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Assault Pt4

Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2019 @ 1:24pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Patrick Dow & Captain Paul MacLeod & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Commander Rann & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Lieutenant David Hannigan & Lieutenant Heath Carter & Lieutenant Karl Ballard & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Ensign Vortek & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Corporal Nas & Private 1st Class T'ork & Tom Vercetti & Christopher Bremer & Vito Russo & Sogh Varn Son of M'ron & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & La Ch'Tal Son of Ren'al & Major T'Lana & First Ramata`tar & Commander Robert Stark & Glinn Koval & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Commander Kisha Ventar (Maab) & Lieutenant JG Janelle Sykes & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Sergeant Maal son of Torg & Splendora Sage & Sergeant Calthier & `Doctor` & Crumm Widdy & Sa K`Vada & Gul Mavek
Edited on on Thu Oct 24th, 2019 @ 2:23pm

6,409 words; about a 32 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 1040hrs


Promenade Level A1 Section 215

Braxton motioned quickly with his hands splitting his team into three. The first section would take the high ground to make sure that they had clear shots. Section one and two would join the fray that was already in progress.

Just above Isiah Nivar, Michael Nivar and Splendora had been separated from the rest and locked in a battle with the Gorn and a small group of Klingons. The marines were coming up fast for support as the three were clearly outnumbered and working to protect a few wounded that were off to the side.

Splendora hit the button on her phaser. Nothing. “Damn it!” She tossed the phaser aside and decided to take charge. “You! Klingon coward. Fight me with your hands if you are not afraid.”

The Klingon in charge of the invading group on this level threw his head back and laughed. “You might have the heart of a warrior but I have no problem crushing it.” He launched himself at Splendora.

Splendora felt a burn in her muscles. It was as if sound intensified and she could swear she heard the air bend around the Klingon. It was as if her mind was calculating his body position and anticipating his motions. He was going to try and slap her across the face. She ducked low falling to her belly and rolled onto her back. As the Klingon landed momentarily confused she wrapped her hands round his right ankle and pulled. The Klingon went down. She twisted more and the sickening snap and his shriek told her she’d broken it. She jumped to her feet and grabbed his disruptor. Looking up she noted Braxton and his team had joined the fray. The Nivar brothers seemed to have found their groove in fighting and were working together for the moment although she could sense the tension there.

She briefly wondered how Tom was and if he was okay. They had gotten separated. The fight continued for some time before the marry starbase group had called it a Victory. Splendora gave nobody a chance to celebrate. “We need to get to the Observation lounge decks. Section D level 513. I heard a call come on that some medical staff was trapped there.”

Braxton had been about to issue orders when Splendora cut him off. “Braxton take your team get the wounded here to secondary sickbay. Nivar’s you are with me.” She studied Braxton. “Nevermind scratch that. A part of your team can deal with the wounded Braxton I need you on my team.

Braxton didn’t point out that she wasn’t in charge nor that she was not Starfleet. He split his small group and they grabbed the wounded while and joined Splendora and her group making their way to the observation deck. He knew Splendora had been right. He’d heard the call for help go out and knew Harris was pinned there.

USS Vanguard

“Sir, sensors are picking up ten vessels inbound, it’s a Starfleet/Klingon task force lead by the USS Reprisal.” Metsker reported from Tactical.

In space, the USS Reprisal, a Constitution Class Refit MkIII dropped out of warp and opened fire on the Typhon Pact forces, a moment later she was joined by three Klingon Vor’cha Class Attack Cruisers, two Miranda Class, a Vesta Class, and three b’rel class birds of prey. Over the comm, Captain Dow hailed all Alliance ships and Starbase 400 itself. “Reprisal to all ships, this is Captain Dow, sorry we’re late to the party!”

The Vesta class ship and the birds of prey attacked the Scimitar class ship while the other vessels joined in against the rest of the attack force.

After several minutes of relentless fire, the Scimitar lost helm control and plowed into Starbase 400 itself, shaking the starbase violently. Thankfully, all active vessels were out of the docking bay, because a massive hole was now in its side.

