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Post # Fifth Knight

Posted on Fri Feb 1st, 2019 @ 10:23pm by Lieutenant Colonel Chuck McDaniel & Major General Thomas Jackson

238 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: Starbase 400
Timeline: Concurrent


< Months ago >

McDaniel had not been back to his old ship in years but as the old Ephasia was being decommissioned Chuck McDaniel decided to make one last visit. The old medical vessel was well known in the 8th fleet. Specifically as it was noted for more battles than some starships had seen during the Dominion War.

Stationed near Betazed, the 8th fleet still manned the system. Piloting his Valkyrie into deck, Chuck jumped out of his craft like he had done a number of times.

< Present day>

Landing the same Valkyrie into the hanger deck of Starbase 400, Chuck landed on the deck feeling the gravity difference immediately.

" Major McDaniel reporting for duty. " Chuck stated to the marine sergeant on duty. " Is the General in Sergeant? "

"No Sir. General Jackson is aboard the Starship Pegasus in Dock 1. She is preparing to launch. You still have time to catch him. Nice Valkyrie Sir!"

" Yes she is. I call her the Whole Hog 2. Excuse me." Chuck replied as he tapped climbed back up into the cock pit.
" Valkyrie craft Whole Hog 2 to USS Pegasus. Requesting a call back message for Major General Jackson," McDaniel hailed.

Static filled his speakers promoting Chuck to make an executive decision.

" Sergeant I'm going to the Pegasus. Please inform them I am on my way. "

The " Whole Hog " quickly lifted off and vectored to the USS Pegasus' mooring dock.


Tag MG Jackson sir


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