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Posted on Fri Feb 8th, 2019 @ 5:03pm by Fleet Admiral Mike K`Wor Bremer & First Ramata`tar & Lieutenant Commander Orrin Durol

947 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: MD1 1800Hrs


The journey to Starbase 400 had been uneventful, apart from eating extremely well thanks to the exquisite meals served by the Roosevelt's Chef. But his journey had taken a lot longer to reach Starbase 400, due to the recent ion storm. He had watched the station out of one of the forward viewports as the ageing Galaxy Class starship glided toward the Stardock Class Starbase 400.

It was an impressive view, Orrin allowed. It was huge. Not as big as an Immense Class station, hence the name, but the Stardock Class was big. He had never served on one, particularly one of the prestige that Starbase 400 carried. Not to mention the fact that it was one of the most unusual make-ups of a Starfleet crew. A Fleet Admiral as the Commanding Officer and a Admiral as Executive Officer, which was not even the tip of the ice burg, there were other flag level Officers in positions ordinarily for normal Fleet Officers. But that was part of the attraction of 400. It was unique. The Borg would like it, Orrin thought to himself with dark humor.

The ship docking procedure was done quickly, clearly someone had done this a lot.

The station was busy, busier than Orrin had expected. There did seem to be alot of Starfleet personnel moving through the crowd, almost as if order's had been given. He found one of the many turbolifts and made his way to Ops. As he made his way up, using the LCARS terminal in the lift, he accessed the deck listing, specifically where the science labs were. They were stretched out across 94 levels. But there was any specific listing for his Office. He assumed that his office would across the science labs, levels 1605 - 1699.


Mike looked around Ops after typing in a few last minute notes into a PADD. He then stepped over to Tactical One.

"First, signal down to the Brig, let Mister Harper know he can release Lieutenant Hannigan and he's to report to Lieutenant Commander Cross in Tactical Astrometric." Mike said to the big Jem'Hadar.

"It will be done." Ramata'tar replied.

He nodded to his brother who was on the other side of Ops, he knew the station would be in good hands with K'Temoc watching over. As he approached the turbolift if suddenly opened.

Orrin immediately recognised the Commanding Officer, just by his rank insignia, making him a Fleet Admiral. Having never met a Fleet Admiral, he stiffened, coming to attention. "Admiral Bremer, Lieutenant Commander Orrin Durol reporting as ordered." He stated, formally to the man in front of him.

Mike glanced at the Lieutenant Commander...a Cardassian in a Starfleet uniform. He looked back at Ramata'tar for a moment the back at Durol.

"Welcome aboard Starbase 400 Commander. I kind of expected to pick you up when we arrived at Cardassia." Mike replied, still with a surprised look on his face.

Orrin’s words of reply were lost at the mention of his homeworld. Years of training kicked in, albeit only to enable him to talk “C-Cardassia?” He forced out, anxiety crashing through. Scenarios and contingencies for them played through his mind. Besides, his luck, he thought, couldn’t be that bad.

Mike raised an eyebrow. "Is there a problem Commander?" He wished he'd had a chance to read the man's file now. He'd expected a look or comment from the Commander upon seeing a Jem'Hadar First in Ops, at Tactical One no less, but not at the sound of his people's homeworld's name.

With a better control of himself Orrin now thought how best to explain to the Admiral his deep seated hatred of his own people without sounding self-loathing.“ I...”he began, “haven’t been back to Cardassia in 20 years and I have no wish to return. Respectfully Admiral, whilst I have no idea what the mission is or even if my presence is required, I’d like to request permission to stay aboard Starbase 400.” He asked, trying to keep the edge out of his voice.

Mike listened, and while he didn't know exactly how this man felt about his own people, he did understand. "The 'mission' isn't a mission. It's the first Alliance Cultural Exchange. There will be meetings, lectures, and symposiums for all departments, science, engineering, security, piloting, as well as a large market and fair with crafts, restaurants, cultural displays, and more. It's like an old Earth World's Fair. There will be something for everyone. If you insist on remaining aboard the Station I understand, however I would suggest you go. It might be on Cardassia, but there are thousands coming from across the Federation as well as from the Free Romulan Forces, the Klingons, and the C'hakilians."

Orrin paused for a minute. His gut and the instinctual reaction was to take the get out that the Admiral offered. But, he knew that if he made that decision it would unofficially leave a mark. But he was also a Starfleet Officer. He had made that commitment to put the Federation before himself. He knew the answer he was going to make. It was already made for him when he joined Starfleet. He would have to put his personal issues aside. "I'll attend, Admiral." he said and he immediately hated himself. Cardassia he thought bitterfly to himself. He had a bad feeling about this.

Mike gave a quick reassuring smile. "Good. Report aboard the USS Sutherland, we'll be departing soon. Sorry to make your arrival aboard the Station brief, but we'll be back soon." He motioned for the Commander to go back into the turbo lift so they could proceed to their awaiting ships.



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