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Time of Rest

Posted on Mon Jun 22nd, 2020 @ 7:02pm by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,682 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Ross Quarters Starbase 23
Timeline: TBA

Kaden and Freya finished putting the kids to bed after treating them to a good evening of fun and ice cream. It was the least they could do to keep everyone's minds off the ongoing battle. Ploping on the couch Kaden kicked off his shoes and wiggled his bare toes. "I am bushed playing for the past hour is a hell of a workout."

Freya smiled as she looked at the three sleeping babies “I hadn’t planned on turning our quarters into a nursery ... with the exception of our son of course!” She smiled as she cuddled up with Kaden. “I have to admit it’s hard work but I’m enjoying it!”

Kaden sat there watching the kids sleep feeling Freya rub his chest with her hand. "Wasn't sure giving them those tiny servings of ice cream was a wise idea but shocked it didn't cause them to have a sugar rush." He confessed.

“Well from what I’ve read you have to be careful with dairy products with children hence the small portions.” Freya smiled warmly.

Kaden sat letting Freya run her hand over his chest. "Well thank goodness you knew what you were doing I was just winging it the whole time."

“So was I” Freya grinned as she let her fingers trail slowly across his chest some more. “It’s all good practice for when our bundle of joy arrives.”

"Hey, I been wondering what do you think about when we are like this? Just relaxing and cuddling?" Kaden asked he was trying to not think of the battle raging on elsewhere as they spoke.

“What do I think?” She looked up at Kaden curiously. “I think about us, about how much I love you and how lucky I am to have you.” She smiled warmly. “I’d be lost without you Kaden.”

Kaden couldn't help but grin slightly. "Odd thing is I think that too. It's strange I always think how lucky I am we met and you kept me from quitting the Marines then. Honestly I don't know what our lives be like right now if we didn't. I mean would you of found someone to suit you like I do?" His brow creased just pondering on that thought. "I wonder..."

“I don’t ... I know that there would never be another man who’d mean what you mean to me.” Freya looked into her husband’s eyes. “Without you life wouldn’t be worth living, although now I have our son I’d throw myself into living for him. No man could replace you.”

Kaden liked what she said it was very sweet and touching but he still couldn't help think of the idea had things gone different. "That is very sweet, Freya, but...I still can't help but think at times if things had been different I would of just died a lonely old man in the mountains somewhere." He replied frowning slightly.

“How do you know we weren’t fated to be?” Freya smiled. “I could have been lost in the mountains and found by you, or something else could have brought us together. Fate is random or so people say but I believe that we’re meant to be, I knew it the first time I set eyes on you.”

Kaden got to his feet walked over to the replicator and ordered two bowls of ice cream one for him and the other for Freya. "You think we are destined to be together no matter what huh? Even if you have to go to every mountain to find me?" He asked as he returned to the couch handing Freya her bowl.

“Every single one!” Freya grinned as she took her bowl. “Mmmm ice-cream you know just how to get to a girl’s heart.”

Kaden took a bite of ice cream as he leaned back against the couch taking a moment to listen in on the children who was still sound asleep. "You know, I have to admit not seeing you everyday would drive me nuts I feel empty without you. Freya you got such a good outlook on life I just...wish I had the same feelings on it as well."

“Give it time Imzadi” Freya offered a smile as she put another spoonful of ice-cream in her mouth, letting it savour before swallowing it. “You’ve gone through the ringer lately, I’m not surprised you feel the way you do. All the Counsellor’s in the universe could give you advice but it all boils down to when you feel ready. I love my new role being your assistant and it’s a bonus to still be able to do my role as a Counsellor for the marines. I’ll always be your unofficial Counsellor too.”

Kaden was about to take another spoonful of ice cream before he stopped and set it back in the bowl. "But you won't have as many patients as you used to, you certain you want to be my assistant still?" He asked.

Freya nodded. “I’ll admit it’s a few less patients but there’s still enough to keep me busy.” She smiled. “Besides give it another four or five months and I’ll have our son to keep me busy!”

Kaden again looked at the direction of the room where the children slept. "I am not sure, but the way these kids behaved around us they been angels hardly any fuss." He said.

“Well they’re only babies and I think them being of empathic mother’s helps, they won’t have developed their abilities yet but they’re used to the sense of sharing thoughts and I’ve been doing my best to share a sense of calm with them. Plus they’re all just good babies.”

Kaden took Freya's hand into his and smiled. "Just so you know your mom and dad did say even though you had your moments growing up you was a well behaved kid." He offered her a smile.

“Then fingers crossed our son is a well behaved baby too!” Freya smiled.

Kaden kissed Freya on the cheek. "With a mom like you I sure all our kids we have will be." He replied.

Freya smiled and gently stroked Kaden’s cheek with her fingers. “I like the way you say that, I’m looking forward to us having our son and maybe a daughter too in the future.”

"Maybe? I hope we do." Kaden replied taking a spoonful of ice cream real quick. "Not fair that you won't have girl to teach how to be a proper lady."

Freya smiled the biggest smile yet. “I would like that very much! You know I still miss Hope. I’m glad she went home to family but I miss her so much.”

Kaden sighed small part of him missed that kid but she was with her family now and from what he been hearing she was good hands. "She is fine, Freya, I promise." He kissed her on the lips. "Now come here and let me give you some love."

Freya smiled the biggest smile yet. “Now that’s an offer I’m not going to turn down!”

Before Kaden could even begin there was a baby laugh from nowhere right behind him. Turning around he saw one of twins sitting on the floor clearly amused by what the two adults was doing or about to. To which quickly killed the mood but raised a even bigger question as Kaden remembered putting the kid in the crib. "How in the world did you get out?"

“I told you the side of that borrowed crib needed checking, it must have slid down!” Freya quickly picked up baby Emily ready to return her to her crib with her baby brother. ‘Let’s check on her brother and that crib.”

Walking into the nursery Freya smiled as she saw their other two charges still sleeping soundly. The crib side had slipped and being a crib that was low to the floor Emily had obviously crawled out. Pulling the side up quietly Freya made sure it was firmly in place. “Let’s get this little one off to sleep again and I can have some time with you.”

Kaden was scratching his head he could of swore he secured the crib as they put the now snoozing kid to bed he crouched down looking to see if Artemis was in the room. But his cat was nowhere to be found he went over and checked the other cribs making sure they was secure as well. "I swear I checked these." He said quietly as to not wake the kids.

“Well we’re not used to these cribs, it might be it didn’t get secured. It’s not your fault, these things happen. Chalk it up as part of our learning curve!” Freya grinned. “I think this little one will sleep now.”

=/\= "Ops, to General Ross" =/\= Kaden was surprised by the sudden call. =/\= "Yes?" =/\= He asked. =/\= "Sorry, to bother you, Sir, but there is a gentleman requesting to see you. Says you and him worked together on Catulla a while back." =/\= Kaden recognized the place Catulla was his first assignment during his days in MARSOC. =/\= "Tell him I am busy" =/\=

=/\= "Thermopylae" =/\=

It was at that moment Kaden turned and kissed Freya on the cheek. "Sorry I have to go." He whispered. =/\= "Tell him I am on the way." =/\=

“Kaden?” Freya looked at her husband concernedly. “I want to know everything when you come back!”

Kaden pulled his boots on and headed for the door he knew Freya was worried but this was MARSOC matters he was heading into. This kind of thing was serious and way beyond Freya's pay grade and clearance. Sure she could find the issue with her telepathic abilities but Kaden was trained to bury sensitive information in other thoughts to make it hard to find.

But only time would tell if this was going have to be buried with the other secrets he kept hidden.


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