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Off to Cardassia

Posted on Fri Feb 8th, 2019 @ 6:41pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & Captain Patrick Dow & Commander Leksander Draven & Commander Jonathan Roebuck IV & Lieutenant Commander Rann & Master Chief Petty Officer Mark Branson & Gunnery Sergeant Marcus Ermey & Tom Vercetti & Vito Russo & General Janice Fultian-Bremer & Admiral Deela T'Lar & Lieutenant General Jewel 'M'lara' Dartt & Major General Thomas Jackson & Commodore Leon `Lee` Pike & Captain Andre DaSilvor & Captain R'nard Lokran & Captain Jack Solomon & Commander Hades,MD & Lieutenant Commander Orrin Durol & Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel & Lieutenant Commander Ariana Monroe-Wayne & Lieutenant Commander Carolyn Corrigan MD & Maria Garabaldi & Jacaranda & Admiral Phelan Ward & Commodore Alexandra Harrison & Lieutenant JG Ilan Rol & 1st Lieutenant Klaus Gunther & Master Warrant Officer Gaius Aquila & Master Sergeant Charlton Gibbs & Master Sergeant Atlee Micklin & Staff Sergeant Sam Hopper & Splendora Sage & Korel & Sogh M`Kota

5,645 words; about a 28 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Various Ships (Pegasus, Essex, Sutherland, Cutlass)
Timeline: MD1, 1830hrs


Pegasus, Bridge

Mike stepped onto the Bridge of the Pegasus and looked around with a smile on his face. Roebuck was at Tactical, Archer at Ops, Branson was at Flight Control, and Stark was at the Engineering station.

"I didn't see a chief engineer assigned so I figured I'd take the job," Stark commented.

Mike smirked again as he walked down the ramp. He stopped before taking his seat, seeing Patrick Dow sitting in the XO's seat.

"Commander Pierce isn't happy about staying behind on Kaleb, but I didn't want to pass this trip up," Dow said with a smile.

Mike patted him on the shoulder, "Glad to have you aboard Pat."

Mike took his seat, tapped a few commands into the right armrest panel, then spoke up. "Prepare for departure."

Mike was handed a PADD by a Yeoman. He explained that the newly appointed Commander of the 181st Tactical Fighter Wing had arrived on the station and was en-route to the Pegasus for the trip to Cardassia. Mike sent work to General Jackson, Cadet Mattson, and Captain Emry to join him in his ready room.

Jackson received the message and headed to the Ready Room.

Mike hadn't been in his ready room for two minutes when the door chimed. "Enter."

"Gunnery Sergeant Ermey reporting as ordered Admiral." The older Marine snapped to attention.

Mike looked confused. "Um, Gunny, no one called you that I'm aware of."

Ermey had served with Bremer aboard the Pegasus and later SB400 since the Dominion War. "My apologies, sir. When I came aboard the Ensign at the airlock said he just heard a call for General Jackson and myself to report to you." Ermey's expression stayed serious, but he felt just a little bit embarrassed.

Mike smirked. "I'll ask one of the medical officers to check his hearing. We have a new commander of the 181st, Captain Emry. I asked to meet her before we got underway."

Ermey nodded. "Understood Admiral." 'I'm going to kick that Ensign in the shin for this' he thought to himself.

"Remain on the Bridge as part of the security detail for the first watch Gunny," Mike smirked, he knew Ermey wasn't in the best of moods right now.

"Aye Skipper." Ermey gave a respectful nod and returned to the Bridge, taking position beside Turbolift One.

Jackson stepped off the turbolift on the Bridge, greeted one of his Gunnery Sergeants standing watch as he presses the door chime of the Ready Room.

"Enter," Bremer called.

Jackson entered. "Hey, Mike. I see you still keep a nice ship." He stood in front of the Admiral's desk.

Bremer smirked. "Well, we want to make sure the flagship of the Ares Operational Theater looks good for the Alliance."

Mike's desktop monitor beeped. He tapped a button and looked over the message, then shook his head. "Well, it looks like our meeting might be off now. The new Fighter Wing Commander has abruptly resigned. No reason was given. She's taking a transport off the station." It was very odd, in all his years in Starfleet he'd never seen someone resign so quickly after being given the position they'd requested.

