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Assault Pt1

Posted on Fri Sep 20th, 2019 @ 8:50pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Paul MacLeod & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Colonel Danny Lennox & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Karl Ballard & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & First Ramata`tar & Commander Robert Stark & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant Commander Peter Garabaldi & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell & Brigadier General Kaden Ross & Lieutenant JG Octceann AmHain & Camron Wayne & Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel & Splendora Sage & Savok & Crumm Widdy
Edited on on Thu Oct 24th, 2019 @ 1:44pm

7,737 words; about a 39 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 0820hrs


Mike sat in his office looking over the latest intel report from the Typhon Pact’s fleet training. It didn’t sit right with him. With the members of the Pact having expelled all Federation Alliance citizens and Ambassadors from their borders and recalling their own, the scent of war was in the air.

“Admiral Bremer, please report to Ops.” The voice sounded concerned.

Mike walked out of his office and into Ops. Petty Officer de Luca was working at the Communications station. “Admiral, I’m getting some odd comm traffic from K’Vak Station within Klingon space. They mention ships were spotted crossing into Klingon space from Romulan territory before the channel went out.”

Mike walked over, standing between Tactical One and Communications. “Commander Roebuck can you confirm?”

“Now I’m getting a similar message from the Cardassian station of Korvac Nor.” Petty Officer de Luca added.

Mike tapped his commbadge. “Ops to Draven. Lek, are you getting reports of Romulan ships crossing into Klingon and Cardassian territories?”

“We did, but subspace channels have gone dark. We’re also having trouble receiving data from several sensor arrays along the Neutral Zone.” Draven replied.

“We’ve lost contact with three sensor arrays that monitor the Federation border with the Triangle now.” Lieutenant Roebuck reported from Tactical Two.

“Sir I’ve just lost contact with DS9, SB99, DS14, DS7, DS6, SB247, and Beta Antares Fleet Yards!” Petty Officer de Luca reported nervously.

“Yellow alert.” Bremer ordered. “All senior officers report to Ops.”

“Admiral, we have another problem. Docking Control just went offline. Archer reported from the Engineering/Operations station as he walked over to the Docking Control station and typed in commands. “No response and overrides are not working.”

Without hesitation Peter grabbed his jacket off the chair and headed to Ops. First time since he had been restored to life. He was being sent in to battle. This time he would be coming home.

Heading over to the security station on the Ops deck.

Upon hearing the alert, Admiral T'Lar quickly gathered up her kids and dropped them off at Pike's quarters. In haste, she made her way to OPS.

Lee had just finished putting his uniform on and was about to head for the office when he got the yellow alert, he kissed Alex and the kids bye before heading out the door.

Lt. Commander Croesus quickly made for OPS, tapping his comm badge to receive data and dispense orders."Ops teams get to all docking bays and implement manual mooring protocols ASAP."

He then signed into his console of operations to see where he was best needed for his team. Supporting the engineering teams was where he was needed most.

K’Temoc arrived and typed in commands on the holographic display in the center of Ops. “Ops to Draven, relay tactical data from the CiC here.”

Having been several decks down from Ops, it didn't take Solomon long to make his way there and once he arrived, he had a gut feeling that there was something bad coming on the horizon. He made his way to the Engineering Station and started checking the reports that were coming on. Once he read about the comms issues, Solomon started trying to work on figuring out what was stopping communications between the other starbases and space stations.

Ramata’tar arrived in Ops as well and took up a defensive position between the tactical stations.

“Someone is trying to access the station’s senors and shut them down!” MacLeod reported from the Strategic Operations / Intelligence station as he took a seat.

Mike looked around, everyone was busy. “Deela, lock them out!” He knew his Executive Officer had science experience as well as the necessary command level codes, and being part Vulcan wouldn’t hurt.

T’Lar nodded and began to do so, her fingers flying over the console panel and working as fast as she could. Whoever was accessing the sensors was good but she was better. With her knowledge along with skill, she managed to do so before the enemy could complete his or her task. She announced with Vulcan-like confidence, "Lock out successful."

“Admiral, Deep Space Nine has managed to cut through whatever is jamming comms.” Commander Roebuck reported as he leaned over his brother’s shoulder at Tactical Two, having given up his seat at Tactical One to Garabaldi. “Audio only.”

“Let’s hear it.” Bremer replied.

“DS9 to any Federation or Federation Alliance ship or station, we’re under attack by Typhon Pact forces. Romulan, Gron, Krazzle, Kziniti, and Breen ships. Three ships that were docked have been destroyed as well as one of the Dominion ships that are here for a conference. Defiant damaged and the station is taking heavy fire…” Sisko’s voice trailed off then went to static.

“I’ve lost contact.” De Luca said as the channel closed.

