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Let's Go Home

Posted on Thu Jul 16th, 2020 @ 7:19pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Patrick Dow & Captain Paul MacLeod & Commander Leksander Draven & Colonel Danny Lennox & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Lieutenant David Hannigan & Lieutenant Heath Carter & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Robert Harper & Ensign Becca Bremer & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Corporal Nas & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & First Ramata`tar & Commander Robert Stark & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Alexander Zandusky & Colonel Ezekiel Bagwell & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Major Edward Maxwell & Lieutenant Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Timothy O’Riley & Lieutenant Xalanth & Lieutenant Commander Anna Bagwell & Lieutenant JG Finchley Kerr & Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri & Camron Wayne & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Colonel Jack Pike & Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel & Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Olivia O’Riley & Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers

5,905 words; about a 30 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Various Ships
Timeline: MD2 - 1100hrs


USS Pegasus, Bridge

"...and our equipment is stowed in the transporter room, ready to go." Draven was saying.

Mike nodded, "Good."

"Admiral, excuse me." Harper said as he approached. "Sir, requesting permission to be apart of the strike team beaming aboard the station. I've checked every ship in the fleet sir, they all have Security and Tactical crews, even ours. I want to do something to help, not just sit back and wait for when I might be needed."

Bremer looked at Draven for a moment, but didn't say anything.

Draven looked back for a moment, then looked at the Ensign, "Alright. speak with Mister Vercetti, tell him I sent you. He'll give you the plan of action."

"Thank you Sir. Admiral." Harper said with a respectful nod.

Bremer turned at looked out across the bridge, "Mister Roebuck, let's do a once over of the weapons systems."

"Yes sir." Commander Roebuck replied.

Kah’lyn stepped aboard the Pegasus, and headed for the bridge. She hadn’t seen much of Croesus in all the readiness for departure so she’d sent him a message telling him she was going to miss him and she’d see him when the battle was over. As the turbolift arrived at the bridge she stepped out and made her way across to Bremer. “Lieutenant Chiara reporting for duty Admiral.”

Mike looked back at the Lieutenant for a moment. "Take the Operations position please and make sure all ships systems are ready for departure."

“Aye Sir.” Kah’lyn nodded and made her way over to Ops. Taking her seat she got to work checking the ship was at full readiness.

After a final walkthrough to check on the additional supplies and equipment she had redirected to the Pegasus, Doctor Corrigan stood and surveyed the currently empty sickbay before heading to the Bridge. With additional nurses, doctors and technicians on hand, they were undoubtedly as ready as could be. It was that calm, a now familiar feeling right before they knew all hell would soon break loose.

Reaching the bridge, she quickly spotted the commanding officer of the Pegasus. "Admiral," she offered with a polite smile, "medical is ready, and the additional supplies and staff are aboard. I would, of course, appreciate it if we didn't need to put all this extra resource to the test. But if you need us, we will be ready."

Mike took his eyes off his Operations Officer and focused on the Doctor. "No promises, but we'll do the best we can." He flashed a smile.

Kah’lyn waited for Bremer to finish talking before speaking up. “We’re ready for departure Admiral. All departments report status green and all the supplies we need are aboard and accounted for.”

Mike looked at the woman for a moment, "Very good." He tapped the 1MC button on his panel, "Bridge to all hands, stand by to depart."

USS Yorktown, Bridge

"I've completed a full diagnostic of all tactical and defensive systems. She's ready for combat." K'Wor said to K'Temoc.

"Well, she's about to get it, and them some." K'Temoc replied as he looked over a PADD.

"Are the rumors about the new Romulan Warbirds true?" K'Wor asked.

"It's true they have a new design, yes. They don't have many but what they do have are superior any the Valdor and d'Deridex classes, beyond that we don't know squat about them. Not even their official name." Cross replied from the rear station.

USS Vanguard, Bridge

MacLeod was reading over the reports of the new Romulan Warbirds designated Type-C Warbirds. "Lieutenant, I want you to read over this data, then read it again. We're going to see some of these ships while retaking Starbase 400. I want to be ready for them, and I want you know their soft spots."

"If they have a soft spot." Metsker replied with a smirk.

