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Securing The Children

Posted on Sat Sep 21st, 2019 @ 3:06am by Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Brandon McNamara & Raivyn T'Lar

521 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Pike's Quarters, Level 800 Classrooms
Timeline: MD1 0825hrs

Alex watched her husband leave and as he was going, Deela was coming with her two kids in tow. After dropping off the kids, Alex shook her head. She now had all four kids to be responsible for. She had no clue what the yellow alert was about but she was sure it couldn't be good.

The kids played together as Alex began to make them something to eat. Brandon watched Alex fix their lunch, "I like mayonnaise, lots of mayonnaise."

Alex smiled, "Lots? Okay, I'll be sure to pile it on." Alex took a large spoon and dipped it into the mayonnaise and dumped a bunch of it on his sandwich. Brandon's eyes widened, "Not that much Auntie Alex."

Alex laughed, "Auntie Alex?" She scraped off the mayonnaise, "You've never called me that before."

Brandon shrugged, "We don't have any family here and since we spend a lot of time here, I figured I'd make you my aunt." Brandon evilly grinned, "Unless you want me to call you, Grandma Alex."

Alex laughed again, "No, I'll take Auntie." She put a little of the mayonnaise on his nose. He rolled his eyes.

She gathered the kids and sat them at the table. They had begun to eat when the red alert klaxon went off. Alex stood up quickly, "Kids. We need to go."

Brandon knew what a red alert meant and he was scared for the first time, "What about Earl? We need to get him!

Alex forgot about him, "We can't, there's no time. We have to get to a safe spot."

"I'm not going without Earl." Brandon knew that Earl would protect them. Alex didn't want to but she gave in.

Alex grabbed her phaser and then they all left and went to Deela's quarters and got Earl. They would have gone to the promenade but she knew that it would be full. Alex knew of one place the school. She had made a few changes to it for this very situation, "Brandon, let's go to the school. We'll be safe there."

So they all made their way to the school. Along the way, they ran into a few non personnel people looking for a place to go. She had them join her and the kids, knowing that the school was safe. People were weary of Earl but she assured them that he was as tame as a domesticated dog.

Once they arrived, there were a few others waiting there as well. One person she knew greeted her, "I'm so glad you made it. I thought that maybe you would of gone on duty."

"This is my duty, keeping our kids safe." She looked around for a moment, "It's just a waiting game now."

"Well I feel safe knowing that we have an experienced person here. Now, what can I do?"

Alex began to assign everyone something or someone to take care of. Brandon helped as well.

"I'm scared." Brandon confessed to Alex.

Alex hugged him, "Me too. We'll be okay." She was still worried herself but she couldn't show it. She had to be strong for the children.


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