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Astronomical Genomes

Posted on Wed Jun 10th, 2020 @ 4:47pm by Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman

1,034 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: USS Endeavor - Astrometrics Lab
Timeline: MD01: 1030 hours


When Matthew walked into the Astrometrics lab, the lights came on and the LCARS interface illuminated. He touched his comm badge to call, =A= Lieutenant Liora? Can you meet with Commander Coleman and myself in the Astrometrics lab? =A= While he waited her reply, he activated the Astrometrics database and started to load up the region of space near the site where the genome sequence was found.

Kalani signaled that she was on her way. It didn't take long for her to arrive smiling. She had just finished her break and was on her way back anyway. The doors hissed open to the science section. "Good afternoon," she said smiling.

Coleman looked at Kalani as she walked through the doors and greeted everyone and said, "You ready to change some lives and see what's out there?" He gave both Kalani and Plumeri a bit of a mischievous smile.

"Hey Kalani!" Matt said in greeting. "Hell's yeah Commander." Behind them, the large Astrometrics display slowly orbited around a grouping of three planets. Information and data scrolled up on each of the worlds on the holo-emitters. However, on closer inspection of the stardates, they data was at least a year old now. "Thanks for coming so quickly Lieutenant Liora. The boss here has found some really interesting and possibly explosive content on a recent archaeological dig."

Coleman handed one of the larger PADDs over to Liora, so she could review the information that had been collected on the dig site to one of the various planets in the Triangle, near where Starbase 400 was located.

Kalani studied the PaDD. Her eyes widened as she read. " huge." she said.

Matt nodded, "If it's true. I'm not saying it isn't, but we need verification. The best way, I feel, to do that is with boots and eyes on the ground on one of these three likely planets. Commander Coleman's PaDD indicates that the discovery was made here" Matthew indicated to the larger middle planet. "But, our data is old. I wanted to get your take on this idea too Kalani. The Tholians feature prominently in the report. Everyone knows how xenophobic they are. But how does that explain their behavior to recent events?"

Kalani studied the data lost in it. She barely registered the question.

"Well, we have to be rather coy about this. We can't just go out there and assume that the Typhon Pact will let us poke around until Starbase 400 is recaptured. But, I'm assuming that won't be too long from now," Coleman said, scratching his chin.

"Coleman has asked me to go to the diplomatic level and poke around the embassies. Try and get some information. I can do that pretty easily because my world is still provisional in status. I could be down there any reason and making inquiries wouldn't be all that unusual. At least I think so? Do you know of any archaeological reasons or ancient migrations of people through this region of space? Could somebody like the Iconians simply have 'dropped' this off the back of a truck?" Matt was grasping for straws.

"Why would the Iconians just drop something off the truck like this? This could be one of the biggest archaeological finds of this century. The Iconians were very particular in making sure that they couldn't be found, so I doubt they just did this," Coleman said, offering the ball to Kalani.

"Hm....I can offer a bit of help here. My husband has some...diplomatic pull." She said carefully. "I could see if he could do something on our behalf."

Coleman leaned forward and thought about his next words. "We would have to ask the right questions. The one big question that I have would be what the Tholians would have to do with a simple genome from a mold sample from a random planet in the Triangle."

"Actually Tholian contact is forbidden for the Federation not the First Federation. They have a trading deal." She smiled. "We can ask any questions we want....pending we leave it off official channels."

Coleman raised an eyebrow, while letting a mischievous smile grow upon his face. "I like the way that you think. We have to head out tomorrow, I believe, for the retaking of Starbase 400. See what you can find out before 1800 hours tonight for me and let me know," Coleman said, wanting to see what he could find out before heading out.

"We could pose as independent researchers?" Plumeri offered. "Next year, the Academy of Ancient & Alien Civilizations has a conference on Sarthong V. We could say we're from one of the non-aligned worlds and we're seeking access to the Triangle. Most likely we'll be denied. But that opens the door to ask our questions. Right? What we want is information - because once we retake SB400 getting access to the Triangle can be done through the Endeavor even without Tholian cooperation" Plumeri theorized his idea. "Sound like a plan?" he asked.

"That can work. Maybe work your ancestry and homeworld in that angle maybe. It could get a lot more in the front of information," Coleman said, offering up an extension of Matthew's thoughts.

"Probably get more traction using the First Federation angle but my heritage will help." Matt looked at Kalani, "I'll need to change out of uniform. The sooner we get to it the better. When can we start?"

"Like I said, I'd like to get it done before tonight. But, if it needs longer, let me know," Coleman said, waiting to see what his colleagues said.

"I'll talk to Hades we can meet later today."

"I'll meet you han hour? At the big replimat yeah? We can go from there to the Diplomatic levels." Matt said to Kalani.

"Agreed." She smiled.

"Okay, dismissed. see what you can find out for me and report back to me at 1700 hours this afternoon," Coleman said, smiling to both of his junior officers and how well they were working together.


LTJG Matthew Plumeri
Science Officer/Historian
USS Endeavor


Lt. JG Kalani Liora
Science Officer / Archeologist


Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman
Chief Science Officer/Commanding Officer
Starbase 400/USS Endeavor


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