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An Akkadian? What's an Akkadian?

Posted on Wed Jul 29th, 2020 @ 11:26pm by Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant Alekela illm Meaho'ōla

1,839 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Starships En Route


USS Endeavor - En Route

Acting Assistant Chief Medical Officer on board Endeavor, Dr. DeBroche was puzzled. He had just familiarized himself with the medical database about a Dragonian Chief of Security. Now this, a new medical professional who was Akkadian. The database was lean.

"Lieutenant Alekela illm Meaho'ōla" he said to himself as he reviewed her datafile. DeBrouche tapped the COMM and opened a channel to Ariana Monroe onboard the Mercy.

"Commander Monroe? I hate to bother you Counselor, but do you know anything about this new doctor? Lieutenant Alekela illm Meaho'ōla? There is precious little in the damn medical database and I like to keep myself informed. She's so new in fact, I can't get access to her medical chart. Now, how in the hell am I supposed to be fully equipped and stocked for any eventuality if I can't even know the crew compliment? All I know is she's on the Sutherland and I can't get anybody to answer the damn COMM over there. Do you have any information on her?"

Ariana was grateful for the break in her routine as she made her way across to the XO's office to take the incoming call in private. "I'm afraid I haven't met our new doctor yet, infact I wasn't even aware we had another doctor. As for Akkadian, I've never encountered one before so I'm afraid I'm no further forward than you."

DeBrouche, a man in his mid-sixties, sighed. "This is damn irregular. We have more secrets around here than a bar at a Romulan hotel. Hold on just a second please Counselor, I'm calling Dr. Corrigan."

The COMM channel opened a third window and DeBrouche opened a channel to the Pegasus. "Chief Medical Officer Carolyn Corrigan please?" He asked the person who answered on the Pegasus. While they waited he asked Arianna, "How are you holding up there Monroe?"

“About as well as can be expected.” Ariana smiled. “Being XO of a Starship is quite a task, I’m just trying to do my best and not let Hades down.”

DeBroche said, "You've had a lot on your plate recently young lady, if you don't mind an old man's observations. Who counsels the Counselors ay? You must remember to take time now and again for you" he said with kind advice.

“That’s very true” Ariana smiled. “After all this, thats what I intend to do.”

“Is something wrong?” Doctor Corrigan asked, her monitor at first showing nothing but an empty chair before she appeared and sat down, her forehead furrowed into a concerned frown. She looked off screen for a moment as someone handed her a PaDD which she skimmed through, signed and handed back. She glanced between Monroe and DeBrouche expectantly.

“All Good here” Ariana smiled. “The good doctor just wanted an opinion on a new face.”

"Ah, Carolyn, sorry to bother you Doctor. We have a new crew member, a new Doctor in fact, and I have nothing in the medical database on which to go on. This isn't my first rodeo either so I was hoping that you might have gotten her Medical Records? Lieutenant Alekela illm Meaho'ōla?"

“They should be available shortly, Dr Hades conducted her provisional medical before we departed,” Carolyn told him, “from her file she will be a great addition to the team.”

Debrouche nodded, "Of course. Glad to know that Hades has things well in hand then. It sounds like just too much work and not enough people. Here, why don't I just pull up the good doctor too so we're not talking about her in the third person?" DeBrouche worked the console and added a fourth comm channel. This tie directly to the CMO onboard the Sutherland. "Let me see if anybody on that ship is minding the COMM's. When all else fails, let's ask the individual themselves. I know this is the 24th century; occasionally I like the hands on approach just to throw Starfleet Medical off." The COMM channel opened to the Sutherland, =A= Hello there? I am looking for the Doctor. Lieutenant Alekela illm Meaho'ōla, this is Doctor Allain DeBrouche calling. =A=

Alekelia was a bit surprise as she sat in the CMO office of the Sutherland to get a call. She figured maybe someone had finally realized that they had made a mistake and going to correct it.

She straightened and made sure her hair was well in place before answering
=^=This is Alekela Doctor DeBrouche=^ She did not use her Guild affiliation as he had pretty much mangled it and she did not want to make it sound embarrassing to say it. He did a pretty decent job on her name though, almost got a the rise and fall correct.

DeBrouche smiled, "Ah, there we go. Lieutenant, er, Doctor, I'm having a hard time finding your species in the medical database. I am the Medical Officer, Civillian naturally, at your service on board the Endeavor. My dear, I don't think I have a copy of your medical records and I was hoping that you might have a copy? Maybe even tell us about yourself? Oh? Right. Doctor Carolyn Corrigan is here, the Assistant Chief Medical Officer for the starbase. Counselor Ariana Monroe as well."

