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Work continues

Posted on Sat Jun 13th, 2020 @ 3:30pm by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,409 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Various
Timeline: MD1 0930


It was the first morning of Freya returning to light duties with Kaden, she was so excited at the thought that she’d woken early. Standing in front of the mirror in their quarters she smiled as she looked at herself in her maternity sized uniform that Kaden had given her.

Kaden just sat on the bed wearing his shoes uniform trousers and Deadpool tee shirt his fingers interlaced in front of his face staring at the General's Jacket and his briefcase Freya had set out for him the night before. He hadn't moved an inch since putting on on his shoes and had just been staring at the jacket for last few minutes in silence.

Freya has noticed Kaden’s look of uncertainty. “Hey, are you okay?” She walked over to him. “I thought you wanted us working together?”

Kaden snapped out of his zone looking at the woman that meant so much to him. "No it's not that at all, it's just...the last time I put on that uniform I was a Colonel. Now it feels so surreal that I have skyrocketed my career so far so fast." He replied again looking back at the jacket.

“I can imagine how you feel” Freya nodded. “But you wouldn’t have been given this promotion if you weren’t capable of handling it.” She smiled proudly, “I for one am very proud of you I always have been.”

Kaden looked at Freya again smiling he stood up placing his hands on her hips. He proceeded to pull her closer to him and rested his forehead on hers. "You are a wonderful person and I certainly am looking forward to us working together from now on."

“Me too Imzadi” Freya smiled as she gently rested her head against his. “Now as much as I’m enjoying this, we’re going to be late if we don’t get a move on.”

Kaden put his index finger on her lips wanting to enjoy this moment a few seconds longer. "Relax, my love we got some time to kill just...let me enjoy seeing you in that uniform it looks great on you." He said softly.

“It does doesn’t it?” Freya grinned. “Thank you for thinking of me, not that you don’t anyway.” She gave him a loving kiss.

Kaden smiled holding her close to him. "I do anything for you , Freya, you make me happy." He placed his hand on her baby bump. "Can't wait to have our son with us I plan to make him a good catch for a gal out there like I was to you."

“Oh really?” Freya grinned. “I’ve no doubt with a father like you, that he’ll grow up to be a wonderful young man. It’ll be nice that he’ll have Ariana’s children to grow up alongside of.”

Talking about their son made Kaden not even think about the uniform anymore as he instinctively grabbed the jacket and put it on. "Oh yeah it will be nice to have her kids to play with him." He had started fastening up his jacket while he kept talking. "You know we still need to come up with a name for him, Freya."

“I know” She smiled as she watched Kaden put on his jacket. “Any ideas?”

Kaden walked over to the mirror to inspect himself making sure he was neat and clean. "What about naming him after your grandfather?" He asked.

“My grandfather ...” Freya smiled warmly. “That’s such a sweet suggestion, are you sure you don’t want to make a short list of names?”

"You always did say your grandfather was more open to everyone finding their own path in life. Instead of following the family traditions like your grandmother was wanting." Kaden said turning to Freya. "Why not name him after him better than naming him after mine...Marvin."

Freya nodded. “That’s true, he always was more open.” She smiled warmly. “If you’re happy to then I’m happy to name our son after him.”

Kaden kissed Freya on cheek as he walked past her to get his briefcase from the chair. "Then it's settled we name him after your grandfather I bet he will be honored when you tell him." He replied.

Freya nodded. “You really think Arek is a good name for a baby? What about a middle name?

Kaden sat down on the bed pulling Freya close to him with a smile. "Damon after my mother's father Damon Bancroft." He replied resting his hand on her baby bump. "What you think, kid? Does Arek Damon Ross sound good to you?"

Freya grinned as their son gave a nice solid kick in answer. “I think that was a kick of agreement!”

Kaden leaned closer to her baby bump. "Glad you like it. Now do your dad a favor try not to give mommy too much fuss at our first day back to work." He said grinning.

Freya grinned. “Don’t worry I’ll be fine. Just find me somewhere comfortable to sit and I’ll get on with the reports as they come in.”

Kaden sat up grabbing his briefcase offering Freya his arm. "Well, I hate to spend my entire first day back dealing.with paperwork." He told her.

“You won’t be” Freya smiled as she took his arm. “You’ll be doing what a Starship Captain does overseeing the repairs to your ship while I do the paperwork.”

Call Kaden an odd man but he didn't like the idea of the special lady of his life doing paperwork either but really what could he really do on the ship? She was a complete disaster and all the crews they could spare would be mainly on there tearing the ship down to the keel to prep her for a massive refit. "Well if you say so not sure what I can do I am no engineer I destroy things not build them."

Freya looked at Kaden as they walked. “As a CO it’s up to you to oversee the work, to keep your people in check, get their opinions on things and make sure your ship gets refitted in as quick a time as possible. It’s a shame the old ship is gone we could have cannibalised parts. Are there any ships here on 23 that are decommissioning? If there are we could salvage any good parts for this Saratoga.”

"Something I have to ask the engineers when I see them." Kaden replied leading Freya out of their room into the corridor. "To be honest I wish I could help get 400 back with everyone else."

“So do I but a certain person here ...” she eyed Kaden, “Got angry because I wanted to go and General Dartt refused to let me get back to work anyway. Oh speaking of which ... I have babysitting duties, I promised Olivia O’Riley that if the fleet did ship out that I’d watch over her twins. I hope you don’t mind?”

Kaden rolled his eyes he didn't get into another argument with Freya. Instead he ignored that statement and focused on the mention of Olivia. "O'Riley? The new medic right?"

Freya nodded her head. “She’s worried about leaving their twins with just anyone so I volunteered us, I thought it would be good practice for us.” She smiled.

Kaden raised an eyebrow. "Surprised she was okay with us I hardly see the woman except when it comes time to do my usual rounds of checking on everyone for any questions or concerns to bring up with the C.O. of the Marines." He replied.

“Well she’s new” Freya smiled. “I’ll introduce the two of you.”

"I assume, the two of you met a few times since her arrival?" Kaden asked.

“A handful of times, she’s pretty nice actually. I think you’d like her.” She smiled warmly.

Kaden raised an eyebrow clearly Freya had lots of time on her hands since she was taken off duty. "I see, well I look forward to getting to know her a bit more." He replied.

“Perhaps we could have Olivia and her husband Tim over for dinner one night, get to know them better.” Freya smiled warmly.

"Sounds good, been needing to broaden out and know the people we are living with out here." Kaden replied with a smile.



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