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From SB23 to SB400 With Love

Posted on Sun Aug 23rd, 2020 @ 3:55pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Patrick Dow & Captain Paul MacLeod & Commander Leksander Draven & Colonel Danny Lennox & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Commander Rann & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant Catherine Mclintock & Lieutenant David Hannigan & Lieutenant Heath Carter & Lieutenant Karl Ballard & 1st Lieutenant Taz & Lieutenant K`Wor & Ensign Robert Harper & Ensign Becca Bremer & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Gunnery Sergeant Agtx & Corporal Nas & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & First Ramata`tar & Commander Robert Stark & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Alexander Zandusky & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Croesus & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Nicholas Coleman & Lieutenant Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Timothy O’Riley & Lieutenant Xalanth & Lieutenant Alekela illm Meaho'ōla & Lieutenant JG Finchley Kerr & Lieutenant JG Matthew Plumeri & Camron Wayne & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Colonel Jack Pike & Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel & Lieutenant Olivia O’Riley & Lieutenant Kah'lyn Chiara-Rivers

4,750 words; about a 24 minute read

Mission: Episode 107 – Recovery
Location: Various Ships
Timeline: MD2 - 1330hrs


The Alliance Fleet lead by the USS Pegasus-B had left SB23 and was en route to Starbase 400. It was a mighty sight to behold. Federation ships of all kinds with Klingon, Cardassian, C'hakilian, and Ferengi vessels scattered among them. Unfortunately, the handful of Romulan Republic ships had failed to join them.

On the Bridge of the Pegasus Mike was sitting in his chair looking over a PADD. Not a word from the Romulan Republic ships. In the back of his mind, he wasn't surprised, they never seemed to be there when needed. He shook his head. Was he letting his hatred for the enemy, the Romulans of the Star Empire influence his feelings for all Romulans?

The fleet was still a couple of hours away from the point the strike team had to be beamed in, and even further from where the Romulans would spot them coming.

USS Pegasus, Bridge

"Why don't we cloak?" Lieutenant Roebuck asked. "A fleet this size will certainly get their attention and if they have any cloaked scouts in the area..."

"Not all the ships in the fleet can cloak." His older brother, Commander Roebuck replied.

"Besides Lieutenant, we don't want to risk Starbase 400 being damaged." Mike replied. "We want them close enough so if our strike team is successful we can use the Station as support." Mike paused a moment, There's an old Vietnamese saying from Earth, 'If you want to fight the Tiger, first you have to lure him off the mountain.' And I want our mountain back."

USS Endeavor-Bridge

Commander Coleman was sitting at the CO seat on the Bridge of the USS Endeavor as he was looking over a couple of reports. Scans, general reports, and updates on the engines and shields were quick at hand.

However, there was one report that had come in from something that might've been minor for anyone else, but it wasn't for Coleman. One of the Cardassian ships had scanned into the Triangle near Starbase 400 and they had updated their sensor array before we all left for the takeover of Starbase 400.

Looking over the report, he took the PADD over to Lieutenant Plumeri and said, "Matt, tell me something. Doesn't this look like similar to the mold samples from the last few weeks in the Triangle? The one that you tried to get into the Triangle for?"

Matt took the PaDD and looked it over. On it was displayed the chemical structure and an image of the mold samples that had come from a planet inside the Triangle. Plumeri answered, "They look the same to me, boss. But, we'd have to run an analysis to see if they are identical?" Matt noticed that the data had a Cardassian origin, "Cardassian's picked this up huh?" He looked up at Coleman, his eyebrows questioning, "Best to run this through a few tests Captain...could be synthetic. If this really is....then we better make sure."

Coleman nodded. If this was truly something that was related to their little mystery, it could make this war come to a much quicker conclusion. From what Plumeri had told him, the Tholian Ambassador seemed quicker than normal in trying to get Plumeri and Kalani out of his office than normal. He knew he had to investigate, even if it was just the Endeavor.

