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Why Didn't You Tell Me

Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2019 @ 2:24pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Christopher Bremer & General Janice Fultian-Bremer

582 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Level 706, Post-OR Recovery Room 2
Timeline: MD 1 - 1310hrs


Janice was awake and she looked over at Mike who was sitting in the chair beside her, pulled close so he could hold her hand. Christopher was laying on the couch over to the side. He was asleep, he'd been through a lot.

Mike had been reading over a PADD with updates on the station's damage reports, updates from other starbases that had been attacked, Starfleet and Klingon tactical reports, and other news from Starfleet Command. He'd set the PADD down when Janice woke up.

"How are you feeling?" Mike asked.

"I'm okay." She tried to smile, "Head hurts a little. I'm not sure if it's the concussion, those...ugly curtains, or his snoring." Janice replied with a smile. She tried to laugh, but the pain wouldn't let her.

"Doctor give you pain meds?" Mike asked.

Janice nodded, "Yeah, they're helping."

Mike leaned back. "Why didn't you tell me you were wounded?'

"I didn't want to worry you." She tried to smile. "What's going to happen now?"

"Damage control and repairs are underway, but looking at the initial reports it's going to be weeks before the station it back up to one hundred percent. We fared a lot better that DS6 or Beta Antares Fleet Yards." Mike paused. "I'm sure the Federation Council as well as the Klingons, Chakilians, and Cardassians will file formal decorations of war too. On a side note, the Miradorn have joined the Typhon Pact too." Mike explained.

"Nearly every major and minor power in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants are involved." Janice said.

Mike nodded. "We also have trouble with the Dominion."

"The Dominion?" Janice asked.

"When the Pact attacked DS9 they destroyed a Dominion Battleship, killing a couple of Founders. Now the Dominion want revenge." Mike explained.

"Can't say I blame them." Janice said.

"Not at all, but if they become an active combatant it'll push the Cardassians away, and their government has already said Dominion forces enter the Alpha Quadrant they will seek a separate peace with the Pact." Mike explained. "Odo said he'll keep his forces in the Gamma Quadrant for now, and the Federation is planning a diplomatic mission."

"What about counter attacks?" Janice asked as she yawned.

"In the early planning stages mostly, but one is already being prepared." Mike replied.

Janice yawned again. "Have you heard from Becca or K'Wor?"

"Becca is fine, still at the Denobulan Medical Institute finishing her medical courses. K'Wor and the USS Yuzhao are currently on patrol between Taurus and Hethas and hasn't seen any action." Mike replied.

Christopher woke up, saw his mom was awake, and got up to hug her. Janice smiled big as they hugged.

"Are you okay?" Christopher asked.

"I will be. I should be home tomorrow or the day after." Janice replied.

"Can you help me with my homework?" Christopher asked.

"You have homework? Why didn't you tell me?" Mike asked his son.

Christopher looked away, and his parents knew the answer was yes.

"No one tells me anything." Mike said with a smile.

Janice yawned again.

"Come on, get your homework and you can do it in my office. Give your mother time to sleep and rest." Mike said.

Janice nodded. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

Christopher gave his mother another hug, then Mike kissed his wife. "Call if you need me. I'll be back tonight."

Janice smiled as she got comfortable and watched Mike and Christopher leave before she closed her eyes to sleep.



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