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Mission Briefing

Posted on Fri Jun 12th, 2020 @ 7:01pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Patrick Dow & Captain Paul MacLeod & Commander Leksander Draven & Colonel Danny Lennox & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Lieutenant David Hannigan & Lieutenant K`Wor & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & First Ramata`tar & Commander Robert Stark & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Brigadier General Kaden Ross & Colonel Ezekiel Bagwell & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Major Edward Maxwell & Lieutenant Timothy O’Riley & Lieutenant Xalanth & Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri & Camron Wayne & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Colonel Jack Pike & Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel

6,178 words; about a 31 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: USS Pegasus, Deck 7, Marine Briefing Room
Timeline: MD1 - 0730hrs


Mike stood behind the main wall display in the Marine Briefing Room on Deck 7 of the USS Pegasus. It was the only briefing room big enough for everyone that was invited.

It was time to retake Starbase 400 and go home.

"Good Morning, Admiral," Doctor Corrigan offered with a warm smile as she entered the briefing room, surprised to find she was - unusually for her - early. It was, she realised, the first time she had seen the Admiral since she they had meet on the promenade of the Starbase. That already felt a long time ago. She opted for a place close to the door, just in case her nemesis of morning sickness decided to strike. Again.

She was curious as to the reason for the briefing, and for having it here, but she had confidence it would all be explained in time so she settled in to wait.

Hades walked in shortly after Carolyn giving both a greeting and taking a coffee. He settled in his chair and got his data PaDD ready for notes.

Jewel walked in after being called for a meeting, she nodded to those already here and took her seat. "Morning," Jewel replied.

Next through the door was Xalanth. The lizard gave everyone a polite. " Good morning everyone," he said as he took a sip from the drink in his hand as he took his designated seat.

Vox entered the large marine briefing room. He hoped he was in the right place was actually meant to be here. He saw the Admiral at the table. "Good Morning Admiral. I am meant to be here right? I am just a civilian dealer in art and antiquities. " Vox commented.

Ariana walked in the door looking somewhat rough, her stomach was doing somersaults thanks to her morning sickness. She offered a polite “Good Morning everyone” as she headed for the replicator and got herself a ginger tea. Seeing Carolyn sitting close to the door she offered a smile and sat in the seat beside her. “I hate mornings!” She grinned as she sat back in the seat and sipped her tea.

Lee entered the area himself, he nodded to all who was already there then grabbed himself a cup of coffee then leaned against a wall.

Tom and Vito arrived Lennox and Roebuck from the port side door while Draven, Cross, Hannigan all came in through the startboard. It was odd not seeing Commander Rann with the Intel staff though. He'd been transferred to Hawkeye Island in the Raeya System a few days before to help them with their intel needs.

A moment later Ramata'ta and K'Wor, and Commander Stark came in with K'Temoc a few moments later. All of them mingled for a moment before taking seats and readying their PADDs for the briefing. Except for Ramata'tar, he stood near the back wall listening.

Matthew Plumeri slipped in just as the doors closed behind a gaggle of other officers entering. He had a knack for choosing the slowest turbolift and the longest queue at the replimat. The room was getting crowded now. The blue seats and white walls of the briefing room contrasted nicely with the wood decór of the impaneled speakers desk area at the front of the auditorium style briefing room. It reminded Plumeri of a lecture hall at Starfleet Academy. He looked around for other geeks from the Science department. Greeting folks he knew and those he didn't, he took a seat as close to front and center as he could. He would save a few seats for Coleman and Liona if they arrived in time. The smell of coffee was making his mouth water but he refrained from any beverage at this time. It looked like the carpet had just been cleaned too.

Having completed his inspection of the Ark Royal, As soon as Jack had received the orders to meet onboard the USS Pegasus' Marine Briefing Room, he made his way there. Whilst he was getting used to making his way around SB23, there seemed to be a welcoming feeling once he was on board the Pegasus. PADD in hand, Jack entered the Briefing Room and took a seat, looking around to see who else was in here.

“Hello Jack.” Ariana smiled warmly. “It seems a long time since we last spoke, how are you?”