Coleman went back to the Command Chair and pointed to the Ops Officer and said, "Open a channel to the Pegasus. NOW!"

USS Essex-Bridge

Anxiety seemed to grow among the crew. This was the one-time Deela wished that she couldn't sense anyone. She was looking at the viewscreen, thinking about how glorious a sight it was. But she also noticed how quiet it was on the bridge as they were making their way to Starbase 400. Deela had to admit that she had an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was thinking that it would be nice if this all went smoothly without a hitch. She spoke under her breath, "In a perfect world."

Yamaguchi turned her head as she caught the eyes of the Admiral behind her. "Admiral, forward sensors are not seeing anything other than us."

Deela nodded, "Very well. Continue monitoring short and long-range sensors."

Lieutenant JG James Wilkerson nodded. "Aye skipper... Resuming scans now..."

Ripcord raised an eyebrow. "It's like... The sprinkling of small stones that starts an avalanche in the mountains..." the deep breath before the plunge, she knew to savor this moment for when the battle started, she knew she would look back on this moment with envy.

Xalanth was keeping his yellow eyes on the weapons readings and the ship's sensors. The fact that the romulan republic wasn't joining they was giving him a gut feeling that wasn't going away. Did they know something that they hadn't informed the rest of them? " Nothing on the weapons sensors." He said calmly.

Chief Ops Officer Lt Commander Croesus proudly served the Essex in this role. Maintaining comms and power allocation for the Essex would be vital. Pausing for a moment he thought of Kah'lyn hoping he had left things with her in a good place. The only constant in the war was war and death.

Rachael worked her panel at Conn, as she watched the forward displays for signs of the enemy. She felt some reassurance that she could sense her mother nearby as part of her own tactical wing, also her eldest sibling was part of this force as well.

Yamaguchi smiled as she felt her sibling's mental touch.

USS Mercy

Ariana was on the bridge, she was trying her hardest not to let the rising emotions aboard the ship affect her. She needed to keep a clear head to perform her duties properly. She stifled a yawn as she stretched.

Hades strolled onto the bridge. "Report." He said as he retook the center seat.

“We’re on schedule to arrive at Starbase 400. All departments report ready for whatever is going to be thrown at us.” Ariana offered a smile. “Ship’s XO is ready as she’s ever going to be.”

"I know you are. All stop." He called. "Commander join me in the ready room." He got up and walked towards the ready room.

Getting up from her seat Ariana followed Hades, “Lieutenant, you have the bridge” leaving the bridge in capable hands she followed Hades into his ready room. “Is this the part where you tell me what we’re really going to be doing?” She looked at Hades curiously. “We’re not armed to the teeth for nothing, and it’s not all to do with Starbase 400 either.”

He paused. "On one of those ships is someone wanted by he First Federation. I intend to ensure they get him. We're the decoy for a warship like the one you rode on."

“We’re what!?” Ariana sighed and shook her head, “That’s why you wanted Carolyn and the other crew off ship, just incase things got hairy.” She sat silent for a moment. “That’s also why you’ve turned us into a warship. Hades ... I swear you’re crazy!” She sighed then smiled. “So am I for being here, I knew there was something going on I just didn’t know how big, so what’s the plan?”

"The plan," He said handing her a small device. "Is for you to keep that on you. If things, as you say, get hairy I will have you transported to safety. Plan for now is to make sure we're ready not only for battle but to help any wounded." He studied Ariana. "I will ensure you are safe. I promise you that. Carolyn...well she is carrying the heir to my throne, sort of."

Ariana looked at the device for a moment before pocketing it where it wouldn’t be lost. “Thank you Hades, I’m sorry if I’ve been sounding like I’m doubting you lately. I’m doing my best to adjust to the mix of the two personalities I have in me, it’s taking some getting used to. There’s nothing quite like having an internal argument with yourself about how you feel about something!” She grinned.

"Oh I can relate." He smiled. He was going to miss Ariana when he eventually had to leave. "Let's get out there. We are drawing closer to the battle."