“I’m picking up similar brief messages from SB99, DS7, DS6, and SB247. I’ve not heard anything from DS14 and Beta Antares Fleet Yards.” Draven said over the comm.

Then nearly every station is Ops started to beep.

“Sensors are detecting ships inbound!” Lieutenant Roebuck reported.

“I’m also picking up multiple ships decloaking!” Commander Roebuck added. "Romulan Empire and a few Klingon ships...identified as what's left of the Opposition Forces from the last Klingon civil war."

“Mike, sensors are showing nearly one hundred ships bearing down on us. Romulan, Krazzle, Gorn, Tzenkethi, Klingon, and Son'a as well as dozens of Order fighters.” K’Temoc reported as he typed in commands on the holographic display. Starbase 400 sat in the middle as the enemy fleet approached.

T'Lar stood up and looked over at Bremer as she cursed under her breath. She new what was coming next.

“Red alert, all hands to battle stations!” Mike said over the comm. “Jackson, I want Marines in all vital areas. Garabaldi get security teams on all decks. Commander Roebuck, initiate Action Plan Bravo-Two. Get all civilians to designated shelters and lock down all non-vital decks and areas.”

"Aye sir" He sent the note to the duty desks, with the instructions. He knew what was happening, officers were reporting, being issued phaser weapons, armor, a first aid kit and sent out to prepared strongpoints. Notices went out to get any civilians to shelters. One of his deputies would escort Maria and Roberto to the shelter.

“Aye sir.” Commander Roebuck nodded as he tapped his comm-badge as he walked into the turbolift to his right. “Lieutenant Ballard, Ensigns Krall and Harper meet me on deck...” The turbolft doors closed behind him.

“Sir, we still can’t override the locked of the docking controls. All of our support ships are locked inside the internal bay.” Archer reported.

“Mac, Bagwell, get to the Docking Bay. See if there’s anything you can do with the bay doors’ manual overrides.” Bremer ordered. He knew engineering wasn’t their expertise, but maybe they could do something. “I’m sending Commander Stark to help as well.”

Mac nodded as he walked to the other turbolift since the one Roebuck used hadn’t returned yet.

Zeke was heard the call to report to the bridge, he left Anna back on the USS Falcon. They had barely arrived back, and now apparently to an emergency. He wasted little time, getting to the command center for the station. He listened in closely, to what was going on. Then he looked at Mac and then at the Admiral. "We're on it Admiral, will contact you, when we have those doors open."

Zeke followed Mac, as they made their way to the turbolift together. Deep in his mind, he wondered how the enemy managed to get the upper hand on the fleet, and on their station. He wondered if this blackout was effecting his ship.

Upon hearing the Admiral's orders, Solomon looked up and realised that with the Docking Bay locked down and with Stark and his team already on their way to the Computer Core area, he needed to make that Damage Control teams were ready and in place for the oncoming assault.

He was also concerned with the fact that the crews onboard the various starships weren't able to leave yet. "Solomon to Damage Control teams Bravo, Charlie and Delta, make your way down to the Docking Bay and start working on ways to get those Starships free."

Chloe heard the red alert Klaxons headed to ops she entered ops and went to work on the docking Bay she called her department staff up to ops to begin the override to the docking bay She called Nathaniel to ops " Im on my Way " he entered ops and asked " what going on Chloe " she looked at the controls " from what I see here the controls have been locked by someone we have no control to the docking bay controls at all "she contacted Commanders Bagwell and Macleod "Ops to Commanders Bagwell and Macleod I am sending ensign Capp and a team of flight control officers to assist you with getting control of the docking bay." she told Bagwell. she then said to Nathaniel " I am sending you with a team of Flight control Officers to assist Commander's Bagwell, Macleod,& stark Commander's Bagwell Stark & Macleod is on Section D1 - Level 155 - Mid-level Computer Core . she said . "you got it I will Contact you once its done "he gave Chloe a kiss and left ops to the mid level Computer he entered the turbolift and said section D1. Chloe told Admiral Bremer " I have sent Ensign capp and a team of experience Flight Control Officers to assist Commander's Bagwell, Macleod and Stark with dockingbay controls on section d1

Section A1 – Level 108 - Promenade

"What's going on?" Tom asked Commander Roebuck as he stepped out of the turbolift.

"Action Plan Bravo-Two has been initiated." Roebuck replied.

Tom's eyes widened. "Explains the red alert. Who's out there?"

"Romulan, Krazzle, Gorn, Tzenkethi, Son'a, and Order ships." Roebuck replied.

"Nearly all Typhon Pact members are represented huh." Tom replied. "You get to the next deck, Vito and I will get things organized here." Tom replied. "My restaurant is one of the two designated shelters for the Promenade anyway."

Roebuck nodded before jumping back into the turbolift.

