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Not Best Laid Plans

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2020 @ 11:50am by Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD

1,494 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Ready Room | USS Mercy
Timeline: Just After Breifing


Barely waiting long enough for the door chime to ring out, let alone giving time for the occupant to respond, Doctor Corrigan walked into the Ready Room to find Hades alone. "Another ship? Without a word! Oh, well, until you announce your plan in the middle of the briefing that is!" she fumed. "The staff, the equipment, the space…?"

Finally she paused for breath, only long enough for more questions to pour out. "When exactly did you decide this? You didn't upgrade the ship systems overnight! And since you seem determined I'm not going be aboard, who exactly is going to stay back as your CMO? Not Mendez?!"

Just the thought made her shudder.

She realised more of her anger came from the very obvious part of his plan which meant she would not be aboard. Which made her suspicious of what he was planning overall. Keeping her away, in her mind meant one thing: he felt it was too dangerous aboard and he was being an overprotective fool because she carried his unborn grandchild. His last piece of Richard.

Yet it was ridiculous! They were going into battle. Any ship could be badly damaged, or worse. Anything could happen. To any single one of them.

"I'm not going to Nivar's ship" she added, "the Pegasus needs experienced medical staff. Reid is good, really good, but she isn't a surgeon and Davis is still throwing up before every shift."

"You need to be where I know you will be protected Carolyn."

"I'm as protected here as anywhere," she countered. "And you didn't answer my questions."

"What question," he played dumb.

Her eyes narrowed. "All.Of.Them."

"Humour me." He said his mind clearly not on the argument.

She rolled her eyes in exasperation. This was Hades being at his most infuriating best. "When did you make these grand plans? And why can't I stay right here?"

"When I learned Starfleet was planning to retake the Starbase." First Federation Intel had picked it up.

"And I can't stay because...?"

"I promised you I would not lie to you so I won't. It's too dangerous. My ship is modified with First Federation trappings including the sickbay and tactical area. I need people I can trust to work the technology and take it apart. Isaiah's ship will protect you and in turn be protected by a Dassik Ship under cloak."

"Dassik ship?!" She groaned as she sank into a chair. "A little overkill, don't you think? And why even take the risk?"

"For the good of my people." He looked at her. "You and my granddaughter are important to me. I need you safe. I may be leaving soon Carolyn."

"Leaving? Why? You can't -" She fell silent. Of course he could. He could do anything he wanted. Often did. She stood, a whole different kind of angry now as she walked for the door. This time I was all directed at herself. For being so damn stupid for actually believing he would be around.

"If you wont send me to the Pegasus," she said as she headed for the door, "I recommend you do send Mendez. I mean it, they need a surgeon... let me know when you decide to go so I can say goodbye to Kalani."

"Kalani is staying Carolyn. I need to take Skye and Splendora home. I will be back. I promise you that."

She wasn’t convinced it was a promise he would or could keep. “Kalani is staying? Why?”

"As I said I will be back." He stood and walked over to Carolyn. He took her hands. "I know you think that this is all because of my granddaughter. Even if you were not pregnant I would worry about you. You are my daughter now. You are family.”

“All the things you said that day, in Ariana’s office....” Carolyn replied softly, “it is burned into my head. I can’t help it. And then that patient knocked into me and the baby ... and then you were back like lightning. It’s easier to reconcile by believing this overprotective streak is because of her. Because for that month there was nothing. Just me and worries about the baby and missing him and all of the things we planned. I’m not a machine, I can’t just flick a switch every time you decide you want to be friends. I’m too exhausted, Hades.”

As she said the last part she very much sounded and looked it. Taking a deep breath, she sighed. “Fine. I’ll go.”

"Carolyn." He walked over taking her shoulders. "Never doubt that you are my daughter. I stayed away because I was my fault. All of it."

Her look alone made it clear she didn't agree with that. "It was my past that brought them to the station, that made them come after us," she told him, "I'm the reason."

"You are not. I should have done better to protect you both." He sighed. "You both mean the world to me. I..." He was interrupted by the chime.

Having spoken with Cameron, Ariana made her way to Hades ready room. She wasn’t happy about the whole battleship idea for the Mercy, it wasn’t designed to be a fighting ship and that worried and scared her. Making her way to the door she could already feel the presence of Carolyn inside with Hades, no doubt discussing the same thing she was here for. Pressing the chime she waited for an answer.

"I should have a trap door installed outside." He sighed. "Come in."

Ariana walked in offering Carolyn a polite nod and smile. “I sensed you were here Carolyn.” She looked at Hades. “I guess you’ve already talked to Carolyn about this but ... are you mad taking an Olympic class into battle?”

"It's necessary." He simply said. He sat down hard looking at the two women. They'd be the death of him. "What are the odds that you two won't ask anymore questions?"

“Oh ... practically zero!” Ariana crossed her arms. “You’ve obviously already given Carolyn an explanation so how's about you give me the shortened version? I’m not a seasoned XO Hades! I only just passed my the bridge test and you’re throwing me into battle! I need to know that I’m not going to be risking the life of my baby.”

Carolyn had backed off to give the two room to argue it out. She understood Ariana's concerns about battle, she had lived the reality of duty ending one pregnancy. Yet at the same time, she resisted the temptation to remind her friend that she had already been first officer during the last battle. Passing the bridge test did not erase the actual experience she had.

As for asking Hades' guarantee she wasn't risking her baby - that she knew was impossible. Even with all the best of intentions, anything could in theory happen. While she imagined Hades had played through most scenarios he could imagine happening, there was no way he could offer that absolute assurance. Unless he shipped her off too.

"We are going into a battle," she spoke up quietly, "by its very nature, you are placing your life - and by extension obviously, your baby's life - at more risk. There is no guarantee about what will happen out there."

She felt silent, letting Hades add whatever he wanted to add.

Ariana took a deep breath. "Look I ... I'm sorry. My protective instincts are off the charts at the moment, I trust you I just can't help but think this whole idea is crazy!"

He looked at Ariana. "If you wish I will speak with the Admiral about getting you on another ship"

Ariana fell silent before shaking her head. “No way! I started this as your XO I’m not going to let you down now. I’m going with you.”

"Okay, I'll let you two sort out whatever needs done in terms of the ship, I'll get down to medical and see what we can easily transport and see how we can best distribute our people," Carolyn said as she headed for the door. already beginning to consider who would best sit where.

Ariana watched her friend go before looking back at Hades. “Wouldn’t you rather she be safe with you? Anything could happen out there.”

Hades sighed. "She will be safe. Wherever she winds up I will ensure it. There will be someone watching her. If anything goes wrong you too will be safe. I have ... made arraignments to ensure both your safety."

Ariana gave Hades a curious look but didn’t ask. “Thank you Hades.” She smiled. “I think I’ve been in your hair long enough, I’ll get out of your way I’m sure you’ve got plenty to do.”


OOC: -- Sorry this is late!


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