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First Session

Posted on Tue Sep 10th, 2019 @ 9:29am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

2,090 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Ariana's Office.
Timeline: MD01 0800 hrs

Kaden walked down the corridor heading for the Counselor’s office today was his first session granted it had been a while since his last session but it seemed General Hurd wanted him to settle in before seeing the Counseling staff. Besides he was in good hands with both Freya and Ariana since they both was Counselors themselves so he had couple of people on hand to talk to about any issues that came up. Arriving at the office door of his assigned Counselor he took a moment fix his uniform and hair to look presentable before ringing the chime.

Ariana had been expecting Kaden to arrive, she knew that before they were married Freya was Kaden's Counsellor, now they were married it would be seen as a conflict of interest so his care had been transferred to her. She smiled as the door opened. "Hi Kaden, come on in and take a seat."

Kaden did as he was told taking a seat on the couch next to Ariana before looking around he never really got to see her office and was impressed by how spacious it was. “Wow, nice set up you got I see why you took the job here.” He said.

"Well the size of the office didn't really have that much of a bearing on it, I just decided the time was right to settle somewhere new. Especially after losing Jonathon. So how are you settling in aboard the station?"

Kaden shrugged his shoulders leaning back on the couch. "Still used to being on a starship but I am still adjusting with you and Liam around it's a little easier just still intimidating at times." He replied. "I really wish those Remans wouldn't of started fight so soon as I got here still a bit...rattled over it."

“I notice there was no mention of Freya just then. How are the two of you getting along? I know Freya was injured during the battle with the Remans.” She looked at Kaden waiting to see what he’d say.

Kaden certainly had much on his mind especially since he discovered Freya's ex was on the station and she never told him. "Well, things are okay just..." He trailed off before sighing. "Ariana, I have to ask you something and this really out of left field did I ever satisfy you...both as a lover and sexually?"

Ariana opened her mouth to speak before closing it again and giving Kaden a surprised glance. “Wow! that did come out of the left field.” She paused. “To be honest...Yes, you satisfied me sexually. As for being a didn’t do anything wrong, we were both pretty new to relationships back then. I just didn’t know what I was looking for back then. What does this have to do with you and Freya?”

Kaden hung his head in shame rubbing his hands slowly. “It’s is some things she has said about her past relationship that had me on edge we spoke about it a little but I feel she is keeping a few things from me. Maybe to protect me from getting hurt or she wants to deal with a few of her past demons alone I don’t know. But it makes me wonder about us was I not good to you or was not caring enough rather than just scared to have a family with you.”

“Kaden...” Ariana paused. “This isn’t something that you’re really supposed to talk about during your counselling session with me, but I will answer the question.” She gently placed her hand on his. “You were good to me, don’t ever think that you did anything wrong or that you hurt me. It wasn’t like that. Yes, I wanted a family, but I know now that we were both young back then. I pushed too hard for what I wanted back then and I know it.”

Kaden formed a frown on his face before getting to his feet and walking over to the window looking out into space. “I don’t know I thought it was okay to talk about anything with your counselor is that not true?” He turned to face Ariana. “I just wanted to know if I was good man that I am better than Freya’s ex is all.”

Ariana sighed and slowly got to her feet, walking over to Kaden. “ still mean a lot to me and yes, you can talk about anything with me.” She smiled as she placed her hand on his and gave it a squeeze. “You are a good man Kaden Ross and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!”

Kaden took Ariana’s hand into his and kissed it hoping it was okay if he did but still kept looking out into space. “Thanks, Ariana, it is good to know I was a good man to you when we was together I just...wished things would of worked out between us. A small part of me misses those days when we was a couple you meant a lot to me then and still do today. But I am happy with Freya in my life I am happy you and I are friends I am also glad you are with someone who makes you happy.” He held her hand in his interlacing his fingers with hers.

"We will always be friends Kaden, that's never going to change." Ariana smiled. "Actually there's something I wanted to ask you about, would you and Freya consider being my baby's godparents?" She gently placed his hand on her now seven month bump. "If anything happened to Cameron and I there's no one here to take care of her. My parents are getting older and I think you and Freya would make wonderful parents." She offered a smile as she looked at him.

Kaden didn't even take time to think it over. "Of course I will...I...I...mean WE will if Freya is okay with it that is." He replied enthusiastically.

“I can’t see Freya turning down the chance somehow” Ariana grinned at Kaden’s boyish enthusiasm. “Did you feel that?” She smiled as her baby gave Kaden’s hand a firm kick. “I think she likes the idea too!”