"Vito!" Tom yelled into the restaurant, "Action Plan Bravo-Two has been initiated, let's get to work."

Vito nodded as he grabbed a bag from the restaurant's office.

Tom walked back in, thankfully it was relatively early and the Promenade wasn't packed with people. He looked around for a moment as Gabe handed him his 'go fast' bag and a phaser rifle. "Vito, work right, Gabe left, let's get everyone into here quickly."

Vito nodded as he energized his phaser. "I'll start with Mister Vox's shop."

Tom then ran down the Promenade to Splendora's shop. As he entered Admiral Bremer's voice came over the comm.

"Attention all hands. All civilians, please report to your designated shelters. Starfleet Security will be coming to help escort you safely there. This is not a drill. Quickly proceed to your designated shelters. All Klingon, Romulan Republic, and Cardassian personnel please report to your commanding officers. All Starfleet personnel please report to your battle stations at once. Again, this is not a drill. Action Plan Bravo-Two has been initiated and everyone must report to their assigned areas immediately."

"Splendora!" Tom yelled.

Splendora ran out of her office. She'd heard the red alert go off. "Tom?"

"Come on, we need to go." Tom replied as he led her to his restaurant. "We've got to get everyone in the Promenade in here. As we bring them, please help keep them calm."

"For sure. You can count on me."

Ariana had been resting when the alert sounded, knowing she'd only be in the way in her condition she headed for the shelters to help out as much as she could. Arriving not far from the restaurant she cautiously made her way through the crowds to where she saw Splendora. "Can I help with getting people inside?"

Splendora gave a nod. "Yes please. Keep everyone calm. Tom just left to get more people here. I'm heading down the promenade to help."

“I’ll do my best!” Ariana nodded and turned her attention to those around her, guiding people slowly to where they needed to be. She had to be cautious herself anyone knocked over in the crowd would be trampled by the rush. She could only hope that Cameron was making his way to safety as well.

Vox heard the announcement. He immediately got everyone out of his gallery, asking them to follow the instructions from Admiral Bremer. He the shut the gallery's large metal doors, ensuring the bolts were securily fastened and then headed to his designated shelter.

With Ariana helping and Splendora's own staff she ventured outside to help direct the crowd. She started pulling in people from other shops. She could feel her blood pumping. It was as if ichor ran through her instead of blood. A calm settled over her.

She had managed to procure a phaser as a just in case. As she ran into the third shop and ran back into Tom. "I want to help." She said before he could giver her a talking to for not staying in the restaurant. "Ariana and my staff have things under control. I want to help you." And she wanted to make sure nothing happened to him.

Tom didn’t argue with Splendora, it wasn’t the time. “Alright, take the left side, make sure all everyone is moving calmly.”

Tom nodded to Damon Zark as he passed by.

Crumm Widdy rounded the corner and stopped to talk to Tom. “What happened?

“Typhon Pact fleet is out there, keep moving.” Tom replied.

“Surely I can…” Tom stopped the Bolian in mid-sentence.

“Make sure everyone is moving to the back and into the secured shelter.” Tom explained as he turned to continue on.

Crumm grabbed Tom shoulder, “But Mister Vercetti…what if we’re boarded?”

Tom paused, it was possible if shields went down. “Well, then let’s get everyone safely there before the shooting starts.” Tom then went farther down the Promenade making sure everyone was moving orderly and quickly.

Crumm stood there for a moment then moved on with the others.

Section H1 - Level 700 – Main Sick Bay

Ensign Harper and two additional security officers walked into Sick Bay. “Doctor Hades.” He said as he looked around.

Hades had come out of the office just as the klaxons sounded. "Yes?"

“I’ve been assigned to get any nonessential personnel to their assigned shelters, including any sick or injured that don’t need to remain here or in any of the other medical facilities.” Harper explained.

Hades gave a nod. "Carolyn prepare the patients for moving. Get all hands here. I need every last one of the staff members here. We're moving them to secure keep. Go!"

“Of course,” Dr Corrigan responded, calling over Cadet Winters and Nurse Ashleigh as she started implementing the plans the department had in place for just this type of scenario. Of course, it was designed in the hope it would never be used.

“Marines will be here soon, and once we get these people safe I’ll also be back,” Harper replied.

"Go. Follow doctor Corrigan's advice on who needs gentle moving. Let my staff do the heavy lifting."

Having been nearby to Sickbay, Korso heard his orders to assist in the nearest area due to the Red Alert called. He made his way to Sickbay and arrived to see the Medical staff already in flow as they were preparing to get patients and staff to safety. Looking at the nearest Doctor he offered his assistance.

"Ensign Sam Korso, Station Security, what can I do to help?" he asked, ready to get stuck whilst putting the current situation to the back of his mind.

Hades sighed, "Help get the more mobile patients to safety. Down that hall there are three patients who are limping but can move. Get them to safety."

