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Assault Pt2

Posted on Fri Sep 27th, 2019 @ 8:02pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Paul MacLeod & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Lieutenant Heath Carter & Lieutenant Karl Ballard & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Ensign Vortek & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Corporal Nas & Private 1st Class T'ork & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & First Ramata`tar & Commander Robert Stark & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Brigadier General Kaden Ross & Camron Wayne & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & Splendora Sage & Ensign Robert Harper & Sergeant Calthier & Crumm Widdy & Sa K`Vada & Gul Mavek

4,365 words; about a 22 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 0850hrs


Section A1 – Level 108 - Promenade

Vox was sat in the shelter. He wasn't too keen on the situation but there was little he could do about it. He pulled back the sleeve on his shirt to reveal his wrist communicator which he used to keep in contact with his personal ship, Tamaran. He wasn't sure he could contact the ship or not in the current situation but he decided to try.

=^= Tenaran, are you receiving? =^=

=^= Hello Rae, my sensors have detected an emergency situation aboard Starbase 400. Shall I implement security protocols and put myself into lockdown? =^=

=^= Good to hear from you Tenaran. Yes, implement security protocols and engage lockdown but disable lockdown on communications so we can maintain contact if needed.=^=

=^= Understood. Stay safe Rae. =^=

=^= Likewise Tenaran. =^=

Nearby, Liam O'Connor ensured his aunt and uncle were settled as the shelter filled to capacity. He had been on his way back to the bar when the orders came through and had just followed the crowd. Thankfully, his aunt was always an easy woman to find and already had struck up an ear bending conversation with several other people she seemed to know.

For his part, the former marine could not be so relaxed. In the past he would have been where Kaden Ross was. Armed and ready to fight. Now he was a civilian. Having to wait with the crowds for the all clear. He hadn't planned to listen in on the conversation, but his curiosity was piqued nevertheless.

"If you don't mind me askin," he began, his Irish accent thick as he looked to Vox, "who's Tenaran?"

Vox turned to the gentleman. "Oh, Tenaran is the AI of my personal ship which is one of the main shuttle bays. I gave her extra intelligence and personality to make it easier to communicate with her. I am Raekwon Vox, owner of the Serenity Gallery on the promenade, please call me Rae. "

"Liam O'Connor," Liam replied with an easy smile, "my aunt and uncle run Kitty O'Shea's - the Irish bar on the far side of the promenade? Call me Liam."

"Hello Liam" Vox replied.

Ariana was strolling around making sure everyone was alright, she was the only one of the Senior officers not to be in Ops or off around the station. There wasn't much a seven month pregnant woman could do given the situation so here she was trying to act reassuring when she was just as scared as everyone else. She was wishing she had a comfy seat and her cushion as her back was aching too.

Vox noticed the pregnant lady. Vox got off the chair he was in "Madam, would you like this chair? You appear to need it more than me. " He said offering her the chair.

Ariana smiled warmly as she looked at Vox. "That's very kind of you,." She didn't want to appear rude so she took the seat being offered.

"Ariana, right?" Liam said, trying to remember all the names of people Carolyn had introduced him to following the wedding ceremony. The woman had stuck in his mind as he remembered wondering how she had survived in the heat of the holodeck at the time. Plus he had noticed during the ceremony that she had been seated next to Kaden Ross and his wife. "Can I get you a water or anything?"

"A juice would go down a treat thank you Liam" Ariana smiled. "It looks like we might all be here a while so we'd best make the most of it." She looked at Vox. "I don't think we've met before, I'm Ariana Monroe, Chief Counsellor."

"Hello Counselor, I am Raekwon Vox, owner of the Serenity Gallery on the promenade, please call me Rae. " Vox replied with his usual smile.

Having disappeared during the introductions, Liam returned, glass in hand. "A drink for the lovely lady... I also spied some amazing desserts in the back if you get hungry," he added with a mischievous smile.

"Don't tempt me!" Ariana couldn't help but grin at the thought of desserts. "I eat like a horse!" She looked towards Vox. "It's nice to meet you Rae." She took a sip of her juice before cradling the glass. "It feels strange to be in the shelter during an emergency, I'm used to being with the other senior officers but in my condition I'm too much of a liability on the bridge, so I thought I'd help out here." She looked around at those gathered, families sitting together, children being cuddled by their parents, those on their own and all helping each other in this time of uncertainty. "It makes a change to see what it's like from the other side so-to-speak. I always sense how everyone feels, now I'm experiencing the whole evacuation and wait from a new point of view." She sipped her juice again.