USS Falcon

"Helm plot a course through that hole. The station is weakened. We need to be prepared to defend this area." Zeke called out. As he watched on from the main viewer. Deep inside, he was horrified with what he saw.

"Aye Captain, course is plotted." Samuel called out, as he inputted into the navigation computer, a course, that would take them through the massive whole. He wondered what struck the station, and created the whole. He wondered how many were killed or hurt, during that event?

Zeke got on the comm line, he wanted to check in with Aubrey. His chief engineer. "Lieutenant Miller, any structural damage, or damage to report?" He asked, hoping the explosion only shook them a bit.

“None that will keep us from our mission,” Aubrey came back over the comm. “Our structure is excellent.”

"Very good, were heading towards danger, can not assure you it will stay that way. Do you best Lieutenant." Zeke told her, just coming out and being upfront with his chief engineer.

“Understood,” Aubrey replied. “You can count on me, I will keep the engines operational.”

"Glad to hear it." Domingo said, as he closed the channel, then opened a new channel. "Anna any injuries reported, the station was damaged, and now has a big hole on it. That was the shock wave we felt." Zeke told Anna, hoping she was okay.

"Commander Rodgers, signal the Vanguard, tell them were ready to assist with a counter strike or a defensive pattern." Zeke said to his first officer.

“Aye sir,” Rodgers replied. She sent the message and sat back.

USS Vanguard

Tenu was working at Ops since Archer was back on Starbase 400 and wounded. “Sir, message from the Falcon.”

Mac stood and walked over to the Communications station and tapped a button. “Vanguard to Falcon, station defense is our top priority. Let’s not allow anything through that hole or the open bay doors. If they hit the station from inside the bay it could cause critical damage.”

“Sir, we have a problem.” Metsker reported from Tactical. “A Krazzle Tigris class battleship is closing on the Falcon’s position.”

“Let the Falcon know to hit that ship with all she’s got Mister Tenu. Metsker, let’s do the same! Mister Murphy, bring us to course 337 mark 12, full impulse.” Mac ordered.

The Vanguard turned away from the Romulan Mogai Class ship she was firing on. Her phasers lanced out at the massive Krazzle vessel followed by a volley of quantum torpedoes. The Vanguard was soon joined by one of the Birds of Prey that had arrived with the USS Reprisal earlier.

“Their shields are holding.” Metsker reported.

“Multi-Vector Assault Mode.” Mac ordered as he took a seat.

Metsker tapped in a few commands before the computer responded. “Initiating decoupling sequence.” “Auto-separation in ten seconds.” “Separation sequence in process.”

“Attack pattern Gamma-Three-One.” MacLeod ordered.

“Specify target.” The computer replied.

Metsker tapped in a few commands at Tactical.

“Target confirmed.” The computer replied.

The three sections of the Vanguard split from each other and from staggered heights they opened fire on the underside of the Krazzle battleship, targeting a point near its port nacelle.

"Commander respond to the Vanguard's communication officer." Zeke ordered as he looked at Sarah. He noticed that the Vanguard, had already opened fire.

USS Falcon

“USS Falcon, we are here to assist you,” Sarah informed the communications officer on the Vanguard.

“Fire on the their ship!” The Vanguard Officer’s voice was heard. “We need all the help we can get!”

"You heard the man, target all of our weapons on the Krazzle ship." Zeke ordered as he looked over to Dustin.

"Aye Captain." Dustin said, as the Falcon started to open fire on the Krazzle ship. The combined firepower of the Falcon,and the Vanguard, were taxing the shields of the Krazzle ships. The weapons fire, were dealing critical hits to the enemy vessel.

The weapons fire of the Falcon, joined in. The damage being delt was intense. There was a large and bright weapons impacts on the shields. A yellowish glow struck the shields. Despite the tactical advantaged they had, there shields were taking a beating.

"Helm, attack pattern theta six." Zeke called out, as they continued the strike.

"Aye Captain." Samuel replied from the helmsman station. As soon as they adjusted course, the shield impacts, were less intense.

