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Giving some news

Posted on Wed Jan 9th, 2019 @ 11:22pm by Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Major General Thomas Jackson

1,010 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Dartt's Quarters
Timeline: MD1 0700h

After Deela left she looked around, she needed to speak to Tom so she tapped her combadge, "Lieutenant General Hurd to Major General Jackson." Jewel started as she took a deep breathe, "Could you come to my quarters there is something I'd like to talk to you about.

After replying to his message, Jackson went to Jewel's quarters. He hit the door chime, curious about this unplanned meeting.

Jewel heard the door chime and took a deep breathe, "Enter." She said as she seen Tom at the other end, "please come in would you like something to drink?" She asked as the place looked almost empty as it filled with mostly David's stuff which was now gone.

"There is something I would like to discuss with you that I thought would better come from me," Jewel replied as she walked over to get her something to drink.

Jackson suddenly felt apprehensive. He noticed his XO's belongings were either gone or packed. "Yeah, I would like a drink. Scotch if you have it."

She got him the drink and walked back over to him, she could see his concern on his face. "Me and David are no longer married, he's made some choices that left me no choice..." She said with a sigh as she turned and walked over to the window. "Deela was going to tell you but I wanted to tell you myself," Jewel replied taking a deep breathe.

"What choices?", Thomas asked. He had not seen or spoken to his XO for some time.

She raised eyebrow, "More like his attitude towards myself and the children, to the point where anything I say starts an argument. It's to the point where the children are scared of him," she started the took a deep breathe. "Tried to get him to take counseling with me and he's refused. He's even refused Deela's order, I just couldn't take it anymore ever since his accident back on our honeymoon he's been changing." Jewel replied as she looked down for a moment then looked at him.

Tom stared down at the deck as well. "I am so sorry that things did not work out for your family." Jackson was hoping that this would not result in a tug of war between two close friends of his.

"Things will be ok Tom, I wish things were different but I'll move on." Jewel replied looking at him, "My last name has gone back to my maiden name of Dartt." Jewel replied, "I deserve to be treated better, maybe one day I'll find that person." Jewel sighed as she sat down.

Tom was tempted to say he gave up looking for himself awhile ago, but he stopped himself. This conversation was not about himself, but a depressed friend. "Let me know if there is anything that I could do."

She shrugged as she looked down for a moment still trying to process things, she didn't want to cry so she tried to hold it in.

He could feel the tension in the air, but he was not sure if it was the kind of tension that would be good, seeing that Jewel was now officially his friend's ex-wife.

She looked at him, as she stood up and walked back over to the window as tears ran down her face she couldn't hold it in anymore. She knew this was a touch decision but it was something that had to be done for the health of herself and her children.

Tom stood up, and stepped behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders, to console her.

She turned around and looked at him, tears running down her cheek. Their eyes meet, "Thanks, Tom...." She said as if her heart skipped a beat for a moment. She couldn't stop looking at Tom she didn't know why.

Tom felt a familiar tingle in his body and thought about stepping back from her. He closed his eyes and tried to imagine the most unappealing place in the galaxy to be.

She just shook her head for a moment and turned back to the window. Her thoughts were so over the place but there was something about his touch that she couldn't get over.

He only thought of stepping back, but he never did. Now their bodies were touching, as she turned back toward the window. His body was losing his battle for discipline, badly, and it showed.

She turned to Tom and looked at him she placed a hand on his face totally lost in the moment and looked at him. "Tom..." is all she could manage saying.

The internal battle for self-control was lost on Tom's end, as he snatched her up in a tight embrace, and commenced a long kiss.

She was almost in shock for a moment but embraced his kiss in return. Once they were done she looked at him and smiled. "Thanks," she said as she smiled she needed to feel better and can begin the healing process now.

A fire was started in Tom, but he continued fighting. His concentration broke at the sound of Jewel's voice. He stepped back, and managed to say, "You are welcome." Then he started walking towards the door.

"Tom, can we see more of each other? I mean work on it between us slowly?" She asked as she knew duty was calling and she had to get to her office here soon.

"I would like that. But the fact that David is my friend might complicate things." Jackson answered.

"I know, but he doesn't have to know right now." Jewel replied looking at him, "but he made his bed, now he has to sleep in it." Jewel replied.

Thomas nodded at her statement and walked out the door.

She sighed for a moment and decided to get dressed, she had to get ready to begin her shift and she had a lot of work to get done. She wondered what would be in store for today, she wondered if it was anything interesting going to happen this time.


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