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Catching up

Posted on Sat Jun 13th, 2020 @ 3:30pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Brigadier General Kaden Ross

962 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: USS Pegasus
Timeline: MD1 0830 hrs


With Cameron heading to sort out his ship Ariana needed to talk with Kaden, she needed to know if they were both friends again after their talk with Rol. Having seen him head off in the distance she followed after him, it didn’t take long to catch up. “General” She offered a smile. “Are you free to talk?”

Kaden had his face in a PADD looked up long enough to see Ariana before going back to reading. "Just going over some notes, what can I do for you?" He asked.

“Actually I was hoping we could talk? We haven’t spoken since ... Rol.” She offered a smile.

Kaden sighed looking up from the PADD he wasn't certain where this was going but was afraid to find out. "Yeah, we...haven't." He began a sound of nervousness in his voice.

“So ... are we still friends? With this battle ahead to retake 400 I don’t want to go out there without clearing the air first.” She offered a smile.

Kaden letting his arms rest at his sides turned to face Ariana. "After I made a complete ass of myself back there? This was why I was so nervous to even go in there and talk." He told her.

“You didn’t make an ass of yourself, we talked. That’s all I ever wanted.” Ariana smiled warmly. “We cleared the air somewhat didn’t we?”

Kaden pondered on her question for a moment honestly she did have a point all they did was just talk. "I...guess so but it still don't help that Rol knows we both still have a thing for one another. But I wish he understand you and I despite how we feel you nor I will ever act on it. We moved on mostly and I rather people know we are close friends but nothing more." He said.

Aeryn nodded. “Rol won’t say a word about us Kaden, patient confidentiality. No one else besides Freya, Cameron and Carolyn even know we used to go out not that it’s a big deal. We’re friends and that’s all.”

Kaden nodding his head stood there taking in what Ariana said while he crossed his arms over his chest. Again Ariana did bring up a good point Rol nor anyone else she mentioned was going to make a big deal out of well he hoped they wouldn't. But there was one person that did come to mind first. "So...not going to worry about Cameron trying to kill me or anything am I?"

“Of course not!” Ariana grinned. “It’s just Hades who has to worry about that if anything happens to me during this mission! Speaking of which I have a favour to ask, would you ... look after Stacie for us? I hate to impose and I know you have work to do but I don’t have anyone else to ask!”

Kaden's eyes grew big this was totally unexpected especially from Ariana but he felt honored she asked him to look after her kid for her. After all she meant a lot to him still even if they was no longer lovers. "Are you kidding? I be okay with it" He replied.

Ariana smiled and breathed a sigh of relief, “Thank you Kaden, are you sure Freya won’t mind?”

Kaden grinned slightly. "She is a very understanding woman of course she won't mind." He told her.

“That takes one load off my mind” Ariana smiled warmly. “Now all I have to worry about is Cameron being amongst the battle and the Mercy too!”

Kaden knew that face he seen it plenty of times before when Ariana worried about him or others she cared about. "Hey, don't stress about it you both are fighters if there is one thing I know it is the enemy that should be stressed."

Ariana grinned, “I hope you’re right Kaden, I really do. You be careful here too okay? Once they know we’re there, there’s nothing to say they won’t turn their sites here. Watch your backs.”

Kaden began to lose his pleasant tone the idea of those animals coming here was not just cowardice but outright distasteful. "If you think they have the balls to attack a weak opponent especially with me and Freya here. Then you bet I am going to kill as many of those bastards before they kill me." He told her.

“I’m probably worrying about nothing, besides I know no matter what you’ll be alright. I have faith that in you and I know you’d protect your wife, family and Stacie.” She smiled warmly.

Although Kaden was not part of the briefing he got word the Mercy was being outfitted as a warship. Since losing Starbase 400 she had been home and it troubled him seeing her be used for something she was not built for. "Ariana, I am sorry if I am out of line on this but I heard about the Mercy I am worried about you." He said.

“Funnily enough so am I” She offered a brief smile. “I trust Hades but there are times I wonder, I’m going to see him so I’ll see what he has to say, but thank you for caring. I’ll have Stacie brought over to you before we depart.”

"Ariana, I..." Kaden wasn't sure what he was feeling right now it was mix of concern and fear but the problem being was it as a friend or a former lover. Sighing all he could think of doing was just giving her a hug. "Just come back."

Ariana hugged Kaden back.“I will I promise” she smiled as she stepped back and headed on her way.



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