Lieutenant Commander Peter Garabaldi

Name Peter V Garabaldi

Position Former SB400 Crew member

Rank Lieutenant Commander


  • 14 Mission Posts

Last Post

Wed Jan 8th, 2020 @ 7:24pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 6'00'
Weight 185
Hair Color Black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description A tall well-muscled figure his hair is kept short and his beard is neatly trimmed.


Spouse Maria Garabalid
Children Roberto Garibaldi age 3
Father Michael Garabaldi
Mother ILyanna Garabaldi (divorced)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Antoinette Garibaldi Captain SFMC Close Air support, callsign Raptor.
Other Family Assorted aunts uncles and cousins too many to name

Personality & Traits

General Overview Generally cheerful in some ways, he has a bit of curiosity in his life, as he is learning all he had to rebuild.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Determination, discipline, and a desire to build a life

Weaknesses: Still recovering from capture by Orions, and learning how his life has changed.
Ambitions Personal: To reconnect with his family, and figure out what he missed

Professional: He is still figuring that out, he is considering resuming his Starfleet career.
Hobbies & Interests Learning to cook, running/jogging, exercise also enjoys reading especially histories, practices what's known as Armored Combat league.
Languages Federation Standard, Some Orion,

Personal History born in 2362, to Michael and Illyana Garabaldi Peter grew up in a normal home a few blocks down from his future wife. when he was 10 his mother left his father and he grew up with just his dad.

in 2380 he went off to Starfleet Academy where he studied security/tactical command and leadership. Graduating in 2384 he was assigned to Starfleet Headquarters as an investigator where he met his high school sweetheart Maria, who was at that time a Sophmore cadet, they dated for 2 years, before being married in 2387, after a brief honeymoon they met up with the USS Liberty.

He was promoted first to Lt JG then Lieutenant where he ended up Assistant Chief of Security aboard the USS Hierophant.

The ship was destroyed and while he made it to an escape pod, his pod was damaged by debris during ejection and he lost his homing beacon, he was picked up by an Orion freighter salvaging and sold into slavery.

In 2395 he was reunited with his wife on Cardassia Prime.
Service Record 2380-2384: Starfleet academy: Major Tactical/Security with a focus in Criminal investigation
2384-2386:Ensign Starfleet Academy: Specialized training Crime Scene investigation and Homicide investigation theory
2387-2389: Lt(jg) USS Liberty: Security officer/investigator
2389-2390: Lt USS Heirophant: Assistant Chief Security/Tactical
2390-2395: Missing: Declared dead in 2391.
2395- : Rescued, status pending.