Jack turned around to see Ariana and smiled. "My god it feels like ages...and you're looking very radiant" he said. "It seems like forever since we caught up...this war seems to have gone on forever."

“It does indeed” Ariana smiled. “We’ll catch up when we get time that’s a promise!”

"Agreed," Jack said.

Coleman snuck in through one of the rear entrances, as to make his entrance a bit more quiet. He hated it when he made any sort of noise or ruckus when he came into a room, so he thought it'd be best to keep a lower profile as he entered.

Coleman took a seat next to the rest of the science and medical officers. As Coleman was heading down to the meeting, he heard some rumblings about trying to retake Starbase 400, which was taken quite some time previously. So, it was good to finally take some initiative in retaking the Starbase from the Typhon Pact.

Ezekiel walked in just behind Coleman. The USS Falcon, had arrived to the party late. She just completed another patrol, when the call came in, to set a course for the USS Pegasus. Ezekiel was glad this nightmare, will becoming to and end soon. He had a good idea, what this meeting was about. Despite the fact the message over subspace was pretty vague.

Ariana was thrilled to see Zeke finally back again, perhaps they’d have a chance to get together now depending on what the meeting was all about. No doubt they’d find out.

Ironically Lt Commander Croesus walked into the meeting behind Lt. Colonel Chuck McDaniel. Both men heading for the same seat. " Age before beauty Commander," Chuck joked.

" Then, by all means, have a seat Colonel," replied Croesus.

Cameron rolled into the briefing room and found himself a spot near the back where he was out of the way he looked like crap and he knew it having not had time to grab a clean set of clothes from their cabin. When an admiral calls though you drop everything and answer so here he was trying to clean oil and grime off his arms and shirt while watching everything that was going on around him.

Ariana swivelled around in her seat to give Cameron a warm smile. She had to admit she loved it when he came home looking so rugged. There’d been a few times he’d chased her around in his chair threatening to grease her up with his grubby hands. Just the thought made her smile.

Tim arrived to find the room filling up fast finding a spot near the front he stood next to the wall. Seeing Croesus he smiled and nodded before looking around at the rest of those present. He was ready to go into action, Starbase 400 had become his families new home and he wasn’t ready to move again.

Alex walked in and looked around for her husband. She first made a beeline for the coffee. She needed a quick pick me up because she had been having trouble sleeping of lately. Once in her hand, she went over to Lee and stood with him, "Hey you."

Lee had taken a sip of coffee then turned his head slightly hearing his wife "Hello." He turned his head more to look directly at her "So why are you having trouble sleeping?"

Alex shrugged, "I miss my kids. I keep dreaming that they are in trouble and keep calling out for me. I don't know how much longer I can wait before we do something." She looked away and shook her head.

Deela walked in and looked around. She was surprised at how many were there already. She nodded to Mike and then walked over to Jack and took the empty seat he had apparently saved for her. She already knew what this briefing was about and was eager to get this over with so they could do what they needed to do to get their home back. She smiled at Jack.

Jack felt happier once Deela walked into the room and took her seat next to him. They had spent more time together whilst being on SB23 and it seemed to strengthen their relationship together. Whilst they were both missing the kids, they had found time for each other. Despite the benefits of this, he was eager to get back home and to have the kids around them again as a full family unit.

"You ok?" he asked quietly, knowing that they'd both been working hard before the meeting was called.

Deela smiled, "I am good. In fact, I am great. Finally," she lowered her voice to almost a whisper, "we are going home."

Ed Maxwell was back on his feet again, despite the empty hole he swore he could feel in his chest. A hole that was slowly being replaced by a burning anger and a desire for revenge. He observed the room as he entered, and seeing his spot beside his boss open, moved to sit beside McDaniel. He'd never liked meetings, not when there were things to be done, preparations to be made, simulations to be run. Before they could start those preparations though, there had to be a plan. Hopefully this mass of people were going to come up with that plan and let him out to punch the Typhon Pact right in the nose and make them regret that they hadn't killed him when they had the chance after they took out all the family he had left.

Ariana’s attention turned to Maxwell. She could sense his feelings the moment he walked in the room. Not that she could blame him after everything that had happened to date. No doubt they were all about to find out what was planned next.