USS Lexington, Bridge

"All of our battle damage is repair and all systems are fully operational, finally." Wayne said as he entered the Bridge.

"About time." Stark replied.

Stepping out of the other turbolift, Ramata'tar looked around a moment. "Commander Stark. Fleet Admiral Bremer assigned me to the USS Lexington as the Tactical Officer for the coming battle."

Stark eyed the big Jem'Hadar for a moment. "Very well, welcome aboard."

SS Dakota A, Bridge

Cameron walked onto the bridge of his ship and looked around. There was still alot to be done but everything that needed to be done was done the ship was ready. He looked around the bridge there were three NCO's on loan from the station manning the tactical, sensors, and operations stations. He had just found out he would be getting the extra help a few minutes earlier and he had not had time yet to even learn their names. "Alright I am sure this is not where you would prefer to be but someone saw fit to loan me your skills. This ship has type 10 shields, two type X phasers, and 2 type 14 disruptors. We also have 30 photon torps, that is it we are not unarmed but we are by far not the most powerful ship in the fleet. use what we have smartly and we will get through this waste it and we might not have enough to survive the fight. Until the fleet departs I want you all running sims learn the ship and what she is capable of to the best of your abilities. I will have the helm and Mister O'Malley will have the engineering station when we leave." Said Cameron he still had to check on his passengers and make sure they were ready.

Lennox stepped onto the Bridge of the Dakota. A small ship to be sure, but he was a little apprehensive. Where ships like the Kearsarge and Pegasus could take a beating, if the Krazzle or Gorn got their sites set on the Dakota they could make quick work of her. He put those thoughts out of his mind and walked over to Mister Wayne.

"Mister Wayne. My Marines are aboard and out gear stored. We're as ready as we'll ever be." Lennox replied.

Corporal Nas then handed a PADD to Lennox. The big Nausicaan had accompanied Lennox to the Bridge. Lennox glanced at the PADD then handed it to Wayne. "Confirmation of our readiness."

"Thank you Col. Alright let's go home." Said Wayne he had a feeling what the marine thought of his ship and frankly he understood the mans reasons that did not mean he had to agree with them. "Helm move us into position with the fleet. Tactical I want all three tubes loaded and ready to fire the minute we arrive. there is going to be a large fleet against us and frankly I want to make sure we get the marines to the base in one piece." He added as h watched the ship move into position. He knew similar orders were being given and speeches made to the other crews now it was time to wait until the order was given to head out.

USS Mercy

Having dropped off Stacie with Kaden and Freya, Ariana made her way across to the Mercy. She was hoping Hades was right about the ship being ready for battle, he didn’t tend to say what he didn’t mean. Stepping onto the bridge she relieved the officer in the centre seat and started checking readiness reports.

Hades entered his ready room. The ship would depart soon. He keyed in a private, untraceable code and within seconds a think pointy shaped face filled the screen it’s grey drawn features looking both frightening and determined.

“Is all ready?”

The man gave a nod. “Our ship is cloaked. We are ready with locks both on Doctor Corrigan and Counselor Monroe. We also have a ship ready to transport your daughter if necessary.”

“Good. I will provide the distraction within the battle. I want Captain Torsen to stay on his ship as long as possible. As soon as you can get the captain alone after I give you the signal transport him to your ship. Also I have my engineering team ready as well. They will get the upgrades marked. Target only the marked portions and fire on the Mercy. All traces of the upgrades should be gone and we should be able to limp back to dock.”

The man bowed. “As you wish Lord Hades.”

Hades turned gave a nod. “Then back to First Federation Space under full warp 13 and cloak.”

“Yes sir.”

Hades shut down the coms link and headed for the bridge. He was happy to see Ariana there already. He’d taken an extra step to guard his thoughts and emotions so she could not read them. “Alright everyone! We’re going.” He turned to Ariana. “Commander pre-flight check get us out of dock.”

“Aye Sir” Ariana nodded as she moved across to her own seat to allow Hades to take his. “Readiness reports are already in for all departments, Engineering seemed eager for you to know that all was ready.” She gave Hades a curious look for a moment then looked away again. “Lieutenant ...” She looked to the Officer at flight. “Set course and let’s get this ship moving. Oh and no scratching the new paint job either or the engineers will be annoyed.” She grinned playfully.