“Times like this I actually miss being a marine,” Liam confessed. “Sitting around waiting has never been my best quality.”

“In that case I’m going to enlist your help. If anything happens and we have to move people elsewhere I’ll need your help to keep people calm and moving. Being part of the senior staff means it’d be my responsibility to make sure everyone is kept safe. I’m obviously not going to be able to run around and the marines will have their hands full if we get any boarders.”

Liam grinned, appreciating the effort to make him feel useful in a useless situation. "Consider it done."

"Is there anything I can do? " Vox asked.

"Sorry Vox!" Ariana smiled. "Of course! I can use all the help I can get. The one thing you don't think of when you get pregnant is how vulnerable it makes you, it gives me more of an understanding of how these people feel when in these shelters. For now all we can do is keep everyone calm and reassured, I'm hoping we don't get boarded but who knows what might happen."

"Indeed. It has been a long time since I was pregnant. Well not me as in Rae, you understand. My first and second hosts, Lerani and Azrel were both female and both were mothers. Lerani had a son, Tomran and Azrel had twin daughters Lenya and Reya. Rae is my fifth host so it has been a while. " Vox replied.

"Of course, you're a joined Trill." Ariana grinned. "I thought I sensed a duality about you. It must be strange for a symbiont to go from male to female hosts during a lifespan. Even stranger for the new host."

"It can be. But thats part of the fun of it all I guess. I would imagine that Joined Trills like myself make interesting patients for Counsellors." Vox said with a wink.

Ariana grinned. "My first ever joined Trill patient was an experience and a half, it's a strange sensation to feel duality in someone only to find they have a case similar to multiple personalities without being insane! I learned a lot from that patient."

"I think my first wife definitely had multiple personalities," Liam commented with a wry smile. "And possibly the second...huh."

Vox laughed out loud at Liam's comment. "I recently read an old novel from Earth that had a theme of dual personality but this was chemically induced, Jekyll and Hyde. "

Ariana grinned. "Oh yes! The ultimate in multiple personalities. I'm certainly glad they don't really manifest as another person!!"

"Quite. A good book but I agree with you in that they don't appear in reality. I wonder what is going on outside the shelter. " Vox replied.

Ariana looked towards the doors. “I wish I knew! There’s so much emotion in here it’s overwhelming my senses. I can’t sense what’s going on outside of here. Maybe we should make sure people are well away from the doors just in case anything should happen?”

"Good idea. We might also want to create a barrier around the doors for added protection in the event we are boarded and we get un-invited persons trying to get in here. " Vox replied.

“Good idea Vox” Ariana smiled warmly. “Can I put you in charge of that? Grab as many able bodies as you can to give you a hand.”

"Sure, I will get right on it. " Vox replied. He stood up and went over to the doors to see how much would be needed to form a barricade. Using some of the engineering skills from Vox's third host, Torbin, he made some rough mental calculations and then headed back to the group. "OK, I need some volunteers to help me gather around six tables and a dozen or so chairs to form a barricade around the doors to help protect us in the, hopefully, unlikely event we get boarded and they come here. " He announced.

Three men stood up. Tom, Zuna and Lenny. "We will help" Lenny replied, speaking for the three of them.

"Great. " Vox replied. The four got to work and within 20 minutes they had assembled the barricade.

Vox headed over to Ariana " How's that?" He asked.

Getting up to stretch her legs and get a little exercise Ariana had a look at the barricade. “I’d say that’s a job well done! I guess all we can do now is wait.”

No sooner had she said it then the station shook as the outside forces started their assault, causing a mumble and a few screams of fear from some of those gathered in the shelter.

"Indeed. Not something I like doing at the best of times. Do we know anything about the attacking forces? " Vox asked.

Ariana shook her head. “Under normal circumstances, I’d have been with rest of the senior staff but as I am I’d just be in the way. When the alarm sounded I came straight here to help. There is one way to find out though.” She tapped her comm badge. =/\= Monroe to Ops, what’s our status?” =/\=

Section E1 - Engineering - Level 1900

Solomon managed to hold on to the turbolift as he endured a very bumpy ride to Main Engineering from Ops. He managed to stay stable as he made his way into Main Engineering, holding on to a nearby rail as the station shook from more hits fired by the enemy forces attacking the station.