The person behind Matt tapped him on the shoulder. Leaning forward the crewman asked, "Hey? Plumeri? What's this all about? You heard anything?" Matt turned his head answering, "From the look of the crowd, everyone here, I'd say the Admiral has a big announcement that he wants everyone to hear and take note. Do you want a prediction? Use my powers for prognostication? Is that it?" the junior science officer asked. "Yeah man, we got Marines here, Engineering, Security...something big, but what?" Putting on his best poker face Matt answered, "There are two possibilities: Admiral Bremer has solved the mystery of where the second sock goes after the dryer. Or, we're a captive audience for Admiral's new stand-up comedy career." The science crewman gave him a weird look and Matt rolled his eyes, "Just...wait. It's bound to be interesting."

Lieutenant Isaiah Nivar arrived almost late. He saw Hades and headed over to the empty chair beside him. "Any info on what this is about?"

Hades shook his head. "No but I have some theories."

Isaiah smiled. "I never doubted it."

The meeting had yet to start, Zeke looked over to Ariana. "After this, we should discuss possible dinner plans. I know Anna would love to see you all." Zeke softly said, in a calming voice.

Ariana smiled and nodded. “Sounds wonderful to me Zeke. I guess When depends on what this meeting throws our way.”

Deela looked around the room. Ariana wasn't the only who could sense the different emotions coming from everyone present. She was sensing a stronger emotion than the others. The last time she felt something like that was with Gen. Hurd. Deela thought about approaching Maj. Maxwell but this wasn't the place and time. She looked over at Ariana too but just for a moment. She shook it off and waited for Bremer to give his news. Everyone was anxious.

Ariana had noticed the brief look Deela had given her, she was trying not to think of how much Maxwell put her in mind of the angry rages her father used to display. She didn’t dwell it, just the thought of her father being gone under the circumstances he left was hard enough.

Once everyone had arrived and seemed settled, Mike dimmed the lights and activated the wall monitor. It showed Starbase 400 in the middle, icons for enemy ships in the system, and course markers for the attack force from SB23 to SB400 "Alright everyone, listen up." Mike paused a moment, for dramatic affect, "We're going home."

Mike looked around for a moment, "This will be a major undertaking. We've received intel from long range sensors and a Starfleet asset in the Kaleb system. According to them, Starbase 400 is still not fully operational since our retreat. The Klingons are planning a full scale attack to retake K'vak Station so now in the time for us to strike as well. We're hoping both operations taking place at the same time will confuse the Pact or at least their'll have to pull ships from one area to assist with the other."

Mike looking around again for a moment, "We've amassed a fleet of nearly a thousand ships. All of Starbase 400's support ships with the lone exception of the USS Saratoga which isn't ready for combat will be joined by the entire 4th Fleet, as well as task forces from the 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 9th Fleets. We'll also have supporting Klingon, Cardassian, Ferengi, and Romulan Republic ships as well. Right now, defending the Kaleb sector and nearby territory, the Typhon Pact has a fleet nearly equal in numbers."

"The key, will be Starbase 400 itself. We have a plan to get a small strike team aboard the station lead by Mister Vercetti and Mister Ruso here. As some of you know, they're former Starfleet Blackops and have a knack for infiltrating places they aren’t meant to be." Mike knew some people might have misgivings about relying on two civilians. He paused as he looked around, “We’re going to need every available ship commander, tactical officer, engineer, operations officer, everyone we have aboard our ships to make this attack succeed.”

"They'll be accompanied by Commander Draven and Sergeants Agtx and Ermy for protection." Mike added.

"Before we left the station, I left a few surprises for the Typhon Pact. We knew they would board the station. Not only did we fry the station’s computer cores and overload all power relays and conduits to weapons, shields, communications, and sensors, but it also left a program in the protected upper core memory. We know it’s still active because it’s sending signals hidden in common background noise. Recon scans and info from the USS Ajax confirms the Pact did replace the destroyed shield generators with standard Romulan shields. They can’t protect against or detect Dominion transporters.” Draven explained.