"Maybe she saw what she was getting into," Jackson said. "At least we got two members of the fighter wing's most active squadron onboard. So we can say the 181st is well represented on this mission."

Bremer smirked, 'She has no idea', he thought. "Good. The Klingons have toyed with fighters a few times in their history, and they have a class in service now. The Free Romulans also have the Scorpion-class attack flyer, the C'Hakilian have the Tamora class fighter, but the Cardassians have none. There will be some flight demonstrations of various classes while there and I'm sure the Cardassians will have questions. Do you have anything that needs attention before we depart?"

"We came across some of those Klingon fighters at Arcanus IV. The 181st made short work of them, but at a cost. Mainly a numbers game and they had the numbers. One of the two pilots onboard dusted six of them, so he can tell you how they fly. Funny thing about Romulan Scorpions is that the two fighters we have onboard are also named Scorpion, but they are different birds altogether." Jackson paused for a minute. "On the Marine side of things, you did not mention a Marine detachment for the voyage, so we defaulted with Gunnery Sergeant Ermey's platoon from the 327th. BUT, I also decided to include a MARSOC Team on the trip, you know, just in case. Chief Aquila is leading it. My security chief, Master Sergeant Gibbs can help with security as needed. He is in my entourage. "

"Sounds good," Mike replied. He knew about the new Scorpion Class Light Interceptor. A little larger than a fighter, smaller than the Beowulf Class Interceptor. "If you feel another Marine Officer or even a platoon is needed, for either security purposes or to attend ground combat or shipboard combat symposiums, please get them aboard in the next few minutes."

"No Mike, I think between Ermey's Platoon onboard, and a MARSOC Team, we have it covered for this diplomatic mission. Besides, at least two of us spent some time in Cardassia Prime before, myself and Chief Aquila. I bet it looks different there now, you know, with buildings standing upright. Shared some bloodwine with some crazy Klingon General back then, after an Admiral and Captain walked out on him. Oh, to be a Lieutenant again..."

Mike smirked. "While we're at it, when we arrive at Cardassia we'll pick up the new 22nd Marine Regiment Commander, a Captain Kaden Ross, and his wife, Petty Officer 1st Class Freya Ross who's a Counselor and Marine Medic."

The door beeping again. "Enter," Mike said.

Admiral Ward stepped in followed by a Marine Major.

"Ward, welcome aboard the Pegasus," Mike said. He looked at the Major, "And you are?"

"Major Chuck McDaniel Admiral."

Jackson walked over to Admiral Ward and gave him a handshake. "How is the Training Department treating you, Cousin?" Phelan smirked, "Not that different from my job as Governor, I get to shine a chair with my ass." After the pleasantries, both of them eyed the Major and Admiral Bremer.

"Major General Jackson, I'm your new Wing Commander sir."

After flashing a smile to both Ward and Bremer, Jackson walked over to the Major, and shook his hand. "Welcome aboard Major McDaniel. We will have much to talk about later. Two of your pilots from Specter Squadron are also onboard for this trip. First Lieutenant Gunther, the Squadron Commander, and his wing man, Senior Cadet Mattson. Their ships are in Shuttle Bay 3. "

" Sir I look forward to meeting each one . Major McDaniel replied.

Mike smirked, "Well, can't help but be lucky I guess...we lose one 'new' Fighter Wing Commander only to receive another one moment later. Welcome aboard Starbase 400 and the USS Pegasus Major." Mike then turned to Ward, "Phelan, feel free to find an open seat on the Bridge for the trip. I'll make sure VIP quarters are assigned for you."

"Thanks Mike. I will try to stay out of the way, unless you need me to man the Tactical Station." Ward said.

Mike smirked.

USS Sutherland

Jewel stepped out onto the bridge, she looked at the officers that were on the bridge, "Lieutenant Young, is everything ready to depart the station?" She asked looking at her.

Chloe said to General Dartt " We are on time for departure "She then turned to Nathaniel "Ensign whats our status are we ready for departure? She asked " General we are we should be ready to go we just need to wait for orders from the USS Pegasus." he said to General Dartt

She nodded "We will wait for orders then I want you to begin station departure procedures." Jewel said as she sat down. She wondered what this mission to Cardassia was going to be like, she's never been on Cardassia before so she thought this would be interesting.