Sam nodded, understanding his orders. "Yes sir," he replied back, moving down the hall to start his duties.

Freya had been just wrapping up her latest appointment when the alert had sounded. Heading down to marine ‘country’ she joined the rest of the marines being deployed around the station. Being a medic she was automatically deployed to Sickbay with the freedom to move to wherever she was needed if necessary. As she arrived at Sickbay with other assigned marines she greeted Hades and Carolyn. “Doctors...” She offered a smile.

“Freya I know you're marine but I need you in medical. Help Carolyn get the patients out. Carolyn will handle the immobile ones and you take the ones that are more stable.”

Freya nodded. “I am a medic too don’t forget Doctor” She smiled as she turned to Carolyn. “Where do you want us to start?”

“Paediatrics will need extra bodies to help move patients. Try to keep everyone as calm as possible. The kids will be scared and most will not have family. The cadets will help, most of them know the children and that will help. Anyone outside of NICU and ICU can be moved.”

Freya nodded. "Don't worry we'll have them out in no time!" As she headed for Paediatrics she couldn't help but think of Hope, she hoped she was doing okay now she was reunited with her family. Shaking off the distraction she got back to the job at hand.

Having got Paediatrics 99% cleared Freya scouted around before spotting a child hiding under a desk. "Come on sweetheart, we have to go!" The child shook her head at the sight of Freya in her full clad marine wear. "You have to trust me okay?" Freya held out her hand. "I just want to get you out of here to somewhere safe until this all blows over. Now let's go." As the child finally crept out she gently yet quickly picked her up and moved off to join the others.

"Give you a hand?" Andy smiled as he seemed to appear out of thin air at Freya's side as she dropped off the child with the others.

"Shouldn't you be doing whatever you've been assigned to do?" Freya looked at Andy more annoyed that he was loitering at such a time than anything else.

"Hey come on!" Andy placed a hand against the wall stopping Freya in her tracks. "I was just offering to help!" He moved closer almost body to body with Freya.

"I suggest you move Lieutenant!!" Freya reached for her weapon. "I'm authorised to use force and I'll use it if necessary!"

With that Andy smiled and backed away, he liked that she'd become more willing to defend herself since last he'd seen her. "Fair enough marine!" He held up his hands. "I'm going!" With that he turned and headed on his way with a sickly sweet smile written all over his face.

"Freya," Carolyn called out as she caught a glimpse of the marine, "can we get some people assigned to -"

She stopped as she knocked into someone, apologising long before she realised who it was. Just perfect. Frowning, she turned away from the engineer and back towards Freya, "sorry. Yes, sorry. I have a team ready to go down to the shelter on the promenade. Hopefully they wont be needed but our plan was always to have a team on standby just in case. Do you have someone who can make sure they get there okay?"

Freya looked around motioning to a couple of marines that were at their posts to come forward. "Doctor Corrigan needs a med team escorted to the promenade. Get them down there and get back here as fast as you can!" She looked at Carolyn. "They'll take your people, I'm staying here with you."

“Thank you, team 3, move out before the shelter is locked down!” Carolyn called out. She glanced back at Freya, “Thanks. Although I hope you aren’t actually needed.”

“Me too!!” Freya grinned as she looked at Carolyn. “Here...take this.” She handed out a flack jacket. “It’ll provide you some protection, better than nothing.”

“I appreciate it but I am not wearing anything my team doesn’t have. Jennifer! Put this on,” she said, pushing it into the hands of a pregnant nurse who was part of the team heading to the promenade. “I’ll be fine. Got you all watching our backs. Don’t worry so much.”

Freya nodded. “That’s just me, I’ve got enough to worry about.” She looked at Carolyn as they prepared for the worst. “I think I’m pregnant!” She paused to let her little bombshell drop. “We’ve been trying for a little while and I’ve been feeling off colour for the last few mornings, plus I’ve missed the last two of my monthly cycles so putting it all together....” She looked at Carolyn. “I must be pregnant right?”

“Probably,” Carolyn smiled, “but when this is all over, come see me and I’ll confirm for you. Make it official. Until then, stay safe, okay?”

“Always!” Freya nodded and smiled. “I’m not wearing extra body armour for nothing.” She grinned. “I’ll catch up with the wounded, keep things moving.” With that, she headed on her way.

Section D1 - Level 155 - Mid-level Computer Core

Bagwell and MacLeod arrived just after Commander Stark.

"Who the hell locked out the Docking Bay?" Stark asked as he started to access the Core's interface.

"Not sure, but I have a feeling it was the same people that helped Clark escape." Mac replied.

"Well whoever it was that implanted this cascade virus specifically meant to lock out docking controls for the internal bay and all auxiliary craft bays including the fighters. Either one of you know how to bypass the bay door locks once I can neutralize this virus?"