“When the Pegasus met with the Dominion, they upgraded one of the Pegasus’s transporters with Dominion transporters. They have a range of three light years so we can get a team in before the fleet arrives.” Mike replied. “A five person team will beam in near to the upper core, disable the station’s communications and flood the station with Anesthizine gas to incapacitate their personnel on board so we can use the Station’s weapons systems as an added advantage.”

Mike looked around at everyone. “We’re going to kick their ass out of the Kaleb system and deal a devastating blow to their remaining fleet. This one is personal for us all, and I know I can count on all of you to do your duty. Questions?

Cameron looked around the room he saw many people were in deep thought but he also knew that the admiral would not have asked for questions or ideas if he did not want them. "Excuse me admiral but I might have a way to help get more of our people into SB400 undetected then just a five person team." Said Cameron calmly hoping he sounded alot more confident then he felt at the moment

Mike looked up, "Go ahead Mister Wayne."

Cameron waited until he got the go ahead before he spoke again. "Sir As you know I lost my ship coming here. What you may not know is that when I went to freetown recently I won two ships. A Romulan runabout similar in size to a danuabe class runabout and a Corvette class transport. I have checked and I think I can carry 500 combat ready marines plus their gear in the transport and if we really needed to sneak in well I doubt the pact would fire on one of their own ships we just make sure the transponder is sqwaking the right ID and we would have a free ride in. at least that is the theory Sir." Said Cameron calmly

Mike paused a moment, thinking. "A large force beaming in would be detected, however, with the Kearsarge apart of the fleet it'll be tough for her to drop shields to beam Marines aboard. If we had a couple of platoons aboard your ship, and you could warp in and beam them over once we have the infiltration team in place. I don't want to bring your ship in too soon and it be spotted and fired on, or mistook by one of our own ships as a hostile."

"I would be more then happy to give the fleet my transponder code so they know I am a friend. Also sir you should be aware that the ship carries 30 phonton torps as well as phasers and disruptors. Not to mention a bubble shield of the same type used on the galaxy class. If you need her to sir she can at least hold her own for a short time." Said Cameron he knew he might be in trouble for this ship but it sounded like the fleet could use every ship they could get that could fight

Mike nodded, "Alright, we'll use your ship to get the Marines to the Station once the strike team is ready, but then I want your ship to pull back to help protect the medical ships. The Krazzle and Gorn both like to send ships to attack helpless medical ships in fleet actions."

"Understood sir they will not get close not while I have a phaser to fire." Said Cameron firmly he had more to protect then just the medical ships after all

Brigadier General Leah Katana had joined the meeting via hologram, "Those who do not know who I am I am General Leah Katana Commanding Officer of Hawkeye Island. Admiral, I can alter the USS Cairo's cloak to match that of a dominion, and send it through Klingon Space to meet up with your Task Force. Will also send some Marines along with her as well." Leah said looking at the Admiral, "We have enough ships here protecting Hawkeye that I can spare the Cairo since she is a Sovereign and can help with the fight." She added.

"The more ships the merrier, but just cloak. We don't want the Cardassians thinking you really are a Dominion ship and losing their minds." Mike smirked.

Leah nodded in reply, "I'll get her sent out and she can be at Starbase 23 by tomorrow morning before the fleet leaves." Leah said, "Captain Mark Marcus is in Command of the Cairo now." Leah replied looking at the Admiral.

Mike nodded, "Very good."

Jewel smiled at what the General said, then looked around not really saying much at the moment.

Allowing the others to speak first, Coleman thought about all the options. He knew that everyone wanted to get the Starbase back, him included. But, it would take some tatical advantages and some more planning to make sure that it was perfect. With the gassing of the personel on the station, Coleman knew it would work on some of those in the Typhon Pact, but he wasn't sure about the ones like the Tholians. So, two major questions came to mind once the rest had asked their questions and gotten them answered.

Coleman got up and asked, "Sir, with the use of the Anesthizine gas, would it take down all the personnel on the station that are from the Typhon Pact? With the crystaline structures of the Tholians, would they be impacted with the gas in the same way?"

"Intel suggests most of the lifeforms on the station are Romulan, Reman, and Krazzle. If the team identifies Tholians or Breen we'll just have to isolate them in forcefields until the Marines Mister Wayne is bringing can eliminate them." Mike replied.