"Engineering, how are things holding up down there?" Zeke asked, as he waited for Aubrey to respond.

“It’s a hell storm,” Aubrey replied, nearly a shout. “Engines are holding, I don’t have time to talk, diverting power to shields Sir.”

"Hold her together Aubrey." Zeke said. His voice was not very compassionate. At the moment the tactician in him was starting to come out. He hoped Aubrey realize it was not personal.

“Understood.” Aubrey could hear in his tone he was all business. He didn’t have time for pleasantries, lives were at stake. “I’ll give you all I can and when some.”

The Vanguard and Falcon, continued their weapons bombardment on the Krazzle ships. "Her shields are buckling, Captain." Dustin called out, as everyone looked to the main viewer.

After Zeke closed the channel, he refocused all his attention on the battle. The Vanguard and Falcon, continued their weapons bombardment on the Krazzle ships. "Her shields are buckling, Captain." Dustin called out, as everyone looked to the main viewer.

USS Vanguard

Once the Krazzle vessel exploded, Mac smirked, “Well done people! Re-integration sequence and let’s get back into the fight.”

The Pegasus streaked by firing her main phasers and torpedoes at a Romulan ship. The beam from her canon then reached out a tore a hole in the ship.

Elsewhere the Essex, Yorktown, Steadfast, and Lexington engaged a Son’a battleship and two Gorn Sss'lar Class Cruisers. The phasers from the Federation ships lite up the enemy’s shields while their torpedoes caused damage to the attackers.

The Constitution Refit USS Princeton formed up with the Constitution Refit MkIII USS Reprisal and the two engaged a Krazzle Gramal type cruiser that was firing on the USS Dorsetshire.

The USS Ranger, USS Crocket, USS Warspite, and USS Kashin teamed up on a Valdore Type Warbird.

Other ships from the Station continued their fight back as well, all while Starbase 400 provided covering fire.

A1 – Level 2 – Tactical Operations

Bremer, Janice, and the rest picked themselves off the deck.

“We’ve been rammed, the impact knocked the station off his orbital path.” Cross reported from one of the displays.

Mike tapped his commbadge. “Bremer to Ops, Mister Young, using the station’s orbital thrusters can you stabilize the station’s orbit?”

Chloe answered Admiral Bremer" my department staff and I are already stabilizing the stations orbit using the station s orbital thrusters

After Young’s reply, Mike looked back at Janice, but she wasn’t there.


Mike heard Christopher and he rounded the corner and found his wife laying on the deck behind the console they were behind. She was bleeding from her abdomen and head. Mike hadn’t been aware that Janice had been stabbed in the side during the fight, then had hit her head on the console when the station was rammed. Janice knew about the wound and hadn’t wanted to worry her son. Then after the station was rammed she’d tried to get up before collapsing on the deck.

Mike looked around as he pressed his hands on Janice’s side, trying to stop the bleeding with direct pressure. The medical personnel that had arrived to help with the wounded were still busy with them. Everyone that wasn’t hurt or hurt too bad was rushing around trying to help coordinate station defense.

Mike looked at this nine year old son, “I need you press that yellow button on the computer that says ‘comm’.”

Christopher pulled himself up onto the console then pressed the button. “Hello. This is Christopher Bremer, my Mommy is hurt bad, she’s bleeding. Daddy is trying to help but we need a doctor. Hello.”

Hades had gotten the call. He hightailed it to TacOps and made record time. He looked over at the scene. Bremer was on his knees holding pressure to a wound in his wife's side with his son watching, pale and shaking. Hades skid to the ground and whipped out his tricorder. "Keep pressure," he said as the readings started to tick out.

Hades worked like a man possessed. "Concussion, not too serious but serious enough." He put down the tricorder and then reached into his bag. "I need you to push all the pressure on her abdomen. I need us to switch, I need to get at her side."

Mike nodded. He looked back at his youngest son. "Mommy is going to be okay."

Christopher nodded as K'Temoc came up behind him and pulled Christopher back to give the Doctor room.