Ariana made her way to the bridge she had yet to introduce herself to the CO of the Sutherland. Exiting onto the bridge she nodded to those present and walked over to Dartt. “General Dartt, I’m Ariana Monroe, Chief Counsellor. I thought I’d introduce myself.”

She looked at Ariana, "Welcome aboard Counselor please have a seat." Jewel replied with a smile. "I don't believe that I have seen you here on Starbase 400 before. Are you new?" Jewel asked as she was pretty aware of who's who around here and this was definitely a new face.

"I've been around a couple of months" Ariana smiled. "I had one or two health problems when I first arrived that and being off station on the USS Falcon which is probably why you haven't seen me around very much." She smiled as she took a seat resting her hands on her pregnant bump as she always did.

She nodded, "well a very late welcome, and congratulations." Jewel replied with a smile.

“Thank you General” Ariana smiled warmly.

Chloe had a Question for General Dartt " General wasn't the Sutherland part of the blockade during the Klingon Civil war?" she asked she had never served on a Nebula-Class Starship before.

Jewel looked at Young and nodded, "Indeed Lieutenant." She said as she sat there waiting for others to arrive and the word to disembark the station.

After stowing away the additional medical supplies she had decided to bring along, Doctor Corrigan decided to head straight to the bridge to report in. As she hadn't seen him already, she wasn't sure if Dr. Hades had already boarded. Entering the bridge she headed towards the woman seated in the command chair. "General Dartt? I'm Doctor Carolyn Corrigan, Assistant CMO on the station. I've been assigned here for the mission and wanted to check in."

"Welcome Doctor," Jewel replied with a smile.

Ariana smiled as she looked at Carolyn, she hadn't really seen much of her in the last couple of months after losing her other baby. "It's nice to see you again Doctor Corrigan."

"And you," Carolyn replied with an easy smile. "But, if you'll excuse me, I have some things to take care of in sickbay. If there is anything you need, please let me know."

M'Kota walked in nodded to Jewel and took her station at Tactical and ran her checks of the systems to make sure they were good to go with no surprises on the way.

She had sent a message to her twins to come aboard the Sutherland, she got permission from Mike that they could come along for the experience. Liberty and Jay were excited and quickly packed and made their way to the ship, but when they tried to board the officer wouldn't let them through. "Ensign Moore to General Dartt," said the security officer guarding the docking port where the Sutherland was docked. "Go ahead," Jewel replied. "There are two children down here trying to get onboard." The Ensign replied, "they are not on the list General." He added. Jewel sighed, "You are to let them board Ensign, they were requested by me to board." Jewel replied, "But sir, I was under orders that no one unless they were on the list, were to board." The Ensign said which was his first mistake, "I said let them on now, don't make me come down there and make you because you will not like it." Jewel said now getting irritated at the Ensign. "U-Understood General," the Ensign replied his voice clearly shaking.

Liberty and Jay made it on the ship took the first turbo lift and headed to the bridge, once they made it they walked out and walked to where their mother was sitting. "Were reporting as ordered," Liberty said before Jay could speak. "Welcome aboard, I figured since you both wanted to join Starfleet that this conference would serve as a very good experience for the both of you so your Uncle Mike has agreed to let you both come," Jewel replied with a smile. "Thanks," Jay replied and Liberty nodded in agreement and both decided to go down to the mess hall to get something to eat while they were waiting to depart the station.

Hades had done his duty to check sickbay over and then made his way over to the bridge. He entered the bridge and slowly slid into his seat at the medical station. From there he logged his first report on equipment and supplies and then added a special advisory. He stood and walked towards Ariana and the Jewel who were both free for the moment. He looked at the two women. "May I speak with you both in private when time permits?" He asked.

Ariana looked at Hades "Of course, I'm available whenever General Dartt is ready."

She raised an eyebrow then nodded and pointed to her ready room, they all walked in and Jewel took a seat behind her desk and the motioned for both Hades and Ariana to do the same. "So what is on your mind Doctor?" Jewel asked looking at him.