The Lieutenant set the course. "Clamp released. We're easing back."

Hades gave a nod. "One quarter Impulse slow and steady." He looked at Ariana. "Contact Doctor Royale. Ensure she has signalled ready."

Ariana nodded. “According to the reports I read before you arrived on the bridge Sickbay was up to speed but I’ll will check.”

Hades gave a nod. He watched as the station lessened. "Once we are clear get us into warp." He stood. "Ariana you have the bridge." He headed into the Ready Room.

Ariana nodded and moved to the centre seat. “Bridge to Sickbay ... Doctor Royale are we all ready?”

"All ready here," came a soft voice. "Staff is ready and the sickbay is fully stacked."

“Acknowledged Doctor, Thank you.” Ariana settled back in the centre seat for now all she could do was wait.

SS Tenaran

In the hanger of their temporary home, Vox's ship, the SS Tenaran, was sat ready to go. He had packed only his essentials, as he hoped that they would be successful and then he could go back and fetch the more valuable items. He had made some modifications to this ship's minimal defences by re-routing power from non-essential systems, to help boost power to phasers and shields. He just now waited for the signal to get underway.

USS Endeavor

Coleman was making final preparations for the Endeavor to leave the station to recover Starbase 400. He wanted to make sure that everything would be perfect before they left. He had talked to Plumeri the day beforehand and he had gotten a little bit of intel on the Tholian issue. However, he wasn't able to get enough information from that route without going to the Kaleb System to figure out more.

Hearing the turbolift doors swish open and close behind him, Coleman leaned back and saw Plumeri come onto the Bridge. He offered Plumeri the XO seat and as he sat down, Coleman leaned over and asked, "How's the ship coming along?"

"Captain, aahhh...couple of issues. There is a power loss; an unexplained power loss on the secondary EPS conduit running from the rear shield emitter all the way to the impulse engine. Engineering is on it way we're going to figure it out before we launch. It's two-percent per hour. Maybe we can just bypass that system. If we get into a fight then we're going to have to keep the bad guys off our keester. A couple labs are still running some experiments. I gave them four hours to wrap it up. There is a ton of data that will have to be sifted through and I told them to just store it and they can analyze it when we get SB400 back. I don't want to tie up the main computer's processing core if we are in a fight. Medical bay is missing supplies...dockmaster says supplies are on the way. Three crewmen unaccounted for...I got Security rounding up those folks. Several teams want their families to stay behind on SB23. They don't want to bring their kids to the fight. I told them that I would ask you." Matthew looked at Coleman and handed him the PaDD.

"Well, this is a massive undertaking. One bad move and we all could be in for a Great-A buttkicking. Any new information on the Tholian front?" Coleman asked Plumeri as he looked the PADD over.

Matt answered, "Only a name 'Gorlant'. The Tholians aren't exactly known for being very chatty. We don't know if that's the name of a person, place, ship...or the pet cat at the Tholian embassy. Kalani is working her angles but time was short." Matthew watched Coleman's face.

"Have Kalani keep looking. Once we get into range of the Triangle, I want you guys to start scanning it and see what you can find out. If we have even a ping from what we've discussed about, let me know," Coleman said, handing the PADD back to Plumeri.

Taking the PaDD and nodding, "Aye Captain. I'm working with Lieutenant Sykes to try and see which of the three planets in the Triangle is going to be the most likely location. When we get closer we can launch a Class V probe and rendezvous with it later." The CONN announced, "Captain? Dockmaster is ready to cut the umbilical. We're ready to disengage from the docking port." Matthew looked at Nicholas, "The Typhon Pact wanted a war...they got one. It's time to kick some ass. Sir."

"Let's do this! Conn, tell the dockmaster we're ready and to go ahead and let the umbilicals to be released," Coleman said. The CONN Officer nodded and let the dockmaster know they were ready for release and within moments, the ship let out a small shutter as the umbilical supports were released. Within a few minutes, the Endeavour joined the rest of the ships that were heading out.

USS Kearsarge

Olivia stepped off the transporter PADD of the Kearsarge and made her way to the marine decks to drop off her bag. For now she could make herself useful in Sickbay so that was where she was planning on heading rather than sitting around doing nothing, she wasn’t just a marine medic she was a qualified Counsellor if needed in that respect at any point.

