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Rhythm of the night

Posted on Tue Jun 23rd, 2020 @ 5:02pm by Lieutenant Xalanth

677 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Earth, san francisco
Timeline: Many years ago

Xalanth let out a sigh as he stepped into the Starboard nacelle. It had been a long day with his survival training. Not that anything Starfleet could do could match his own homeworlds training, but putting up with some of the other students was an always trying task.

His eye fell on the two females in matching black mini skirts sitting at the bar doing there best to ignore the group of three humans who looked out of place among the Starfleet students. Baggy out of place clothing that looked to be from another time.

Most likely terran prime he guessed given the group newer infatuation with clothing of the past as he approached hearing the none pointy-eared woman on the left give a very loud. " Not interested." in an unmistakable tone of someone trying to tell someone else to get lost.

The humans didn't seem to take notice and the leader even took a step towards the two.

" They asked you to leave." Xalanth said stepping up behind the three. He saw the center ones hand go into his pocket and pull a knife which he began swinging as he turned around. The human's eyes dropped when not only did Xalanth catch his hand but he saw the towering lizard that he had been about to stab.

T'para and Leilani both turned with smirks on their faces obviously very happy that the pest had really put their foot in it.

The lizard increased the pressure on his hand forcing him to drop the blade which clattered to the floor. " Trying to stab a guy in public whilst trying chatting up an alien and a hybrid in a Starfleet bar. Is terra prime recruiting the mentally deficient now?" Xalanth said as he recognized the human's face from the riot. He'd thrown one from the fireworks at his line then ran as soon as the gas canisters were deployed.

As the habit of cowards, his two companies ran for the door one hastily pulling up his drooping trousers as they did so. With his thugs gone the leader's face turned into one of utter panic as the lizard nostrils detected a smell of human urine coming from the human trousers.

" Pathetic." He said realizing the human's arm. As soon as he'd been realized the human male bolted for the door like his companions though unlike them his baggy trousers fell down around his legs causing him to trip and sending him falling to the ground.

As he stumbled up pulling his trousers as she did to the chorus of laughter he bolted from the club.

" idiot," Xalanth said to himself as he headed for the coms computer to make a complaint to the police. With the number of drones and cameras in the city he wouldn't get two blocks before he'd been transported into a cell.

Within five minutes he was backsliding into the central bar stool between the betazoid and the Vulcan/human hybrid who in unison placed a kiss on the side of his head.

How he'd managed to get such wonderful creatures as his mates was still a mystery to him he thought as T'para handed him a long stiff drink. The humans sure knew how to brew alcohol.

" Long day?" Leilani asked as the lizard downed the drink in one go.

The lizard nodded. " More combat practice. " He said knowing that his two mates knew how hard it was for him trained in his own people's martial arts to fight none lethally.

" Well let's help you forget." T'para said as she slid off the stool and began pulling the lizard to the dance floor.
Leilani did so as well. A grin was on the lizard's face as the three made their way to the dance floor. His own pathetic dancing abilities were nothing to compared to two individuals both trained in multiple dancing forms, but that wasn't the point.

The point was to lose themselves in the rhythm of the music and have fun with the two dearest things to him in the universe.


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