Ariana was curious to see what it was Hades wanted to talk about. She took a seat and rested her hands on her bump, as she always did waiting to see what Hades was going to say.

"As per Starfleet protocol I have brought on a patient who requires strong intervention." He looked over at Ariana, "That is your assistant counselor Rol. We will be passing close to Bajor on our way I would like to request permission to leave the ship with Mr. Rol it would be a few days detour on Bajor and then I will meet back with the crew on Cardassia."

She looked at him, "Unfortunately not right now Doctor." Jewel replied looking at him after she thought for awhile.

Hades gave a nod. "I understand." He sighed. He did understand but it was still hard to take.

Ariana looked at Hades concernedly. “I take it this trip to Cardassia is causing problems for Rol? Is there anything we can do for him here?”

He gave a nod. "Much appreciated. Perhaps we can speak later tonight. I have some work in sickbay first."

Ariana nodded. "Just let me know when you're ready."

Orrin's mood had not improved. From being happy about the prospect of being on Starbase 400, a good distance away from Cardassian space. But now, his dream of maintaining the distance between himself and Cardassia, Or Cardassia Prime a nod to the pride that his race deludedly felt for themselves, was shattered. He was going to have to participate in this damned conference. He didn’t like it and he was immediately suspicious of the actions of his race. They never did anything without a motive.

The bridge was devoid of the General Dart, whom he had been informed was the Commanding Officer of the Surherland. He nodded to the other officers and simply just took his station. He checked his systems silently, then moving on to ensure that the ship was stocked with probes. Once everything was checked and Orrin was satisfied, he passed by the time by researching more about the so called conference on Cardassia.

After her meeting with Dr. Hades and Ariana she walked out of her ready room after they left and walked out onto the bridge. She raised an eyebrow at the new member on her bridge, "Lieutenant Commander," Jewel said looking at him with a raised eyebrow. She doesn't remember any new Science Officer on board Starbase 400.

Orrin turned in his chair at the sound of the very formal use of his rank of Lieutenant Commander. More often, his rank was shortened to just Commander, only when he was being chastised or reminded by someone on a much mightier horse than he ever hoped to be able to reach, that he was just a Lieutenant Commander. He wasn't entirely sure that it was even meant to address him, but he immediately knew that by the eye contact he was recieving, it left him in no doubt that it was himself who was being addressed. He stood up, walking down towards the woman, near the command chairs. "Lieutenant Commander Orrin Durol. I was only just assigned as Chief Science Officer aboard Starbase 400. Admiral Bremer asked me to come aboard the Sutherland for trip to" He paused for a moment, barely a breath. He had been saying the name far to often. "Cardassia" he finished, saying the word like it tasted funny and left a bad taste in his mouth.

She nodded, "Welcome aboard Commander, I am Lieutenant General Jewel Dartt. Stations Chief Diplomatic Officer and Commanding Officer of the Sutherland here." Jewel said as she extended a hand towards the officer.

Orrin took the offered hand without skipping a beat. He had spent most of his life with the Federation and hand shakes were a universal human greeting. He shook the hand in the customary firmness that was required. "Thank you, General."

"So, is everything ready to go as far as the Science Station is concerned?" Jewel asked with a smile, it was unusual for a Cardassian to be in Starfleet but nothing was impossible since Nog was the first Ferengi to join Starfleet so she never questioned it.

Orrin automatically offered a polite smile in return. "It is, General. There appear to be no issues I've identified with the Sciences, but I have only managed a brief check since being on board." Orrin replied to the Marine General, in a genial tone, despite his depressive mood and what human's described as butterflies, although anxiety would be a better word to describe his state right now, although nothing outwardly would've given him away. Yet anyway.

USS Pegasus

Vox was sat in the mess hall with a cold glass of Dandelion and Burdock. He didn't recognize anyone in there and kind of felt alone despite being surrounded by well over 20 people. He hoped someone he would recognize or would recognize him would make an appearance and perhaps join him.

Also sitting in there was Korel and Vagh, from the Neutral Zine shop on Starbase 400. Nodding to Vox, Korel sipped his drink from a well constructed Klingon cup.