After Bremer answered, Coleman went to his second question. "Sir, I know that you said that you were thinking about using the Pegasus to beam the five person team into place with the transporters from the Dominion. But, with the size of the Pegasus, wouldn't you be seen from lightyears away? I was thinking that we might be able to adapt one of the transporters on the Endeavour and we could fly into the Triangle from the Klingon side and beam the team onto the station. We'd be out of there before there was even a sensor blip on their screens. The size and relative speed of the Nova-Class Starships would make it a better choice and plus, the Pegasus would be better at leading the charge with such an amazing leader, like yourself, sir."

"Sorry to answer before Admiral Bremer does, so with Dominion transporters or even a cloaking device Romulan sensors can not detect them. And they have a wider range on transporting distance then that of a starship. So, they won't be able to see or even detect them, or pick them up on there sensor range." General Leah said looking at Mike then at Coleman. She then looked at Mike, "sorry for intruding there, hopefully I was able to explain that." Leah said with a smile.

"But, even with a cloaking device, wouldn't you have to decloak the ship to transport someone....anyone off the ship and to the Starbase? Part of the reason why I thought the Endeavor could be useful in transporting the people to the Starbase would be for the reason that we're a science vessel. We could go in on the Klingon side of the border and appear to simply be running tests and sensor scans. Thus, when the power surge happens for the transporter, it could be attributed to running analysis of various scientific data," Coleman explained. He knew that there would be a huge fleet and this mission hinged on a lot of factors. That's why he wanted it to go down without a hitch.

Coleman continued, "Plus, there was some odd samples that have come out of the Triangle that I want to check out sometime after we retake the station. We could use that as an excuse of why we are there and we could have the Cairo there with us, cloaked, so that they can be used as backup. A science vessel is a little less conspicuous than a ship like the Cairo, especially with various ships patrolling the border. Honestly, just my opinion, sir."

Mike took a breath, with the Klingons attacking K'vak Station, a lone ship in the area would be a tempting target even for retreating ships. A ship could slipstream in, beam out the team, and slipstream away before being detected. It would be a gamble.

Leah just shook her head as he seem to not understand Dominion technology, she just stayed quiet as she listened to Coleman. Jewel was going to speak up but decided not to as she looked at General Leah and then back at Mike.

"If the transporter technology can be duplicated, exactly, by tomorrow, do it." Mike said, "But if there is even the slightest chance it won't work and the team is at risk of not beaming into SB400's upper core area then we'll go with the first plan. Everything hinges on them getting aboard the station."

"Sir, we'll make sure that the team gets onto the Starbase one way or another. I can promise you that," Coleman said as he sat back down at his position at the table.

Ariana sat quietly listening to all the questions and answers, this was going to be one hell of an undertaking. “Sir if I might ask, how many medical ships are there going to be amongst this combined fleet?”

"Four, the Mercy and three others. Of course, they'll remain at the rear of the formation. Mister Vox, I'd like your ships to be in formation with them just in case someone tried to pick them off as an easy target. We'll also have three other starships holding back for protection." Mike replied.

"Gladly sir, but I must point out that my ship is not that well-armed. I have made some improvements over the years but she is not a well-armed, as say a Federation Runabout. But she will be there in formation." Vox replied.

Jack sat forward as he took in the details of the plan that had been created and related that this was a massive undertaking. However, he also had a question. "Admiral, in regards to the Engineering crews and support vessels, how do they figure into all of this? I suspect you may need engineers on the teams going in, should there be any traps or problems that need solving?" he offered his thoughts, already knowing that the Admiral may well have factored these into the plan.

"I want to keep the engineering teams on standby. Once the Strike Team is done and Marines are aboard Starbase 400 they'll need to go in and get to work getting the station fully online as fast as possible. Once we push the Typhon Pact forces back I want the Ark Royal ready to beam them aboard the station. She'll be a sitting duck during transport, but we can't risk any other ships to do this since all of the Engineering equipment is aboard her." Mike replied.

