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A Cultural Exchange

Posted on Tue Jan 22nd, 2019 @ 4:39pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Major General Thomas Jackson & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Captain Andre DaSilvor & Captain R'nard Lokran & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Cadet Senior Grade Marcus Mattson & Camron Wayne & Maria Garabaldi & Jacaranda & Admiral Phelan Ward & Captain Patrick Dow & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Commander Rann & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Staff Sergeant Sam Hopper & Tom Vercetti & Korel & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & First Ramata`tar
Edited on on Sat Feb 23rd, 2019 @ 4:28pm

5,526 words; about a 28 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 - 0900hrs


It had been weeks since the Enterprise departed for her own time to make the history they were destined to make.

The Ion storm had also cleared the area. It's only causality in the sector was a Nyberrite Alliance freighter that hadn't heeded the warning to stay clear of the area. The USS Cutlass, USS Dorsetshire and USS Crockett from Starbase 400 had escorted a tug and rendered aid to the freighter and brought it and its crew back to the station for treatment and repairs.

A new year had begun, 2395, and many aboard the station were looking forward to what the new year would bring. However, ofthers were concerned the new year meant they were closer to an all-out war with the Typhon Pact.

Bremer was in Ops. He looked over a PADD and smiled. K’Wor and Becca had graduated from Starfleet Academy. Becca was assigned to the Denobulan Medical Institute for additional medical training. K’Wor was assigned to the USS Yuzhao as a Security/Tactical Officer. The Yuzhao, an Excelsior Refit class vessel, was assigned to the Alpha Quadrant.

After a few minutes, Bremer received a priority message from Starfleet Command. The conference on Cardassia Prime was finally scheduled. It requested Bremer, T'Lar, Jewel Hurd, Jackson, and others to attend the Alliance conference. Members of the Cardassian, Klingon, C'hakilian, Free Romulan, and Federation governments as well as high-level military leaders were asked to attend. Of course, topics would center around the growing tensions between the Alliance and the Typhon Pact. Other topics would include the renewed Borg threat, officer exchange programs, exploration missions within all four quadrants of the galaxy, and of course anything else the delegates wanted to discuss.

Mike did not like these types of 'meetings'. They often turned too political with fake smiles and ulterior motives. The military talks were preferred...if he had to attend those. He sent word to T'Lar Hurd, Jackson, and the rest of his Senior Staff. The conference was scheduled to start in two days, and at slipstream speeds, they would be able to arrive ahead of time. The conference had been planned for a while, back when they were in the Delta Quadrant at the time helping the Talaxians, but scheduling so many attendees from so many different governments had been a scheduling and logistical nightmare.

Mike also sent word to several of the civilian business owners aboard the station too and invited them to attend. Aside from the ‘official’ meetings, the Cardassians wanted to have a ‘cultural exchange’ with all represented species. People would be showing off their skills at painting, cooking, craftsmanship, as well as selling things like food, handmade goods, antiques, and other items. He sent word to Vercetti, Vox, Wayne, Korel, Jacaranda, Garabaldi, Zark, and others that they were welcome to attend and travel aboard one of the station’s ships.

Mike sent a message to have the Nebula-class USS Sutherland readied. It was the station's Diplomatic vessel and General Hurd's ship, so it seemed only right to take her. Mike also ordered the USS Cutlass readied too to serve as an escort. The USS Cutlass was a Saber-class vessel and would complement the USS Sutherland well. Of course, for a meeting of such importance, the Pegasus and Essex would also be going.

Mike also sent word to K'Temoc and asked him to serve as the Station's Acting-CO while he was away again. Mike then returned to his office and pulled up a list of crewmembers for the mission to Cardassian Prime. Each of them would have their own meetings to attend during the conference. There were symposiums for Medical, Engineering, Science, and even Tactical. As he looked over his crew, he selected not only all of his Senior Officers but also most of his Assistant Department Heads and several officers out of several departments aboard the station...with the exception of the Special Operations Group. K’Temoc would be serving as the acting-CO of the station and Commander Bagwell was off with the USS Falcon anyway. He felt confident in officers like them as well as Captain Harrison and Commander MacLeod to watch over the station and the Ares Operational Theater while he was away.

Mike sent a message to everyone he’d selected. He would work on ship assignments before they departed in ten hours.

< At the Serenity Gallery >

Vox received the message from Fleet Admiral Bremer and wasted no time in sorting out his things for the trip plus ensuring the books that were retrieved from the recent smuggler stash expedition were safely stored and ready to be loaded aboard the ship they would be journeying on.