Mac looked at Bagwell.

"I can do it." Zeke said, as he walked over to the station. "I will need a few minutes to do so." He said, as he looked over to Mac and to Stark. Zeke did not wait for confirmation, as he started to access the mainframe, he noticed the virus, was attempting to spread towards more systems. He needed to isolate the virus. This was going to be tricky. "First I need to isolate the virus, is attempting to access the umbilicals of our support ships. We need to get our ships detached as soon as possible." Zeke called out.

"On it." Mac replied as he walked over to another panel. "I have access to the automated tugs." He paused a moment then tapped his comm-badge.

"MacLeod to Ops. Archer, you should have control of the tugs in the bay, assign one to each of the ships inside to hold them in position while we release their umbilical supports so they don't go floating into each other."

Mac didn't wait for the reply, he typed in a few more commands. "All umbilicals released...except for the Tirpitz, Cutlass, Kearsarge, and Dorsetshire...those are locked out already."

"This virus is..a..bitch." Stark commented as he typed away. "It's circumvented my attempts to neutralize it...til now. I've locked it within the umbilical support sub-system. You...umm, Bagwell, you should have bay door access shortly."

Stark looked back at Zeke, then his panel beeped. He tapped in a few commands, "Uh oh." Stark said just as the panel he'd been using overloaded and exploded, sending him again the far wall, knocking him out and burning his face and hands.

Mac tapped his comm-badge, "MacLeod to Sickbay, medical emergency, Section D1, Level 155, Mid-level Computer Core!"

Hades had medical kit in hand an hurried as soon as the call came in. He took Rol and a few others with him to the computer core. Within minutes they arrived. He slid down beside the wounded man. "What happened?" He asked Mac.

"He was assisting operations, with getting the umblicals detached on our ships. The console exploded in front of him, knocking him back to the bulk head over there." Zeke said, as he pointed at the bulk head. Then looked back to Hades and Mac. He hoped that the good doctor, could patch him up. They really needed his support. Zeke feared, that Stark would be out of commission. Just looking at him, he feared that might be the case.

Hades sighed, "I think he's out of commission." He ran the tricorder over his patient. "Let's stabilize and move!" Hades and his team worked quickly. Within minutes the patient was being moved to the safe zone a section of which medical staff had taken over. Just as Hades finished he got the call to go to another location.

After a few minutes, Zeke wondered if Anna was okay. This attack came suddenly and without advance warning. He tapped on his combadge. "Commander Bagwell, to Doctor Woodhouse, please come in." He called out from his tricorder.

“Doctor Woodhouse,” Anna replied. She was relieved to hear his voice. When the attack came she has just left medical on the fighter. Everyone was jumping in to help where they could.

"Anna if your not busy, can you get aboard the Falcon, and get her detached from the station's computer. Take command till my arrival. There is a virus, affecting the station. We can't let the Falcon go down." Zeke said, knowing he could not get away at the moment.

“I’m heading there now,” Anna replied as she turned and headed back to the Falcon. “We’ll get it done.” She felt worry come over her at the news of a virus but she shoved it aside.

"Thanks Anna, I will try to detach the support ships from here, but if we can't, we have to fall back to the Falcon. Commander Rogers or I will relieve you soon. Good luck. Bagwell out." Zeke said, wanting to free his ship, and get his girlfriend, out of harms way.

“You too,” Anna replied and took off towards the Falcon on the run. She knew how important this was. Once on board she went to work on freeing it from the stations computers.

USS Constantinople - Sickbay

Octceann had been working on his pet project in Sickbay. He had isolinear chips scattered about as he worked. It was the perfect opportunity as the Consty was docked in bay 12 for some minor work. There was pretty much no one aboard to bother him. When the lights dimmed and went yellow though, he knew his project was probably not getting finished today.

“Yellow alert.” Bremer ordered. “All senior officers report to Ops.” came across the Consty's systems. He grabbed the chips he was working with and shoving them in his engineering kit headed for the airlock. He met the other 5 engineers on board at the sealed airlock.

"We can't get the airlock open to the gangway", one Ensign reported.

"AmHain to Solomon. I'm trapped on the Constantinople with an Engineering Detail. The Gangway is sealed"

Solomon heard the call from his Assistant Chief and acted quickly. "Solomon to AmHain, I read you, I'll re-route Damage Control Delta to you," he responded. As soon as he shut off the comm, Solomon sent the message to Delta team to head straight to the Constantinople.

"Solomon to Lt Reeves, divert your team to the USS Constantinople and get those Docking Arms free, thats your top priority!" He expressed.

"Aye sir," Reeves responded. Minutes later, Damage Control team Delta arrived and started work on freeing the Constantinople.

