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Meeting The Engineer

Posted on Sat Jun 13th, 2020 @ 9:44am by Captain Jack Solomon & Lieutenant Xalanth

1,576 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: USS Essex
Timeline: MD1 - 1030hrs

"And that should do it," Xalanth said to himself as he finished what he was working on. With a touch of the button, the waist high-security barrier slid back down into the floor becoming indistinguishable from the rest of the federation layout. It never hurt to have a little extra security. The sound of unknown footsteps made him look down the corridor. The officer was unknown to him, but the rank badge was clearly visible.

"Commander," he said politely

Having made his way onboard the Essex to see Deela after the Mission Briefing had completed, Jack was enjoying being back on board the Intrepid-class Starship once more. He came to a stop when he saw an officer completing their work. Jack had to admit he hadn't met the officer before or recognised them.

"Lieutenant," he replied politely back. "Commander Jack Solomon, are you newly transferred to the Essex?" Jack asked.

"Xalanth sir. Temporary tactical officer for the retaking of Starbase 400. Then I'm taking over the Chief Security/Tactical Officer. position on the station," the lizard said offering his hand.

Jack shook his hand as the newest member of SB400's crew. "Welcome to the crew and welcome aboard the Essex, you've been assigned to a good crew and a good commanding offer in Admiral T'Lar," he said.

Noting that his assignment was for the mission ahead, Jack continued. "I'll be honest, we've been away too long from Starbase 400. The time we've been here has reminded me and the others of how we miss home."

"I hope to prove myself worthy of them," the lizard replied with his species tone of professionalism. "Hopefully we'll have your home back soon enough."

Jack stood tall for a moment. He had learned many years ago to take a Starfleet Officer at their word when they said that they would do their best and he realised that this was no different with Lieutenant Xalanth. It was good to see a new member of the crew so eager to get involved at a time when they were in the middle of a bloody conflict with a relentless enemy.

"Tell me about yourself, Mr Xalanth, where did you serve before your assignment here with the SB400 crew?" Jack asked, willing to know more about the lizard and what experience he had. Having served with similar species before, Jack wasn't concerned by speaking with the starbase's new Chief Security/Tactical Officer.

"Well for the past three years I've been part of the diplomatic mission from home. Doing my best to stop the federation diplomatic staff from getting themselves killed. Before that, I was on starbase prime and the USS Strangelove. Then my four years and the academy. Before that, I was in my people's legion during our first contact war," Xalanth replied thinking back with the many fond memories.

Jack was impressed. "So, you've been quite busy and seen quite the amount of action, I'm already happy that both the Essex and SB400 are in safe hands when we get back," Jack commented. "Its also good to know that you're able to protect those who are doing their job in difficult circumstances," he added.

"I've seen my own fair share of action, especially whilst serving under Admiral Bremer. There are times that things haven't been pretty however, we also have to do what we have to do when the time comes," he explained. "Also, it just so happens that my esteemed other half is the CO of this ship. So, I'll also ask that you make sure that should anything happen, she gets off this ship in one piece...not that I'm expecting that to happen..." Jack looked around and patted the nearby bulkhead.

"I'll keep her safe as if she was one of my own mates," The Dragonian replied his voice showing honesty before his face fell as he remembered Fulvia was still on her undercover assignment. Nothing the engineer had noticed he explained. "Sorry, sir. One of my mates is currently undercover and I'm worried about her."

Jack could see the sincerity in his face as Xalanth explained how far we would go to protect Deela and also the emotion that followed as he spoke of his friend. "Thank you for your kinds words, they mean a lot," Jack said.

Taking a more relaxed stance, he continued. "How long has your friend been undercover may I ask? I'm sure a trained undercover operative, she should be well-skilled to be able to handle any situation she comes across, however, things often change... I've been an undercover operative myself previously."

"Fulvia been undercover for the past four months. She's one of the best intelligence operatives the fleet has, but I can't help but worry about her. I'm terrified of telling Amrar that her mother isn't coming home," Xalanth said fiddling with his wedding band his finger hovering over the dark green gem that represented her.

It was clear to Jack as he just learned that Xalanth was both a husband and a father, that this situation took on a more grave situation. It was also clear that Xalanth needed some closure on the matter, whether it was to know that his wife was alive and ok or whether there was another reason as to why he hadn't heard anything.

"Lieutenant, I want to help you as much as I can. So, once we've returned to Starbase 400, I'll help you look into this," Jack offered to him. "I still have some pull from my former Command days and that may be able to help you get some idea of whats going on? At least from a Starfleet perspective?"

"That would be appreciated, sir. I don't need to know everything about the operation just that no one on the operations been compromised or killed," Xalanth replied. "It may seem as the humans say clingy, but in my people's beliefs, the mates all form one part of the same soul. I'm just glad T'Para and Leilani are safe back on my homeworld," he said before he realized he'd done it again. "Sorry I keep on forgetting my people's relationships aren't the norm. My species marriage is polygamous," he explained.

"Every species has its own way of defining how they see relationships, Lieutenant, there's no need to apologise or explain," Jack said. "Just make sure that you come out of this next mission in one piece and then we'll get you some answers. I give you my word."

Jack touched Xalanth's shoulder as he made his pledge, to help him understand that Jack meant what he said he would do.

"Thank you sir," the lizard responded. "I'll be bringing them to the station as when things have set down. Including my four daughters. Do you have any kids?" he asked politely.

"Unfortunately, no. Not of my own," Jack admitted. "However, I do what I can for the Admiral's children. Since we've gotten together, I've been doing what I can for them and making sure that I spend as much time as I can with them..."

He paused for a moment. "I'm effectively a stepfather to them, which isn't an easy role to fulfil, but I do know that they appreciate what I have been doing. As does their mother. I'll be honest, whilst we've been away from the station, the kids have been with their grandparents safe and sound but I miss them."

"I know that feeling. My kids are back on my homeworld, but I still miss them. Yazar my oldest is nearing seven years old. I just hope I can be with her for her birthday," Xalanth replied with a tinge of sorrow in his voice.

Jack understood his emotion and why he wanted to be there. He could tell that his family meant a lot to him and that as fathers, no parents, they had a lot on their shoulders to cope with, especially during this wartime. He'd been through his share of wartime conflict and he swore that he never got used to it when it reared its ugly head.

"So, we must then make sure that we stay alive long enough to survive this conflict, get home and then we can see them again and share in the happiness that they bring to us," Jack said.

"Indeed we do sir," Xalanth said as he looked back at the work he'd done today. "Which is why I'm making sure anyone who gets onto the ship will get a beating they won't forget."

"Now that sounds like a plan," Jack agreed. "Although, let's hope that the Essex doesn't get to the point where shes boarded." Jack looked around and could see that Xalanth had done his job well with the systems he was working on and that he was dedicated to his work and his job.

"Well, I need to get on and catch up with the Admiral before we're due to move out. It's been a pleasure to meet you and talk with you, hopefully, we can catch up again once we return home," he said.

"I'll see you on the station," Xalanth replied picking up his tool kit. He still had a few other defensive measures to add.

Jack nodded as he shook hands with Xalanth before making his way on towards Deela's quarters, happy that he had made a friend today. A tough task was ahead, but already, Jack was confident that the Essex and SB400 had already gained a fine officer.


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