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Chocolate and a Plan - Part 2 (A Plan is Formed)

Posted on Mon Sep 9th, 2019 @ 10:32pm by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

2,579 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: SB 400, Office of Counselor Rol Ilan
Timeline: MD1 0745 hours


Rol arrived at his office. He went right to the replicator and ordered an extra strong coffee. Walking slowly he plopped down into his comfortable chair and opened his terminal.

He quickly scanned the appointment roster for today and then sighed. It was going to be a long day. He was glad that he'd ordered an extra large coffee that was extra strong. Flipping the screen he went to his messages and was shocked to find that next month his sisters would be here along with his brothers.

He didn't know how he felt about that. They had avoided him and now they were seeking him out? A sudden wave of panic seized him. Why? They barely spoke to one another. They had asked to see him and the formal tone in the message only added to his unease.

He shudder and started wishing he had a Vulcan memory block on his mind. That thought triggered his chat with Hades and Carolyn after their marathon chocolate eating event...

A FEW DAYS AGO: Just after the wedding, a couple of days pre present

"... bad idea. Maybe tomorrow?"

Every step that got closer to Hades quarters had made her feet drag just a little more, made it seem completely unreasonable to seek him out when he was having some much needed time to himself. Or even worse, with Kalani. Rounding the corner she could see his door and did a complete about turn, hitting straight into Rol.

It also wasn't lost on her that once she told Hades about this, he would pretty much know it all. Ariana knew some things, Rol knew others. Hades was a different story. He always was.

Well, except her mother. That was something she couldn't quite bring herself to talk about again. Not yet.

"Think about this logically," she urged the Bajoran. "Hades was already stressed, then the wedding and while they haven't left the station, they should have some time alone. A few hours is not going to hurt. Unless you are genuinely about to go into a diabetic coma. I did say not to eat that last one..."

"Off we go. No putting this off. Hades is a big boy. Stress he can handle." He took her under the arm and marched her to the door where he rang the chime.

“I take back all the good stuff I thought about you,” she hissed under her breath as he walked her to the door like an errant child. Nobody had done that since she was six. As they heard a familiar voice say ‘enter’ she sighed as he kept a hold of her arm as they moved into Hades quarters.

“Sorry to intrude,” she said quickly, “and we can absolutely come back another time...”

He shook his head. "No need. Kalani is resting. Come in." They had moved into the new quarters. They were quite spacious with a kitchen in the corner and a beautiful antique Earth furniture set. The ceiling was unique it seemed to be some sort of material that had the clouds and blue sky lit from under the material it gave the full effect of day.

Rol just stared. "Brahsba." He swore in Bajoran.

Hades leveled him with a glance. He'd had the area specifically set up like this, with the help of T'Lar, for Kalani as a surprise. He was right to do it. She'd loved it. The bedroom looked like a nebula in space and the bathroom was becoming his favourite room in the house. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Double shot of vodka would be good," Carolyn said as she stared up at the ceiling, turning in a slow circle. "I think hot chocolate would literally kill me right now. No chocolate for Rol either, he may explode... how did you do this?"

He smiled, "It's Randian silk. They are a race that deals with the First Federation, they haven't officially made ties with Starfleet but a Colony I frequent has trade with them. When you use our standard white light panels it makes it seem like day and look." He picked up a pad and pressed a button. The silk moved making it seem as if the clouds themselves moved. "It's for Kalani." He handed each of them a drink.

Rol did math calculations noting this might have cost a lot. "'re not some ridiculously rich villain are you?"

Hades grinned, "If I told you that I'd have to vent you out the airlock." He chuckled at Rol's face.

"You and airlocks," Carolyn commented, only now looking at her drink. "This looks suspiciously like orange juice. Smells and tastes like it too. Maybe you should call an engineer? How is Kalani?"

He smiled, "She's alright. She's sleeping now. She worked a full day today. I told her not to go back but she made airlock threats of her own...she's scary when mad I didn't want to cross her. It is orange juice. You'll drink it and like it missy."

Rol huffed. "She has something urgent to tell you." He gave her a little shove.

