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Posted on Sat Feb 9th, 2019 @ 7:28pm by Captain Paul MacLeod & Lieutenant Commander Clint Cross & Lieutenant Nick Archer & Lieutenant David Hannigan & Lieutenant Heath Carter & Lieutenant Karl Ballard & First Ramata`tar & Brigadier General David Hurd Sr & Lieutenant JG Aidan Murphy & Lieutenant JG Victor Clayton & Lieutenant JG Marshall Robinson & Lieutenant JG Tenu

741 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1, 2000hrs (Concurrent with 'Off to Cardassia')



K'Temoc looked over an intel report while Lieutenant Hannigan looked on. The Pegasus, Essex, Sutherland, and Cutlass had just departed the station, and with so many senior officers off to Cardassia, K'Temoc was hopeful for a quiet week.

Hannigan was an Intelligence Officer recently transferred aboard from the USS Ottawa. He really didn't want to be aboard Starbase 400. Thank God for small miracles though, 'At least the murder is gone'.

K'Temoc could see Hannigan seemed preoccupied with something. "Everything okay Lieutenant?"

"Uh, yeah...yes sir." Hannigan replied.

"If you're still having anger issues or need to talk to a counselor I can arrange to have one contact you." K'Temoc replied.

"I just need to get off of this f...this station. Sir." Hannigan replied coldly.

K'Temoc lowered the PADD and looked the Lieutenant in the eye. "I know you have issues with this assignment and with this station's Commanding Officer. I also know you just spent a week in the big because of your temper. I know you lost your wife, I grieve for you. However, you're not going to be disrespectful to me or anyone else aboard Starbase 400. Understood?"

"No disrespect sir, but you have no idea how I feel." He looked over to the Science station where Lieutenant Cole was working." You've never been told that your wife has been killed, at the hands of another Federation ship. You're not even married yet, so you have NO idea how I feel." Hannigan replied.

Ramata'tar looked up from the Tactical One station and turned to walk over, but K'Temoc held up a hand as if to say 'at ease'.

K'Temoc handed Hannigan the PADD back. "Dismissed."

Hannigan left Ops while K'Temoc shook his head. He made a note to have Lieutenant Monroe meet with him when she returned from Cardassia.

Walking in, Hurd was almost knocked over by Hannigan. As the lift doors closed behind him, Hurd said, “What the hell was that about?”

"His wife was aboard the USS Hattori and was killed during the fight with the Pegasus two and a half years ago. She was apart of the ship's test crew that was still aboard when Section 31 and Mike's Mirror-self took over the ship. Hannigan still blames Mike and when he came aboard the station he pushed Mike then spent a week in the brig. I'm not sure why he's not be transferred off the station yet, but Mike didn't want to push the matter beyond the week in the brig." K'Temoc explained.

“I see”, Hurd said clearly thinking. "I can really empathize with him but still thrill their are protocols and decorum to be maintained and perhaps he needs to be reminded of that?”

"Oh I agree, and I'm sure the Fleet Admiral will remind him of that when he returns, so will Commander Draven. If he steps out of line while they are away, then I'll smack him back down the size myself."

Briefing Room

MacLeod was in the main Briefing Room with his command crew for the USS Venator. He looked over the list as they came in.

Lieutenant Commander Patel - XO
Lieutenant Metskerr –CS/TO
Lieutenant JG Carter –ACS/TO
Lieutenant JG Ballard –S/TO
Lieutenant Robinson - CEO
Lieutenant Tenu – CSO
Lieutenant Archer – COps (currently aboard the USS Pegasus)
Lieutenant JG Victor Clayton (filling in for Lieutenant Archer)
Lieutenant JG Murphy – CFCO
Lieutenant Commander Cross – CIntel
Lieutenant Mclintock - CMO

"Thank you all for coming. First, we're being reassigned from the USS Venator to the new USS Vanguard. She's also a Prometheus class ship, but the Venator is due for a systems overhaul and will be in drydock for a few weeks. Second, I plan to take the Vanguard out for a patrol along the Triangle, test systems, and crew training. Lastly, with Lieutenant Archer currently off to Cardassia with the Pegasus so we'll have Lieutenant JG Clayton aboard as Chief Operations for this mission. Also, please welcome Doctor Mclintock, she of course will be the Chief Medical Officer for the mission. Any questions?" MacLeod looked around the room.

No one spoke up, but all seemed eager to get going.

"Alright, let's get everything moved over to the Vanguard and I'll let you know when we'll depart. Dismissed." MacLeod nodded as he tapped in a few comments on his PADD.


OCC: The battle between the USS Pegasus and USS Hattori was part of Episode 91.


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