Lieutenant Timothy O’Riley

Name Timothy James O’Riley

Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant


  • 28 Mission Posts
  • 1 Personal Logs

Last Post

Tue Dec 10th, 2024 @ 10:27am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Betazoid
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 6’1
Weight 185
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tim is driven, dedicated, focused and full on. He pushes himself to get the best out of himself and be an asset to the team. Talented when it comes to technology and a sponge when it comes to new system specifications or designs. Some would say that he is helpful to a fault, going further then perhaps really is needed of him if asked for his assistance.

He's comes off as the sort of person that you can depend on to get a job done, not afraid to ask for help or help others when the need is present. He doesn't take kindly to people looking down on him because of his age, he joined Starfleet later than most but excelled in the Engineering sections of studies. During this time he also decided to study with the Intellegence division to have a secondary field of expertise.


Spouse Olivia O’Riley
Children Emily
Father Michael
Mother Hannah
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Great Grandmother Lweasseh Neanem, part of ruling council on Betazed.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tim is driven, dedicated, focused and full on. He pushes himself to get the best out of himself and be an asset to the team. Talented when it comes to technology and a sponge when it comes to new system specifications or designs. Some would say that he is helpful to a fault, going further then perhaps really is needed of him if asked for his assistance.

He's comes off as the sort of person that you can depend on to get a job done, not afraid to ask for help or help others when the need is present. He doesn't take kindly to people looking down on him because of his age, he joined Starfleet later than most but excelled in the Engineering sections of studies. During this time he also decided to study with the Intellegence division to have a secondary field of expertise.
Hobbies & Interests Reading a good book, Spending time with family
Languages English

Personal History Tim was born to Michael and Hannah O’Riley on Earth. During his childhood Tim found out that he had a great grandmother who was a Betazed and that he had inherited some of those same telepathic powers, but also the ability to disappear into his surrounding. Tim enjoyed tinkering with the different computers and gadgets around the homestead and found thT he had a knack for anything electronics. His teachers noticed this and urged him to apply to Starfleet academy. While the testing for entrance was difficult it took him two times before he was admitted to the aceademy as an engineering cadet. He studied everything he could and excelled in warp field mechanics. But love soon found him.

While at the academy Tim met & fell in love with fellow cadet Olivia the two were the a-typical almost inseparable romantic couple but when having children was mentioned Olivia left immediately after graduation, with not even a good bye. Heart broken Tim left for his first assignment on the USS Lexington as an Infiltration Specialist. It was during this time that he was tested to his limits when he was asked to infiltrate a rogue Starship who were bent on destroying the peace.

Timothy excelled in school and his instructors were amazed how easy it was for him to blend in with his surroundings. Once he was accepted to the academy he started his training in engineering and son fond put he truly enjoyed taking things apart and putting them back together. During this time he also found out he had an interst in the intellegence field and studied it as a secondary field. After the academy Tim was unable to find a spot on any ship as a engineer so he accepted a spot on the USS Lexington as a infiltration specialist. It was during this assignment that he noticed he had a knack of infiltrating enemy facilities without being noticed.

Tim’s various assignments as Intellegence specialist kept in harms way and it was during this time he ran into a member of Section 31 and was recruited into their ranks. During one mission Tim was caught and court martialed and sentenced to a penal colony, however, because no lives were lost and with the help of his Bajorian Great Grandmother he was granted a pardon and some leave while a position was found for his talents.

After his leave his was assigned Heyerdahl Station as Intellegence Lead, to assist in various aspects of the department, but his true love was engineering. During this time he discovered his academy love Olivia Cayne was now stationed here, and they were able to reconnect and were eventually married. After welcoming their twin Children Emily and Joseph, Olivia was giving the job as a councilor and Tim was asked to take over the job as department head for engineering a job he had dreamed about for years.

Soon after taking the job as Director of Engineering for Heyerdahl Station, Starfleet decided to decommission the station. As Olivia and the Twins headed to their new home on Starbase 400 he stayed behind to help with shutting things down at the Station. He joined his wife and children at Starbase 400 a short time later.
Service Record 2383 - Enrolled at Starfleet Academy
2387 - Graduated and assigned to USS Barre as Infiltration Specialist
2388 - Transferred to USS Montpelier
2389 - Transferred to USS Montana as Intelligence Officer
2390 - Transferred to USS Excelsior
2390 - Promoted to Chief Intelligence Officer
2391 - Court-Martialed for working with Section 31, accepted a plea deal and demoted to LT JG and awaited reassignment
2392 - Transferred to Heyerdahl Station as Intelligence lead
2392 - Transferred to Director of Engineering
2395 - Transferred to Starbase 400 as Assistant Chief Operations Officer
Simming History Plenty, been swimming for several years now. Had one sim close on me and Janet so we moved our two characters here
How did you hear about Starbase 400 Janet