He managed to persuade, or perhaps bribe is the better word, an old friend to look after the gallery in his absence. He trusted Lenria Dabali, another joined Trill, to take care of things. They had known each other for four lifetimes but what made things somewhat interesting this time was the fact Dabali (the symbiont) was in their first female host. Vox, with the experience of three female hosts, was being helpful as he could for

"No Lenria, you do not have to dress feminine all the time but once in a while might be a good idea and especially in certain situations, say formal events. But, as you will be doing clay sculpting while watching over the gallery, you can just wear your slacks or overalls. Why not give some demonstrations for visitors. "

"Hey, that's not a bad idea. I am trying to raise funds for a charity so maybe I could ask for a small amount which 50% goes to the gallery and 50% to the charity. " Lenria replied.

"Perfect. I have some more preparations to do, so will catch you later, an hour or so before the ship leaves. " Vox replied as he then headed to his quarters.

< Sickbay >

Ariana was in Sickbay for a routine maternity appointment when Bremer’s message had arrived on the PADD she was reading. She was almost five months pregnant now and had the bump to go along with it, hence why she was planning on getting some more maternity wear something that would have to wait for the time being.

She looked at Hades as he walked towards where she was sitting. “So how are my test results looking Doc?” She smiled warmly holding up the message on the PADD. “Looks like I’m going for a trip off station, with your approval of course.”

He smiled, "All is well. I guess I'm coming along too. As is your... assistant." He didn't seem too pleased at that.

“We’re all going?” Ariana looked at Hades in surprise. “I guess we’re going to have a busy time then!” She offered a smile. “Don’t worry I’ll keep an eye on things, you take care of me so I’ll watch out for you. Besides where Counselling is concerned I’m the one in charge and you are one of my patients.”

Hades smiled, "I am completely okay with that." He cleared his throat, "I wanted to thank you for your help recently with the whole Braxton thing."

“My pleasure” Ariana smiled warmly. “I was happy to help. He saved our lives” She patted her well-rounded stomach. “I owed him that and so much more.”

Just as Hades was about to respond the door whooshed open and in staggered Rol. He was pale, sweating and pulling in air as if he couldn't get enough.

Hades' smile quickly faded at the sight. He watched as Rol clutched his chest. Hurrying he called for the nurse as he helped Rol to the bio bed and pulled out his tricorder.

Ariana looked at Hades as he ran his scans. "What's going on!? What's wrong with Rol?" She massaged her temples before ramping up her mental 'shields" to block off the feedback she was getting from Rol.

"He's having an anxiety attack." He reached over pulling a hypo. The eerie hiss it made filled the room but the symptoms did not lessen. He tried again. "Rol!" He grabbed his face. "Look at me. Breath. I need you to breath."

Rol felt as if his body was about to give out. He shook and he could feel the sweat roll off his face. The voices around him felt hollow as if they were being transmitted across light years. He tried to speak but couldn't.

Hades looked up at Ariana. "I need to try something. He has enough tranquilizers in him to down a Tarkelian Razor Beast. I can't give him more." He cleared his throat. "What do you sense?" He needed to know the emotions he was about to expose himself to.

Ariana took a deep breath and let her walls down enough to get a sense of what Rol was feeling. "He's...scared! Really scared...terrified even." She pulled herself free of his emotions. "What is he so scared of?" She moved closer to Rol. "Rol listen to have to calm down, you need to concentrate on your breathing!"

< Diplomatic Office >

Jewel was sitting in her office going over the reports when she got the message that she was going to Cardassia with the Sutherland. She sighed for a moment and got up to go make sure that the Sutherland was ready for departure and spend a little time with her children before they departed. She also sent a message to Mike explaining what had happened between her and David, that they were divorced and that she had returned to her maiden name of Dartt. She got up and headed for where the Sutherland was docked.

First Division Command Office

General Jackson stared at this meeting order nervously. Giaus Aquila has been best friends with Tom for a long time. Long enough to know when something was not right. "Tom?"

Jackson looked up at his friend. "Giaus, how well do you remember our time on Cardassia Prime?" "Like it was last week. Why, are we making another combat jump?" Giaus' last question was a half joke.

"Not quite, old friend. I have been selected to be part of a diplomatic mission, heading there in 10 hours. " Jackson was still in disbelief.

