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Pre-Flight Checklists

Posted on Wed Jun 24th, 2020 @ 6:29pm by Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman

254 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: USS Endeavor-Bridge
Timeline: MD2 - 0800hrs


Commander Coleman had made his way over to the USS Endeavor to begin his pre-fight checklist and make sure that the ship was ready to fly before heading out. The first thing that was required was to unlock the bridge and ship lockouts.

As soon as Coleman stepped out of the turbolift onto the Bridge, the computer chirped to life and said, "Voice Authorization required to access USS Endeavor." All of the screen on the Bridge showed the Federation Emblem with 'USS Endeavor' underneath them.

Coleman stepped out onto the Bridge and said, "Computer, authorization code Coleman-Zeta-One-Nine-Beta, clearance level eight. Unlock USS Endeavor for Pre-Launch Sequence and crew access."

Within a few moments, all the screens on the Bridge came to life and began startup sequences. Coleman's combadge chirped and the Chief Engineer came on and said, "Sir, we've got access down here. We'll begin warming her up for when we head out and we'll let you know if we have any problems."

"Let Lieutenant Plumeri know if we have any issues and I'll make sure you guys get what you need," Coleman said, glad to finally be heading out and back home. He wanted to get back to the Kaleb System too because there was something out there that the Tholians didn't want the Federation to see either. So, the sooner that we got back there, the sooner Coleman knew he could find his answers. But, time would tell....


Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman
Chief Science Officer/Commanding Officer
Starbase 400/USS Endeavor


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