"Report!" he called out as he made his way over to the main command station to see how things were looking.

"Shields are taking a pounding, Commander, we've re-routed power from the backup reactors to shore up Primary Shielding, however, the station is also taking a pounding on the Docking Ring as well," reported Quan.

Solomon took a read of the various sitreps coming in from the Damage Control teams dotted around the Docking Ring and could see that Team Delta was working hard on getting the Docking Bay doors open as soon as they could.

"Ok, Damage Control Team Delta is working getting the Docking Bay doors open, leave them on that," he said as he organised the situation. "Damage Control Teams Echo, Foxtrot and Golf, get down to the Shield Generators on level 1950, make sure that they stay online, whatever you have to do, do it! Damage Control Teams Sierra, Tango, Uniform get down to the Primary Reactors and make sure that the power distribution stays even, we must make sure that power to the Shields stays up!"

Solomon held on once again as the deck shuddered from another impact and ducked as a nearby wall panel exploded and sparked from the resultant power overload. "Quan, put that fire out and make sure that the backup EPS relay gets re-routed!" he yelled above the din.

He looked around at the other personnel working at various stations and could see that they were all armed as per Red Alert protocols. Whilst it was something that Solomon didn't like having to do, he was glad that at a time like this, he was armed and ready in case of an enemy incursion on board.

As Quan went over to take the readings and begin working away, Solomon looked around Main Engineering and quietly said to his console "Come on 400, stay together, we can get through this..."

As he looked up from the console, another larger impact rocked Main Engineering, one that Solomon didn't like the feel of. He pulled up a readout of the various areas of the station that were taking damage and noticed that there were Romulan Warbirds and Krazzle Battleships concentrating their fire on the dorsal section of the station.

Solomon slammed his hand on a nearby comm button. "Damage Control Teams Echo, Foxtrot and Golf, get the Shield Generators on level 1950 running and make sure that they are running at full power, enemy forces are concentrating fire there... whatever you have to do, do it!" he ordered, holding on as another impact shook the deck.

Section A1 - Level 1 – Ops

"We have a problem," K'Temoc said. He tapped a few buttons on the holo-display and it zoomed in on the Station's bay doors. There, a couple of Romulan Scorpion Class Attack Flyers were trying to seal the bay doors with their disruptors. "Even if we get the bay door's locking mechanisms free, we may not be able to get any ships out."

"I have an idea." Bremer said as he tapped in a few commands on the display. “Bremer to Mac, listen closely…”

A moment later Ops shook.

"Admiral, dorsal shields are offline! Two d'Deridex Type Warbirds and a Krazzle Tigris Class battleship destroyed one of our shield emitters and overloaded two others. I'm trying to compensate!" Archer reported from one of the Engineering/Operations stations.

"Get the shields back up!" Bremer ordered

Suddenly figures started to beam into Ops and in other locations across the Administrative Levels including near Sick Bay and in the Promenade. Romulans, Remans, Klingon, Gorn, and Krazzle warriors.

"Intruder alert!" Bremer yelled as he drew his phaser.

T'Lar pulled her weapon as well, her adrenalin rushing in.

Hearing him yell Lee spun around standing up as he drew his phaser aiming for the first Gorn that he saw firing.

Section D1 - Docking Bay - Levels 131-540

Zeke wasted little time getting to the docking bays. The station was continuing to take weapons fire. He could hear the barrage of weapons fire, from inside the ship. "There is a lot of ships here, did the virus affect the auto navigation computers of the station?" He asked, hoping he could pilot them remotely out of the area. Before Mac had a chance to speak, a few enemy troops beamed into the area.

“Shit!” Mac said as he dove to avoid being hit by weapons fire. He drew his phaser and retuned fire. “The virus was isolated to the docking systems.” Mac yelled back to Zeke as his phaser’s beam hit a Reman.

Zeke managed to take cover as well, two Remans, were targeting him. They were keeping him pinned down, for the moment. Zeke was waiting to get a clear shot, when he heard Mac call out to him. "Yes it is, Sir. How can we use that to our advantage?" He asked, as he started to open fire. His main focus was to keep the two Remans at bay.