Vox spotted Korel and was relieved to see a familiar face. He gestured whether of not he could join them at their table.

Korel raised his glass then Vagh did welcome Vox over, relieved to also see a familiar face.

Vox picked up his drink and headed over to Korel. He pulled up a chair, put his glass on the table and sat down. "Korel, bIpIv'a' ? " he asked (Are you well?)

" Yes, I am Vox. Drink with us. Tomorrow we stand to make a prophet."

"Well, what I have brought with me, I don't plan on selling it but I hope to return the items to their planets of origin. They are after all historically important. " Vox replied.

" Such honor is rare these days." Vagh chirped.
" I too owe Cardassia much. It was here my first son was killed in battle during the war. I will go to his grave and honor him while there." Korel declared. He had not had time to take the remains off world and had buried him there.

"I may accompany you if you will allow me to Korel. After all, batlhpotlh law' yInpotlhpuS (Honor is more important than life) and should be respected by all. " Vox replied.

" By all means. I plan to go there as soon as possible." Korel replied.

"I know a fair bit about Klingon culture and rituals as my fourth host, Jorran Vox was very close friends with a Klingon called Lakarf Khim. I don't know if you heard of him or whether he is still alive. He was the sort that had a real love for battle. " Vox replied.

Elsewhere aboard the Pegasus, Tom, Vito, and Splendora walked into Ten-Forward. "Looks just like the old A's, doesn't it?" Tom asked the rhetorical question.

"Yeah, just like it." Vito replied.

The room was empty and Tom walked toward the bar. "Vito, see if the other civilians aboard want to come down for a drink."

Vito nodded and walked over to a wall terminal and sent an invitation to Vox, Wayne, Korel, Garabaldi, and Jacaranda.

Vox heard a bleep come from his minipad he had in his bag. Taking it out he read the invitation from Vito. "Oh cool more fun but in Ten-Forward" he said aloud."

" We have an invite as well. " Korel added.

Splendora had reached Ten-Forward and seeing Vito and Tom in conversation she grabbed a drink and headed to the massive windows. She stared out at the stars as if they held an answer to a question she wanted to pose. She had mixed feelings about this Cardassia trip. She was looking forward to seeing her old friend but at the same time she wasn't. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear anyone walking up behind her.

"You okay?" Tom asked.

She smiled and threaded her arm through his, a favourite habit she was developing. "I am, just a bit anxious about the trip to Cardassia. But it will pass." She smiled at him. "How are you feeling about this trip?"

Tom smirked. "It'll be fun." He didn't like the 'spoon heads', and never would, not after what he'd seen in the Dominion War, but, he had a deal to be made there...

Pegasus, Bridge

Roebuck was looking over the Tactical console when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He looked back to see a face he wasn't expecting to see. "Walt!"

The two men hugged, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming aboard?"

"Wanted it to be a surprise. I asked the Admiral not to tell you, and I was hoping Rebecca wouldn't spill the beans either." Walter Roebuck replied.

"You took a huge chance telling her, you know how our sister can be with 'news'" Jonathan Roebuck replied with a smirk.

"You mean gossip." Walt replied with a smile. "I've been assigned as a Security/Tactical Officer and Security Investigations Officer on Starbase 400. When I heard you'd been posted to the Cardassia trip I asked to tag along."

"Glad you did." He patted his younger brother on the shoulder. "Let me give you the one over of the Pegasus."

USS Essex

Deela sat in her chair on the bridge waiting for word from Bremer when they were departing. Everyone on the bridge was pretty quiet as they prepared to leave. She got up and walked over to Alex who was now manning the Security department. She stood there for a moment behind Alex before talking to her.

Alex turned around to look at Deela, "Something wrong?" She wasn't sure what that look was Deela was giving her.

Deela smiled, "No, just the opposite. I didn't realize how much you look like your mother until now. It was nice seeing her again. It is a shame that she had to step down from the Executive Officer position. I know that she only served on the Essex for one year but the time she was here, I was very impressed with her."

"She really wished that she could have stayed too but it was for the best considering her health." Her mom talked a lot about her year on the Essex, "Look at the bright side. You would have never met me if it wasn't for her. I don't know if I ever thanked you for giving me a chance and getting me assigned to the Essex."