"Ready." Mike replied to Hades.

The switch was done quickly and Hades had his instruments ready. He managed to get inside the side wound and within a few minutes the blood flow from the side trickled and stopped. "Okay next we do the abdomen." This one took longer but it stopped too. He looked at Bremer. "Damage to the spleen and liver I've put a bandage over it but she'll need surgery. " He looked back at Christopher. "She will be alright." He looked at Bremer. "I promise. I need to get her to sickbay. We're a little short so I'll have to carry her." He pointed to his bag. "Once I pick her up I need you to hook the bag to my back."

Mike nodded. He wanted to go along but he needed to make sure things were secure first.

Promenade level, Somewhere

A little while later Ariana awoke with a fine layer of perspiration on her forehead and body, opening her eyes she sat up and looked at Vox. “Was I asleep long?“ She leant back against the wall, she had a dull ache in her lower stomach but no major pains to go with it yet.

"A good hour. You looked so peaceful so I let you rest. It's gone quiet around us so we may have a window of opportunity to get you to sickbay. " Vox replied

"Then we'd best get going" She smiled as she slowly got to her feet. "I'm not sure how long its going to be before I go into labour."

"I would hope we have time. Let's go. " Vox replied. He the, once again, pick up Ariana and carried her down a corridor till they reached a medical station.

"Ok, do you want me to stay with you?" Vox asked.

"No it's fine" Ariana smiled. "Thank you for looking out for me Vox, I really do appreciate everything you've done for me."

"What are friends for. I hope one day you might return the favour and perhaps join me on a trip to my homeworld perhaps?" Vox asked.

Ariana smiled and nodded. “I would love to, thank you.”

Section A1 – Level 2 – Tactical Asterometerics

"Another Romulan d'Deridex Type Warbird and a Son'a Battleship have just been destroyed. That's seventy-nine enemy vessels destroyed, not counting their fighters."

“Admiral, that seems to have taken the fight out of them, all remaining Typhon Pact ships are falling back, heading for Romulan space!” Cross reported as he looked over one of the monitors. “They didn’t leave without a departing gift though, they just destroyed our Marine training facility on Kaleb III.”

Doctor Hades was treating Janice and they were now in route to Sickbay. “Have all ships stand down and assume defensive orbit around the station and Kaleb IV and get engineering started on damage control. Route the report to Admiral T’Lar.” Mike never took his eyes on his wife or let go of his son’s hand until Janice was out the door and on her way.

"It's going to be okay." Mike said to his young son.

"Damage reports from our support ships are coming in. Thresher, Kashin, Ranger, Dorsetshire, Crockett, Tirpitz, Avenger, Princeton, Reprisal, Warspite, Cutlass, Sutherland, Constantinople, Endeavor, Ark Royal, Conqueror, Saratoga, FAS Allora, and CUS Kreta all report heavy damage. All other vessels report minor to moderate damage. Somehow, we didn't lose a single ship." Cross reported. "Nearly all of our orbital drydocks were destroyed, including the eight ships that were under construction. They didn't even waste a shot on the decommissioned reserve vessels in orbit on the far side of the drydocks."

Mike just nodded.

"Also Admiral, the Constantinople reports it located a clocked probe and destroyed. That's what was jamming our comms. We're receiving reports from DS9, SB99, DS14, K'Vak Station, Korvac Nor, DS7, DS6, SB247, and Beta Antares Fleet Yards. They're all reporting heavy damage, but they've driven off their attackers. Starfleet Command and other Alliance members are sending aid, increasing patrols along the boarders, and even planning a counter attack." Cross added.

Mike nodded again, "Good, very good. I'll, I'll be in Ops." He and Christopher headed for the door, K'Temoc followed.

Section A1 - Level 1 – Ops

T'Lar watched on as the bodies of the fallen were taken out of OPS. Reports were coming in left and right. Reports of damaged ships also came in. She was pleased to see that her ship, the USS Essex, had only a few bumps and bruises.

