
Name Crerok

Position Romulan Restaurant Owner


  • 3 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sun Jan 13th, 2019 @ 11:58pm

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Romulan
Age 89

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 129 lbs
Hair Color Graying Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Typical female Romulan body type. Graying hair, a few wrinkles.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Tomak
Mother Salla

Personality & Traits

General Overview Strong willed woman. Doesn't believe or want to be a part of Romulan politics.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strength;
Strong willed, sticks to her own decisions and doesn't let people influence them. Good cook, willing to try new recipes. Very smart.

Typical Romulan smugness. Not very strong, even for a Romulan.
Hobbies & Interests Cooking, reading
Languages Romulan, Federation Standard

Personal History Crerok was once a rising star in Romulan politics. Her father Tomak was a Senator. Then, as happens often on Romulus, a new Pretor came to power. Tomak’s views were seen as a minority and he soon was voted out of the Senate.

Crerok ran for Senate in 2331 but was defeated because her political views and opinions were too similar to her father’s. The Romulan military never suited her, so Crerok went into business for herself.

Later, in the 2360s and 2370s more and more people were starting to see the wisdom of Tomak’s and Crerok’s views, mainly their opinion that the Romulans should be more cooperative with the Federation. During the Dominion War, many urged Crerok to run for Senate but she refused saying she was ‘too old for that nonsense’. After the Shinzon coup, people again wanted to see Crerok run for Senate, but she refused again and focused on her business, a Restaurant.

Looking to get away from all the ‘political drama’ on Romulus, Crerok moved her Restaurant to Starbase 400 in 2381.

After the Hobas Event, Crerok decided to remain on Starbase 400. She offered free meals to any Romulans that lost their homes when Romulus was destroyed.

Considers herself a 'free Romulan' and shares similar views as those of Commander Donatra.
Service Record None