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An Unexpected Meeting

Posted on Fri Jan 11th, 2019 @ 1:42am by Captain R'nard Lokran

456 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Lokran's quarters

R'nard was going over his encounter during the last mission where the Enterprise of Captain James T. Kirk came into their time. He was at his computer trying to prepare his report.

He remembered it well. He had taken it on himself to patrol the corridors to make sure the crew of the Enterprise didn't go where they were not supposed to, to avoid any pollution of the time stream.

He was going down one corridor outside of the waiting room when he turned a corner and saw...Commander Spock!

"Shaka, when the walls fell!" he said, using a Tamarian epithet.

Spock raised an eyebrow and said, "My name is not Shaka, nor are the walls falling."

"It is a metaphor, Mr. Spock, conveying the meaning of an unfortunate event," said R'nard, aware of Vulcan tendencies to take metaphors literally, "You are in a rrrestricted area and should not be here. Let me escort you back to where you should be."

"You, I have not yet met," said Spock.

"I am Commander R'nard Lokran, Mr. Spock, I am in charge of security here as well as executive officer. I am of a rrrace you have not encountered in your time on the Enterprise, More, I cannot say without causing harm to the time strream. You have encountered times when the Enterprise went to the past and had the same concerns."

"Indeed I have," said Spock. "The time when we met Edith Keeler and almost caused Hitler to win World War Two, and another time when we were in Earth's past where a pilot saw us."

"Then, you understand why we must be extra careful while the crew of the Enterprise is here. Please excuse my surprise, even shock in seeing you."

"Shock is a human emotion which I am not familiar with," said Spock.

"Not quite accurate, Mr. Spock," said R'nard as he was escorting the Vulcan back, "On two counts. I am not human, and the fact is Vulcans do have emotions, more powerful emotions than humans or other races have. You have by necessity disciplined yourselves by the use of logic to contrrol your emotions. Would that be a more accurate way of stating it, rather than denying that you have emotions?"

Spock raised an eyebrow. "Fascinating, and flawlessly logical."

They were at the door of the waiting room. "It was good meeting you, Mr. Spock. Peace and long life." he said, giving the Vulcan salute.

"Live long and prosper, Mr. Lokran, and I will take care not to let any know of this encounter." He went back inside.

R'nard made his report and included the video of the encounter. It appeared there was no harm done, and he was glad of the meeting.


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