Soon, the reports of wounded officers and civilians came in. When she read the list, her stomach sank. Solomon was among the injured. She wanted to run to him but she was in charge of OPS right now with no one else to take over. She didn't see any other names of her or Alex's family which were a relief. But then she saw that Bremer's wife was also on the list.

T'Lar grew angry, something she hadn't felt in a long time. She wanted to hit something. She had lost so many people in her life. She needed to go to her office for a moment to meditate, clear the negative feelings she was experiencing right now. Five minutes, five minutes was all she needed. "If anyone needs me, I will be in my office." She walked off.

Lee nodded "Understood Admiral, I can handle things here in Ops for awhile."

Mike had made it to Ops in time to hear T'Lar and Pike talking, then turned back into the turbolift and headed for Sickbay to be with Janice.

K'Temoc gave a nod to Pike, "I'll be in the CiC if you need me."

Section E1 - Level 2000 - Primary Reactor Level

Blackthorne and his damage control team had managed to finally stabilize station power, now that it wasn't getting battered and beaten.

Lieutenant Robinson's face was smudged and dirty, he was exhausted just like everyone else. "I'm going to take a team and head up to level one, start on repairs to Ops. If the Pact returns we'll need eyes."

Lieutenant Heron nodded. "I'll start work on level twenty-eight, primary phaser control. There's reports of damaged couplings."

"I'll send Lieutenant AmHain a full list of damage we know about." Blackthorne added. "Anyone hear anything about Commander Solomon's condition?"

Section H1 – Level 700 – Main Sickbay

All hands were on deck. The battle had ended and the medical staff was returning to sickbay. The secondary team was taking care of that while the main team was preparing for the wounded. They were now gathered in the main sickbay. Hades had called in everyone, even the marine medics.

Freya rolled into Sickbay looking as rough and dirty as a marine who'd been dragging themselves through a major battlefield. She was bruised and had a few scrapes here and there, the blood on her clothing luckily wasn't hers. She'd managed to avoid any blows to her stomach, which was what she was worried about as she thought she might be pregnant.

Ariana had been escorted to the shelter by Vox still nursing a sore face where the Reman had struck her. She quickly freshened up to try hide the fact that she was in the early stages of labour. A quick uniform change later she headed for Sickbay knowing there would be people in need, plus Hades would need all hands on deck even her. At least she could comfort those who needed it. She smiled even though it hurt as she met up with Freya, glad to see that she was alright.

"You sure you're up for this Ariana?" Freya looked at her friend concerned about Ariana overdoing it in her condition.

Ariana nodded ignoring the pain that was starting in her stomach "We're all needed here Frey, Hades is going to need all hands on deck and I'll do what I can to help out."

Mclintock arrived and we ready to help. She had been the Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Pegasus during the Dominion war, so she knew what to expect...and she wasn't looking forward to it.

Dr. Romaine and Dr. Ventar came in together. They looked around, seeing every medical person entering or already arrived. Kisha looked at Tameara, "This is really happening, isn't it?"

Tameara nodded, "Oh yeah. I had always thought about the what ifs but I never thought I'd actually see it. God speed Kisha."

Kisha half smiled, "You too." They gathered with the others.

They now stood gathered. "Okay people. I need to know that everyone is here and ready to work. we'll have incoming shortly. We're well stocked if you need anything the main stockroom is open for replenishing. I need the cadet trainees to help with filling what we need. Two per OR team."

Anna stood listening. She had left the Ship in the capable hands of their team and came straight to sickbay with Zeke’s permission. She took a deep breath, knowing that what they were about to go through was like nothing she had experienced as a doctor before.

“I’m ready,” Woodhouse spoke up. “And I will stay for as long as you need me.”

Hades smiled. "Thank you."

Just as he was about to speak again the doors opened and Braxton and Rol rolled in. Hades was glad that counseling was well represented. He waited till they fell in line and then continued. "Ariana, Rol, I know you have basic medical knowledge so you will be in charge of minor scrapes and bruises as well as comfort and counseling."

"Yes Doctor" Arianna nodded and smiled as she looked towards Rol.

