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[Falcon] The Probe

Posted on Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 2:54pm by

430 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Falcon Bridge
Timeline: MD 02 0800 Hours

"Captain sensors indicating that the object is an Argellian space probe, ancient in design, but there is something unusual about her power signature." Sarah said, as she started to shift through the last 8 hours of data her counter part was able to pick up on the graveyard shift.

"Argellian probe this far out?" Zeke said as he swung his defiant class looking chair over towards the science station. The ship might have been called the little intrepid, but her interior was more inline with the defiant class starship.

"Yes Captain, and according to these readings, the probe is from the 20th century Argellian technology. I am running calculations, Captain there is no way this probe made it this far into deep space in the amount of time that has gone by." Sarah said, further strengthening her original findings.

"What can you tell me about the power source?" Zeke asked, as he refocused his attention on on the power source of the probe. He wondered if someone is using it to spy on the Gorn Hegemony and possibly the klingon empire, but who?

"Unclear Captain, if we brought the probe inside, we could get a better analyst of the probe, I can tell you this much Captain, that probe has been modified, and that power signature is not consistent with Gorn power signatures, we have on file." Sarah said. She was curious, what was going on with the probe. She had a feeling, someone was spying on the Gorn and Klingons.

"Mister Carrington, bring us to the edge of the border, and get a tractor lock on the device, I want to bring it in for a closer inspection." Zeke said, as he looked to the helmsman station and then the main viewer.

"Aye Captain." Simply said Samuel. He was happy to hear that the captain wanted to get a closer look at the probe. Samuel moved the Falcon, into position and tractor beamed it into the hanger bay.

"Commander Rogers, go down to the bay and find me some answers about the probe." Zeke ordered Sarah. He was really curious, what was the story with the probe. He hoped Sarah would be able to shed some light on the probe.

"Aye Captain," said Sarah as the scene starts to fade.

The Crew:

Commander Ezekiel Bagwell, Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Commander Sarah Rodgers, Executive Officer/Science Chief Officer
Lieutenant Anna Woodhouse, Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Dustin Reynolds, Chief of Security
Lieutenant Junior Grade Samuel Carrington, Chief Control Flight Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Aubrey Miller, Chief Engineer


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