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No rest for the wicked

Posted on Sun Sep 8th, 2019 @ 5:53pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD
Edited on on Mon Sep 9th, 2019 @ 5:48pm

418 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 100 - A Hatred of Atonement
Location: Medical Bay
Timeline: MD1, 0815

Half eaten bagel in hand and empty coffee cup perched on the table, Cadet Winters had opted for breakfast before she was scheduled to assist Dr Wilson. While she would have preferred to be on the team picked out for the elective cardiovascular surgeries later today, one glance across the room convinced her that she had a lucky escape.

In the far corner of the room, Mark Webster sat with his heads in his hands as he tried to stave off a panic attack. For while his ambitions lay in the surgical field, today Doctor Mendez would be the lead surgeon. Brilliant, yes. But most cadets within their first week had learned to stay well out of his way. And if he asked you a question, you better damn well know the answer.

"We could put something in that herbal tea he drinks," Cadet Nirani suggested with a mischievous smile, trying to console her friend. "I bet the patients would thank us. The nurses too. He was shouting at Nurse Ashleigh last night. She sure put him in his place quick enough. Woman is my new hero."

"Yeah, but she doesn't need him to write a review for her, does she?" Mark countered, biting his nails. "Why couldn't I get someone else? Anyone! Even Dr T'Nara would be better. At least she doesn't shout."

"... most important meal of he day," Jennifer Campbell was saying as she entered the lounge, followed by Dr Corrigan. The nurse waved to Chloe and started laying out breakfast on one of the empty tables. "Oh, and I think Sam is wanting to go out to celebrate her birthday. Just some dinner and a drink or two, if you are up for it?"

"Actually, I have some plans," Carolyn said, thinking of Rol's cryptic message as she rescued something for Hades as well from the feast the nurse was unpacking. She had replied back and promised she would join him, the tone of the message worrying her.

"Oh? A cute Irish man? Seen with you at the wedding?" Jennifer asked with a grin. "Because if not, I may steal him."

"Oh really?" Carolyn grinned, making no comment. "But actually no, not with him."

Before the nurse could pry the klaxons began to blare and she sighed as she looked at all the food. "No rest for the wicked," she commented as stole one bite out of a cookie as she turned on her heels, following the cadets and Doctor Corrigan out into sickbay.



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