Jewel was on the bridge she looked at Taz, "Please run a full systems check, to make sure everything is in order." She ordered.

"Yess ma'm." Taz replied as his claws clicked on the Tactical panel. After a few moments he replied, "All Tactical ssysstemss rready Generral." The only Krazzle in Starfleet replied.

Tapping her Commbadge, "Bridge to Ensign Bremer, status in sickbay?" She asked.

"Sickbay is ready General. All supplies are aboard. We have a limited staff, but the EMH is ready for activation if needed." Becca replied.

She nodded again tapping her combadge, "Bridge to Major Maxwell status on the Fighters," Jewel asked.

"Everything's loaded." Ed responded from Fighter Ops. He wasn't technically cleared for flight status, which grated on his nerves to no end. In the meantime, he'd be running the show from Fighter Ops. A dubious second best scenario. "Birds are getting a thorough going over, we're stuffed to the gills with ordnance. We'll hold our end when the time comes."

USS Cairo

Captain Marcus was sitting on the bridge of the USS Cairo. A Sovereign-class Ship that had just arrived earlier this morning. And was making last-minute preparations for their pending attack to take back SB400. The ship was crewed with Marines. Now they were waiting for the fleet to depart.

USS Essex Bridge

Deela stepped onto the bridge and looked around. She had made changes the crew roster. For her, this was an important battle, to get Starbase 400 back and get her family back as well. She wasn't about to lose this one because of an insufficient crew. She sat down in her command chair and waited for the rest to arrive. She started to look at some information on a PADD that she was handed.

The turbolift doors opened and an athletic-looking young woman stepped out, she wore the uniform well. She came over to the Admiral with a PADD in hand. "Admiral." the young woman smiled as she addressed the older woman before her. "Lieutenant Rachael Yamaguchi, reporting for duty sir" she said formally. "My orders." as she handed the PADD in her hands over to the Admiral for her inspection.

Deela took the PADD and looked at it then looked at Rachel. She recognized the name and the face was familiar too but she looked older that she thought her to be and all grown up. "Lieutenant Yamaguchi, welcome aboard. Good to see you again after all these years. We will have to catch up once we get Starbase 400 back. Take your station please."

The turbolift door opened again as Xalanth stepped out onto the bridge. The lizard had done his people's ritual before combat and his reptilian face now had his clans patterned black war paint running across his red face. " Reporting for duty ma'am," he said standing to attention.

Yamaguchi regarded the Dragonian in silence, she had heard of them of course but she had never worked with one before and he looked a little odd to her eyes, but then it came to her, face paint and she assumed it was something to do with the upcoming battle.

Deela looked at him and his face but didn't say a word. She understood that there are rituals that each person follows so she left it alone, "Make sure that everything checks out and is battle ready."

Yamaguchi accepted her PADD back. "Aye sir." before she turned, she made her way over to the conn station before she took her seat. Yamaguchi gently placed her hand on the console. She found the feeling of the metal to be cool to the touch and also very refreshing. "Are you ready to dance, young lady?" Yamaguchi asked softly, to nobody in particular. She performed a quick diagnostic check before she turned to T'Lar. "Helm ready ma'am."

The lizard nodded as he took his position behind the tactical console and began running through the weapons testing protocols. He had seen several of the glances at him, but he understood. They were all unique here and hs people's customers were strange to most of them. " All weapons and shields are all ready for combat Admiral." He said with a grin on his face.

Lt Commander Croesus quickly settled into OPS station awaiting orders.

"Commander Croesus, good to have you back." Deela smiled slightly then walked back to her seat. Deela looked once more around the bridge and was satisfied with her crew. All departments checked in except for medical which she wasn't too concerned about since she helped set it up for casualties. She stood up and addressed the crew, "Today is the day that we will remember, in years to come. I need all of you to be on top of your game. I have complete confidence in all of you. We ARE going to take back Starbase 400." She took a deep breath and exhaled, "Lieutenant Yamaguchi. Let Admiral Bremer know that we are ready and awaiting further orders."

Yamaguchi nodded her head "Aye sir." as she went about typing out the message and then sending it off to the flagship. "Message sent Admiral," Yamaguchi answered.

