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A new life beckons

Posted on Sun Feb 10th, 2019 @ 5:12am by Brigadier General Kaden Ross

1,141 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Sarek, Enroute to Cardassia
Timeline: Current

Freya was laying in bed contentedly wrapped up in her new husband's arms, they'd been together since they'd met when she was at the Academy but they'd never had the chance to be married before now. It was a dream come true and she was deliriously happy to finally be Mrs. Ross instead of Miss Simmons. She smiled as she lifted her head off Kaden's chest and looked at him. "So how does it feel to be a married man?"

Kaden was enjoying the feel of his sexy wife’s naked body pressed against him he looked at his wedding band on his finger. “It feels great, I am sorry we didn’t do this earlier but you know how things go when it comes to Starfleet.” He adjusted himself to lay on his side so he could look at Freya better. “I just...I am going to miss everyone here you know it is not easy for me to meet new people and make friends we had a good circle of people here including the Captain.”

"I'm going to miss them too but you've got a promotion to Captain, one well deserved I might add, plus we're being transferred together now we're married which is what we always wanted." She looked at her wedding ring, it was a feeling like no other knowing she was married to Kaden.

Freya was right he did get the promotion plus the opportunity to begin his life long dream of making a general someday and rightfully so. But despite he was going to miss their friends on the Saratoga least he has Freya with him. “Well you know you are going to have to help me make new friends again, are you going to be okay with that?”

"Of course!" Freya smiled as she ran her fingers over his chest. "I doubt they'll allow me to be your counselor but I'm always with you as your unofficial counselor. I can't believe I've actually been accepted as Marine Medic as well as a station Counsellor, guess that means I'm going to have to keep up my training with you so I pass the regular fitness checks. Although...there is one thing that'll put a stop to me going out in the field and that's when we have a baby." She paused to look at him. "You do still want a baby once we're settled in don't you?"

Kaden rested his hand on her smiling as he kissed her on the lips. “Of course, we will get to that when the time is right.” He pulled her closer to him. “Besides, if I recall our friend, Ariana, is still there she was a good counselor to me while she was here on the Saratoga with us I always had her and you to talk to gonna be like old times again.” Kaden’s brow creased. “Unless the death of Jonathon still has her rattled I feel bad still we couldn’t be there for her when he passed away.”

"Last I heard she was doing okay but we lost contact until I heard that she was on the Starbase. I thought about messaging her to let her know we were coming but I want it to be a surprise." She smiled and returned his kiss. I have to admit I wasn't expecting us to be rendezvousing with the fleet at Cardassia, I was expecting to be going straight to the Starbase but I guess it gives us more time together while we're there."

Kaden blinked a few times before rolling onto his back looking up at the ceiling. “Do we even know why the fleet is at Cardassia? I tried asking Major Phelps about it but he has been pretty quiet on the matter is something bad about to go down?” He asked.

"I don't think so" She shook her head as she rolled onto her side and propped her head up on one hand. "Seems to be a conference gathering from what I've heard. Various workshops, cultural exchanges, all that sort of thing. It can be investing but I'd rather be settling in aboard the Starbase."

Kaden couldn’t help but look down the sheet admiring the view Freya had presented him with but did his best to no show it. “I am not going to lie I wish we were going to the Starbase as well get started on unpacking our things in our new quarters but if our ride there is at Cardassia for a conference who am I to complain. I just hope that is all this is going to be is a conference and not turn into an appendage measuring contest so to speak.” Despite Kaden was a Marine he was also pretty adamant on not having to always resort to military action unless it was the last resort but if things did go south he wasn’t afraid to go stomp a mudhole in some butts.

"Don't let that marine instinct of yours be suspicious of everything okay?" She grinned. "We could count this as kind of an extension to our honeymoon, we'll hopefully still get to spend time together at this conference though I do have some medical conferences to attend. I would like to attend some of the military goings on as well to keep both sides of my roles active."

“Freya Savette-Ross, are you implying I am going to go looking for a fight if I get too bored there cause I need to show off?” Kaden asked with a sly grin. “I will have you know I will be taking this conference very seriously if things wind up going into a physical contest then who am I to refuse.”

"Well if you want to end up in some Cardassian cell or the brig aboard whatever ship we get assigned to for the ride home then carry on!" She grinned as she looked at him. "I love you whether you're rough and rugged or gentle and loving." She leant forward and have him a romantic, loving kiss. "So do you think we've got time for one more round before we get there?"

Kaden was only kidding about about starting a fight on Cardassia last thing he wanted to do was pick a fight but it seemed Freya was teasing. He smiled as he rolled on his side again. “Well, I would hope you love me no matter what you just married me after all.” Kaden said with a grin before raising an eyebrow. “Wait, another round? Of what?”

"What do you think?" Freya grinned as she leaned forward kissing him with all the passion she had before pushing him gently back on the bed. Until such time as they reached Cardassia they were still on their honeymoon and she planned to enjoy every moment of it.



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