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Private discussions

Posted on Sat Jun 13th, 2020 @ 6:18am by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Camron Wayne

662 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD1 0815 hrs

The staff meeting had just broken up a little bit ago and he was hoping he had time to talk to ariana before they both got to busy. When he saw her down the hall he headed toward her as quickly as he could.

Ariana smiled as she saw Cameron heading in her direction, it felt like forever since they’d spent some normal time together. “Hey you, is everything alright?”

"Not sure honestly frankly Ariana I am scared what hades said during the meeting is crazy talk. There is no way without months of down time that the mercy could realisticly be outfitted as a warship. Frankly I do not think she has the hull strengh to handle the weapons load out. I know this mission is risky and I know you’re an officer and are expected to go where ordered but this is one time I wish you were with me. Granted it would not likely be any safer nor would it be any easier I just can not help but want to protect you as best I can and on a medical ship that has been converted almost on the fly to a warship is not someplace I can picture as even remotely safe." Said Cameron quickly so he would be able to get it out without getting interupted or losing his nerve.

Ariana nodded as she listened letting Cameron finish without interruption. “I don’t like this anymore than you do Imzadi I tried to have my say in there but you saw how that went.” She paused. “I didn’t even get to tell you ... I passed the bridge officers test, thanks to Hades believing in me. I have to go Cameron you know I do.”

"I know you do but mark my words if Hades comes back and your not by his side. Well you know my family and my background. I just had to at least let you know my thoughts on this particular mission." Said Cameron firmly 99 times out of a 100 he would never say a word but this was one time he just had to try.

Ariana nodded. “To be honest the whole thought scares the hell out of me! I’m not some seasoned XO. I’ve got you and Stacie to think about not to mention our baby!” She sighed. “I trust Hades but lately he’s ... different somehow and I just hope he knows what he’s doing.”

"you and me both love you and me both." Said Cameron softly. "I might not be home till late if I am going to take that ship of ours into a firefight I need to make sure I know her as well as I knew my last ship. And with 2 platoons of marines onboard I really have to step up my game." He added as he headed to the transporter chamber to take him back to his ship he had sims to run and a weapons system to learn.

“Cameron ... wait!” Ariana followed after her fiancé, “What about Stacie? She can’t go with me or with you, who are we going to leave her with?”

"I honestly have no idea ariana I have not gotten to know anyone on this station that well I suppose we could leave her with one of the doc's or a councilor here on the station unless you have a better idea." Said cameron softly he hated the idea of not being able to take her with him but understood the last place for an infant was on the battlefield.

Ariana nodded. “Maybe Kaden might help me. The Saratoga is staying behind this mission.”

"You know him better then I do if you trust him then he is who we will work with." Said Cameron calmly

Ariana nodded and stepped forward to give Cameron a loving kiss before she nodded and headed on her way. They all had a busy time ahead of them.



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