Ariana nodded and smiled. “Yes Sir”

USS Waterloo - Bridge

Captain Torilla Yamaguchi narrowed her eyes but she had no need to ask for status updates all the time, her crew were ready for anything and Battlestations had been manned for hours now, her crew was also a crack unit, having spent months on the front lines of this war, lopping off the heads of the Typhon Pact warships that assumed that Torilla was little more than just a dumb soccer mom who commanded starships.

Torilla sat in silence, as her crew worked the issues and the problems before them. "Sensors are still clean skipper." came the voice of her chief of tactical.

"Keep a weather eye out, it's too quiet and these assholes are too crazy..." Yamaguchi answered in a gentle tone of voice.

"Aye skipper." the man only responded because of protocol, otherwise he would have nodded and said nothing. Torilla in her own mind didn't really care either way. There was very little that Torilla cared about these days, her kin was among them, her crew and her ship but that was all. When this was all over, she was going to ensure that the Romulans and their allies paid in full for starting this war.

Torilla had nothing but hatred for her enemies, and she would show them no mercy, for she had none left to show. "For now we see but through a glass darkly"

Kieran Anderson regarded his commanding officer with a questioning look. "Skipper?" he addressed her softly.

"I hate all of this endless waiting..." Yamaguchi said softly. "They have to know we're coming..." she added.

"Agreed Captain," Anderson answered softly. "But I suspect that something is afoot."

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow as she regarded her Exec. "Perhaps number one... I suspect the Romulans are baiting a trap for us, it would fit their known approach to warfare."

Anderson sighed. "Then we shall make all nine of their hells into a very crowded place indeed..."

Yamaguchi nodded. "Y'know.... I just relized something..." she paused. "When I was a child.... I was afraid of the dark.... as I grew up... I realized that the darkness was just the lights absence... but as time passed... I began to fear the darkness around me.... and now... after all this time... I fear the darkness... within me..." she admitted.

"Thats deep skipper..." Anderson answered.

"My son is gone, I don't know if he's alive or dead... My other children are separated from me and their father as we have to fight this war... My other two adult children are here... as part of this fleet... Elizabeth is commanding the Thinin... and Rachael is on the Essex."

USS Ark Royal-Bridge

Jack sat forward in the Command chair on the Bridge of the Ark Royal as the older Ambassador Class starship made her way as part of the fleet back towards Starbase 400 from their original rendezvous at Starbase 23.

All was quiet on the Bridge as everyone worked at their stations, preparing the ship for the oncoming combat that was expected against the occupying Typhon Pact Fleet. Jack looked around as he watched all of the officers of the Bridge crew working away and took satisfaction in knowing that he had a good crew on board this ship. Whilst the Ark Royal had been a more permanent home to them over the recent weeks and months, he felt a pang of small guilt that it felt good living onboard a starship again and he had often thought back to his days on the Wildcat and the Essex serving in Operations.

Whilst he was Chief Engineer for Starbase 400, his previous command experience from previous assignments was helping him to make sure the Ark Royal stood ready to act at a moment's notice and he was glad of that. Getting up from his chair, Jack walked over to the Helm and Ops positions where Lieutenants Aeryn Raven and Taloris were working away.

"Ladies, how are we looking? How long before we're in a position with the rest of the fleet and ready to start our operations to support the other teams?" he asked. Jack was curious already but he knew that deep down he was also eager to get home and in one piece. the thought of losing anyone of this crew was too much to bear right now.

"Captain? We're keeping speed with the other starships in the fleet and we will arrive as instructed by the Admiral. I have already made sure that Operations stands ready to support both Engineering and Tactical once combat begins," answered Taloris.

Jack smiled. "Taloris? Don't ever change will you?" he said with a smile.

"I have no intention of changing Captain, I do not possess the abilities of a Shapeshifter at this time," the Vulcan officer replied.

