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Those We Leave Behind

Posted on Tue Jun 16th, 2020 @ 2:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

460 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Starbase 23
Timeline: MD1, 1200 hours

"... you keep all the doors locked," Doctor Corrigan warned as she reached the end of her list, saving perhaps that one important fact until last. "She thinks she's invincible and has zero fear. She'll eat anything she can get her paws on, so just be careful..."

Taking the offered PADD where all of the notes had been hastily scribbled, Kitty O'Shea offered a kind, reassuring smile. Rainbow was already contentedly chasing a ball around the room - untroubled by the temporary change of home.


"You are sure this is alright?" Carolyn asked, hating to burden her friend. Especially when she was having to be so secretive about the reason. Gossip, of course, was sweeping through the station. While no official announcement had been made and there had been steps taken to ensure word did not get out, everyone on Starbase 23 knew that something was going on. All of the activity to prepare a fleet for battle was impossible to hide.

Kitty raised an eyebrow, "my dear, if it wasn't, I would have said so! I love dogs and they love me! We will have a wonderful time. I promise, she will be well looked after."

Carolyn grinned as she hugged the older woman, "thank you."

"Now, just you all be careful now, with that thing you're all doing that nobody should know about," Kitty whispered in her ear. "I want everyone to be there for the first round of drinks when O'Shea's is back open for business, you hear?"

Carolyn laughed as she pulled back, "yes ma'am!"

"Non alcoholic for you, obviously," Kitty added with a mischievous smile.

"Obviously," Carolyn conceded. "I wish I could stay but duty calls -"

Kitty nodded, ushering her towards the door, "I understand completely. Off you go, and no worrying about Rainbow, we will have a wonderful time!"

And with that Carolyn was back out in the corridor with the door closing swiftly behind her. Carolyn rolled her eyes but smiled, grateful to have someone so willing to help. And having Rainbow here would ease her mind. Now all she had to do was make another check on the work to distribute staff and resources and then report to the Pegasus.

It was not where she had been originally assigned, Hades had been insistent that she would be on Nivar's ship come hell or high water. Yet just as she had been leaving the Mercy to come here, assignments had changed. As she had told Hades, the Pegasus was in greatest need of experience - especially someone who was also a surgeon. Someone, somewhere, agreed.

She wondered if Hades knew... she wasn't going to be the one to tell him. He'd figure it out and by then she'd hopefully be far, far away.


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Comments (1)

By Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri on Tue Jun 16th, 2020 @ 4:13pm

A nice post. I like it. Very well done. I like it because it is something that is a glimpse of the kind of person she is. If it's OK with you, I'd like to nominate your post for the PotM.