Giaus shook his head. "I am sorry." "You mean you are sorry for both of us." Giaus waited for the order. Jackson did not keep him waiting. "I am going to assume the Fleet SOG will not be going. I want MARSOC team to accompany us, just in case." "Yes, Sir. Micklin and his team will go with me." Jackson smiled. "See you at the docks."

Giaus left to prep his group for the trip. Before getting ready himself, he sent orders for Gibbs and Hopper to accompany him as his personal security detail. Too bad Lieutenant Henry was at Fort Archer, attending MARSOC School. He would have loved the trip.

Jackson then stepped out of his office and hit the door chime to his Division XO's office.

Glancing up at the door, Hurd cleated his work to one side of his desk and said, “Enter”, as he folded his hands and leaned back in his chair.

Tom walked in. "David, we got new orders."

“Oh”, David said, his eyes narrowing a bit.

Jackson placed a PADD on Hurd's desk. "We have been ordered to volunteer to participate in a diplomatic mission to....Cardassia Prime. We leave in 10 hours."

Picking up the PADD, Hurd began to read it. After a few moments he slammed it back down on his desk and said, as respectfully as he could, “General Jackson with all due respect please tell me you are not forcing me to go along with this mission”. “You know my history with the Cardassians, I hate them.

"You do know MY history with the Cardassian's, right?" Jackson retorted. Then he remembered the personal loss the Cardassians inflicted on David. "But I am not without compassion. If you choose to, I can leave you here to run the Division. It would only make strategic sense. I will leave this up to you. "

Closing his eyes and breathing for a moment, he replied, “I think that would be best General, both from a strategic sense, and from a personal sense”. Pausing slightly, he asked, Could you please inform the Admiral and see if he agrees and assuming he does what are your orders for while you are gone and is their anything specific you’d like done while you are gone?”

"I will take care of it", Jackson said. "Just continue business as usual. Units not on QRF are to be either doing equipment upkeep, or training. Nothing on the Threat Board, so a single battalion on QRF should suffice. "

General Hurd stood, His gaze facing out the windows of his office while he thought. After a short while he said, without turning around, “General you know what I’ll go ahead and go along to these conferences with you if it’s all the same”. “I can’t and won’t keep running from my hatred and fear of Cardassians forever”.

"My sentiments exactly, David. See you on the Pegasus." Jackson then headed to his quarters to gather his things.

Intergalactic Mechanics shop

Cameron looked at the request that had been delivered to the PADD he was reading. It slightly confused him as to why the station CO would extend such an invite to him but apparently that was exactly what he had done. Well there was nothing in the shop right at the moment that really needed his attention and it might be interesting to see how some other races built their ships and shuttles maybe he could learn a few new tricks.

He left a note on what needed to be done on the ships that were currently in the shop as well as a few extra projects to keep the help busy and then left the shop. After all, he had a few things to pack so that he was ready when the rest of the attendees were ready to ship out.

T'lar's Quarters

When Deela got word of the conference, she had to explain that she would be gone for a while. "Mommy, do you have to go?" Raivyn wasn't happy and didn't understand why she had to go. Brandon on the other hand was used to it.

"Yes, I have to go. Brandon, Paul will be staying here while I am gone. He will stay here until I get back. So be on your best behavior. I'll miss you guys. Love you."

Both of them repeated what she said almost in unison. Deela hugged her kids and left to check on the Essex. She hoped that they didn't have a repeat performance like the last time they slipstreamed.

Curious Goods

Why was she being asked to go to a function, then she realized, the potential for bargaining, there was a market for Cardassian goods on this station. The biggest thing was what to do with a 3-year-old while she was off the station, they hadn't been apart since he was born, just the two of them, now auntie Jack made three. That would be a fun conversation.

Of course, she really had no one to stay with Roberto, so her plan was, bring him with, he would be ok. He was a good boy when his grandfather wasn't talking about the Cardassian conflicts. So she began to pack and saw Jaca's name was on the list as well, her friend would be bouncy when she found out.

In truth, to describe Jaca as being bouncy at the news was an understatement. Cardassia didn't have the same restrictions towards Djaabul crafts the Federation did, and according to her father, this Obsidian Order sect was practically guaranteed purchasers of quite a bit that sent Federation officials into a horrified swoon. Granted, she wasn't sure if this Order was still active and willing to buy, but the possibility was enough to have her happy as she selected what to include in her toolbelt and bags.