Rol gave a nod. He was a bit hesitant not from his worry in his skills to help but from the wave that was about to hit them.

"Doctor Woodhouse I need you leading Team Alpha, Broken bones minor surgery."

“I am on it,” Anna replied and headed on her way to her assigned duties.

He turned to the other doctors, "Mclintock, I need you to handle all post OR care and coordination, your team is the largest."

Kitty blew a stray wisp of hair from her face, "Aye sir." Mclintock replied.

"Romaine, I'm glad your with us. You are team Delta I need you in Trauma one and shock recovery."

"You got it." She made her way to her assigned place.

"Carolyn and Ventar, you are both my best surgeons I want you handling all Major surgeries that need a lot of time. Head, eye, complicated surgeries that need fine detail. You will be Echo team."

Kisha nodded in agreement, "Yes sir." She spoke respectfully.

“Yes sir,” Carolyn echoed, elbowing Dr Mendez in the ribs as he stood directly behind her, grinding his teeth at the slight. “You’re a close third,” she whispered, “and you are my second. Let’s go prep.”

He turned to the marines. "Freya, Braxton I need you on assessment and categorizing, I also want you on minor medical with Ariana and Rol. I need you to keep track of all patients, injuries, treatment, location. Got it?"

"Loud and clear Doctor" Freya smiled at Braxton before giving Arianna and Rol a smile too.

Braxton gave a nod.

He handed out the rest of the tasks to nurses and the rest of the doctors and cadets. He himself would be monitoring and in and out of the OR.

"Everyone ready?"

"As we'll ever be!" Arianna nodded.

"Let's get this done." Freya smiled, after all she was used to doing medicine on the battlefield.

Just as their response came the bay doors opened and all hell broke loose as the patients started cascading in like a massive tidal wave.

Freya set about her assigned duties, grabbing colour coded bands to put on people as they came in according to level of injury. As people came in the door she sent them this way and that depending on where they needed to be and the queue in the corridor was starting to get longer.

Kitty had given a very brief, too brief, of a pep talk to her team on what to expect as the casualties came out of the OR, then she rushed to help triage incoming wounded...they were coming in faster than expected. Most had burns, a few had deep cuts from bladed weapons or were missing limbs. As more wounded arrived she activated the EMH to help handle the triage work so she could get back to the post-OR patients.

"Computer, activate the EMH." Mclinktock said.

"Please state the nature of the medical emergency." The EMH Mk IV said as he looked around. The Mk IV was really just an overall improvement of the Mk I EMH with the same visual and voice parameters, but with a slightly improved bedside manner and an expanded database. "This looks, horrible."

"I need you to help triage the casualties as they come in." Mclintock said as she walked over to helped a severely injured Engineer.

The EMH paused for a moment, then grabbed a tricorder and got to work as Kitty returned to her team helping with the post-OR patients.

Meanwhile Ariana was doing her best to look after the easy treat patients, amongst them were frightened children who’d got separated from their parents in all the rush and commotion. “Hey there” She smiled. “I could really use some extra hands, would you like to help me out?” She gave the two young children a smile as they nodded. “Great, follow me and you can pass me what I need when I need it!” She grinned managing to hide the fact that she was starting to feel the tell tale start of labour pains.

The injured flooded in and Hades was impressed with the way his staff handled it. Patients were sorted and moved to where they needed to be.

Within OR1, an air of calm defied the atmosphere beyond the room. The small, specialised team working around the patient before them. “Patience,” Dr Corrigan urged as she sought out the source of a neurological bleed, hearing Mendez shift beside her. “Almost.... got it... done. Report?”

“Vital signs improving, Doctor,” Nurse Ashleigh confirmed.

“Straight to ICU,” Carolyn ordered as she stepped away and began to clean up, knowing they had a queue of patients. She rubbed the back of her neck as she took a long drink of water while the nurses and technicians arranged the patient transfers. It allowed only enough time to sterilise the area before the next patient was brought in.

“No rest for the wicked,” Mendez muttered.

“You got that right.”