Deela smiled, "There is no need to thank me. It was the least I could do for your mother." She had come a long way in eighteen years. She went back to her seat.

R'nard was listening as he manned the Tactical station, where he was monitoring the sensors.

The turbolift door opened and Dr. Ventar-Maab approached Deela, "Admiral T'Lar, I'm Dr. Ventar and I just wanted to introduce myself. I just arrived on Starbase 400 a few days ago and never got a chance to meet you. And since I'm your Chief Medical Doctor, I thought I should at least touch base with you."

Deela stood up, "Ah yes, I do remember hearing that you were joining us on this trip." Deela looked around the bridge, "Everyone, this is Dr. Maab."

Kisha corrected her, "I'd prefer Ventar if it is okay." She was not known for her tactfulness. She didn't like sugar coating anything as she preferred to get right to the point.

"If you want. Okay, Dr. Ventar and she will be our acting Chief Medical officer." After Deela introduced everyone by name, they all welcomed her.

Kisha nodded, "I hope you don't mind but I rearranged Sickbay to my liking. I just couldn't work in a place that is so unorganized. No offense to your former doctor."

Deela was surprised how blunt she was but it didn't bother her. She felt that it was quite refreshing to find someone that wasn't a people pleaser, "No offence taken."

Kisha glanced around one more time, "Good. I will be in Sickbay if you need me for anything." She stepped back into the turbolift.

Deela raised an eyebrow in the Spock tradition. Moments later, Commander Coolidge stepped onto the bridge, "Admiral T'Lar, I thought I'd check in with you and let you know that I am here." She looked over at her husband and smiled.

Deela watched the exchange between the two, "Thank you. Do not forget to check the duty roster. I have you assigned to the second shift."

"Good to know." Daleena kept looking over at her husband sitting at the helm, 'May I?" She knew that Deela understood what she meant by that.

"Go on." Deela didn't have a problem with it since her loved one was on the bridge too. She walked over to Jack, "Are we all set to go?"

Jack smiled as the last of the checks were completed by his Operations team and the final confirmations from around the ship were reported in. "We're green across the board, we can get underway whenever your ready," he reported.

Lee stood there next to the Admiral watching everything that had just recently happened on the bridge but said nothing.

Andre listened into the conversation and welcomed Dr. Ventar with everyone else. Hearing his wife speaking to the Admiral, he turned and smiled at her, but didn't speak. After speaking to the Admiral, Dalenna came over to the helm station. He briefly looked up, "I just threw my bag into our quarters and came straight to the bridge, I can sort it out once we are underway. How about you, all ready to go?", he said with a smile

Daleena returned his smile, "Yes, I'm good. I'll probably get something to eat and then check out the ship a little more." She stood there for a few seconds, "Well, I'd better get out of here and let you get back to work. I'll see you later."

Deela turned to Lee, "I am going to my ready room. I have a few things to do before we depart. There are a few more departments that have not checked in yet. See if you can put a fire beneath them."

Lee nodded "I will do Admiral." After she left Lee sat down in the command chair then tapped the ship and station-wide buttons "This is Commodore Pike, this is the final check-in for all departments for the Essex."

Pegasus, Bridge

Bremer stepped out of his Ready Room. Ward, Jackson, and McDaniel followed. "Mister Dow, take us out."

"Yes sir," Dow replied. "Chief Branson, release umbilical and gravitational supports. Once clear, set bow thrusters at one quarter until we're clear of our berth."

"Aye sir," Branson replied from Flight Control.

The Pegasus backed away from her docking bay slowly. After a few moments, she slowly turned to face the Station's bay doors.

"Chief, take us out, one-quarter impulse," Dow added.

The Pegasus moved forward toward the space doors, then out into space.

"Chief, take us to the inner marker, half impulse. Once our little task group is formed up, take us to warp eight and prepare slipstream systems." Bremer added as he took his seat in the center chair.

USS Sutherland

She got the notice that they were now departing Starbase 400, she turned to Young, "release umbilical and gravitational support." Jewel ordered, "once we have cleared set bow thrusters at one-quarter impulse until we are clear." Jewel ordered.

