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An impulse buy

Posted on Thu Jun 11th, 2020 @ 10:40am by Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers

748 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Vox’s Gallery
Timeline: MD1 0700 hrs


Kah’lyn was wondering through the row of shops on Starbase 23, She knew some of the owners from Starbase 400 had temporarily set up shop on Starbase 23 to keep their livelihoods intact. She’d heard about a gallery run by a Trill called Vox and wanted to see it for herself.

Vox had just raised the shutters on the front of the gallery and was now slowly putting on the lights. He had not yet chosen the background music for the gallery today but was mulling it over as he went around adjusting the lighting to make sure the sculptures were in the best light.

Kah’lyn walked into the gallery and offered the Trill she saw a warm smile. “You must be Vox? I’m Kah’lyn Chiara, the new Ops Officer assigned to Starbase 400.”

"Hello, I am Vox, yes but please call me Rae and welcome to the Serenity Gallery. " Vox replied.

“Thank you” Kah’lyn looked around. “I’ve heard great things about your gallery Rae, so I thought I’d come and see for myself. Let’s just say I’m not disappointed.”

"I always aim to please. " Rae replied.

Kah’lyn smiled. “Just out of curiosity do you have anything Romulan?”

"Well, that's a first. I do but that's the first time anyone has ever asked. If you follow me I can show you a few items. " he led her over to an area of the gallery where there were three paintings and sculpture. "All of these are Romulan in origin. "

Kah’lyn looked at the paintings and the sculpture. “What can you tell me about them?”

"Not a great deal to be honest. I was given them as payment for a favour I did an old friend. He didn't tell me much about them. " Vox replied

Kah’lyn nodded. “Any chance you can find out? I’m somewhat curious about them, I may purchase them if they’re of value.”

"Sure, I will get in touch with him and find out more about them. " Vox replied.

“Wonderful” She smiled warmly. “I’ve never really been that interested in things Romulan up until now, I’ve no idea why I find them so intriguing but I do.”

Half an hour had passed and further information on the paintings and sculpture had come through. Vox approached Kah'lyn.

"The three paintings are by a Romulan artist called Dabeen Nulmek and the sculpture is not actually Romulan, it's Reman and we only have the first name of this artist, Nakona. " Vox advised.

Kah’lyn tucked her hair behind her ears revealing her pointed ears. “Fascinating. I’d like to purchase all of them.”

"How would you like to pay for them? " Vox asked. The total came to 10 bars and 2 strips of latinum.

“I’ll have the funds transferred straight to you” Kah’lyn smiled. “Can you arrange to have the items delivered once you’ve received payment?”

"Absolutely. Just let me have your details and I will get the paintings and sculpture sent to your quarters. " Vox replied.

“Thank you” Kah’lyn smiled warmly. “It’s probably best to send them to my temporary quarters here at the station. I’m kind of here, there and everywhere at the moment. I think I’m going to be aboard the Pegasus but I’m not certain of that yet, once I have a more permanent assignment I can move my things there.”

"Sounds good to me. Leave me your details and I will sort it out. " Vox replied.

Making a note of her details on the PADD with her account details Kah’lyn smiled warmly. “Thank you Vox, it’s been nice doing business with you.”

"Likewise. Should I drop you a message should I get anything else from Romulus? " Vox asked.

“Please” Kah’lyn nodded and smiled. “Thank you Vox”

"Not a problem. Although, it is rare for me to get things from Romulus. " Vox added.

“Well if you don’t I’m sure I’ll find something else.” Kah’lyn smiled warmly.

"With the extensiveness of my collection, that is almost a mathematical certainty," Vox replied with a smile.

Kah’lyn smiled. “Then who am I to make the laws of mathematical probability wrong!” She nodded politely and headed towards the door, “I’ll see you again Vox.”

"You will indeed, I have no doubt" Vox replied.

Kah’lyn grinned before heading on her way, she had no doubt she’d see Vox again.



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