Just then Octceann heard the unmistakable sound of the Station umbilical forcibly disconnecting. The Consty was free floating in the docking berth.

"Solomon to AmHain, Damage Control teams are down in the Docking Bay freeing up ships where they can. You should find that the Constantinople is now free," Solomon responded. He was glad in one respect that there had been a way to get at least one starship free of the Docking Bays however he knew that the other Damage Control teams had a hard job ahead of them to free up other starships in the area.

Section A1 – Level 108 - Promenade

Ariana sat trying to rest to say she had a headache was a small understatement. She didn't know whether it was due to the number of minds she was amongst or the stress of the emotions given the situation but her head was pounding. She closed her eyes and sat with her head in her hands massaging her temples.

Andra approached the counselor. "Hello Counselor Monroe. I'm Andra...Doctor Sage's assistant."

Ariana looked up at Andra offering a smile. "Forgive me but I didn't realise Splendora had an assistant."

She smiled, "I started shortly after she lost her shop manager Lai'lira. You're Betazoid right?"

"Yes I am" Ariana nodded. "Full blood Betazoid although my abilities are only half what they should be at the moment."

She held out a drink. "Me too. Advanced abilities I started getting a headache. This is Bevel Root from Betazed. A tea to help with that. Should cut down on the pain and is safe for the baby. Splendora asked me to look out for you."

"I should have known she'd have someone looking out for me." Ariana smiled warmly. "I'm not sure exactly what's causing my headache all I know is that it feels like my brain is trying to get out of my head!" She grinned despite the pain.

"All the fear and panic. I get it often. Splendora too. This tea is wonderful. When we're all allowed to leave I'll get you a few boxes. Doctor Sage's staff is at your disposal. I have four counselors over there talking to people, Vulcan meditation experts and a few others. Splendora is with Tom I think. She grabbed a phaser and headed out."

Ariana nodded. "I hope she'll be okay. I'm not quite sure where I stand with my abilities at the moment. Doctor Hades and Doctor Corrigan seem to think that it's possible that my full abilities could return but there's also more going on that I...can't talk about unfortunately." She thought about her mother and section 31 experiment she went through. She couldn't help but wonder what effect it might have on her or if it would effect her baby.

She smiled, "Trust them." She laughed. "You know I just thought of something."

"Oh and what's that?" Ariana looked at Andra curiously.

"Doctor Corrigan and Doctor Hades are two sides of the same coin. They are both stubborn enough to outstubborn the worst problems." She smiled, "They will be able to help you. Trust me."

"I know." Ariana grinned. "They're both miracle workers in their own right and I consider myself lucky to be not just their patient but their friend as well. I have confidence that whatever happens they'll look after me and my baby."

She smiled. "Well I should get back. I sense people are getting restless."

"I know, I can feel it too." Ariana nodded. "Thank you for the tea, I'll drink it now before it gets too cold." She picked up the cup and sipped some of the tea, it actually tasted quite pleasant.

Andra left the counselor for a while to drink her tea. She floated amongst the crowd made sure people were comfortable before she floated back to check on Ariana about a half hour later. "You doing okay?"

"So so" Ariana offered a smile. "The tea is working slowly, I think I'm getting more input than my senses can take. I can sense what's going on in here but not out there..." She nodded to the doors.

She sighed, "Trust me it's no better out there. I stepped out briefly. We have more people coming in all the time." She looked around. "We should work on keeping everyone calm. Since you're the a Starfleet officer you should make an announcement to keep everyone calm."

“Me?” Ariana wasn’t used to being the one to make announcements but if that’s what it took to keep everyone calm. “I’ll...give it a go if it’ll help.” She took a deep breath before moving to where she could be seen easily by those gathered.

“May I have your attention please!” She had to raise her voice just to be heard over the din. A few at the front passed the word on and before long she had a whole lot of eyes looking in her direction.

“Thank you!” Ariana offered a smile. “For those of you who don’t already know me, I’m Lieutenant Ariana Monroe Chief Counsellor of this Station. I know you’re all pretty afraid and I can’t blame you for that, but know that you are being looked after by some of the finest Officers and Crew the Federation has to offer!” She paused to lean on the edge of a nearby table. “We’re all safe here, the Promenade is guarded by the marines and they won’t let anyone in here without one hell of a fight. So please, try and stay calm. There are numerous people here who will help anyone in need, we all have each other.” She looked at Andra then back at the crowds. “Thank you.”

With that she moved to sit down again. Her hands were shaking like a leaf. “That is the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done!!”

Andra smiled. "But you did it! Next time you will be a pro." She gave a the woman a hug. "It will be fine." She had to admit she said it but was worried about it. She was also worried about Splendora who'd shown quite a few signs that she was not as well as she let on.