Carolyn's smile at hearing Kalani was doing better turned to a scowl aimed in Rol's direction as he gave her a shove. She opened her mouth to speak, then changed her mind. Eventually she set down her glass. "Okay... so funny story ... or not, actually... Rol, help a girl out here - this hurts my head just thinking about it."

"She went to Vulcan doesn't remember a thing and turns out she gets headaches when she tries. She has a Vulcan memory block....we don't know how she got it."

Hades, who'd been drinking water, squeezed the cup in a death grip. He started at both of them. There was an audible pop as the glass shattered. "What!" He bellowed.

Normally unphased by one of Hades outbursts, Carolyn actually jumped as the glass shattered into pieces, liquid splashing all over the floor. "Rol thinks that is what is is," Carolyn clarified. "It's an educated guess. But it was Vulcan right, how bad could this be? Maybe I asked them to?"

Okay she was clutching, she knew that, but good God her head ached. "It's only when I try to remember anything specific. People, places... it took me a while to even realise that was when I was getting headaches. Rol put it together."

"Carolyn sit down." Hades said.

Rol looked at Hades' hand. "'re bleeding."

"Do not bleed over the furniture, most women do not like that," Carolyn advised him. "Do you have a medical kit?"

"I'm fine. Sit!"

"Okay, sitting, sitting," she promised, sitting down on the edge of the nearest seat. How on earth Kalani hadn't heard all this was a miracle.

Rol spied a medical kit on a shelf He hurried there and held up the kit. "Found one." He tossed it to Carolyn. "She really needs to look at that...or if you'd like I'll wake Kalani."

Hades shot him a look that said 'airlock'.

He held up his hand. "Just saying."

Hades sighed and offered his hand to Carolyn.

Opening out the kit she made short work of healing the wounds. Taking more time than she really needed. At the first sign of his patience wearing out she finished, packing up the kit. “Good as new,” she assured him as she shut over the case.

"Start talking." He said rubbing the bridge of his nose in frustration. "From the beginning."

“You know most of it. I left Ireland and arranged transport to Vulcan. I remember being on the ship and sending you a message to request extended leave.... but that’s it. Everything else is just this painful blur. Nothing will focus. Even when I try to remember why I was going … I have never had this happen. I mean, I remember everything.”

"It's a memory block or you could have met a dying Vulcan who had a Katra transference done." He sighed. "Alright. First I need you to look at your logs. Then we'll take you to the Vulcan Logic centre and have a priestess probe your mind or you can ask Admiral T'Lar to do a mind meld to look into you mind."

Carolyn paled at his suggestion- both of cause and of what to do next. “Is that really necessary?” She asked, thinking mostly of everything he had shared with her and imagining someone just knowing all of it. But the concern sounded more irritated than anything else as she stood, “there has to be something else.”

“And I’d know right? If someone was dying and did that, how could I not? And for the love of chocolate could someone turn down the lights in here please?” She sank back down into the chair, head buried in her hands.

Hades was by her side with a tricorder. "You would not necessarily know. A Katra could be transferred with a single touch."

He looked at Rol. "Get me some water."

Rol hurried to do so and came back with the water.

Hades took it. "Drink."

"Nothing personal, but really not liking Vulcans right this second," she muttered, taking the glass and then a sip of the water. She wrapped both hands around the glass because she really wanted the familiar tones of the tricorder to stop. Somewhere nice and quiet and dark … that's what she wanted.

"We need to find out what that is. T'Lar or the Logic Centre." He said giving her a choice.

It was like picking if you wanted to be tossed out an airlock or be assimilated by the Borg. There was no good option. "Since I know all of them equally well, the logic centre?"

He sighed, "Alright." He sat back on the sofa and rubbed his nose. A sound sounded from behind and Kalani came in. "Carolyn!" She walked over and soon sensed the tension. "What's wrong?"

“Nothing that needs you out of bed,” Carolyn answered as she stood, giving her friend a hug. Kalani was always big on hugs, anyone who knew her longer than five minutes knew that. That it lasted a few seconds longer than usual was barely noticeable. “It is good to see you.”

Kalani hugged her back noting that Carolyn really seemed to need the hug.

