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"The Better Business Bureau"

Posted on Sun Jan 13th, 2019 @ 11:58pm by Tom Vercetti & Korel & Maria Garabaldi & Splendora Sage & Larz & Crerok & Savok & Crumm Widdy

1,164 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: Current


Business lately had been lazy for Korel. Almost to the point of him wanting to fold up shop. If only he had a way of advertising his hard to get items more productively.

Vagh had made attempts to do so by contacting all the stations business owners in the hopes of boosting business.

" Attention shop owners: All Starbase business owners are invited to an informal gathering at the Neutral Zone , owned by Korwl, tonight at 2000 hours. Refreshments are provided." the message read.

Vox was sat in his office when the message came through. "Oh cool, this sounds good. Time to get out my snazzy outfit " he said aloud. He left his office to change.

Tom was with Splendora, they had just finished a convocation about the dinner and sale at his restaurant tonight, and the upcoming trip to Cardassia. His PADD beeped alerting him to a new message. Reading it over, he shook his head. With everything going on, he really didn't have time for this too right now. He sent a reply to everyone.

"Perhaps, today isn't the best time for this, with many of his preparing to go to Cardassia Prime for the Alliance Cultural Exchange. I believe you were also invited Mister Korel. Perhaps we can have this gathering later tonight aboard the Pegasus while en-route to Cardassia?" -Vercetti

Tom looked over at Splendora, "I wasn't too negative was I?"

Splendora had been looking over his shoulder as he typed. "I think that sound about right. I'm looking forward to Cardassia. Perhaps I can look up an old friend."

Tom looking at Splendora and raised an eyebrow.

Splendora grinned, "I'm a woman full of surprises."

Korel and Vagh tidied up the shop and made sure the one replicator was functioning properly. H'rall , his hired Caitian freight skipper, prepared for his duties as bartender for this soiree.

" Two finger shots H'rall." Korel ordered.
" I have paws Korelll. I know what I am doing." H'rall yowled.
" Use synthohol for anyone not on this list. Give the shop owners the good stuff," Korel added.

Vagh stormed in unhappy.

" Some may not come. There is a big event tonight as well."
" What event? The trip to Cardassia? I didn't reply to our invite. We are day from bankruptcy. If we cant get business flowing again we might as well void our lease and return home,dishonored." Korel replied.

Zark walked into the Neutral Zone with a toothy grin. He'd heard the last bit of Korel's comments about needing business, needing money for their lease. "Oh Mister Korel...I received your invitation and Mar'g both plan to attend before we leave for Cardassia. I have some antiques and other...items I plan to sell or trade there. I couldn't help but hear your need for latinum and I'm willing to offer you If you're interested." Zark smiled again.

Korel never smiled but was very interested in Zarks proposal.

" What kind of exchange Zark? I run a legitimate business."

"I'm willing to loan you the money you need to keep running for the next six months, provided you pay it back within the year along with...five percent of your profits as interest." Zark smiled. "I also have a few items I'd like to take to Cardassia and would be honored if you would include them in your cargo." He pulled out a Ferengi PADD and typed up the simple contract real quick.

Korel looked at Vagh and then exhaled. Hoping to avoid the trip to Cardassia, still Zarks offer was fair. In fact uncharacteristically fair for a Ferengi.

" That is a good offer. I accept. What items do you want? I have a complete Cardassian tea set you can have. It belonged to Dukat."

Zark smiled and handed the PADD to Korel. "Place your thumb print here." Once Korel did, Zark added, "You keep your tea set and take it to Cardassia, I'm sure you can get a nice profit for it. I'll have Mar'g send over a small case with a few items for you to...hide inside your goods you're taking to Cardassia."

Korel complied but felt the uneasiness filling his bowels. The good news was he wouldn't have to leave the station. The bad news was he had to return to Cardassia. Remembering the Dominion War and how his unit had been there at the end.

Vox read the message from Tom. He taps his console "That might be a better idea Tom and besides my snazzy outfit needs ironing." He hits send.

Tom's PADD beeped again and he read Vox's message. He looked at Splendora. "Well, this trip is looking more and more fun."

"Hello Tom!"

Tom looked up from his PADD to see a smiling over-weight Bolian walking toward him. "Mister Widdy, how are you today?"

"Brilliant sir, thank you. And Miss Sage you look lovely as ever. Say, are you going to Cardassia?" Widdy asked.

Tom nodded. "We are."

"I'm not making the trip, someone has to stay behind and keep the visitors supplied with food and drink you know." He laughed out loud. "I was hoping you could bring me back a case or two of Kanar. I've asked Gul Mavek but he seemed less than willing."

"Sure, we'll bring you a few cases." Tom replied. He was less than eager, but still willing.

Widdy slapped Tom on the shoulder and smiled, "Wonderful! I can't run an all inclusive bar without Kanar." He laughed again. "Now I have to go see Mister Korel about about his get together tonight." He turned and walked away.

Tom shook his head and left out a chuckle. "Crumm is really one of a kind."

Korel and Vagh put out a new message:
The Meeting at the Neutral Zone is being rescheduled to a later date.

He then turned to his wife and scowled. " Pack for Cardassia, we do not have much time."

Vox was just about to get his snazzy outfit out when the message came in. He taps a reply. "No worries. Untill then. " he then put his outfit into his packing for Cardassia.

Lai'lira had been sitting in the office when the messages came through. She had access to Splendora's coms as her assistant. She wondered if she'd be going...a mere few seconds a message came through for her from Splendora saying to pack.

Giddy as s school girl she finished up her paperwork and headed out.

A night out sounded fun to Maria, she hadn't done much of that except for her one evening with that very amusing Romulan, but she was going to try to meet people, part of making this work was meeting people.

So she ended up getting dressed up, hair in to a pony tail, it was easier, then some elaborite hairstyle, then she put on a rather nice top with a pair of bluejeans, she wasn't one for formal clothing but once dressed she waited for Jaca to be ready.



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