Out in the corridor those in the queue were waiting patiently, Ariana had started heading down the line a little at a time sending up anyone who was more of a priority to be seen and offering support to those whose wounds were only superficial.

Freya had seen Ariana head outside, she followed along the line treating the most minor injuries herself. Bumps, scrapes and cuts were easily treated which helped thin out the load a little. In reality she was keeping an eye on Ariana as well, she knew how stubborn she was.

Nurse Valentine wiped the sweat from Hades’ forehead. “O2 Stats reading nominal.”

He gave a nod and he released the clamp allowing the blood to flow. “Decrease automated life support in small increments. I want to make sure his system can handle things.”

She gave a nod and a few codes on the computer panel released his life functions back to the patient. It took a good half an hour to ween him off but he was going to be alright.

Hades sighed. “Alright. Get him to post op and get the next person in here.”

Valentine did as he asked. It wasn’t long before the next patient was on the table. This one was relatively easy. Within the hour he was out and Hades was making rounds helping support the rest of the team.

Meanwhile, in another part of sickbay, Rol was just helping close a light scrap dermal regenerator. He smiled, “All good.”

Ensign Waters smiled. “Thanks Rol.”

Rol smiled back and gave the woman a pat on the shoulder before turning to the other bio bed. The Sickbay was busy but he could see the determination on all the faces of the staff. The EMH was helping and a few other medics had joined. Braxton and Freya were a huge help.

Rol looked over as the doors parted and in walked Kalani helping support another officer. She was bruised and obviously had been in a scuffle. Not wanting to alarm Hades he ushered her into an adjoining room while taking the more seriously wounded officer from her. Braxton took him over while Rol tended to Kalani.

Ariana had done all she could do, her forehead was covered in a layer of perspiration as she stopped to lean on a biobed. Her pains had reached a point where she couldn't ignore them any further.

Freya was passing when she picked up on the pain Ariana was in. She rushed over, offering a supportive smile even though she knew Ariana wasn't due to have her baby yet. "I NEED HELP OVER HERE!!!" She looked around. "Hang in there Ariana. You're in the right place." Freya looked around hoping there was someone else available to help.

"Can I be of any help?" Vox asked, he recognised the lady from a recent visit to sickbay and then remembered her name. " Freya isn't it? " he asked.

Freya looked at Vox surprised. "It is indeed. I need someone to keep Ariana company for a few moments." She looked to Ariana. "If that's okay with you Ariana?"

Ariana nodded. Right now she was trying to concentrate on breathing her way through her contractions. "Don't you....have a go to Rae?"

"Of course I do but your partner isn't with you and I do think he would appreciate it if I kept you company till he could be here with you. Thinking about Lerani's experience, I don't want you to be alone." Vox replied.

Ariana smiled and nodded before grasping the biobed she was stood by as she doubled up in pain.

Vox reached over and held her hand. He hoped he was doing the right thing.

Ariana squeezed Rae's hand, she just hoped she wasn't hurting him.

Hades had just exited the OR and was changing gowns when Rol came in. "It's Ariana..."

Hades motioned for Harris to take his place in the OR and arrived at Ariana's side with Braxton in tow. Braxton had picked up a tricorder. "She's in labour."

Hades, who'd run out of patients turned to him. "You think? Very medical call."

Braxton rolled his eyes.

Hades sighed. "Get her into delivery one. Call Carolyn in when she's done with her patient."

Ariana looked at Hades. "Can Vox come too...please! And I...need find Cameron!!"

"I am happy to be with you Ariana but when Cameron arrives I won't get in the way." Vox commented.

"Trust me..." Ariana clung to Vox's hand. "You are not in the way!!"

Vox smiled and held her hand.

"Fine." Hades sent Rol to find Cameron.

The moment patients flooded in , Anna was kept busy with patients. She and her team worked diligently on broken bones and surgeries that were minor compared to what some of the others were doing.

She felt the pain of every patient and was relieved that she could help them in some way. It was when a young child was brought to her, with both legs broken, sobbing her eyes out that Anna felt a crack in her demeanor.

