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Change of Plans

Posted on Thu Jan 10th, 2019 @ 2:45pm by Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & Splendora Sage

728 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Starbase 400, Promenade
Timeline: MD1 - 1000


With the lock down of the Station over and the ion storm gone, Tom was in his office at his restaurant. Vito was standing in front of him, shaking his head.

"No, I won't do it." Vito said.

"You don't want to attend the party?" Tom asked.

"I don't have a problem with the party, what I don't like is this white suit you want me to wear. It's so bright even a blind man could see it." Vito replied.

Tom smirked. "Then you pick a suit to wear, something nice and classy."

"How many buyers do you have coming?" Vito asked.

"Five, maybe six. I've also heard a rumor that the brass are going to Cardassia soon for some conference. There's also a lot of merchants going, so be on your best behavior. I'm going to ask the old man if we can go along with a mobile kitchen." Tom replied.

"Hopefully, Zark doesn't hear that rumor. His thirst for profit is so big he'll also ask to go along." Vito replied. "Have you asked Splendora to come tonight?"

"Not yet, I'm about to go see her now." Tom replied as he stood. "She should be in her shop."

Vito nodded as Tom left. A few minutes later he arrived at Splendora's shop and walked in, looking for her.

Splendora had just finished her last appointment. For some reason here had been an up in meditation seekers. She had let Lai'lira go early and was not just cleaning up the reception and looking over the next days appointment. She had a severely depressed Bolian coming in. She wondered what she'd do tonight. Maybe she'd read a book.

Just as she stood and was about to hit the lock button the door hissed open. She looked up and broke out into a smile. "Tom!" Seeing him always brought a smile to her face.

Tom smiled, "Are you busy? Do you have any plans for tonight? I'm having a formal gathering at the restaurant for some important clients. Dinner, mingling, and selling a few things I've collected over the years. I'd like it if you'd come."

She smiled. "As it happens I am completely free tonight. What time is dinner? I can be ready in about an hour." She grinned. "Perfection takes time. She gave him a wink. She was glad to see that Tom was loosening up around her and asking her to come out with clients was a big step. "So yes I'd love to come." She looked her arm through his. "So what stuff are you selling?"

"I'm not selling anything, but they are." Tom replied. "Inga and Lamar are from Earth. They have paintings each have collected over the years. One is a Rembrandt. Some others are selling antiques from Earth, Andor, Tellar Prime, Betazid, and Cait. You have time, dinner isn't until 1630 hours. The items up for sell will be displayed at 1500 and selling to start after dinner, about 1745." He smiled, "I'm glad you're coming." He paused a moment to look at her. "I'm expecting about fifty people, it was invitation only."

Art was her language. "I'm glad you invited me. I'm looking forward to seeing all those paintings!" She linked her arm through his. "Walk a ways with me?"

As they started to walk, Vito suddenly walked up. "Boss, change of plans. We received a message from the old man, the trip to Cardassia Prime is on, and they are leaving at 1930 hours tonight."

The cultural exchange and Alliance meeting on Cardassia Prime had been planned for a while, and was now finally happening. "I guess everyone finally got their...logistics together." Tom replied. "1930 would still give us time for the dinner and sale. We can wrap it up at 1900 and leave Tony, Tony, Marie and Paul to close it down, clear up, and look after the place while we're gone."

"His message said to have whatever we're planning to sale or trade, or any goods and materials we're taking aboard the Pegasus by 1900 hours." Vito replied.

Tom nodded. "Alright, you're in charge of that. We'll take the mobile kitchen and everything associated. You plan the meals and get everything else together. Get Gabe to help you."

Vito smirked. "Will do." He gave a nod to Splendora then turned to walk away, "I knew I'd get out of that white suit."



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