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[USS Falcon] What is it?

Posted on Thu Jan 24th, 2019 @ 2:29am by

398 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 97 - Cultural Exchange
Location: USS Falcon Bridge
Timeline: MD01 - 1000 Hours

The USS Falcon was now in range of the border, the ship started to run her scans. The sensors started to pick up an item. With the ship being cloaked, the sensor scans were very limited. Sarah could tell that something was out there, but she could not tell what it was from this view point.

Zeke looked at Sarah, he could tell from her body actions, she was working on trying to figure out what her sensors were telling her. She was slightly annoyed, but without getting closer, or dropping the cloak, she would have provide what little information she had.

"Captain the sensors have detected an object about 1 milliom kilometers along the border, its on a parallel course with the border, this can not be natural or coincidence, but I can not get a lock on it from this range, we would have to go into Gorn space, to get a better look."

Zeke sat back in his command chair, he knew Sarah and the others would be looking to him, to see what they could do. But his choices were limited. He did not want to violate Gorn space, and he was not given permission to do so. It could start a war.

"We can not violate Gorn space, Mister Reynolds, can you track the object, and project if the item gets closer to the border?" Zeke. He knew the border was not a perfect bubble, there had to be areas that they could get closer to the item, and get a better scan of it.

"In about 14 hours, at its current speed it will be in sensor arrange, at these coordinates." Dustin said, as he transmitted the coordinates to the main viewer for the captain to see, and anyone else who wanted to see them.

"Match course with the object, and play the waiting game. I think the Commander is on to something, best case scenario proof that the Gorn are provoking the klingons, worse case scenario, we chased a comet." Zeke said with a big grin on his face, as the scene starts to fade.

The Crew
Commander Ezekiel Bagwell, Commanding Officer
Lt. Commander Sarah Rodgers, Executive Officer, Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant Anna Woodhouse, Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Dustin Reynolds, Chief of Security
Lieutenant Junior Grade Samuel Carrington, Chief Control Flight Officer
Lieutenant Junior Grade Aubrey Miller, Chief Engineer


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