as he could tell. I thought there was a medical station not far from their current position.

On returning to Ariana and the two ladies, he smiled. "I think we are near a medical station. It looks clear so if you are ok to move we can get going." He announced.

Ariana was about to get up when a shuffle from the corridor alerted them to the presence of a group of civilians the only problem was they were armed and dangerous. “I don’t think...we’re going anywhere for a minute.”

"Hmmm, good point. Let's hang tight for now." Vox replied.

Ariana sat taking deep breaths, offering Vox a smile. "Don't worry, I'm not going into labour on you yet! I'm just trying to stay calm!"

"I know. One thing that calms me down is a nice glass of Trinari. But, we are nowhere near my quarters or my ship right now. " Vox replied.

"Well fingers crossed we'll get out of here before you have to play midwife!" She offered a smile secretly hoping that the stomach pains she was starting to get weren't going to get any worse for a while yet.

"Indeed but I have delivered a baby before. The only difference is I wasn't on this side of the experience. That's a story for another time. " Vox replied.

"Then I'll look forward to hearing it another time." Ariana smiled before resting back and closing her eyes. This was going to be the only chance for a rest she was going to get for a while.

Kaden could of swore he saw Ariana and few other civilians dash out the hole while everyone was distracted but right now he didn’t have time to worry. Removing his helmet so his enemies could see his face he handed it to Freya and jumped over the barricade the people in the shelter made with his hands up. “Alright, I will admit you got us with our pants down now I am going to admit I don’t want these people to be harmed but knowing you guys you don’t really care about them.” Kaden took note that most of the hostiles was Klingon before getting a idea. “I tell you what, I challenge one of you to death by combat. If I win you let everyone go unharmed and you all surrender.”

“And if we win?”

“My people will let you and the hostages leave here and go where ever you want.” Kaden could sense someone was about to protest when he turned to face his men behind him. “AND they will NOT stop you; you have my word.”

“Deal.” Said one of the Klingons.

Kaden turned to Freya before removing his armor and shirt exposing his bodybuilder physique for everyone to see. Normally he be ashamed to do such a thing but he needed to have a full range of motion without any restrictions.

Freya and some of the other marines had managed to back up Kaden by picking their way through the furniture barricade. Freya was checking the hostages before she stood watching with concern as Kaden stripped himself down. “Captain...what are you doing!?”

Kaden placed his hand on his wife’s face knowing she was concerned on what he was about to do. “Hey, don’t you worry I got this.” He turned around popping his knuckles and the bones in his neck while flexing his muscles. “Alright, so which of you am I facing?” He asked.

“Tiny, come on out here!!!” Kaden watched as a large eight foot tall mountain of a humanoid approached him ripping his tunic off. Grinning at the poor Marine who was now wondering what in the world he had just got himself into.

The Remans in the room were watching with interest noting the touching interaction between the marine Captain and the female who was watching him. Unseen one of them stepped out of the hole and made his way around behind the marine lines, using his mental abilities to make himself virtually unnoticed until he grabbed Freya and dragged her around. “This female is yours is she not? You will provide us a good fight, but you WILL lose one way or another.”

Ignoring the look of worry on his aunt's face, Liam emerged from the kitchen, using the shadows to his advantage. He wasn't sure if Kaden was going insane or was just that confident, yet clearly their 'guests' had no intentions of playing fair. Seemed only fair to even the odds.

The Reman holding Freya had isolated himself, standing slightly apart from the others. Liam had no intention of letting them use his friend's wife as a hostage to try and manipulate him. Meeting Kaden's eye for just a fraction of a second he gave him a single nod, hoping Kaden understood it for what it was. A promise that the Reman would be dead before he could so much as harm a hair on Freya's head.

Kaden ignored the Reman he was busy looking at the massive brute before him who was grinning down at him arms crossed. But seeing Liam moving around from the corner of his eye to his wife giving him a quick nod certainly eased his mind. Instead it prompted him to size up his chosen opponent looking him over. “Tiny huh? Why do they call you that? Is it cause you have a small brain or is it cause you have a small di-...” Kaden didn’t get to finish before he was punched in the face flying into a table across the room to the joy of the brute’s friends.

Picking himself up off the floor Kaden wiped his blood off his lip giving a rather faked amused laugh. “Cute, very cute...” He then proceeded to punch the massive monstrosity in the gut but had very little effect as all it did was anger him. Before grabbing Kaden again throwing him across the room onto bar top before crashing onto the floor next to the desserts.

Freya struggled against the Reman who was firmly holding her arm, she wanted to get across to her husband to check if he was injured. She knew Kaden was doing what he could to distract the enemy and try to save lives but she didn't want to see him killed doing it. The enemy forces seemed to think it was fun watching Kaden being thrown around. "Get up Captain!!" She called to Kaden trying to spur him up. "You have to get up!!" She wanted to yell that she thought she was pregnant but that would distract Kaden rather than spur him on so she kept it to herself.

Kaden staggered to his feet but felt pain in his left knee realizing it must of been injured while being tossed around. He had little time before Tiny was approaching him ready to strike him with his huge mitts. Acting fast the Marine grabbed a pie off the table and smashed it into his face causing him to stagger back painfully trying to clear his eyes. This gave Kaden a opportunity to take a sterling silver tray the pie was sitting on and smash it over his head using it as a equalizer. He kept bashing his head with it till the tray was bent in half and the brute was on the floor bloodied. Panting Kaden was certain he was victorious tossing the tray aside offering a smile to the kids off in the distance.

