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How blest

Posted on Fri Jul 17th, 2020 @ 1:21am by Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri

1,280 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: USS Endeavor - XO's quarters
Timeline: MD01 - Late



Matthew was alerted by the computer that he has received a communique from his parents. Matt rolled over from sleep and sat up in bed. The alert notification made him push the sheet off from around his partially nude body. Barechested and only in boxer shorts, he slid his legs onto the floor and sat there a moment. He stretched muscled arms and yawned. He got up from bed and padded to the small circular table. Picked up a PaDD and opened the message to view it.


Yanniris Plumeri, a woman in her early fifties appeared on the screen. Her curly, strawberry blond hair fell about her shoulders and landed on a burgundy colored blouse. Her blue eyes were alive and merry, her lips curled into a smile the parted to show her teeth. About her neck was a golden chain. The wrinkles on her face were about her eyes and mouth. Etched in them were lines of care and love, earned from raising two boys and a girl. There was a glow about her that carried through to the subspace letter Matt held in his hands. He recognized the summer kitchen. The white of the cupboards and the dark marble of the counter tops. The windows were open, and he could see in the background the orchards in full bloom. “Matteo!” she said in Fontalan. Matt smiled to himself. No sweeter sound as the sound of one’s own name breathed from the lips of love.

“Your father and I received your letter a few days ago. Thank you for writing Matty. You know how much we love to hear from you. I wanted to send you this letter before you go on to your next adventure at Starbase 400. I thought that you would like to know how things are getting on at home. Well, come along; I’ll show you.”

Yanni got up from the kitchen table and walked outdoors to the porch. She walked down a few steps and out to a field of olive trees full and in bloom. “The trees Matty, look at how full they are! We are incredibly pleased to say that this year’s harvest will be the most bountiful yet! Finally, we will see our first profits in five years! It’s not about the money, of course, but finally, the other families can make some money too. When you get settled at that Starbase, I’ll send you a case of this year’s crop.” She walked out of the trees and into an open field. It looked like sorghum fields. Tall, plants heavy with a cereal grain particular to the coastal plains of this region of Fontalis.

Off in the distance a very large herd sheep was grazing on a fallow field. Yannis turned the PaDD around so Matthew could see the field and the herd of sheep. “You always loved this time of year. The herds of sheep are passing through. We can never say no to them passing through. Not after you loved them so much. Look at all of them. Do you remember when there were only five? I do.”

The sheep were grazing, and the shade of the tall trees gave them a pleasant shade. The shepherd Canton walked among them, he, and his daughters. Yanni waved to them and they waved back, “Canton! Good to see you again!” The Canton nodded and Yanni said to the PaDD in her hand, “How blest are the shepherds and how happy their daughters.” She walked over to them filling Matt in on the details of how the herd had grown. Then, there was Emmalina. Emmalina was blind and had excellent hearing. “Is that…. yes!? Mrs. Plumeri!” the girl of 20 years or so said, “Emmalina!” Yanni said and embraced her. “Oh how good to see you dear one!” With a kiss on the forehead, Yanni looked into her eyes, “You, your sister, your father and all the herd are always welcome here. Here? I have in my hand a PaDD. Say hello to Matty? I am sending him a letter later today.” Emmalina smiled and hugged her back, “Hi Matteo!” Emmalina knew how much he did not like being called “Matty”. “How are you Rhodira? Cantor?” Each one she greeted as her own family. That’s the way Yanni ran the house. Matthew never even knew that people locked their doors at night until he got to the Academy. And his mother always set an extra seat at table. Never turned anyone away. From her Matt learned what generosity meant and how to be generous in life and love.

Matt took a long drink of coffee, finishing it off. He continued viewing the letter from home.

Back in the summer kitchen with Yanni and Carlo, his father. The dinner table was full, as usual. The warm light from the overhead lights illuminated the table in a glow that was as happy as the faces. In turn, by turn, the PaDD was passed from person to person who said hello to him. Some people Matt had no idea who they were. Like this fellow, “Hi, uh, you don’t know me. I work with your dad, just come back from a dig near Allopinno. Anyway, you got a real nice family kid.” A few friends he knew. The PaDD ended up back in his father’s hands.

“Well son, I know you are busy. But we miss you. You know we love you. We are both immensely proud of you son. Congratulations on your new job at the Starbase. You take care of you.” He nodded and handed the PaDD back to Yanni.

“Well, Matteo, you see how we are. Our life is good. Possiamo, il grande monarca del cielo, blesses us all the time. You are seeing someone? A girl perhaps that you are hiding from me? I want grand kids Matty! And you should find someone who will love you. It’s a mother’s wish.”

Matt rolled his eyes and exhaled in a sigh.

“And don’t sigh at me. I gots eyes in the back of my head too.” She smiled and Matt breathed a little easier. For a moment he thought it might have been a “live” letter. Your brother we never hear from. Your little sister is married and has already three little ones. But, OK, I don’t push you. By the time you settle down, maybe your kids can visit your father and me at the grave.”

Carlo leaned in and whispered something into her ear, the kissed her on the cheek. “Ok. We love you and we miss you. When are you coming home again Matty? Starfleet is not so important that you cannot get some time away?” She looked hurt for a moment, Carlo squeezed her hand in comfort, she brightened up a bit. “OK, yes? Come home soon? When you can. I know it is not up to you. I know, I know. Anytime you want – there is a place for you here.”

Matt said aloud, softly, “mama…”

“Ah, I am never good at goodbyes. I never have been. So, what do we say, until we meet again? Write us? OK, and don’t do anything…you know…. crazy. Like jump out an airlock.” Here she ended the letter.

Matt put the PaDD on the table. One day, soon, he would take extended leave and go home. But not today.


LTJG. Matthew Plumeri
USS Endeavor


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