"No idea." Mac replied as a disruptor blast hit the wall beside him.

Mac looked around then tapped his commbadge. “MacLeod to Vanguard, beam me aboard and beam Commander Bagwell to his ship as well!”

Zeke prepared to beam over to his ship. It was time, to take the fight to the enemy. They needed to take some of the heat off the Station.

Section E1 - Engineering - Level 1900

Solomon ducked as a shower of sparks suddenly erupted from engineering panel above him whilst the deck shook with a more violent impact than previously and as he checked the readouts, he could see that the Dorsal Shields of the Station had failed. He could also hear the Intruder Alert klaxon sounding as the internal sensors registered enemy signatures beaming onto the station.

"Dammit!" he cursed as he could see that the local power junctions were not re-routing the required power flow. Looking across at the nearby officers working away. "Robinson, give me a hand!" he called out as he pulled open a nearby panel and started scanning the systems before him with a tricorder. Robinson came over with a toolkit and stood ready as Solomon scanned the area. Once he figured out what was going on, Solomon made a decision.

"Robinson, I need you and Shrok to head down two levels and start shunting power through the Auxiliary power flow regulators, you need to get power through to Junction 347b, section Epsilon. Once that Junction path is set, power will get to the backup Dorsal Sheild Generators, do you understand?" Solomon asked as he realised what he was asking them to do.

"Aye sir, We're on our way," Robinson confirmed as Shrok joined him and the two of them left Engineering. Seeing them Shrok armed with a Phaser Rifle left Solomon in knowing terms that the Andorian Engineer understood what they may face. Solomon returned to his station and slammed the comm panel.

"Engineering to Ops, Admiral, I've got people working on the Dorsal Shield Failure, one more miracle coming up," he reported.

“Keep me informed!” Bremer replied as he fired at another Reman.

Section A1 – Level 108 - Promenade

Ariana had just been getting a rest before the station shook as the weapons fire started, there were cries from panicked civilians and children which was understandable. She looked towards the shelter doors where their self made barricade was hoping that, should the worst come to the worst it would help keep borders out.

“Try not to worry, the marines know what they are doing,” Liam offered the counsellor, following her gaze.

Vox looked deeply at the baracaide feeling the station shake from weapons fire. He looked around for anything he could use for defence if it came to it.

Looking around Ariana did what she had to do to try and keep people calm. "Everyone! Please...try and stay calm. We're well protected in here, there are marines right outside. Lets try and keep calm and as quiet as we can. Thank you." She sat down wishing right now she had Cameron there with her.

Outside Kaden and his Marines huddled behind their barricades feeling the station shake and rumble around them. He watched a couple of his Marines pause to look at the pictures of their loved ones which caused him to think of Freya and how he wished she was with him. Kaden wanted her so badly to be inside the shelter he was guarding with Ariana. But she had her job to do and he had his lifting the gauntlet on his suit he pressed a button opening a channel to ops. =/\= "Capatin Ross to Admiral Bremer, Shelter 2B is secured and all civilians are safely tucked in. But with the entire station shaking it has some of my people on edge and possibly some the folks in the shelter do we need to consider evacuation protocol?" =/\= He asked clearly concerned about the safety of his people and those in the shelter it was his duty to look after them after all but he hoped things wasn't getting that bad yet.

“Negative. Mike replied. “Any transports or pods would be easy picking for those ships. We’ll have to make our stand here.” Bremer replied over the comm.

Offices of Intergalactic Mechanics Promenade

Cameron felt the station shake and though he knew he could not really do much of anything it did not stop him from watching what was unfolding on the sensors. After all watching was about all he was able to do. He was confident that starfleet would come out on top in this fight and only really hoped that ariana would come out of this without any trouble. He did not quite realize it but she had become a very large part of his life and he would move heaven and hell if it ment getting her safe.

Section A1 – Level 108 - Promenade

Freya had left the marine contingent that was helping with the Sickbay moves, there were plenty of medics and doctors there should anyone need one. Instead she headed to the promenade to join Kaden's unit outside the civilian shelter, they didn't have a medic with them and with boarders fast boarding the station she needed to be where her medical skills might be needed. As she reached the barricade she crouched down at Kaden's side. "Petty Officer Ross reporting in Sir!" She smiled.

