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[USS Falcon] Feels like home

Posted on Sat Jun 27th, 2020 @ 11:46pm by Lieutenant JG Dustin Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Aubrey Miller
Edited on on Sat Jun 27th, 2020 @ 11:47pm

1,318 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: MD01 1910 hrs

After dinner there was not much to do, so Aubrey and Dustin were relaxing in the mess hall. "How long do you think, we will be out here?" Dustin asked, as he looked over to Aubrey. He liked spending a lot of time with Aubrey, but he was not a fan of the cramp feeling of the USS Falcon. She was a patrol ship, not a home. But lately, it started to feel like their new home.

“That depends on when we’re sure it is safe enough to return home,” Aubrey murmured. “I hope it is soon.” She smiled at him. “I like the falcon but I would like some down time.”

"The Falcon can not stay out forever, sooner or later, will need to check in with a capital ship, and get resupplied." Dustin, not liking the idea of getting resupplied. He missed his home on Starbase 400. There he had his own room. Here on the Falcon, he had a bunk bed alcove that was cozy, but a little cramp. He could not imagine him and Aubrey in one of those.

They would be in close proximity, and he did not want her to think, he was to aggressive. Even though it would be nice to sit on the bed talking or watching a movie, it was still very small, and a little more intimate.

He wanted to be intimate with Aubrey, but when the time was right. Somehow being intimate in a bunk bed alcove with five other bunks, was not his idea of a good impression.

“I miss home,” Aubrey said quietly. “And I want us to be able to spend more time together, go out to dinner, be able to spend time at one of our places, even something as simple as shopping.” Aubrey smiled at him. “You know I have feelings for you and here on the Falcon...we have had to put them on hold.”

"This is not the ideal place to explore those feelings. The ship is small, no such thing as privacy on a ship this size." Dustin pointed out to her.

“I agree,” Aubrey nodded. “I was speaking what I have been feeling is all, letting you know what has been going on in my head. This isn’t the right time or place but I look forward to when it is.”

Dustin took the moment, he hoped he read the sign correctly, and leaned in for a kiss. He was a little nervous, to reach in for the kiss. "Sometimes you just have to go for it. Even if the scene is not ideal." Dustin said, with a nervous smile on his face.

Aubrey moved towards him and her lips met his. She had been waiting for this moment. It was everything she thought it would be and more.

The two embraced a passionate moment. He reached up to grab her neck, as he slowly kissed her. Every worry, every thought, every distraction just suddenly vanished, as he continued to slowly kiss her.

Aubrey was into moment, not wanting it to end. She had been waiting for this first kiss for a while. She let go of thinking and just returned the kiss with a passion of her own.

The two were lost in the moment. Dustin had forgotten about the fact that they were in the mess hall. But eventually he had to come up for air. Dustin was at a loss for words, all he could think of to say was. "Wow." In a good pleasing way.

Aubrey smiled at him. “Wow is right.” She said softly. Dustin has made her forget everything around them.

Dustin was still at a loss for words. "So that just happened." He said, with a big loving smile on his face. He was not sure how to react next. Deep down, he just wanted to kiss her again.

“It did,” Aubrey said, emotion in her voice. “I find myself wanting it to continue and I don’t really care who is watching us.”

Dustin debated about saying something. But he just smiled, and kissed her again. Like her, he did not care who was watching them too. This ship was to small to restrict PDA.

"With you here, the Falcon does not seem so bad." Dustin pointed out to her, as he came up for air. He really enjoyed kissing her.

"I know what you mean," Aubrey's eyes lit up. "I look forward to spending time with you after shift. I don't feel so confined but the best part is just being with you."

"I am happy to hear it, but there is really no where to go on the Falcon, its the Mess Hall, walk in the crowded corridors, or cozying it up in one of our bunk bed racks." Dustin pointed out to her, he hoped she did not think the last option was the first thing on his mind.

In his eyes, it would take them a while to get there. He was little old fashion, and did not want to take advantage of Aubrey. He wanted to be a respectable man. He hoped she appreciated that, as much as he did.

“When we get to the point of being together in that way,” Audrey said quietly. “I want it to be somewhere special where we aren’t here on the Falcon. I hope you feel the same.”

"Starbase 400, has a lot of space, surely there, we will be able to find some quiet time for the two of us." Dustin said, hoping that was not forward of him to say, this early in the relationship.

Aubrey worried for a moment that maybe she had come on too strong when they were still getting to know one another but Dustin didn’t seem bothered.

“We will find our time,” She said with a smile. “When we are ready.”

"I can't speak for you, but I can say, I am ready." Dustin said, with a smile on his face. He was ready to get to know Aubrey better. Hopefully build a future with her.

“I am glad to hear that,” Aubrey smiled. “Because I am as well. I have strong feelings for you, Dustin, but I think you know that.”

"I knew, but I am smart enough to realize that feelings are meant to be explored in stages, and allowed to grow into something more." Dustin said, with a warm tone in his voice.

“That's exactly how I am feeling,” Aubrey admitted. “We have plenty of time there is no reason to rush things.”

"I am not a sight seer, but something tells me we will have a long road ahead of us, to explore those feelings, and allow them to grow naturally." Dustin said to her, as he reached over to grab her hand.

“We do,” Aubrey nodded, loving that he was holding her hand. “But think about how much we are going to enjoy every minute of it.”

"Me too baby, and I have to admit, I am a loss for words, but fill so content, just to sit here and stare into those beautiful eyes of yours." Dustin said, with a big grin on his face.

Aubrey smiled back at him. "We have something in common then because I love your eyes, they are so expressive. When you are passionate about something they light up, like they are doing right now."

"A charmer huh, tell me more." Dustin said, with a big cheesy grin on his face. He was about to lean in for another kiss.

"Like you really want to do this," Aubrey pressed her lips to his and kissed him deeply. She wanted him to know that she was in this as much as he was.

"Oh I do, very much so." Dustin said, as he continued to press his lips against hers, as the scene starts to fade away.


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