When he realized that the Ark Royal would be put in a dangerous but necessary position during the operation, Jack looked over at Deela for a second before looking back at Admiral Bremer. "Understood Admiral, we'll do our jobs to make sure we get our home back," he responded. Suddenly the mission took on new emphasis and Jack needed to make sure that that the crew were ready.

" Admiral could we also use non Federation vessels to run the blockade? My cousin Korel has some civilian contacts on Kaleb that says the Pact is receiving supplies from scrupulous characters. We could smuggle some supplies that way," Lt Commander Croesus suggested.

"If he can stay back and run interference for the Medical ships with Mister Vox's vessel, that'll be helpful." Mike replied to Croesus.

" Sir I will relay that to Korel." Croesus replied.

Hades sat back interested in Ariana's question and the answer they received. "Admiral I would like to request that the Mercy play a battle role. I have taken the liberty of upgrading our armaments." He paused. "Also Isaiah here and I had a plan. They wouldn't expect a Medical ship to have punch so I figure we'd enter the fray confuse them and if we can move Carolyn to Isaiah's sickbay it would help a lot. I know he's on the back lines but we could aggressively save wounded with his ship."

The look his plan earned from Carolyn could have killed. There was no need for words - it was a briefing after all - but her expression made it clear what she thought of it.

Ariana also gave Hades a look, one more of surprise than anything else. “With all due respect Commander ...” She looked at Hades. “The Mercy isn’t designed to be a battle ship.”

Hades turned to her. "It is now. I have had my engineers working on her."

“If I may ask Sir” Ariana looked back at Hades. “What about your crew? The Mercy is filled to the brim with medics and nurses not marines!” She could barely believe she was hearing this.

"So we thin it out. Move out some nurses and medics and get a tactical team there." He looked at Ariana making it clear that this conversation was over.

Ariana said no more, she just hoped Hades knew what he was doing. He did after all have a pregnant woman as his XO not that Ariana would let that stop her from being onboard.

Cameron heard what Hades was saying and he was well aware that you could slap weapons on just about anything and call her armed but some ships just did not have the build to be war ships and a hospital ship was one of them. He made sure to catch ariana's eye and mouthed "talk later" to her.

"If you can get any nonessential personnel and all medical staff off, then yes, but the Mercy will remain near the center of the formation and not venture off by herself." Mike eyed Hades. "Medical staff can be split between the three Medical ships of the Forth Fleet or any other ship in the fleet in need of medical personnel."

"Indeed." Isaiah's ship needed staff. He'd get Carolyn there come hell or high water. He had a plan and if this didn't happen he'd be risking it all.

Ariana sighed, she was concerned about Cameron even though she knew he could take care of himself, then there was childcare for Stacie plus now Hades was throwing the Mercy into the battle too. “Admiral ...” She looked at Bremer. “You said Remans? Doesn’t that throw all these plans into jeopardy? You can try and sneak people in but the Remans will sense them coming. They’ll sense us all coming and they’ll be prepared to get into people’s heads and turn us against each other.”

Remans, like any telepath has to know we're there. They may sense something, even a presence, but in the time it'll take them to get to the core, they'll be neutralized by the gas." Mike replied.

“Do we have many telepaths amongst the fleet? Betazoids and other telepathic races?” She looked curiously at Bremer. “Might I suggest we use every one we have spread amongst the fleet to act as interference and warning beacons? We’d need several per ship depending on how many people we have, but it might give us a better chance.”

Hearing the mention of telepaths Tim spoke up, “Sir, my wife Olivia and I are both telepaths and are already on separate ships. Can’t speak for Olivia because she not here but we both would be happy to assist being telepaths and perform are other duties as well.”

"I'd recommend against that. We know from past experiences that telepaths can read other telepaths easily. While a strong telepath can block someone from sensing them, it would take a telepath with skills that are off the charts to try to hide a five or six person away team. I think the plan needs to stay as is." Mike replied.