“A pleasure to meet you” Ariana smiled warmly.


Alekela was a bit surprised but then again she knew she could count on the fingers of both hands the number of her kind off planet.

"Unfortunately Doctors, I do not have anything. I will make a note to put in a request to have what is Fleet medical sent." She replied and then thought to start what fascinated most others.

"I suppose that most are fascinated that we are capable of flight." Alekela stood and stepped back and then opened the translucent wings which almost touched the walls of the smallish office. "Our wings are organized into two pairs the forewings and the hindwings," She flexed, each pair as she talked. "Each of the wings is strengthened by a number of longitudinal veins having cross-connections that form cells in the membrane. The wing muscles are attached directly to the wing base such that a small downward movement lifts the wing, another set pulls the wing back down." She turned hoping that the others might be able to see and did just that very slightly as there was not a lot of room. "Since each wing is independently connected, we have the ability of being able to hover, fly backwards and dart. For matron flights then, due to independent nature of the wings, the hind wings can beat a fraction of a second different and take advantage of air flowing off the forewings resulting in a highly efficient form of flight. Oh!" She coloured slightly. "I say we, sorry only the females develop wings, not the breeding or infertile males, well...let me take that back. In rare cases a breeding male can develop wings."

DeBrouche nodded and if he had glasses to wear he would have put them on at this point. "Oh now see...that's something that is worth seeing. I'm sure the medical file will eventually get here. In the meantime, I hope you don't mind a few questions? I have a couple. What species that is in our database would you say are you the closest too?"

Alekela thought a moment and then shook her head a bit in the negative.
"I cannot think of any. Respiratory system is akin to Terran birds. Our main heart is not much different that other four chambered humanoid species, but there are two additional two chambered hearts connected to the respiratory system and the flight muscles."

“Just one...” Carolyn began as she leaned forward, “Can I borrow those wings the next time Hades gets mad at me?”

Alekela looked puzzled. "While they can be shed periodically, I am not sure you have the necessary physiology in order to use them. Besides on most ships unless holodeck or if big enough with a arboretum, there is not much space to be able to use them."

DeBrouche grinned and chuckled and he made a few notes on a PaDD. "Yes, and while we're figuring out how to give everyone a pair of wings why not we devise an invisibility potion? Or how about a love potion? I'm sure putting all our head together we can concoct a snake oil?" He chuckled again and looked up at the monitor. Alekela wasn't getting the joke - he said, "Only an attempt at humor Lieutenant. We doctors must from time to time work on our bedside manner. For some reason the patients seem to want us not to be too serious?"

DeBrouche asked, "Any allergies or allergic reactions we should know about? Are you currently taking any medications?"

Alekela shook her head in the negative. "None that I am aware and no medications. We seldom get sick, yes it happens, but it is not common." She made a bit of a face and then said, "we have a pretty good intrinsic ability to regenerate. As you see me, I will be this way in sixty or so years time. A bit like El Aurians, we just do not age, we just do not live as long as they do. When our life comes to its close, in the final year, it is like age all catches up to us at once. I have seen it mentioned in the Fleet material that it was noted we are the 'Dorian Grey' people. I had to look that one. A tale from Earth if you have seen it."

DeBrouche had an odd look on his face; gob smacked seems the right word. "MMMhhmm" he said taking another note. "Our Chief Science Officer and the good Captain - uh - they are one in the same Alekela, he is El Aurian. And I must be in my final year then. I feel my age rapidly making its prescence known." He chuckled, "Alright then, I think I have my questions answered. I will look for the official medical file to be sent to the medical database as soon as it possibly can. Until then, good doctor, welcome to the family. I hope I never have to see you on one of my beds." Here he addressed himself to the other professionals, "Doctor Corrigan? Counselor? If there's nothing you want to know then I'm sure we all have duties to attend too?"

"All good here," Carolyn assured them. "But you both know where to reach me if you need anything."

“Likewise” Ariana smiled. “Just call me if you need anything.”


Hector DeBrouche, MD
Civillian GP
(NPC Plumeri)


Lt. Alekela illm Meaho'ōla
Medical Doctore


Lt.Commander Carolyn Corrigan, MD


LTCDR Ariana Monroe
Chief Counselor, SB400
(Signed off by Plumeri)


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