“You’re worried about something aren’t you?” Ariana looked at Andra. Betazoids were always open with one another when on Betazed but aboard a station or ship it was different. “It’s not just what’s going on here. Is Splendora alright?”

She sighed. "I...don't know. She seems alright. She's been taking time off a lot and there are days where she seems off but she says she's fine. I just...sense something. Something dark. An anger, a coldness." She shrugged. "I'm sure it's fine."

“It doesn’t sound fine to me.” Ariana frowned. Splendora had told her before her change what was happening but she hadn’t seen her since. Perhaps it was time the two of them talked again. “Once this is all over I’ll speak with Splendora, she’s a friend so I want to make sure she’s okay.”

She gave a nervous nod. "I should check in with the staff. Will you be alright by yourself?"

Ariana nodded. "I'll be fine. I'm feeling a little better now than I was."

She smiled. "Alright. I'll check in later."

Ariana smiled. "I'll be here." She breathed a small sigh of relief as the marine contingent arrived on the promenade, seeing Kaden busy sorting out his men she waited until he was free. “Am I glad to see you!” She offered a smile. “We’ve crammed in as many people as we can safely take in here.”

Kaden was still getting used to his new helldiver armor as it was just barely finished when he arrived to the armory it was going to take some time to break it in. But seeing Ariana in the shelter he was assigned to guard was always a good thing as it helped him not focus on the newness of his suit. “Is there any sick or wounded inside we should be aware of? If so I need to know in order to have a medical staff on hand just in case.”

"There's a few elderly civilians test we've grouped together and I'm one of several pregnant females amongst the group. I think..." She looked around. "I'm the one whose furthest along amongst us."

Kaden set his helmet down taking his phaser rifle in one hand. "Is Cameron amongst them? He should be here with you and his child I can go find him real fast for you."

“I haven’t seen Cameron yet” Ariana looked around, she was getting concerned about her love. “Could you find out if he’s okay? Last I heard he was going to work. If anything happens to him...” She gave Kaden a worried glance.

Kaden was about to reply when a set of barricades beamed in outside the shelter door several of his marines began to take some and started to set up defensive positions outside the shelter to protect the people inside. He knew once the barricades were set final protocol was seal the doors and erect transporter inhibitors to keep enemy forces from beaming in and killing the civilians inside. Kaden looked at Ariana biting his lower lip. "Ariana I..." He paused. "Once these doors are sealed and he is not here He is going to have found a place to hunker down."

Ariana nodded. The tears in her eyes said enough but she understood. She could only hope a miracle would happen and Cameron would appear or at least stay safe.

Cameron heard the alarm sound off and he knew enough about the station to know that if Bravo Two was ever ordered he would need to do one of two things. Either try and get to a bunker of baring that hole up and get as secure as he could. Several years of working for starfleet had taught him a few tricks and now he was glad he had a shop with a shuttle entrance.

He quickly moved to the large shop and into the shuttle that he had not flown since he arrived. "We get through this girl you and I are going for a cruise." Said Cameron as he rolled into the oversized shuttle and up to the command deck. He rolled to his command station and started bringing things on line. "Computer open a channel to Ariana Monroe." Said Cameron firmly. "Love I do not have alot of time know I am safe and I fully intend to be their for you and our daughter. I do not intend to do anything but hunker down behind my own shields and defenses and wait this storm out. After all I still need to introduce you to the other girl in my life. Though you are the most important. I am sorry I could not get there stay safe all my love Cameron." Send that message then start the lockdown I want the transporter jamers, sensor jamers, and shield up to full power and I want them there last week." Said Cameron firmly he felt the shuttle shake as the impulse engines were brought online only to be shunted from propelsion to shields and the jammers were slaved to the ships backup fussion powerplant. He was as safe as he could be and only a direct hit with at least three quantium torps would get him. Course if it came to that their would be nothing left of the station anyway and maybe he could survive either way he was going to make damn sure ariana was with him.

In the Shelter a PADD that Ariana had brought with her suddenly flashed up that she had a message. Tapping the PADD she breathed a sigh of relief at having a message from Cameron, tears of relief came to her eyes as she listened to the message. All she could do was wait until all this was over to be back with him again. “Kaden...I know where Cameron is! He’s safe for now. I just hope it stays that way.”

Kaden patted her on the shoulder. “Hey, I promise you the both of you will be together again after this I will make sure of it.” He grabbed his helmet but deep down he began to think of Freya he wished she was in the shelter and not out in the line of danger. Kaden always tried to focus on being positive when it came to combat situations but he hoped neither him or her wound up dead during this confrontation.

“Don’t worry she’ll be fine too!” Ariana smiled knowing he’d be worrying about Freya. “She’s a marine she can take care of herself.” As the doors started to close she stepped back out of the way and hoped they’d all get through this alive.