Yamaguchi turned her attention back to her pannel before she softly started laughing, it wasn't exactly a pleasant sound. "Now the gate has been unlatched... Headstones pushed aside... Corpses shift and offer room... A fate they must abide!"

Rachel must have forgotten about Deela's good hearing, "Lieutenant Yamaguchi, would you like to share with the rest of the crew here what you find so funny?" This mission was hard enough for everyone.

Yamaguchi turned around as she regarded the Admiral, a rather wide smile on her lips. "It's simple. The hall is rented, the orchestra has tuned up, it's time for us to dance..." she answered quietly.

"Damn straight." Deela, like the rest of the fleet, was eager to get going as this was taking too long, "Now they just need to get the music started so we can." It wasn't what she said but Deela didn't press.

Lt. Commander Croesus quickly assessed his station and rerouted power to all essential systems. Adrenaline and warnog flowed together as he prepared for battle.

Yamaguchi smiled. "Then before the days are done... and the battles fought and won... " as Yamaguchi regarded T'Lar. "Now comes the hard part."

"Hard? You put it mildly Lieutenant." She could think of more suited words when it comes to what they were about to do.

Yamaguchi turned to regard T'Lar in silence for a moment before she smiled at the older woman who was old enough to be her mother as she turned back to the helm. "Soon we'll be getting underway and they will be the easy part... the battle, the fighting, and the rest of it..."

Deela was ready to get underway. All departments reported ready. She looked around at the crew and could feel the anxiety and adrenalyn of the bridge crew.

USS Ark Royal

With the orders given and the plan made clear, Jack had made his way towards the Ark Royal after paying Deela a visit on the Essex. He knew that this was going to be a hard mission to complete, a battle that would cost the Alliance dear, but every step of the way would be a victory of its own.

Having spent some time with her, he felt better prepared as they looked to go into an engagement that was possibly akin to the action he had seen in the Dominion War aboard the wildcat...and that time still left him with nightmares now and then. Having made his way to the Bridge, Jack stepped out of the turbolift to see the crew working away as they prepared to leave Starbase 23.

As he looked around, he saw both Lieutenants Raven and Taloris, sat respectively at the Helm and Operations stations. Behind him was Ensign Raith at the Tactical station whilst Jack knew that Mr Quan was down in Engineering making sure that the old girl was ready for action and ready to take on some of the heaviest combat she may have seen.

As he went to sit at the conn, his XO, Rhae Yosemite joined him in her seat. "Captain, all stations report ready for launch," she confirmed as she handed him a PADD. "On behalf of the crew, I'd like to convey my relief and there's that we're going home."

"Thank you, number one, I echo those sentiments," Jack replied. Pressing the shipwide comm button on his command chair, Jack leaned forward.

"Brave crew of the USS Ark Royal, I want to say thank you, not just as your commanding officer, but also as your friend and colleague. I want to thank you for your service and dedication aboard this vessel and for your service and dedication aboard starbase 400... our home.

"However, I have one more task to ask of you all: I want your best and nothing less in the hours that follow as we head out as part of the Alliance Fleet to take back our home and we drive out the enemy who have sought to occupy it. Show them that the name Ark Royal stands for Justice, Honour and Integrity...notions that the Typhon Fleet don't know of. So we'll educate them as we ram the point home during the oncoming onslaught. We're going home to take back our home! We're Starfleet and we're the best!!"

As he ended his speech, Jack smiled as he heard the cheers around the Bridge. Once the noise began to die down, he walked over to the Ops station and opened a channel to the Pegasus. "Ark Royal to Pegasus, We stand ready to make the journey home, Solomon out," he said. Now came the wait.

Rhae leaned forward in the XO position and waited for once the Captain had given his orders. "Helm, prepare to move out on the go signal from the Pegasus, Operations, I want active scanning as we make our journey, let's see what's out there and what's waiting, Tactical, make sure that we're ready to go in fighting once the enemy have made the first move," she said as Jack returned to his seat.

USS Waterloo Bridge

There was a flash was space as an Akira class starship emerged from warp near Starbase 23, before the Waterloo slowed to low impulse speeds.

