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Paint up a Storm

Posted on Thu Feb 7th, 2019 @ 7:43pm by Splendora Sage

698 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Various
Timeline: MD 01 1200 hours


Splendora smiled as she Lai'lira walked towards their assigned ships. They would be going to Cardassia. Lai was excited but Splendora was not. She surpassed a shiver as they rounded the corner on the promenade. The office was locked up, there was one stop to make before they boarded.

It didn't take them long to purchase what they needed and for Dora to leave her dog with a friend. As they walked back through the promenade Splendora smiled as she caught a new art installation that was going up. She looked over at it and remembered her day with Vox and Lai.

=/\= Few days prior =/\=

Splendora and Lai walked towards the holodeck. They'd planned to meet Vox there for a day of painting and relaxation. Dora was excited and she could see that Lai was too. She had discovered that the girl loved to paint and was very good. She was glad that the art community on the station was starting to build.

They walked off the turbolift and down the corridor. As they approached the holodeck she saw Vox waiting there. She waved. "Hello!"

"Hey Splendora, is this your friend Lai you mentioned? " Vox asked.

She smiled, "Yes it is. Lai this is Vox."

Lai'lira smiled, "It's lovely to meet you. Thanks for meeting us."

"No trouble at all. I will confess though I haven't done any painting for a while. My first host, Azrel, was quite the artist and often quite prolific at painting. If deeply inspired, she was known to churn out two or three over a weekend. " Vox replied.

"Wow that is a lot." Lai smiled.

Sage hit the control button. "The holodeck awaits."

The door hissed open to reveal a large room with several empty canvases and a table with paints. "Ready to turn out some art work as Vox?"

"I am rusty, to be honest, Azrel was a better painter than me by a long way. My skill seems to be sculpture work." he replied.

She smiled, "Already taken care of. She pointed to the right. "You sculpt, Lai will sketch and I will paint." She grinned, "We should really start an artists union. Have you given much thought to the idea of starting an on board artist's exhibit?" Splendora asked.

"Not a bad idea." Vox replied. "But right now let's have some artistic fun."

She smiled, "Let's get to it then!" They worked for what seemed like days but was only a few hours. It was Splendora who stepped back first. She wiped her paint stained hands and headed over to Vox. "Beautiful! Tell me about your piece."

"Well, when I started it, I had in my head an image or a tornado, which this doesn't look anything like that but you have to admit it does look like a swirling spiral of something. " Vox replied.

"There is also a powerful emotion to it." Lai'lira stepped up. "If feels like confusion."

Splendora studied it. "Yes, like a storm from within." She looked over at Vox. The counselor in her couldn't help but come out. "Why tornado ?"

"I don't really know. It was just something that came from my imagination as I started to mould the clay. " Vox replied

"So it's not anything like sculpting the storm from within?" She laughed.

"Now there's a thought. " Vox replied with a smirk on his face.

She laughed, "I'm sorry it's the counselor in me."

Lai had been watching the conversation. She smiled at Vox. "it is beautiful." She studied the piece. "It reminds me of something made by Gaylan Telbor, a Romulan artist."

"Why thank you. Gaylan isn't as well known due to the Romulan tensions which is a shame. " Vox replied.

She smiled at him. "I have a suggestion. Why don't we all go clean up and have dinner."

Splendora smiled, "Sounds great to me!"

"Same here. Anyone up for Klingon?" Vox asked.

=/\=Current timeline =/\=

Splendora was drawn from her thoughts as they neared the ship. She sighed and handed over her invitation. After a brief look over she and Lai'lira boarded happy that for this ride they would be roommates. She couldn't help but wonder if Tom had checked in.



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