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A new beginning

Posted on Thu Jun 18th, 2020 @ 8:57pm by Lieutenant JG Finchley Kerr & Lieutenant Xalanth

1,157 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Security department
Timeline: MD1

Finchley took a deep controlled breath, opened his eyes, and stepped through the doors and into the Security department. Inside, he watched Security personnel go about their routines with seeming efficiency.

An Ensign approached him and asked "Can I help you Lieutenant?"

"Yes Ensign, I'm looking for Lieutenant Xalanth" Finchley replied.

"If you step this way Sir I'll take you to their office" the Ensign answered, and led the way. Once they'd reached the office doors, the Ensign nodded and left him alone.

Seeing the door chime, Finchley reached forward and pressed it, waiting from an answer within.

Xalanth was settling into his sudden and unexpected promotion to the future head of security of starbase 400. Currently, he was reading through the long list of people he'd end up commanding when they retook the station. Looking up he placed the padd onto the small pile before giving a polite " Come in."

The doors before his swished open, and Finchley entered the room. Moving towards the officer who had invited him in, he stopped short of them, took the PADD he had in his hand and offered it to them saying "Thank you for agreeing to see me Sir, I'm Lieutenant Junior Grade Finchley Kerr, your new Assistant Chief of Security and Tactical."

" Nice to meet you Kerr and please call me Xalanth. " he said gesturing to the seat as he took the padd.

"Thank you Si...I mean, Xalanth" Finchley replied, taking the offered seat and making himself comfortable "I'm Finchley, or Finch if you prefer."

" Okay, Finch. How was the journey over here?" the lizard asked as he glanced at the padd.

"It wasn't all that bad" Finchley replied "I've been in a lot more cramped and uncomfortable shuttles" he laughed "though I have to admit, the chef's choice of food, shall we say."

" I know that feeling. Dragonan food never replicates well. " Xalanth said as he placed the padd down on his desk. " Quite the record you have. You're wanting to work with starfleet intelligence." He inquired.

"I was seconded into Starfleet Intelligence on recommendation from my previous Chief of Security Sir" Finchley answered "after the missions there I was re-introduced back into Starfleet Security but with a retainer for Intelligence work if it's required. To be honest, nobody 'wants' to work for Starfleet Intelligence, you either do it or you don't. Sorry, that sounds a little blunt, but it's how they put it to you."

" I understand my thirds an active intelligence operative. It can be difficult work. " the lizard answered. " Impressive medal collection. I have two of the medal for gallantry and one of the Christopher pike medal of valor."

"To be honest, I don't think about them" Finchley said "I had a duty to do and I did it. There were others involved and they did their duties as well, I would rather the focus was put on them than myself" he finished.

" I know that feeling." The lizard sad as he placed the padd down on the desk. " I take it you are aware that the fleet is planning to retake starbase 400? Has command assigned you to a ship for the operation?" he asked.

"I was made aware of what the mission would be" Finchley answered "but no, I've not been assigned to a ship as yet. Are you able to let me know just now?"

" Not at the moment. " The lizard replied. " I'll let you know when i know it." He said taping something which brought up a hologram of the starbase. " We have a big job ahead of us Finch. When we retake the starbase we'll need to do a complete sweep and search every nook and cranny for anything that will have been left behind. Think your up for the task."

"I believe so Xalanth" he answered "I'll have to study the base layout, get myself familiarised with it as I haven't had the opportunity to do as yet. I don't actually know much about the situation to be honest, can I ask who it is who took the base from us in the first place?"

" The Typhon Pact forces currently hold starbase 400. Though if the reports are correct it's still not fully operational " Xalanth replied bringing up a holo map of the area and indicating the front.

"To coin an old phrae 'It's going to be a bloody day' by the looks of it when we go back in to try and re-take the Starbase" Finchley replied.

" Indeed and my gut is telling me to be careful. I can't help but think the pact up to something. I may seem paranoid, but if you fought the Yor you'd learn never to underestimate anyone one." Xalanth said staring at the map as if he could eventually see a hidden pact fleet.

"If we can establish a bridgehead on the base when we attack it, I'm sure we can soon work out the strengths and weaknesses of Typhon Pact forces. It would be handy if we can take some of them alive, bait them for information" Finchley said.

" Perhaps. I'll be acting as the security/tactical officer on the Essex for the operation so I won't be involved with the boarding actions. " Xalanth said as a thought jumped into his head. " Forgive me if I sound impolite, but do you have any family Finch? "

"I have three older brothers and an older sister Xalanth, but I don't have any co-dependents if that's what you mean, I've never married and never had children. Why do you ask?"

" It's my people's custom to know if any person serving under them have any mates or children that would need looking after if they pass whilst following orders. " The lizard explained. " Family important to my people."

"That's very kind of you to enquire Xalanth, and I appreciate the sentiment enormously" Finchley said "but if I were to pass, there's no immediate family to mourn me. If I may ask, how about yourself, do you have any family?"

" I have my three mates T'para, Leilani and Fulvia, and are four daughters Yazar, Travla, Lersi and Amrar." Xalanth said looking at the photo on his desk.

"That's a big family, you must miss them" Finchley replied.

The lizard nodded as he looked deeper at the picture. " They're always in my thoughts. It's why i fight so hard to keep them safe."

"I have a Security briefing to give to a couple of our squads" Finchley said "if there's nothing else Sir, I better get to it" he finished.

Xalanth nodded before he handed him a padd with the information on the security officers that may come in handy. " Off course Finch take this it will probably help."

Standing up, he accepted the PADD, replied "Thank you Xalanth, hopefully soon we'll be meeting in the Security Offices on the Starbase."

With a nod and a slight smile, he about faced and walked out the office.


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