Seated in her command chair. Captain Torilla Yamaguchi beheld the enormous formation in silence.

"Would you look at that..." Commander Darren Reynolds commented from the port side of the bridge. "Look at the size of that fleet."

Yamaguchi opted to say nothing as she knew that the size of the fleet now wasn't what counted, it would be the size of the fleet when the hurley-burley was finished and all was said and done. "The battle isn't fought yet, guys... We shall see how badly this effort goes..." the older female commented with er soft dulcet tones. Yamaguchi knew that one of her children was here with this fleet and her other two children were elsewhere, likewise in other fleets making the same effort. Trying to win this war.

Reynolds turned his attention to his Captain. "Are you alright skipper?" he inquired softly.

"I hate waiting." Yamaguchi paused. "Before going into battle..." she rose to her feet. "I'm going to tour the ship. Keep an eye in things Darren." and with that, Yamaguchi moved into the turbolift and was gone.

USS Falcon Bridge

Ezekiel could hardly believe it, they were finally home. His face lightened up, as he saw a familiar sight. The USS Falcon, had joined formation, with the other ships within the fleet. From his center seat, he looked over to Sarah. His first officer. "Commander, is our strike team ready to assist?" Ezekiel asked, Sarah. It was sometimes hard to believe they were a special operations team. Despite the fact, they trained for it, continuously.

“They are ready at your word, Captain,” Sarah replied. This what they worked for and they were at the top of their game.

"Very good, signal Vice Admiral Bremer, that our strike force team is ready to go, on his orders." Ezekiel said, with a little tension in his voice. He was not concerned that could not do the job. He was anxious, to get home. To assess the damage to Starbase 400. This was just an obstacle to overcome.

Sarah sent the signal that they were ready. It was time to get this done so they could go home and resume their lives on the Starbase. She knew it wouldn’t be easy at first but they all had what it takes to move forward.

Ezekiel grinned, as he watched Sarah send the signal. He gripped his chair handles, with excitement. In a short time, they would be home. They just had to eliminate the hostile force, currently occupying the system. His Beta Team was ready to go, he hoped the Admiral gave the word.

"Commander, let's get our home back!" Ezekiel called out, trying to motivate her and the rest of the crew. They were now so close. All they needed to do, was defeat the enemy. He knew the crew, was tired of living on the USS Falcon. She was a patrol vessel, not a deep space exploration vessel.

"The Captain is right," Sarah called out, excitement in her voice. "It is time for us to take back what is ours and we will take a big part in it." She normally hated battle but this was one she was looking forward to, right or wrong.

"Commander prepare your team, and wait for the Admiral's orders." Ezekiel called out, wishing he was leading that mission. He had respect and trust for Sarah, but deep down, he did not want to send in another to harms way, while he stayed back on the ship.

“Yes Captain,” Sarah replied and headed on her way to prepare for their end of the battle. She knew Bagwelll had confidence in the team and her leading it.

Ezekiel watched Sarah leave the bridge. He really wished he was going with her, but at the moment, he needed to be on the bridge. In command of his ship. He debated about giving her an old egyption proverb, but decided against it. She had a lot on her plate. She did not need the distraction.

USS Steadfast

Captain Harrison waited while her ship and crew finished preparing to get going. She hoped that they would as she really wanted to bring her kids home and be safe. She couldn't do that until they got SB400 back. She was missing them terribly and it hurt. She had to shake it off and be the Captain of the Steadfast and not a blubbering idiot.

This was the most important day for everyone of Starbase 400. She had the tactical officer and engineering go over all the weapons, making sure that it was battle ready. Now, all they had to do was wait.

USS Sutherland, Bridge

Finchley stood at the Security/Tactical console and entered in his Security codes. "Computer, verify Security code acceptance for Lieutenant Junior Grade Finchley Kerr for the USS Sutherland."

==^==Security codes accepted==^==

"Begin pre-launch check of all onboard weapon and Tactical systems, alert me when check is complete and report any discrepancies or problems" he added.

==^==Weapons and Tactical systems check has been initiated==^==

Finchley nodded, and started to head off to manually inspect the launchers and phaser arrays then noted an officer entering the bridge.