As Jack tried to hold back a laugh, Aeryn chimed in. "Captain, we're on course and holding position within the fleet, we're due to arrive on time and will be ready for combat actions and maneuvers," she answered.

"Thank you," Jack replied as he headed back to his seat. All good things come to those who wait, he thought as he sat back down.

SS Tenaran

Vox was sat at the helm of his ship. He was following the glorious sight of the fleet ahead of him, on their journey back home, back to Starbase 400. He had hoped to have finished his modifications to help protect his ship, come what may, but he was still working on things en-route. Well, the ship's main computer was handling most of it. So far he had boosted shield output by 15% and phaser cannon output by 10%. He feared that it might not be enough but he had faith the fleet would make it. He taps the comms panel on his console.

=^= Tenaran to the fleet. All the best everyone. 5% Discount at the Gallery when we get home for all involved. =^=

SS Dakota A

Cameron looked over the bridge of his ship from the tactical station so far he was impressed with what he saw in the NCO's that the admiral had assigned to his ship. He knew going in that this would be a tough mission however he was surprised by the crew and the fact that they had managed to get more power from the phasers and disruptors then he though possible. They had also managed to get more power to the shields. THe changes were juryrigged right now but if they made it back he was going to see them made perminate and any of the crew who wanted to would have a job as long as they wanted it.

"Sensors keep an eye on the mercy and give me as much of a detailed scan as we can get from this range. Every bit of data I have a feeling is going to be very important and we will need any advantage we can get no matter how slim it might be." Said Cameron from his station
USS Sutherland

Zandusky stood on the bridge of the Sutherland. The fleet was en route to Starbase 400. There was some palpable tension in the air on the bridge. Alexander looked around at each station and paid a brief moment's attention to the individual at each. They are shared at least one thing in common; they were decidedly focused on what they were doing. If their focus was a sign, the battle for Starbase 400 would turn out in the Federation's favor.

Alexander spoke up, "Status reports."

"We're in formation Sir, Tactical clear, all weapons on stand by" Finchley reported from his console.

=^=We are well supplied and ready. All beds are operating, emergency medical kits have been distributed, and depending on power needs, holodecks have been reserved to become triage units as well=^= Alekela reported from the Sutherlands sickbay

Tim kept on eye on the operations systems and made a few minor adjustments, he had been running a few simulations through his head and making sure that he could perform some quick maneuvers once the battle started. Tim replied, "Ops it running a optimum compacity sir, I am ready for anything that could happen during our confrontation with the starbase and any ship that might be defending it."

USS Luna

Lee sat there in the command chair of his ship watching as the Task Force made their way to Star Base 400, he knew that they were ready to take back their home.

USS Kearsage

Jewel sat on the bridge and ordered the Kearsage to begin moving with the fleet towards SB400, things had gotten quiet on the bridge like everyone was waiting, anxiety started to set in a bit. This wasn't her first war, thinking back to the Dominion war.

Olivia arrived on the bridge, with Freya Ross not onboard She was doubling as the marine Counsellor as well as Medic. She made her way across to Dartt. “General, we’re all settled in below decks.”

USS Cairo

Marcus was sitting on the bridge as the Cairo began to move with the fleet with a troup of marines on board waiting anxiously. There was no sound from anyone as they moved towards Starbase 400, preparing for the battle to retake the station.

SS Tenaran

The computer had just interrupted the music Vox was listening to, in order to advise him that the suggested improvements to the phasers and shields were completed. The computer advised that the shields should now have an estimated output of around 80,200 TeraJoules and the phasers should have an estimated output of 4,000 TeraWatts. It might not be much compared to the other ships in the fleet but it would give Vox a better chance of getting home.

USS Endeavor-Bridge

Coleman was waiting anxiously for Priority One Communique to be transmitted to Admiral Bremer on the Pegasus. As he waited, he walked around the command level of the bridge to the Science One and Two stations.