Lokran's Quarters

R'nard was busy getting himself ready for this conference. He was disappointed that he was not more involved in the time with the Enterprise, but he realized they had not yet encountered the Tralazars. However, there was an accidental encounter with Commander Spock, but it was realized that his logic would prevail that he would keep the encounter secret. His report would be coming. It was very intriguing to meet the Vulcan first officer/science officer. Now, he was getting ready to meet the Cardassians.

Solomon's Quarters

Having finished up for the evening, Jack was reading in his study having agreed with Deela that every now and then a little time apart was healthy in their relationship. He was coming to the end of the sixth Deathstalker novel, getting preparation in for when he next attempted the holo-suites with this particular novel, when he heard the comm panel beep for attention.

Seeing the orders from Bremer, Jack deactivated his PADD and packed into a bag with some other belongings for the trip. Once he'd included some fresh uniforms (including his dress uniform) Jack made his way to the nearest turbolift. Whilst assignments weren't finalized, he made his way to the Essex.

Personal Quarters: Dr Carolyn Corrigan

Sipping from the glass of orange juice fresh from the replicator, Dr. Corrigan frowned as she read the message one more time. In her short time aboard the station, she had witnessed some incredible things and this certainly classed as the unexpected. She thought briefly of the follow-up appointments she had scheduled, of plans she had made.

"Orders are orders," she murmured, setting down her glass and heading for her bedroom. On the way she caught her reflection, her hair pulled up into a messy ponytail, her cheeks slightly flushed from the morning run which had made muscles ache, her gym clothes revealing scars her uniform kept hidden from sight. Shower first, she decided. And then she would pack. And then she could quickly begin unmaking her plans.

Personal Quarters: Braxton

Braxton sighed as he packed his sack. The recent events were still turning in his head. He tried to shake the thoughts away but that didn't seem to work. He looked at the time and decided he'd head over to Lai'lira's quarters. He was surprised that Splendora had agreed to bring her along. That was one apology he had to make too. He hoped he hadn't put his foot in his mouth too much with Lai.


Lee had stepped out of his office then headed to Ops, finding Admiral Bremer he walked over to him "So the conference is finally ready to start huh? And on Cardassia Prime no less?"

Mike nodded. "Finally. I think it'll be a good thing for the Alliance. Not just because of the growing tensions with the Typhon Pact, but on the civilian side. We all have something to gain by cooperating...and something to lose if the Alliance fails."

Lee looked around Ops at all of the officers there at their stations working. He then turned back to look at Breme "That we do if this all fails, especially with the Typhon Pact. Where do you want me with this latest mission Admiral?"

"I have you and Alex aboard the Essex. She said she wanted to go." Mike smirked.

Admiral Ward's Quarters, USS Sentinel, Docked

Phelan was getting ready for duty when he received the order to join the diplomatic mission. So he immediately started gathering things for the trip.

Fighter Bay

Klaus prepped his Scorpion for the diplomatic mission. A pair of fighters could come in useful in both emergencies, and displays of force. He needed a wingman to accompany him on the Pegasus. "Gunther to Cadet Mattson, report to your fighter. Bring a travel bag."

Marcus was sitting in the messhall of the station when the call came through, having spent many hours with his own fighter to make sure she was in top condition. "Yes sir, I'll be there in five." the cadet answered, placing his food back in the replicator and hurried off to get his travel bag that he always had ready. It had the essentials and was always ready to go in an moments notice. After four minutes he came through the door to the hangar-bay. A minute later he was at his fighter. "Cadet Mattson reporting as ordered."

"Ready for a milk run, Cadet?" Klaus asked. "We are assigned to the Pegasus, with our ships. As soon as we are ready, we will bring our fighters aboard. Our deck gang should already be waiting for us on the Peggy's Shuttlebay 3.

It would not take long for the two scorpions to transfer to the Pegasus.

Vox had finished his packing but had lost touch of others on the trip and was unsure when they would be boarding the ship. He sent a message from his console to the other business people on the trip. ' Vox here from the Serenity Gallery, does anyone know when we board for the Cardassia trip?'

Young's Personal Quarters

Chloe was overlooking reports from her staff when she got orders from fleet Admiral Bremer she looked over the orders and noticed one of her officer's ensign Nathaniel Capp was one of the officers on the list to be on the mission to Cardassia she hit her combadge "Lt. Young to Ensign Capp please report to my quarters at once " Chloe said as soon as Nathaniel heard this, he went to Lt. Young's quarters. He hit the chime and waited for his department chief to allow him in she was sitting at her desk when she heard the door chime, "come" she said.