Zandusky was running later than he would have liked to be running. The transfer ship that he was travelling on to rendezvous with Fleet Admiral Bremer's fleet had experienced malfunctions in the warp plasma transfer conduits and had delayed his arrival by nearly a full day. As it was, he didn't get to meet Admiral Bremer in person, it was a short comm's chat informing Zandusky that he was to report to the Sutherland as its commanding officer for the mission to retake SB400. Zandusky didn't even make it to his quarters aboard the ship to stow his belongings.

The newly promoted captain, who was to be Chief Strategic Operations Officer of SB400 and the Triangle, crossed the side of the bridge and entered the Ready Room, dropping his bag a few feet inside and stepping back onto the bridge. He smiled as he turned, everyone was so engrossed in preparing for departure that they didn't notice he even boarded the bridge.

From where he stood, he said, "Computer, recognize; Zandusky, Alexander Ivanov, Captain."

The computer chirped, "Recognized."

Zandusky continued, "Transfer all command codes to Captain Alexander Zandusky, voice pattern authorization Zandusky-Omega-3-Gamma-4-1."

The computer chirped its acknowledgement and then said, "All command codes for U.S.S. Sutherland have been transferred to Captain Alexander Zandusky."

Zandusky nodded to no one in particular and moved to the center seat, everyone was paying attention now. He looked around the bridge and noticed that the highest ranked individual on the bridge right now was a human male who held the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade standing at the Tactical station, who was looking at him. He spoke up, "Lieutenant, status report of the ship's preparedness to depart with the fleet?"

"All crew are onboard, the ship is at station keeping, all systems have been checked, our communictions are tied into Fleet Admiral Bremers ship and we await your orders Captain" Finchley replied.

Alexander nodded, "Excellent." He leaned back in the chair and looked towards Ops, "Contact the dockmaster and request clearance for departure." He looked back to Kerr, "Send a message informing the command ship that we stand ready to deploy with the fleet, and are awaiting authorization for departure from the dockmaster."

"Aye Sir" Finchley replied, turning back to his console. Once the message was relayed and a reply given, he turned back to the Captain and said "The USS Pegasus acknowledged our readiness to deploy Captain. Permission to leave the bridge Sir, I want to make a final check on our launchers and phaser arrays, make sure everything's as we require it?"

Nodding Tim replied,” aye sir”. Tim sent a message to the dock master and then turned back to speak to the Captain, “We have been cleared to leave Captain.” Tim reached out with his mind to touch his Imzadi, he Felt her respond, if all went well he would be back on Star base 400 with his family. Plotting in a course he waited,for further orders.o

Alexander nodded, as he tapped the intercom command on the command chair, "All hands, prepare for departure. We will be engaging in combat. I expect you all to perform your duties to the best of your abilities. Zandusky out." He then looked around the bridge, "Move us into position in the formation."

Tim nodded as he moved them into position.

USS Luna bridge

Lee stepped off the turbo lift looking around, he then stopped in front of the command chair.

The Andorian at the helm turned to face him "Sir we are ready to depart."

Lee nodded "Good then Lieutenant, inform the group that the Luna is ready to depart."

Sylli Sh'erilnahr nodded "Aye sir." She then turned back around

USS Endeavor

Coleman watched the Endeavour leave the space doors. It was always a glorious sight to watch, as he was close to his ship, as any ship commander was. Looking at the Conn and Engineering Officer and asked, "How are the engine imbalances doing?"

The CONN Officer replied, "They're holding steady, but still there sir. I'll make sure to keep an eye on it once we go into battle."

"Alright, lets make sure it isn't a problem as we head there, okay?" Coleman said as he looked to Plumeri and just let a small smirk come across his face. He wanted to make sure that the tension was as low as possible before they all went into battle.

USS Pegasus, Bridge

Mike looked over a PADD he'd been handed by a Medical Officer. "And they're sure about this?"

The officer nodded, "Yes sir."

"Alright. Have Doctor Corrigan sign off on it. I hate to lose Mister Ross but his physical and mental well being are more important right now. Rehab and rest on Earth will do him good."

The officer nodded, "Yes sir."

Mike handed the PADD to the Andorian and he returned to sick bay. Mike himself leaned back in his chair waiting for all ships to report they were ready to depart.



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