Chloe had released the umbilical and gravitational support "umbilical and gravitational support released General
Chloe had set the bow thrusters at one-quarter impulse until the Sutherland was clear " Aye General bow thrusters one-quarter impulse" she said.

"Take us out of the Space Station at one-quarter impulse, once we reach the inner markers, go to half impulse and meet up with the Pegasus," Jewel ordered as they made there way out of Starbase 400.

Chloe took the Sutherland out of SB 400 at one quarter impulse power the Sutherland had reached the inner markers and the Sutherland went to half impulse and had met up with the Pegasus "we are clear of the station General" she said.

USS Essex

Deela got word that the Pegasus and Sutherland were departing. Once she walked out, all eyes were upon he, all ready and awaiting orders. She took her place on the bridge and turned to Pike, "Ready? Please do the honors and take us out."

Lee nodded "Yes Admiral we are all ready." He then turned forward "Helm take us out away from the station, thrusters only."

Andre nodded, "Aye Sir. Heading out on thrusters. We'll be clear of the station in", he waited until the computer had updated his nav panel, "1 minute, Sir"

The Essex, as the other two ships, moved out of the space doors. She looked over at DaSilvor and addressed him, "Captain DaSilvor, "At half impulse, take us to the inner markers and meet up with the Pegasus and Sutherland."

He logged on to the position of the other two ships and plotted an intercept course, "Aye Admiral. Half impulse it is". As the ship accelerated away from the station, he had his display show the rear view. At half impulse the station started to shrink into the distance. Just before meeting up with the two other ships, he switched his display back to forward view. "Rendezvous with the Pegasus and Sutherland in 15 seconds, Admiral."

"Very good." The Essex finally joined both ships. Deela once again addressed DaSilvor, repeating the same orders that Bremer gave his crewman.

Andre tapped the button and the ship leapt forwards accelerating to warp speed. He gently pushed the throttle until warp 8 showed on his display. "Warp 8, Admiral. We are maintaining station with the other two ships and slipstream is online."

USS Sutherland

Once the USS Essex arrived she looked at Lieutenant Young, "set a course for Cardassia Prime and engage Warp 8 and prepare slipstream systems. Maintain station with the other two ships," Jewel ordered as they were all ready to go. "But, do not engage slipstream until I say," Jewel added looking at Young

Chloe entered the course for Cardassia Prime and engaged warp 8 she also prepared the slipstream systems she waited for general Dartt to give the command to engage the slipstream "warp * General we Are maintaining station with the Pegasus and Essex and slipstream is online Mam" she said.

The ships were on their way, she would wait for the order to engage slipstream as she didn't want to do it prematurely and get too far ahead of the others.

USS Pegasus: Guest quarters

Maria had not been on a Federation Starship, in years, 3 years to be exact, that was not the best memory. So, while normally she'd try and branch out, she was in her quarters unpacking and dealing with both the butterflies in her stomach for the flight and really missing Roberto, she hoped he was having fun but one thing she realized, without an almost 4 year old boy running around, it was quiet. Almost too quiet.

For Jaca, it was the first time ever she'd been on a proper Federation starship and she was every bit as excited as a child on Christmas with wanting to poke around the moment boot touched deck. Unfortunately for her, Starbase security had given a polite head's up to the Pegasus' security so her on route to quarters attempts to take a peek at Engineering, get into a Jeffries Tube to look around and get into the computer to see the coding had been expertly derailed with the last attempt having a burly member of Security scooping her up over his shoulder and dumping her in the shared quarters still squawking that she just wanted to take a look to fix things better.

Jaca was still muttering about how stubborn Starfleet was with not even wanting some simple pointers...and maybe a few hands on tweaks to make things better when she finally went to go see what Maria was up to after she dropped her bags in her room. She watched her friend, noticing the silence since normally there would be a Maria lecture at some point and moved up to being in personal space to ask, "What's wrong?"

Pegasus, Bridge

"Admiral, the Essex, Sutherland, and Cutlass have formed up on us and we're clear of the Station." Branson reported.

"Alright Chief, take us to Cardassia. Slipstream speed." Mike leaned back in his chair as the four Federation ships jumped to warp and then into Slipstream.



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