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Family Dinner

Posted on Thu Jan 17th, 2019 @ 10:20am by Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Lieutenant JG Paul Harrison

1,465 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Pike's Quarters
Timeline: MD,1 1650 hours

Lee had just finished with his latest round of paper work, he decided the rest of the work could be done tomorrow as Paul was back at the station for awhile and he wanted to spend some time with his step son before he left again. He got up from his desk then left his office and headed home. Once arriving he entered the code to open the door, he stepped inside looking around.

"I'm home." Lee called out.

Alex came out of the twins room with Paul and Brandon following behind, "Hello stranger." She kissed him on the lips, "I didn't expect you back for another hour or so. Paul here has been getting reacquainted with Brandon." She looked over at Paul.

Paul said with a smile, "Hi." He wasn't quite sure if he was supposed to call him Dad, by his name or rank since he was 21 and now at the Academy so he kept it short. He looked at Brandon, then his mother, "Hey Mom, if it's okay with you, I'm going to walk Brandon to his quarters. I won't be long."

Alex nodded, "Go ahead. Once you get back, we'll eat dinner and you can tell us about life at the Academy."

"No problem." He put his hand on Brandon's shoulder, "Come on. Let's get you home."

Alex watched them both leave and then turned her attention back to Lee, , "I swear that kid has grown a couple of inches since he's been gone."

Lee stood there watching as Paul and Brandon left, he then turned back around looking at his wife "He keeps growing like that and he will be taller then his Mother." He chuckled slightly.

"I really hope that after he graduates from the academy, that he would be assigned here. I didn't realize how much I missed him until now." Alex sighed, "Oh well. As soon as he gets back, let's head to the promenade for dinner." She could hear the twins doing their usual chatting that only they seemed to understand between themselves.

Lee nodded "I understand that you would, I will talk to Admiral Bremer and see what we can do about that." He shrugged "Maybe can see about getting him here as a Strategic Ops officer under me." He sensed the twins talking then turned looking into the room smiling at they felt the presence of their father. "Sure the promenade works for me." Lee kissed his wife then headed into the other room to get his twins.

Just as soon as Lee went in the twin's room, the chime rang. Alex wasn't expecting anyone and Lee didn't say he was either, so she was curious. When she opened the door, the unexpected happened. In the doorway, both of her parents, Victoria and Mack, were standing the with bright smiles on their faces, "Surprise honey!!!"

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here? If I knew that you both were coming, I would have met you at the shuttle." She gestured for them to come on in. As soon as they stepped in, Victoria hugged Alex first, then her dad hugged Alex. Victoria glanced around the place, "We'll we wanted to surprise you. So, here we are. Plus, we haven't met the twins yet and we'd like to get to know them." What she didn't know that they had another surprise.

"Well, you've certainly done that." Alex glanced towards the twins room, "Your timing is impeccable as usual. The twins just got up from their naps. And Paul is here from the Academy visiting."

"Well, I don't know if you will still say that when she tells you why we are also here." Her dad didn't give his wife the chance, "She thought that it would be nice to take the twins off your hands and send you both on a much needed vacation together."

Alex was dumbfounded. She wasn't sure how she felt being away from the twins for a week or so. Her parents didn't know them either and she was worried that they would be scared. A lot of thoughts entered her mind.

Mack added in, "Of course, if you can't get away, we understand. We will be here for a month but don't worry, we won't be in your way...much. We've got a place in the guest quarters." Her mom wasn't a stranger to Starfleet as she was Admiral T'Lar's XO way back when. She was hoping to say hi to T'Lar.

Lee had just changed the twins into some clothes as he heard Alex talk to someone, he reached out and felt his in laws, he raised an eyebrow he hadn't heard that they would be arriving. Lee picked up the twins then stepped out of the room "Hello Victoria and Mack, it's good to see you." He stepped closer then put the twins down "Go ahead you two and go say hi to your grandparents." He stood there watching as the twins looked up at him then turned to slowly walk towards Mack and Victoria.

They were both surprised that the twins were so friendly and didn't seem afraid of them at all. "Aren't you two the cutest." Mack chuckled, "And a friendly pair at that."

Alex turned to Lee, "My parents have come to give us time away from the kids and the base. So they surprised us with their presence. And, they are staying on base for a month. Isn't that nice of them?"

Lee raised an eyebrow looking at his wife "That it is, and I guess then maybe you can go with me to the conference then."

Mack and Victoria moved over to the couch with the twins in tow. They were curious who they were and really took to them. Victoria pulled two toys from her tote and handed them to the twins. One got a toy car and the other, a stuffed animal. They ran over to Paul and showed him what they got.

Alex couldn't help but laugh at how excited they got from one little toy. She turned back to her parents, "We were just going to go and have dinner. Care to join us?"

Mack was happy, "We would love to. I'm starving. We haven't eatin' since breakfast." Victoria nodded in agreement. They all left for the promenade. They were all seated at one table. Drinks were served and soon, dinner was on the table. It was a lot of small talk and pleasantries.

Alex looked at Paul who was a little quiet, "So Paul, how is life at the academy? Any interesting stories to tell?" Alex chuckled a little. She had overheard what he said to Deela. All eyes were on him.

"Um, it's okay. A lot of work but it's worth it. Just one more year and I'm done." Paul glanced at all their faces then went back to eating.

Alex didn't want to force him to say anything but she was very interested in who this girl that he liked so much, "I remember my last year. It seemed like the days lasted forever."

Paul took a drink, "I'm actually looking forward to my last year." He gave in, "I have...a girlfriend. And before mom you get all sappy, she's very pretty and we have been dating for about three months. She has the coolest dimples when she smiles. You'll like her. Oh yeah, she has the prettiest accent." Paul was expecting to tell his mom and Lee but not his grandparents so this was a big leap for him.

Lee sat there listening to them talk keeping an eye on the twins as well, "Oh really? So where is she from Paul?"

Paul smiled at the thought of her voice, "She's Australian. She was raised on Earth and then her parents got assigned to a Starship. When her hair hits the light, it looks like flowing fire."

Alex chuckled at his comment. He was certainly in love with this girl and it was nice to see him like that. Her mom would call that twitterpated, "So she's a redhead. She sounds wonderful. You'll have to introduce her to us the next time you come for a visit." Victoria and Mack exchanged looks as they remembered the first time they realized that they were in love.

Paul nodded, "She was going to join me but she had to stay at the Academy. But I'll be sure to bring her the next time. She really wants to meet you as well."

Lee chuckled almost shaking his head "Sorry that she wasn't able to make it, hopefully that she can next time.

They all finished their dinner and went back to their quarters to spend more time with the twins. They would discuss this surprise later.


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