Nathaniel entered and stood at attention "Ensign Capp reporting as ordered "she said "at ease ensign " she began "as you have probably wondered what's happening there is a conference happening on Cardassia the three ships that are going are the Pegasus the diplomatic ship the Sutherland and the Cutlass, You and I are going along as well. Both you and I will be on the Sutherland under General Dartt. General Dartt is the Chief Diplomatic Officer for SB400."

Nathaniel was given a PADD from his boss he looked over the orders then Said "I haven't met General Dartt" he said. Then Chloe said, " General Dartt was aboard the Essex during the Delta Quadrant mission," She said then continued "you know I think you and I make a great team, " she said. Nathaniel eyed Chloe then said "your right , we do make a great team," he said. Then she said, "Can we see more of each other?" She asked "sure, " he said "how about during the conference." that would be great, " she said "see you soon " she watched ensign Capp leave she knew she had a crush on the young ensign.

Nathaniel began to pack a duffel bag to prepare for the current mission he was so excited to be a part the mission he also Packed his travel buddy in the duffel and left his quarters to head for flight Ops.

Bremer's Office

After speaking with Pike, Mike returned to his office to transmit a few files to the Pegasus and to make sure Janice and Christopher would be ready to leave on time.

K'Temoc came in with First Ramata'tar a few minutes later.

"Packed and ready to go?" K'Temoc asked.

"Almost. I asked Janice to even pack a civilian outfit or two, just in case." Mike smirked, then rolled his eyes.

K'Temoc shook his head. "How long do you plan to be gone?"

"The event is scheduled to last for five days, and could be extended, especially for the civilian side of the exchange." Mike paused, then looked at Ramata'tar. "First, for obvious reasons, I want you to stay aboard the station. You'll serve as the Chief of Security while we're away."

Ramata'tar nodded. "That is wise. The Cardassians will not want a Jem'Hadar in attendance."

Mike gave a respectful nod, then addressed both. "I'm not sure if Captain Harrison is going yet or not. I'm sure Lee will want her to. I have already asked Commander MacLeod to stay and he's agreed. I'm not sure who else may elect to stay but I will ask that they contact you so you're also aware."

"Understood. We'll keep the lights on for you." K'Temoc smirked again before he and Ramata'tar left Bremer's Office.

After a few minutes, Mike send out a ship assignment list for everyone he'd confirmed was going to Cardassia and asked if anyone had been left off to contact him immediately.

USS Pegasus - CO - Bremer
Splendora Sage

USS Essex - CO - T'Lar
Hurd Jr.

USS Sutherland - CO - Dartt

USS Cutlass - CO - Draven

Remaining at Starbase 400;
K'Temoc - Acting CO
Ramata'tar - Acting Chief of Security
Hurd - Acting Marine CO
Gollo - Chief Operations Officer
MacLeod - SOG Team 1 CO
Quan - Engineer

Now that Vox knew which ship he was on, he finished his packing and tried to find out when I would be allowed to board. He looked around the promenade for anyone who could possibly help him.

Starbase 400

Andre was coming out of ops when he received his wife's message. He nodded and smiled to himself. He would join her as soon as he had finished up here.
A few minutes later he was in their quarters sorting out gear for the away trip. He decided to add civilian clothes as well as a spare uniform.

He was then about to walk to the Essex, when he had a change of mind, "Sod it", he said to himself. Tapping his comm badge, "Starbase 400, this is Captain DaSilvor. Beam me over to the Essex, please."

Seconds later he was walking out of the transporter room on the Essex and heading for his quarters. Dropping his bag off in his quarters he turned and headed for the bridge. The Admiral was not on the bridge when he arrived so he took up his station at flight control and started checking everything was in order ready to leave SB 400.

USS Essex

Deela was going over the crew manifest and assigning who would be in the chief positions. Those crew members would be Pike, Sykes, DaSilvor, Lokran, Harrison, Solomon, and Ventar/Maab. She would need to talk to Captain DaSilvor once he arrives on the Essex.

R'nard was already packed, so he made his way to board the Essex on what proved to be a very interesting time on a new mission.

Dr. Ventar boarded the Essex to check out sickbay. It had been a while since she was the head doctor. She walked into Sickbay and looked around. She had her own way of doing things so she began to rearrange the place.