Carolyn glanced at Hades, “so, logs first?”

"Oh no. Nothing to hide here." He said. "She has a Vulcan memory block."

Kalani gasped. "Oh my! What happened? How did you get one?"

"Million dollar question," Carolyn told her friend. "But we should let you rest. Both of you. Rol can maybe help me look at logs in the morning, maybe it will help. If you still want to..." she said, glancing at Rol, "You have patients. I have patients."

Hades smiled, "Well aren't you glad I'm the CMO and I can cut you slack."

Rol laughed. "Oh boy. He's in a giving mood."

For her part, Carolyn looked far from amused. “I think I’ve had enough slack,” she decided, sounding irritable again. “I haven’t forgotten how to be a doctor. Can we rewind, I’ll tell Rol I visited all the sites and the weather was great and he can go be happy he has my sedatives. Sound good?”

Even as she spoke she was edging towards the door.

"Carolyn!" Hades said. "Non negotiable."

Rol sighed. "Okay listen. She has work and you need a break. How about we work together on this on the side. Lunch time and after work. If Carolyn will allow I can go through the logs she send me and we can work on this and she can work in sickbay."

Before Hades could say anything Kalani interjected. "Perfect." She took Carolyn's arm. "Now Carolyn why don't you take some of Hades' appointments today this way he can have some time with me."

“Works for me,” Carolyn said quickly, untangling herself from Kalani’s arm and hoping that Kalani suggesting this would make Hades agree. “You should have some alone time. And you must have lots of honeymoon plans to make.”

Hades was about to say something but Kalani jumped in. "Are you saying you don't want to spend time with me?" She looked at Hades.

He sighed, "Fine."

She put her arm around Carolyn. "Come on I'll walk you to the lift."

“Thank you,” she said to Rol as Kalani put an arm over her shoulders.

Rol stayed behind while Kalani directed Carolyn outside. "You looked like you could use some help."

“I’m sorry,” she said to them all as she turned away towards the corridor.

Kalani hugged her friend. "Nothing to be sorry about." When they were out of the earshot of the men she looked at Carolyn. "Are you truly alright?" She was worried about her friend. She knew Hades was worried and even Rol.

“No ... but I will be. Always am,” Carolyn promised, seeming lost in thought. “I’ll go for a walk and clear my head a bit.”

Kalani smiled, "Do you want me to walk with you? We don't have to talk."

“Spend time with Hades,” Carolyn told her with a reassuring smile, “I think I need some time by myself. I’m not the best company. Thank you though.”

She stopped and looked at Carolyn. "I'm always there for you. I hope you know that."

Carolyn hesitated. Glancing at all three of them before answering. “I know,” she promised, giving Kalani a quick hug. “Take care of yourself, okay?” She whispered. “He needs you.”

Stepping back she glanced at Rol, “I’ll give you access to my logs. There aren’t many. I don’t really like them.”

He smiled. He'd come just as the two woman were hugging, Hades right on his heels. Kalani and Hades retired and Rol walked with Carolyn towards the lift. "Alright we'll find out what's going on. I promise."

“You don’t have to do this,” she reminded him.

"Carolyn I want to help you. I know you are independent and you truly are a strong person but we all need help sometimes. A question that you have to ask yourself is what is holding you back from accepting that people want to help you and genuinely like you?"

“Maybe I’ll ask myself another time. For now I’m going to get changed, go on an epic detour and go to cover Hades appointments for tonight and try not to think about Vulcans and Katras and memory blocks.”

He sighed. "Okay if you need me you know where to reach me."

Present day MD01 0745 hours

He snapped out of thoughts and sighed. Leaning back he opened a response to his siblings and sent an agreement to meet. He paused before hitting the send button and then resigned he hit it.

The last he'd spoken to them they'd called him a collaborator. There were rumours going around that he was responsible for many of the Bajoran's on Empak Nor going missing. The truth was...he was.

He shook out of that thought and then decided he needed a friend. He sent a message not knowing that the events of the day would keep him from keeping this appointment.

Carolyn, I need your help...maybe we can get dinner.

I really need a friend.


He sent the note. It was time to get the day started.



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