Pulling up the information on the DNA sequences he had received, he wanted to be ultra sure of what he was seeing and why he needed to do what he was going to have to do. He didn't want to divert too many forces from the fleet, but he knew he couldn't do this alone either. Thus, why he was making sure to cross every T and dot ever I.

Looking over to Plumeri, Coleman said, "Help me cross-reference all this data really quick. I want to make sure that we have everything we can while we are waiting for the Admiral."

Matt nodded, "Aye Captain" and stood at the wall terminal nearest Coleman. The organic compounds needed to be re-indexed, Matt started working on that. It was slow going, Biological Science was not his specialty. He was quiet as he setup the first indexing sequence. He said, "This shouldn't have to be reindexed for the next few hours. Some of these molecules don't belong to this system. Its too early to tell if that is a clue...or nature at work."

"That's why we need to index these readings. We need to be able to show the Admiral what we are talking about when he answers our call," Coleman said as he helped to sequence the molecules and figure out this mounting mystery. Coleman turned to Plumeri and said, "We are going to have to go straight into the Triangle to figure out where these readings are coming from and whether they're natural or not."

Matt pursed his lips and his eyebrows went up as he slowly exhaled. The prospect of going into a situation, a potentially dangerous and combative situation was not all that appealing. But, there was little alternative. On the screen, the computer rapidly worked on the organic and nucleotide sequences. Pairing them up, trying to sort through them and index them. As it did so, molecular chains started to fall into patterns. Matt leaned against a bulkhead and said, "The best time to enter the Triangle is when everyone's attention is somewhere else." Matt looked at Nick, "Captain. Are you thinking of diverting Endeavor from the taskforce?"

"Honestly, if we need to let the rest of the fleet fight it out to find a way to end this war once and for good, we need to do it. You know as well as I do a war with the Typhon Pact is just as bad as the war with the Dominion. So, if we can gather anything to stop it sooner and restore peace, we need to do it," Coleman said as he looked up at Plumeri and hoped that he would understand.

The computer unexpectedly started to beep. Then, it displayed somethign entirely unexpected. Matt activated the audio interface, "Computer, increase magnification on the molecular chain of this sequence."

=A= Magnification at two-hundred microns =A=

"Captain? Better take a look at this" Matt called to him.

Plumeri asked, "Analyze the compiled sequence on monitor circuit two."

=A= Working...there is a circular object embedded in the RNA sequence. It is twenty-two million milli-microns in diameter. It is comprised of silica based holo-lensing nano bits. =A=

"Holo lensing? Is it active?", Plumeri asked.

=A= Affirmative. There are one-million, three-hundred and seventy-five thousand holo lensing nano bits, plus or minus one-thousand. =A=

"What is their power source?" Matt asked.

=A= The nano bits are powered by the electro-chemical reaction found within the cell of the structure. =A=

Matt asked Coleman, "Should we activate the holo-lenses?"

Looking over at Plumeri with a shocked expression upon his face, Coleman asked, "Did you just say holo-lenses? On an RNA and electro-chemical reaction? Yes, activate it immediately!"

"Yes sir, it appears so. Look at these! There's millions of them. They're so tiny. The cells in the lattice are dead though. Been dead for thousands and thousands of years" Matt said to Coleman. He thought about it a moment and asked out loud, "I don't know how to re-animate dead cells that were once in a living least a living structure. This could have been a tree for all I know. But...I do know how to build a computer model in a simulation. Captain, I can build something that can simulate the energy from the nucleus of cells, that's easy. We can then simulate that energy and see if these holographic lenses respond? If they do then it might give us a better idea of how to do it to the real thing."

He set to work and exchanged seats with Captain Coleman. The computer most of the work. Matt had to look up a few algorithms and simulation protocols. After thirty-minutes, he was ready to try, "OK. I think that's got it. The computer has made a copy of both the cells and their structure in the lattice. To simulate living cells I'm going to bathe the structures in a biomemetic field. I'll start very low, we don't know what the metabolisim was when this - whatever it was - was alive."