Lt. Sykes decided to go to her assigned quarters and unpack for this conference. She had never been to one much less to where it was being held. She was excited to go.

Daleena left a message to her husband that she was boarding the ship early. She wanted to get a feel of the ship before they took off. She unloaded her stuff and went to check out the bridge.

Alex was grateful that her parents made it possible for her to join Lee on this trip to the conference. She let K'Temoc know that she would not be staying on the base. She boarded the Essex. She was already missing the twins but she knew that they were in good hands.

R'nard was busy unpacking and finally had everything put away. He disrobed and did his meditation as was his wont. It would be a while before they left, and he needed it. Soon, he finished and put his uniform on. Leaving his quarters, he went to the bridge.

After taking care of some last minute paperwork and such, Lee finally made his way over to the Essex and then headed for the bridge.

Once on board, Jack made his way to the Operations Station on the Bridge and got himself settled in before departure. Despite the fact that he enjoyed his role on the station, being back on board a starship always felt good and especially aboard the Essex. It was beginning to feel like home to him and he was happy with that feeling.

Deela stepped out of the turbolift and took a quick look around the bridge. Captain Harrison was at Tactical, Commander Lokran at Security, Lt. jg Sykes at Science, Lt. Commander Solomon at OPS, and Captain DaSilvor at Flight Control. She sighed, seeing how much she missed going on missions. She took her place on the bridge and waited for her XO, Pike to arrive. A few minutes later, Pike came through the turbolift door.

Deela addressed everyone,"Now that everyone is here, let us prepare to depart. Commander Lokran, once we get underway, keep your eyes on the ship's sensors. I do not want a repeat situation like we did the last time." Yes, she was being overly cautious but she didn't care. She didn't want any complications this time.

USS Sutherland

Jewel was on the Sutherland making sure everything was ready to go, Sogh M'Kota walked onto the Bridge. "I hope I am not late?" M'Kota said looking at Jewel "Nope, your actually early." Jewel replied as she waited for the others to start arriving aboard. She knew that this conference was going to happen, she didn't think it be this soon. She had a lot to prepare for and she wasn't that ready. But, she thought that she better get ready before they arrived.

After checking in with her department both Nathaniel and herself arrived on the bridge of the Sutherland they both reported in "General Dartt Lieutenant Chloe Young and Ensign Nathaniel Capp reporting for duty" they stood at attention.

She looked at both of them and nodded to both of them as they took there stations.

Arriving aboard the Sutherland All Aeryn could do was wait and see if Rol would be accompanying everyone to Cardassia after all.

USS Pegasus

Eventually, Vox arrived aboard the Pegasus and found his quarters. He unpacked and decided to take a wander around the ship and get some exercise.

Having finally got everything she needed packed for both her and her son. Roberto was not amused and was fussier than normal, they had a nice routine, it had been that way since he was born, but two big changes were a lot for the almost 4 year old.

So Maria knew in her logic brain, she couldn't bring him to Cardassia, small children and diplomacy was a tough mix. So she was trying to find someone to take care of him.

Korel and Vagh boarded the Pegasus having secured their items in the cargo hold. With luck this would be a profitable venture for them. For Korel this would be a bitter sweet trip back to Cardassia, since the Dominion War.
" I hope H'rall doesn't give everything away while we're gone" Korel joked.
" If he does it'll be cleaner." Vagh replied.
" You sound like a human wife. " Korel insulted.
" Maybe I do husband."
Finding an officer in the corridor they soon found their state room.

Cameron boarded the Pegasus with only a couple slight problems things that he would have to work around for the time being. He found his quarters slightly over furnished and got rid of a few items to make more room for his chair. After putting away his cloths and making sure that he had what he needed where he needed it he glided out to the living area and settled down to read over some of the material he had found on the cardasians.

He had no interest in their culture at least not outside of their ship construction and repair areas. However it would still be interesting to see what they had after all who knew what you could find at this kind of a get to gather it should be fun.

Admiral Ward boarded the Pegasus, and went to his directed guest quarters. His luggage was already there. He did not know what to expect, so he had a uniform for all types of events.

Major General Jackson boarded next, with Gibbs and Hopper.

Master Warrant Officer Aquila and MSG Micklin joined the Pegasus next, with 1st MARSOC's Beta Team. They were traveling heavy. They headed straight to their assigned area.

A pair of Scorpion Attack Fighters landed in Shuttlebay 3, as their ground crews awaited them.



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