Kaden was glad to see Freya but he didn't exactly feel comfortable with her being there. As the thought of her careless actions got her hurt when dealing with the Remans still fresh on his mind. "Petty Officer, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"There are reports of boarders Captain, you might need a medic down here especially with the civilians and Ariana in there!" She motioned to the shelter but her words were cut short as hostiles started appearing on the promenade.

The woman had a point but the sight of hostiles appearing off in the distance still made him uneasy she was there with him a little. Not taking his eyes off the enemies Kaden picked up a helmet and handed it to his wife. "Petty Officer, fix your hair and put this bucket on." He told her before taking aim.

"Aye Sir!" Freya quickly sorted her hair and put the helmet on, with being in Sickbay hers had gotten left behind. She looked at her husband as she pulled her weapon ready as well, she could sense he had feelings about her presence but now definitely wasn't the time to talk about it. "There's a LOT more hostiles than that!" She looked straight ahead as she spoke. "I can feel them, they must be boarding in multiple locations!"

Inside the shelter Ariana was sensing the arrival of the uninvited guests as well. She looked at Vox and Liam, she didn't want to alarm anyone in the shelter so she kept her voice low. "We've been boarded, I can feel them."

Vox turned to Ariana. "I don't know how well the barricade will hold, to be honest. Is there anything here we can use for defence if the worst happens?" he asked.

Ariana looked around. "To be honest, I'm not sure. Do we have any emergency weapons storage down here?

"I don't really know to be honest. " he thought for a moment and then in an attempt to make light of the situation he added " Although there are some hefty looking pans in the kitchen we could use to batter the attacking forces if needs be." he said.

“Or we could start throwing the tiramisu,” Liam piped up, “but in case dessert doesn’t work, I’ll go see if there is something that may be more useful.”

Elsewhere on the Promenade, Lennox’s team was sweeping through the upper levels when they ran head on into a group of Remans, Krazzle, Klingons, and Gorn.

“This isn’t going to end well.” Ermy said as he took up a defensive position.

“Lieutenant, take a squad, cut through there,” he pointed at a shop on the left, “and see if you can out flank them.” Lennox ordered.

Taz nodded. “Sseccond ssquad on me.”

“Sergeant Agtx, take the right, Ermy left. No one shoot until I do. Corporal Nas, set up a low level damping field so they can’t detect us but, subtle enough so they don’t know their scanners are being blocked.” Lennox orders as he took position in a doorway.

The Marines quickly got into position and waited. As the boarding party approached they scanned the area but kept moving forward. Lennox let the first few pass him before he fired his first shot and dropped a Krazzle warrior. Then all hell opened up. His Marines opened fired and at first the attackers were confused but they quickly fell back and returned fire.

“Nas as be hit!” A Private called our as a corpsman rushed forward.

Agtx moved up and gave cover fire. Ermy sent three men forward as well, but they were quickly cut down by disruptor fire from a group of Klingons.

Lennox then heard weapons fire coming from behind him, it was Federation phasers.

“Tazz to Lennoxx, we rran into a prroblem. Anotherr grroup of Rremans werre prreparring to sset of an explossive. We’ve dissabled it and are engaging them.”

Three Klingons and several Krazzle rushed forward toward the Marines. One Klingon managed to knock Agtx’s rifle from his hand as they fought. As the Klingon tried to stab the big Gorn Sergeant, Agtx grabbed his handle and leaned in a bit the Klingon’s shoulder, ripped the flesh and muscle from the bone, then tossed him aside.

“Sir, do you hear that? Behind the boarders!” Sergeant Calthier asked.

“Lennox looked at the Caitian for a moment.” Cardassian phasers?

Several boarders fell as they were hit in the back before the remaining troops beamed out. Lennox slowly stood and tried to looked through the smoke and vapor that filed the air. Finally a handful of Cardassians stepped forward led by Gul Mavek, the Station’s Cardassian Liaison Officer.

“I’ve never been happy to see a Cardassian before until now.” Lennox said with a smirk.

Mavek also smirked. “Commander Tamarith has her Romulan Republic troops sweeping the next level up, General K’Vada’s Klingons are on the level above them.” Mavek explained. “We’re going to move up another level now.”

Lennox noted then made notes on his tricorder.

“Sir, we have five dead, eight wounded.” Ermy reported.

“Get the wounded to Sick Bay. We’re going down a level, let’s move.” Lennox said as he checked his rifle’s power.



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