Activating the sequence, the monitors in front of them began the simulation. It was slow going. The first few screens were blank, then the next dozen or so showed very little activity - nothing to get excited about. Just about the time the energy was about the same as a humanoid sized life-form, suddenly, the holo-matrices started to coalesce and glow.

"Their power output is minimal. Captain? What if these are not like holo-projectors? Right? Not like something to see...but something to remember? Like an engram? Like a memory?"

"Could we possibly route it through a neural net? Like the ones that were created for Commander Data and Lore? Or even something like Doctor Zimmerman created for the EMH and LMH series?" Coleman said, thinking out loud.

Matthew shook his head after a moment, "Well, maybe. I'm no expert on that though. The positronic matrix that Dr. Soong made was unique. Sure, we can make a positronic brain but its pale in comparison to what Commander Data was like. IDK how well it would work. These hololenses are responding only to bioelectric energy from an artificial - and holographic - field."

Nodding, Coleman was getting a little too excited. So, he toned it down, but he wanted to figure out more. Turning back to Plumeri, he said, "Head down to Holo-Lab 2 and run everything through a holo-matrix to see what happens. Let me know what you find out."

Nodding and transferring the data to the holosystems and then logging off the bridge science station, "Right. I'm on it. I'll keep you posted Captain. If I'm right, then these would have most likely been some kind of implant. Recreating in the life forms mind images. Maybe sounds, words and ideas too? We'll see." And with that he excused himself from the bridge and entered a turbolift.

USS Pegasus

Kah’lyn was at Ops when the call for Bremer came over the comms. “Admiral, we’re receiving a priority one hail from the Endeavour for you.”

Mike had been looking over Hannigan's shoulder at Intel when Kah'lyn spoke up. "Put Mister Coleman through." Mike replied.

As he took a step toward the center of the bridge he spoke to Hannigan, "And the datalink isn't jammed?"

"No sir, it's offline. The Ajax isn't transmitting anymore. She may have been detected or shut down the link so it wouldn't be picked up." Hannigan replied.

Mike nodded, "Keep me posted if it returns." It made the job harder, not having their eyes in the Kaleb system, but there was no turning back now.

Coleman appeared on the screen and he seemed anxious. "Commander, is everything okay?"

"Admiral, we may have a solution to our war. While we were residing on Starbase 23, I received some data from a few scouts that had flown into and around the Triangle. They found something that appeared to be some simple mold samples, but turned out to have complex data strands. What's more is that they were also encoded with Holo-Lenses. I have Lieutenant Plumeri working on running them through the hologrids in the Hololabs. But, they also had a trace of something Tholian. According to a couple sources, when the original samples were found, it caused a mass hiccup within the Tholian empire and caused a few high ranking officals to go stir-crazy," Coleman said, trying to keep this important find from getting him too excited. But, he also knew what he had to do.

"Admiral, I would like to request that once we get close enough to the Triangle, that the Endeavour be allowed to break off and find these samples. If we could find them and use them against the Tholians, the Typhon Pact would be less of a threat and it could end the war, possibly," Coleman asked, nervous to ask for such a big request.

Mike looked over at Hannigan and Commander Roebuck before looking back at the screen. One ship wouldn't make or break the attack, but one ship might help bring a quick end to not only the battle but to the war itself. "Do it, use slipstream if you have to. When we get to 'point luck' and beam the strike team over, that's when you'll go."

Smiling, Coleman knew that this would solve a weeks long mystery and help to possibly end the war. “Thank you Admiral. We will make you proud and the rest of the fleet proud!” Coleman said, elated beyond words.

Mike smiled, it was nice to see genuine excitement even in the midst of a war. "I know you will, Bremer out."

Mike took a seat in his chair, "Chief, how much longer til the beam out point?"

"Two point three hours Admiral." Branson replied.

"How long til we're in their sensor range Lieutenant?" Mike asked.

"Three point six hours Sir." Roebuck replied.



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