Matt listened quietly to all the department heads and civillians. It was a bold and risky plan. But something Coleman mentioned reminded him of something he had seen two days ago and thought nothing of it. Plumeri looked for where Coleman was sitiing, got out of his seat and as politely as possible, stepped over to where Coleman was seated. Matthew spoke quietly, "Commander? Two days ago, I was running long range scans from SB23's array. In the Ebo sector, 1500 light-years from here. There is an unusual red shift in the Ebo sector where, so I am told, a skirmish happened some weeks before Starbase 400 had to be surrendered. So, it could just be some dark matter in a state of gravimetric flux, or it could be a pocket of gas ignited by all of the weapons fire. Or maybe it’s a debris field. Commander...what if the Typhon Pact expects us to retake the station? That red-shifted field could be an entire fleet...cloaked, maybe, with all that radiation you wouldn't even have to be cloaked. Commander, shouldn't we investigate that? We could get flanked and then retreat cut-off if it is a fleet?" Plumeri asked the CSO.

Coleman leaned over and asked Matthew, "Do you have this information that I can look at and present to the Admiral?"

Matt nodded, "Not on me, but I can get it sir. I'll be back as quick as I can." Plumeri left the conference room to download the data to a PaDD.

A few minutes later, Plumeri had the data downloaded to PaDD. The data consisted of long-range sensor scans 1,487 lights year away from their current position. The Ebo sector was a non-descript nebula that was mostly unremarkable. Except that, compared to the last time it was scanned, it had developed an unusual red-shift in the visible spectrum. This tended to suggest that the object was moving away from the observer and that the light was elongated into the far end of the spectrum. Since movement was highly unlikely, some other source had to be causing the disruption. Dark matter could do it, they could also be viewing the after-effects from a battle, it could be debris..or it could be ship under cloak. Matt provided the "before" and the "after" images of the nebula. Making his way over to Coleman, Matt handed the PaDD to him. "Here it is sir. If we do go; we'd have to haul ass to get there. At least three days; unless there is another Federation ship on the area?"

Taking the PADD and looking it over, Coleman saw exactly what Plumeri was talking about. Realizing that this could be a problem, he leaned over and whispered, "Plumeri, you need to let the Admiralty know about this. If we all go into battle like this, we could be harmed. Stand up and let them know."

Matt stared back at Coleman a moment, his mouth open. "Me? You want me to tell the Admiral...???" He looked to the front where Bremer was answering questions and then back to Coleman, "I...I...I...why me? 'Oh hey, great plan, except maybe there is a hidden fleet of ships just waiting to pounce on any attempt to liberate SB400?' say something like that? To the Admiral? Me?" he looked at Coleman.

"Yes, Mr. Plumeri. Now!" Coleman said, pushing Matthew a bit forward and allowing the floor to be taken over by him. He knew that he would have to push Plumeri, especially since he just got promoted to the position of Assistant Chief Science Officer.

A hologram suddenly lit up part of the room as another person joined the meeting. He wore command red and the pips of a Lieutenant Commander on his collar. He gave a slight grin as he turned to address the Admiral. "Sorry for being late to the party Admiral, but we had a Valdore nosing around the area and had to take some evasive maneuvers." He explained and then turned to the rest of the room's members. "Lieutenant Commander Jason Tigan, commanding officer of the USS Ajax. We've been cloaked and monitoring 400 and the surrounding area since the evacuation. Admiral, I've got my Intel team onboard 400 as we speak. They're shorthanded so it's only a three man team instead of four, but they're ready to assist."

Plumeri looked at te hologram and then back at Coleman, "Ah! Well" he said matter-of-factly. Sitting back down, "There it is. A false alarm. I'm glad its our people. I guess that's what we get for missing staff meetings ay?"

"My dear boy, never doubt what you think it might be. I'm ordering you to send that information up to the Admiralty, for their review of course. Just put in that there was a phase shift of matter and let him know that it could be something to look out for. Just let them know and then, I'll meet you down in the Science Labs later on for some research into some of the stuff we've discussed earlier," Coleman said, letting Plumeri off the hook this time around.

"Aye sir. I'm sending it now", he said as he typed in the commands and sent the message and data off to the Admiralty.

Mike looked around, when no one else asked anything he added, "Alright. Let's get our ships ready. If we can retake Starbase 400 and inflict heavy losses to the enemy, then we may be able to end this war sooner rather than later. A lot of people are depending on us to get the job done. Dismissed."



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