But caught off guard the bloodied brute rose up roared before grabbing Kaden by the throat before dragging him full speed across the shelter. He could see he was heading for the kitchen and from the angle he was held the brute was going to snap his back in half using the service window to do so. Acting fast Kaden grabbed a fork off a table and stabbed his opponent in his hand forcing him to let go once free all Kaden could do was grab him by his foot causing him to stumble and fly thru the window head first into a deep fryer.

Tiny screaming in sheer agony could be heard throughout the shelter followed by a loud thud. Getting to his feet Kaden limped into the kitchen seeing his foe writhing in pain with third degree burns all over his face and hands. “Hey...why not just...give it up? I...really don’t want to hurt you...anymore.” Kaden felt bad for the guy he really didn’t want to kill him honestly. However Tiny grabbed a meat cleaver getting to his feet ready to go again albeit he was in serious pain. Shaking his head Kaden saw a set of knives next to him and grabbed one watching Tiny come at him.

Reacting fast Kaden threw the knife into his chest watching Tiny stagger back looking at the knife sticking out of him. With a angry roar he tried to go for the Marine again only to have five more thrown into his chest. With a sign of struggle Kaden watched him come at him again prompting him to throw more knives into his torso till he used up the entire set. By then the brute now a fried living pin cushion dropped to his knees gurgling while trying to breathe. Feeling bad for him Kaden tried to approach him hoping to give some sort of comfort instead the brute raised the meat cleaver hoping to bury it in his skull hoping he join him in the afterlife.

Without even thinking at all Kaden could feel his instincts take over as he snatched the cleaver from Tiny and proceeded to bury it into his skull between the eyes splitting him open like a melon blood and brain matter showering Kaden and the entire kitchen. In case the brute still had by some miracle any fight left the Marine grabbed the first thing a could find as a weapon, a butter knife. Instead what was left of tiny slumped over onto the grill dead with no sounds of life in him except the sounds of flesh cooking. Bruised, exhausted, and covered in blood Kaden emerged from the kitchen seeing Kitty O’Shea next to him. Handing her the butter knife he ruffled her hair before limping over to the bar.

Spotting a bottle of Saurian Brandy he took it and plopped down on a stool taking the cap off and took a big drink as if to celebrate his victory with his back turned to the shocked crowd behind him. In truth he was waiting for them to make fun of the bodybuilder physique he had as a result of his muscle growth condition since he was born. Taking another drink out of the bottle he lowered his head waiting for the enemy to honor their agreement or not.

Having managed to be let out of his office, Hurd made his way to where he was ordered- the she shelter. Seeing All the fighting and death way way was bad, but seeing what was going on here was worse. Taking cover behind behind some debris, he drew a bead on 4 separate targets thinking to himself, "C'mon, C'mon, Just a little closer". Tapping his combadge quietly he said, in a muffled voice, Hurd to OPS, Have you enough power available to transport me to the bridge of my Ship?, Situation here seems stabilized"

The Klingons in the group honoured their agreement, Kaden had proven himself a warrior but the Remans had other ideas. "Stupid Human!" The Reman holding Freya rose his hand intent on killing her in return for Kaden's actions.

Freya was tossed across the floor as Liam took care of the Reman, getting up and dusting herself off she quickly ran across to her husband giving him the biggest kiss and cuddle she could. "What were you thinking!! You could have been killed!!" She smiled and cuddled him.

Kaden didn’t say a word he just wrapped his arms around his Freya glad she was okay but it didn’t help he was feeling all eyes in the shelter was staring at him. Probably at the fact how much of a freak he was the warrior that showed no fear moments ago fighting for the lives of everyone had vanished.

Freya knew how sensitive her husband was about his physique she looked around seeing one of blankets that were handed out in the shelter. She gently reached for one placing it around Kaden’s shoulders to cover him up whilst staying cuddled up. She wasn’t going to let him go anytime soon. “Do you want me to take a look at your wounds?”

Kaden held the blanket around him tighter looked down at himself realizing he was covered in another mans brains and blood. “It’s not mine...but I think he injured my knee tossing me around.” He replied. “Care to take a look?”

Freya nodded, she just hoped there wouldn't be anymore Remans looking for a fight. "Let's see..." She gently examined Kaden's knee. "There's definitely swelling and tenderness, possibly muscle damage but you need to see one of the doctors to be safe. For now just try and stay off it as much as you can okay?"

"Freya, I am glad you are okay I don't know what I do if that Reman had hurt you but, I couldn't let him distract me by using you to force me to lose." Kaden hugged her. "I hope you can forgive me."

“There’s nothing to forgive” She gently wiped some dried blood off his face. “We’re both marines Kaden, we do our jobs and personal feelings don’t come into it. You did the right thing.”

Kaden merely nodded she had a good point even he understood the importance of setting aside personal feelings for the sake of the mission. But deep down he could never forgive himself if anything happened to Freya on his watch.

Freya was bursting to tell Kaden that she might be pregnant but she didn't want to be getting his hopes up before she'd seen Carolyn to confirm or deny it. Once everything was over she was going to make a point of seeing Carolyn as soon as possible.



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