Once the doors closed Kaden stood there for a minute before putting his helmet on. "Alright Marines, finish setting up these barricades then lock n load!"

Meanwhile Andy was having fun all his own, he loved the chaos times like this caused. Once the shooting started and people were kept busy he could have as much fun as he wanted and no one would be any the wiser who was to blame if his face wasn’t seen. If it was then deaths could be contributed to the battle. He’d eventually get to who he really wanted, it was just a matter of time.

Section A1 - Level 1 – Ops

It had seemed like an hour since the attacking fleet showed up, but it had only been a matter of minutes.

“Garabaldi, tactical status?” Bremer asked.

"All units deployed, strongpoints manned, all shelters report civilians are secured. All shops closed and we're ready." He went through everything that was read, "Weapons green across the board."

“Here they come.” K’Temoc said as the ships approached.

T'Lar's thoughts shifted to her kids. She had confidence in Alex being security herself, that she'd keep the kids safe. In order to do her job and have her mind completely on the task, she had to depend on her Vulcan training.

Lee went over grabbing himself a phaser attaching it to his hip then started grabbing other gear handing it to others in Ops.

As Solomon heard K’Temoc confirm that the first wave of ships were incoming, he glanced across at Deela for a moment and then focused on his station as he prepared for the first assault on the station. He made sure that he kept a tag of each of the positions for the various Damage Control teams and Engineering Teams around the station, ready to deploy them as and where they were needed.

Ops started to shake.

"Pike, take Tactical Two. Target any vessels approaching the docking bay or higher, all the way to Ops. Garabaldi, target any ships below the docking by. Lieutenant Roebuck, you and Mister Ramata'tar stand ready in case we're boarded." Bremer ordered.

In space, Romulan, Krazzle, and even a few Klingon ships approached the docking bay and Administrative Levels of Starbase 400 which included Ops, administrative offices, and the Promenade. Fighters of the Holy Order of the Kinshaya flew in close and started firing on the Station's weapons arrays. Gorn, Tzenkethi, Son'a, and additional Romulan Empire and Krazzle ships approached lower on the station and started to target sections of the Research / Laboratories Levels and Engineering / Reactor lower on the Station.

Starbase 400 answered the incoming ships with automatic phaser fire from her two thousand type-XII phaser arrays around the station.

Mike heard someone say shields were already down to eighty-five per cent on their first pass. "Solomon, get down to Engineering, we can't lose power. Pull what you need from any non-essential system and unoccupied deck! Have damage control teams deployed."

Solomon nodded to Bremer as he handed over to a relief. "I'm on it, Miracles will be worked," he answered as he made his way out of Ops and towards Engineering.

"Bremer to Stark, what's the status of the bay doors?" Bremer called over the comm.

"MacLeod here. Stark is in-route to Sick Bay. He was able to neutralize the virus but the doors are still locked down. We need an engineering team to try to manually unlock one." Mac replied over the comm.

"I'll have Commander Solomon send a team. I want you and Bagwell to work with the tugs to move any decommissioned or inoperable ships moved lower or higher and out of the departure path...just in case we can get the doors open." Bremer replied.

Mac patted Bagwell and the arm, "Come on."

Upon hearing the Admirals conversation as he was headed out of Ops, Solomon pressed a button on the nearest Wallplaced comm panel. "Solomon to Damage Control team Delta, head over to the Docking Bay doors and assist Commander MacLeod with getting them open," he ordered.

"Understood sir, we're on our way," reported Lt Montoya from Damage Control team Delta.

Zeke would have preferred to take the Falcon out, and defend the station. But the Admiral needed him and Mac. And he knew that. He started to follow Mac. Deep in his thoughts, he started to wonder, when they would deploy his ship, and all other ships in the dock.

In Ops, Mike watched the holo-display in the middle of Ops. One Gorn TSss'ran class frigate and one Krazzle Gramal class cruiser disappeared indicating they had been destroyed.

"They're totally ignoring Kaleb IV." K'Temoc commented.

"If they can knock us out, the door to the Kaleb system is wide open, they don't need to waste ships on the planet right now." Mike replied.

"Garabaldi, focus torpedo fire on the squadron of Mogai Class cruisers approaching the Engineering Levels. Pike, there's a group of Klingon and Krazzle ships getting too close to the top of the station, I don't want them to have a clean firing path to the Admin Level!" Bremer said as the Station shook again.

Lee nodded "On it Admiral." He then quickly made his way to one of the weapons stations, hands moving across the controls he started targeting the ships and fired several phaser bursts aimed for the engines.

Peter nodded, then spoke, "targeting." The fact that he wasn't talking much was his nerves, the first red alert situation since he had been 'returned to life' so to speak. His fingers touched the appropriate keys as he bega to target the indicated Klingon vessels, phaser and torpedos lancing out.



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