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The Skye’s The Limit

Posted on Mon Jun 15th, 2020 @ 5:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Commander Hades,MD & Skye

1,503 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Various
Timeline: MD1

Old school... Securing her pack, Skye’s bright blue eyes tracked the pattern of the lasers which crisscrossed the corridor between the gallery and the exit. Deactivating would be easier, but not faster. And the other side of the corridor awaited her escape route.

Stretching she took a breath, focusing only on the path ahead. And then she moved. Her body twisted and turned, contorting in all manner of ways which made her passage along the corridor seem effortless. With a backflip she was clear, although angry shouts in Russian warned that guards were not far behind. And they knew the codes.

Slipping a broach from her pocket, she turned back to face the way she had come. The broach was another exhibit which had belonged (allegedly) to Catherine The Great, she took two steps back. Clear, she tossed the broach so it passed through the laser’s sights. Instantly alarms blared and instantly steel bars slammed down not even half a meter from where she stood. Very old school.

Waving at the guards trapped on the opposite side, she grinned and turned to head for the door which would exit out onto the street. She stopped when she came face to face with a woman she had never met - Dr Hades at her back. “Computer, freeze program,” Skye called out, and a silence filled the room.

Ariana stood looking at Hades, she had no doubt he’d have something to say but she didn’t want to appear disapproving of Skye especially as she wanted to get to know her.

Slipping off the pack, Skye pulled it open and held out the bejewelled exhibit towards Hades. Sounding sheepish as she said, “Fabergé egg? It isn’t real, though. Obviously. Who has those lying around? It was a programme I found... I thought I’d stay out of everyone’s way...”

She fell silent, meeting her father’s gaze head on.

Ariana could feel the tension, anyone could have the air was thick with it. “Hi” she smiled and stepped forward a little. “I’m Ariana Monroe, a friend of your father’s, and Chief Counsellor of Starbase 400 ... don’t worry I’m not here with any ulterior motive. I just wanted to meet you.” She hoped to bring the tension down a little. “That’s quite some skill set you displayed there, I’m impressed.”

“I was too slow,” Skye said simply as she studied the woman while slipping her backpack over her shoulders. Another counsellor. Betazoid rather than Bajoran, judging from the eyes...

Ariana gave Hades a look, he still hadn’t managed to say a single word. She was wondering if he was stewing or simply trying to find the right words. “Don’t worry I’m not here to Counsel you” Ariana offered a smile. “I noticed the look you gave me, the eyes are always a give away for us Betazoids. Actually your father has become somewhat of a mentor to me, he’s saved my life on more than one occasion!” She grinned.

“That’s ... good,” the teenager replied, unsure what the correct thing to say was. “I’m guessing as a Doctor he’s saved lots of people. Clearly he doesn’t talk his patients to death.”

“Actually your father is one of, if not the most respected member of the medical team. He’s the Chief Medical Officer and I for one hold nothing but respect for him.” She smiled at Hades.

Hades had been processing it all. "Your timing is seven point three seconds off. Also you should have started with a scrunched leap and twisted left."

Skye stared at him for a long moment before a small smile played on her lips. "You could do the next run with me?" she suggested playfully.

"I am a bit rusty but yes. That would be great. The Gablin would love your skills."


"In the first Federation they are on every ship. Sticky fingers...literally. If you didn't try and steal from them they'd be insulted. I negotiated their entrance into the First Federation. We've found them an asset."

"Interesting..." Skye mused.

"We could use someone like you back home."

Skye laughed, "I don't have a home, I wander. I go wherever I need to go. Usually where beautiful little creations like that egg are on display."

"Indeed you can satisfy you wandering and have some power behind it if you came to my system."

The teenager studied him for a moment, stepping closer. "Maybe. I've known a few people who braved trying to cross into First Federation territory. Nobody ever heard from them again... I may not have gone to school as such, but I know how to survive. One way is by avoiding the lure of trying to cross that border."

"My daughter I am the First Federation. I sit on the council. You are my child. Your potential is limitless." Hades wanted his daughter back safe with him.

Ariana stood listening to the conversation in disbelief, her arms were folded across her chest in a typical disapproval stance. “Now hold on one minute here, you actually want your daughter to grow up a thief?” She looked at Hades in surprise. “Don’t you think a better life might be in order? Something less risky for a start?”

"There is an exhibit, on SB400," Skye told her, "a Trill owns the gallery... Anyway, there is a bejewelled figurine. Like teddy bears kids have? But ridiculously expensive. I first saw it when I was nine. The same night I stole it."

"I see." He looked at Ariana. "I do want a better life for her but she must choose. I have not been in her life for a long time and I understand all she has gone through." He looked at Skye. "I would rather you returned the figurine but I cannot make you. How much is it worth?" He would make it a point to pay Vox.

“I didn’t steal it again,” Skye clarified, rolling her eyes. “I mean I could... but I outgrew teddy bear a long long time ago.”

Hades walked over to the side and sat down. "Skye would you return to the First Federation with me if I left Starfleet?"

“Left Starfleet? Why? Is it the uniform? Are they as itchy as they look?” Skye asked, hands on hips. She considered his question, shrugging, “I guess I should at least see what all the fuss is about... but what about your wife? She’s Starfleet too.”

“I’ve no doubt your father has already thought about that” Ariana looked at Hades. “Are you seriously considering leaving us?”

"Just a thought. My time is valuable on the council." He turned to Ariana. "I have not spoken to Kalani yet but...I am considering many options. I told you before the bridge test I would not be here forever."

“I know, but I wasn’t planning on seeing you go too soon either” Ariana offered a smile.

"We could really go?" Skye asked him in an excited whisper.

"Yes. I have one thing to do here but I wish to show you the First Federation, if you'd like to see it."

Skye's smile widened. She had absolutely nothing to keep her anywhere. A child of nowhere and - until a few days ago - no one. "I'd like that."

He smiled a genuine warmth and happiness. "Good."

Ariana sighed, she was happy for Hades and Sky but not very happy at the thought of losing Hades. “Well maybe I should leave you two alone to plan your get away. You don’t need me bringing down the air of enjoyment.”

Hades looked at her "You are not bringing down the air of enjoyment." He looked at both. "How about we go for lunch?"

“Ice cream?” Skye suggested, “mint choc chip...”

“Vanilla and Strawberry or Raspberry Ripple?” Ariana grinned.

"Al of the above." He finished.

“Excellent!” Ariana smiled as she looked at Hades then at Skye. “Let’s go get ice cream.”

Less than twenty minutes later, Skye was staring at a mountain of mint choc chip ice cream. Piled dangerously high she pushed one of the spoons towards Hades. “I will die if I eat this alone,” she said simply.

Hades' eyes stung a little as the tears tried to make themselves known. He held them back taking the spoon as he forced the lump down. Never did he think he would see his daughter again. She was back and he would do what it took to make up for all the years they were apart.

Taking the first scoop, Skye grinned, "bet I can eat way more than you," she challenged.

He smiled. "Perhaps." He looked at Ariana and then back at Skye. For the first time since Richard's death he felt hope.

Ariana smiled and nodded as she enjoyed her ice cream. It was nice to see this side of Hades, the paternal side.



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