Kaden certainly felt the kick from Ariana's kid boy did she have a leg on her. "That or she wants to be a soccer player when she gets older." He said flexing his hand from the kick.

Ariana smiled. "You know something...." she turned to look out of the window herself. "There was a time when I wondered just what it would have been like if we'd had a baby. I wondered for a long time if I made the right decision leaving you. It was meeting Jonathon that helped me move on."

"It was hard for me after you left me I wound up hitting the bottle for a while hating myself that I was such a coward on kids. Even banged that Orion girl a few times from across the street of our old apartment. Freya had a bit a mess to clean but I was still that charming hunk of man you fell in love with. She had me back to my old self and head over heels in love with her in no time." Kaden told her.

"I know, I can feel how much you two love each other." Ariana smiled warmly. "I'll admit I did miss making love with you." She couldn't help but say everything she'd never told him before, they were being honest with each other after all.

Kaden certainly felt the same but he was loyal to Freya she was his world. But he always valued the time he and Ariana was a item she still was special to him. "We was a wild pair weren't we? I still remember how pissed our parents was with us when we lost virginity to one another."

“Yeah” Ariana grinned. “My Dad was fuming! All my mum was worried about was whether it was a good experience and if I’d used birth control.” She shook her head. “It’s funny how memories stir emotions.”

"Well I hope it was much of a good experience for you it was...rather enlightening one for me learning what a woman liked and didn't." Kaden made a rather slight grin on his face. "But we got the hang of it eventually Freya always says she owes you a big thanks for being a good teacher."

“I was no teacher” She grinned. “We learned together.” She turned to look back out of the window, all this talk about love making was messing with her hormones.

Kaden knew well enough when Ariana was in ''the mood' he placed his arms behind his back before casually adding a bit of space between them. Not that he was feeling uncomfortable about Ariana having raging horomones but the fact he was loyal to his vows with Freya. "Well I still think you was just as good of a teacher as I was. But I feel if it was not for you I would not be so well versed with Betazoids learning the ins and outs of your culture. I mean I guess it is why I am more attracted to Betazoid girls than Human ones."

"Maybe" Ariana took a deep breath as she turned and headed over to her seat. "So back yo why you're really here, we are supposed to be conducting a counselling session. I've barely asked you any of the questions I should be asking."

Kaden turned and walked back over to the couch. "Right, sorry, I didn't mean to side track you from your job." He sat back down.

“No it’s okay” Ariana smiled. “Like you said, Counselling sessions are for whatever is on your mind and we did need to clear the air between us. As for back to my questions...” She looked at her PADD before putting it down on the table. “To hell with the list of questions this session, we’ve talked and I’m happy you’re settling in just fine. What I will ask is how you feel about having a wife whose a frontline marine?”

“She is a good Marine and I am proud of her.” Kaden began before sighing. “It’s just, if she is going to want a kid MY kid I feel a lot better if she focus more on being a counselor than a medic for a while.”

Ariana nodded. “That’s understandable. To be honest once Freya becomes pregnant she won’t be permitted to go out on the frontline anyway. She maybe allowed behind the scenes to care for the wounded but the brass won’t allow her anywhere where it’s going to place Freya or her baby at risk. That’s something she’ll have to learn to accept if she wants to be a mother.”

“If I can ever get her pregnant that is, I am about to give up cause I hate seeing all of the tests come back negative it’s depressing.” Kaden confessed.

“You haven’t been trying that long have you?” Ariana looked at Kaden curiously. “You were newly weds when you arrived here so I’m guessing you’ve been trying since then? It can take time, especially if you’re trying too hard.”

"I just want her to be happy is all and I want to try so hard to give her the baby she wants." Kaden replied.

“I know you do Kaden” Ariana smiled. “It’ll happen just give it time. Just take some romantic time, a nice dinner and time together and let it all flow naturally without the expectation of having to get your wife pregnant. It may just help to give you what you want.”

Kaden sat thinking for a moment taking in what his friend Ariana said. "Well, come to think of it there is that little Betazoid place on the promenade been meaning to take her to. She been missing a taste of home for a while think that be a good-" The sound of the alarm klaxton filling the room cut him off. Getting to his feet again Kaden was already in Marine mode. "Ariana, I think you best get to a shelter I have to go suit up."

Ariana nodded. “Stay safe Kaden!” She offered him a smile before they both headed their separate ways.



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