“Where are her parents,”’ she whispered to the orderly who shook his head silently. Anna figured the child was more a toddler, not much over the age of two or three. She gave her something for pain and went to work, helping the girls bones. It would be a few days before she felt better. Anna made a mental note to check up on her. But for now she had to move on to the next injured.

The hours were long and agonizing. The fight on the station had not left sickbay untouched. There were things that were missing, some equipment that didn't work but his staff found a way to make it work. The doctors from various docked ships had trickled in and soon the doctors and nurses out numbered all those that needed care. Everyone was looked after and watching this it brought a tear to Hades' eyes.

There was a moments reprieve from the wounded and he could see that his staff was tired and that some had begun to resemble the walking dead. Hades sat in his office looking over the various reports. The door hissed open and he looked up. "Nurse Valentine. How are you?"

She smiled, "Tired like the rest but good. I came to check on you, Sir."

Hades shrugged. "What can I say." He handed her the reports. "Any news on the Franklin?"

She shook her head taking the PADDs. "No sir."

He sighed. "Keep trying. Get the staff together in the medical briefing room for me."

She gave a nod and headed to call the staff he was referring to. She personally spoke with, Freya, Rol, Braxton, Carolyn, Anna, Catherina, Tameara, Kisha and all those who had played a huge part in the last hours.

Medical Briefing Room

Rol and Braxton were the first to slide into the seats. Harris and Valentine dropped like lead weights into their seats. Hades sat at the head sipping his cup of coffee waiting for the rest to gather. He wanted to check on Ariana and he would after this quick chat with the staff.

Freya had seen Ariana into the delivery room before quickly heading back to her Quarters to change out of her gear and into fresh clothing. Joining the meeting she grabbed herself a nice cup of hot chocolate before settling into a seat next to Braxton smiling as she did so.

Doctors Romaine and Ventar were both exhausted. It had been a difficult and long day. Tameara went for the tea and Kisha went straight to the coffee, black. They sat or more like, sank into their seats. Kisha closed her eyes while waiting for the others to arrive.

The last to arrive, Corrigan and Mendez sat themselves on the edge of the table in the back of the room.

Once everyone was seated Hades looked around. "When I look around this room I see tired, weary, anxious people. I also see a team of the finest officers in the fleet. You all saved a lot of lives today. I know you are tired and I know it's been unending but every family who has loved one is returning to them is grateful. I am grateful to have you all here. I'm putting in a special recommendation for recognition for each and every staff member here. Today you have been tested and it's far from over but I wanted to take this lull to thank you personally. That being done," he said sitting up. "Let's get through a quick update from each of you." He left the floor open to whoever wanted to speak first.

Freya looked around before speaking. “I guess my side of things is the easiest to get out of the way.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Patients have all been successfully triaged and the last of the stragglers have been told where they need to be.” She offered a brief smile.

The rest of the staff sauntered in.

“Critical surgeries are complete, so we are now assessing to estimate when those in need of follow up procedures will be ready,” Carolyn added from the back. “OR4 took some damage and will be out of use until further notice but it shouldn’t be a major issue.”

Valentine spoke up next. "The nurses have been divided and are making regular rounds. We have a few on rest that will come and relieve the tired. I've had the burse Cadets paired up with the more advanced staff. Franklin is still MIA."

Hades sighed. "Okay." His voice was quiet. He knew where Franklin was but he'd keep that to himself for now.

Dr. Romaine stood up, "We were able to help a lot of people today but there are some who will be needing counseling to come to terms with what they've gone through. The next few days will be challenging for them." It was the reality of war. She sat down.

Kisha stood up, "Surgeries went well. Everyone came together, leaving their egos at home. We did lose a few so please keep them in your prayers and thoughts." She herself was trying to cope with the two she lost in surgery. She exhaled as she sat down.

Hades gave a nod. "Alright Things are settling so take advantage of the quiet. Get some rest, finish up some follow up surgeries and I want to have the cadets helping me put the sickbay back in order. Dismissed." He looked at Carolyn and Valentine. "I want to see you two in two hours in my office."



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